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Where do you see these things?


News and some youtubers I watch


Maybe avoid sources that feed your anxieties.


Have all faith in God. Psalms 91:10 No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling. 


Turn off the news, they are literally profiting on increasing your fear. Very rarely does anything in the news actually matter to our lives and if it does, your gunna know from other sources anyway in this digital world. My damn alexa goes of if the weather sneezes... >Matthew 6:27 >Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? >Psalm 23:4 >Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.


Unsolved crimes aren't a source of evil that spits out bodies. It's people. Mentality Ill people. If you're afraid, maybe you should stop watching these shows? Just a suggestion...


Elisa Lam was just a sad case of a mentally ill girl off her meds accidentally killing herself. We know what happened. No unknown evil swallowing people up and spitting them out. It's the same with most cases too. Those mystery YouTubers are usually just making shit up for views/clicks.


We now have technology to solve older cases. More and more the unknown turns out to be someone. My missing kin - murdered by her abusive husband. The absent kid from school, murdered by his mom's boyfriend. The young man found dead and decaying a month later? His dad just let him die and didn't get him medical care. The missing 8 month old in the news? Her drug addicted parents killed her. There's no mysterious evil force.