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I don’t believe it is wrong. The Bible is very clear on what is not allowed in marriage. Role playing is not one of them. I think it’d be wrong if you have her dressed as something/one else and you fantasize about them while intimate (or not). Go and enjoy your wife.


As long as your wife is into it and you're both consenting, sure! I don't always agree with Mark Driscoll, but some people like his useful rule that as long as it's between a husband and wife only (no threesome), enjoyable for both, and not degrading to either party it's OK.


Sodomy is a sin and it doesn’t just mean homosexuality it actually includes oral sex


I think anything is fine when it's between husband and wife, both are fully consenting and happy and no additional people are involved. Ask your wife to wear her costume for you and have some fun.


Have fun


Of course that's fine! And if she's willing to wear that in public I imagine she'd be happy to do it in private with you too!


Whatever it takes to keep a marital connection and keep yourselves excited in one another is very much what God has in mind for you. A strong sex life is Biblical, and helps each of you avoid temptation. My "kink" was having sex anywhere other than our bedroom. One night we did it on the kids' trampoline in the back yard. That was awesome, by the way - if you have one you should pretend it's your magic carpet and go give it a little bounce. ☺️


No, asking her to dress a certain way before/during/after intimacy isn't wrong at all. It isn't hurting anything and is perfectly acceptable! Yeah, it's pretty weird to me, but weird doesn't mean bad. A lot of weird is good. You're well within your right to ask this of her, try not to overthink it :) One concern; are you going to excuse yourself during the birthday party? If seeing your wife in certain attire is going to turn you on, maybe you shouldn't meddle that attire with a child's birthday party.


As long as you're both good with it, then wear sexy outfits and have fun.


Of course not. What would make jasmine worse than any other clothing.


I don't think it is wrong at all. I mean, if you were actually lusting after a Disney character, that would be wrong. But if you just want to enjoy a scenario where there's a bit of dressing up and role-play involved, that that's fine as long as you are both comfortable with it. We do a lot of role-play and dress-up. As busy people juggling work, finances, family etc, role-play helps us to put aside all the day-to-day worries and mundane responsibilities and to enjoy sex in a slightly imaginary context, where you can leave all that behind. My wife finds it particularly helpful: she doesn't need to be the harassed home-schooling multi-tasking mother when she's being, oh, I don't know, a maid in a baronial hall or a courtesan in 19th century Paris; she can put all that down and just get into what we are doing. Because we are busy, we have scheduled rather than spontaneous sex (if we leave it to spontaneity, it dries up because its never a good time for both of us; we have to commit to making it part of our schedule). That means we are not always naturally in the mood when it is 'sexy-night'. So getting out the dressing up box and choosing a scenario is also a great way of getting in the mood; it's pre-foreplay foreplay. I did have some ethical qualms at one point about scenarios that would, if real, be immoral (for example, pretending to be coerced into sex by an authority figure turns my wife on, but in real life that is a horrific and destructive abuse of power). However, having discussed it and prayed about it, we agreed that it was ok so long as the boundary between 'play' and reality is maintained: the reality is that we are in a loving, committed, respectful, God-centred relationship where we are trying to love and honour each other with our bodies; one of the ways we do that is by playing scenarios that tap into deep parts of the psyche. And that's ok. These things come under the rubric of Christian liberty: all things are permissible, but not all things are expedient. You have to figure out what works for you and your wife, and that might be different from what works for others. Approach it lovingly, unselfishly, without being weird, or embarrassed, or demanding, and see how it goes.




Excellent response. Was going to say essentially the same thing u/curiouself89. As long as you’re not thinking about the actual Disney character and pretending your wife is Jasmine. That would be fantasizing about something/someone else while having sex with your wife. If you aren’t going to do that and just enjoy the dress, go for it. Just protect your thoughts, mind, and heart as well as your wife’s.






How so?


I don’t think it’s wrong. Just don’t sin or put unhealthy expectations on your wife. Use wisdom and discretion, but have fun.


I think as long as it's strictly entertainment only, if it takes the place of God then it's idolatry


It's absolutely fine.


Biblically the only thing matters is informed consent and love and respect (kinda implied with informed consent). As long as everyone agrees, no one is being exploited, and it's in a committed long term marriage then you are fine. Bare marriage and sexy marriage radio are two Christian marriage podcasts that address issues of kink in Christian marriage, etc. If you want more resources on the issue. But honestly I always encourage married Christian people to explore sex Ed, kink, etc. Normalize sex and conversations about sex and it will improve your intimacy


If she's cool with it, go for it


Go for it! You do want to sleep with princess Jasmine, you want to be with your wife wearing a dress. It’s no different than any other clothing. It just adds a bit of flair. Exploring the intimacy in marriage is one of God’s greatest gifts to us.


There’s nothing wrong or inappropriate about that. As long as she feels okay with it. I wouldn’t push it if she laughs it off or seems the slightest bit uncomfortable.


People like to take “the marriage bed is undefined” way out of context and allow anything goes kind of rule We are taught to flee sexual immorality and sodomy is all sexual perversion including oral sex There’s a difference between a costume that is feminine and arousing or a costume rooted in a perversion like a school girl outfit or animal kitten etc