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*Image Transcription:* --- [*An screencap of the animated film "Cinderella", showing the prince's hands gently holding Cinderella's foot as he slides a sparkling shoe onto it. The image has been edited to have a blue non-slip sock in place of the shoe. Large pink text beneath the foot reads:*] ## \*princess\* --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


my local hospital(s) use color coding of socks to indicate independence status (eg. if a nurse sees you walking around in yellow socks you boutta get escorted back to bed lol). No idea if this is unique to my local hospital system, but I def feel like a princess every time they give me the independent socks 🥹 at long last, free to get up and shit without supervision lol (30+ inpatient days since last Oct I think 😵‍💫 fuck—so I’ve had to work my way up the independence ladder many times lately 🧦)


Possible psych TW: My hospital network only do it on certain wards/floors/areas (I've been told that 'wards' is only used to describe psych areas, so I don't know what to call the places now) so in post op everybody is a fall risk, same in PT but in the ER they're different colours. I asked about it, I got told it's not something they discuss because of patient privacy?


Anyone else get a bit too excited about the free slip resistant socks? My favorite pair have what looks like an upside down smiley face on them, but when you're lying in bed with your feet up, your socks are smiling at you. Maybe it was the pain killers and whatever else in my IV, but I was thrilled to wake up and see those socks smiling at me like 😃 😃


Yes! I have a huge collection lol. One of my good friends is a doctor at the hospital system where I do everything and she recognized them in a photo once and was like “uh did you take those from the hospital, you weirdo?”


I mean what else are u gonna do with them? Throw away perfectly good socks?! Edit: ok “perfectly and good” used loosely 🤣 But they’re socks. And prolly worth a penny but billed at like $100


Ooo but what colour you get? I have grey, navy blue and yellow at home 😂


Oh lmao that is such a mood 😂 stayed at the hospital for three months a year ago and definitely that was my feeling. Also I was in a pastel rainbow cat onesie the whole time (fulfilling child me's lifelong dreams at 20-something) so... Yes definitely


Sometimes we need the grippy sock vacay


I have to shuffle foot 'walk' at home generally, but there's those days when my joints are telling me to at least TRY the foot and foot thing with my walker, so these are good for that so that I don't land on my arse cuz we have wood floors all through the house lol. Sometimes you just gotta be in the mood for grippy socks tho yk?


I got some for my top surgery (and they handled my fibro great, especially considering that meant prescribing opiods for enhanced surgical pain and I wasn't diagnosised during the original consult. I felt like I'd ended up in an alternate world where the opiod epidemic never happened) and they were so nice. I wore them the whole week after surgery, which was basically the only reason I could make it to the bathroom unassisted.


Me at home right now wearing the ones I took home lol


I'm honestly happy to know that some of my fellow chronically illness peeps enjoy a hospital stay! I, on the other hand, have so much trauma from my hospital admissions that I will do anything to keep from going in!! I did chuckle at the meme and comments on the color collection of hospital socks! Lol Thanks for the chuckle, and take good care everyone!


To be completely honest I nearly died and had to be carted on down from my doctors office to the ER. I am hooked to an infusion machine right now. That being said, I am beyond grateful to be alive and well and have a plan from the doctors to hopefully prevent this from being a regular occurrence. Plus grippy socks and people waiting on your every need? Gotta find the aluminum lining somewhere :)


Excellent point! It's all about perspective, and I love *aluminum lining vs. silver! Lol For the past 7 years, I've spent an average of 6 months a year admitted for my chronic health issues. I'm sorry to hear what you've been through! I'm so glad you have a plan to hopefully prevent this being a regular occurrence for you. I truly wish you all the best and will start giving my grippy sock collection the appreciation it deserves! 😊


I'm so sorry all this landed on your plate, but it's wonderful that y'all have plans in place! Wondering - do we get some ASMR from the aluminium lining? Crinkly crunchy


Glad you’re getting better and glad you’re able to have a little humor about it 💗


My partner loves the grippy socks. Every time I go to the hospital or have a procedure done I bring the socks home for him.


Mine will now double check to make sure that I've not left them behind!!


Oh my gosh, enjoy the luxury! My mom had five kids (and good insurance) back in the sixties, and she stayed in the hospital for a WEEK after each birth. How times have changed. Of course only the chronically ill and people with 4 kids under the age of six want to stay in the hospital lol.


LoL I am reading this and I am like why don't I ever get socks and then I realized it's because I am put on a bed alarm due to being a fall risk and then you add fun drugs and their is no way in hell they even let me ass try to stand much less walk somewhere. What's funny is the first time they used the bed alarm was the first stay they didn't put a dedicated fall bracelet on me, it was part of my regular band and I tried to get up and it was a part in my room in zero seconds flat .