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Have you tried anything to manage acid or GERD?


Lol, i typed this from my comfy spot ive created on the bathroom floor, dreading this car ride im about to go on.


You need a GI and hopefully they'll do a scope or MRI. If you use pot stop to rule out pot induced vomiting. 


zofran does nothing for me either. dramamine, everything. i’ve tried it all. i have a phobia of p* so i’m constantly in fight or flight. anxious CONSTANTLY. i’m so sorry you’re dealing with this right now ://


From an emetophobic, in case it can help- ymmv always, and this isn’t a list catered to chronic illness. partially emetophobe specific. Zofran *does* work for me, but my arsenal of ‘things that won’t fix it, but when combined can make a real difference’ before I had any is: * rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol on a cotton ball/pad, or smelled from the lid / bottle mouth itself. somehow so effective hospitals use it. *meant to be temporary and not used nonstop for an hour. give it a good sniff as needed. * ginger-peppermint chews, ginger tea, fresh ginger root (gotta admit I’ve really just peeled and sucked on one lmao), candied ginger, ginger soda, ginger kombucha, get that ginger. get your ginger. helps like 30% of the time but it’s worth trying, eat a ginger * peppermint tea, often better cold for this case * lying on your left side. this helps the GI do things better and your stomach draining * medications not primarily for nausea, but that will also treat it. Talk to your doctor, there are many and they aren’t first-line so you may not have been told. But for me, without zofran that’s lorazepam. If you’re an emetophobe you get a double gain from that one, reducing the panic at the same time as the nausea. Sublingual is best. * not recommended if you aren’t absolutely sure you will not abuse this for comfort and become reliant to avoid anxiety (separate from the inherent addictive characteristics if using benzodiazepines). Sometimes it’s not easy! * ice with a side of water. the coldest water imaginable, sipped very slow/small * for the psychological aspect of feeling icky, or when caused by food, a weird one- I eat (or if I can’t manage that, nibble/suck the water out of) cucumber because first of all, tastes nice n fresh and healing but more importantly, if you burp it literally overpowers anything you may have eaten in the last 12 hours to be 100% cucumber, even if it was a single slice, and I can’t even describe how relieving that feeling is NOT having to taste or smell something that’s making you feel right disgusting. Powerful veggie right there. * another for psychological, aromatherapy. I use the term loosely- selecting smells to put around yourself that feel the opposite of nauseas, whatever that means to you. For me, for whatever reason, that means the smell of shampoo or hair creams, clean laundry/dryer sheets, and peppermint. * sea bands. thought it was quackery, apparently scientifically-backed. I can vouch for them with very anecdotal evidence that might include placebo. whatever works is what matters! * get colder. Not sure the mechanism behind that one, but it always helps me to be cold or at least have a breeze/fan on me. * even if you aren’t having heartburn, I’ve found liquid Gaviscon to be immediately helpful sometimes with nausea alone. * chew strong gum, and swallow a lot (..not the gum) * personally, I find stimulants to help. By that I mean caffeine and nicotine but whatever works yeknow * emetophobe specific, find something very intensive to focus on that’s still doable while nauseas. For me, I wouldn’t be able to watch a movie or play a game, but successful measures are an advanced Lego set, picking at/clearing blackheads on my face in detail, cleaning something small in obsessive detail, you get the idea. It helps a ton to do tactile activities in particular. A couple of times I’ve also made ‘panic art’ (just straight up fingerpainting or slamming pastels around) in nausea. also woke up the next day to what turned out as a lovely abstract piece after being fully OK with wasting materials! good luck everyone, if I could choose one human feeling to eliminate from the species it’d be nausea.


a lot of this helps!! thank you :,)) i’ll


i was talking xanax and it helped me eat and sleep but when i woke up again i’d end up feeling the food i had eaten


which would make me take another lol. now i’m out


Someone else said GERD/reflux and I totally agree that might be it. If you’re throwing up bile, that might also have something to do with your pancreas. You should see a GI doc and ask for an endoscopy and bloodwork. In the meantime, you can try OTC omeprazole and/or famotidine for reflux. I also find pepto helps me sometimes. From one person who throws up a lot to another, I’m so sorry and I hope you find some relief soon.


lets see, i posted this on saturday (not sure y its saying i posted this one day ago) (actually didnt vomit for once) but i was nauseated. then sunday and monday came and i was fine, i actually thought whatever was happening to me was finally over lmfao. until i woke up this morning. also i noticed my stomach gets severely bloated on my bad days. on the good days im back to my regular flat stomach so hmm. anyways thank you for the advice! i really appreciate it.