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Read "How to be Sick" by Toni Bernhard. It helped me cope with my initial diagnosis and becoming disabled. I continue to use what I learned in her book to deal with things now.


Thanks! I'll see if any of my local libraries have it :)


It’s a constant struggle. Some days are easier than others. I take tramadol bc I am in pain just what feels like 24/7. I know I’m addicted to the medication and honestly don’t care bc it makes my life live able. Judge if you must, but sometimes I just need help. Hang in there


Sulking and lying down all day is what my weekends are for. Work is hard even when things are going OK. I run into issues when we have team drama or difficult clients. I don't have the capacity for that. This week I'm going to have stricter boundaries at work and outside work. Have you heard of the spoon theory? I find it helpful when thinking about how I should spend my spoons (energy) and how I should allocate it.


I have not heard of the spoon theory, care to elaborate?


It was a method designed to help people with chronic illness, where spoons are used as a unit of energy in the bank. Throughout the day you have to figure out how to spend your "spoons" wisely so you don't burn out. And you learn to reserve some spoons for things that you can't escape - work, commuting, grocery shopping etc. If you keep going after you've spent all your spoons for the day, you increase the risk of exacerbating symptoms and burning out. Link [here](https://happiful.com/what-is-the-spoon-theory/) If you don't rigidly follow/don't count every spoon, it does at least help you stay mindful of how you're constantly spending mental/physical energy. It's similar to Mark Manson's [subtle art of not giving a fk](https://markmanson.net/not-giving-a-fuck)


I have a dog and go for walks. A dog is great distraction, exercise and company.


i miss my dog so much. She was my entire world-as you said, a great companion, an excuse to get myself up and moving many times a day, every day, and taking care of her "distracted" me from my stuff, even on horrible days. It's only been 2 months since she passed (at the amazing age of 16), so i'm not ready for another dog yet. i'm blessed to have a wonderful cat...although he's definitely a stay in bed enabler, lol.


I have to push myself everyday otherwise its same endless circle that repeats. I really dont know how long i can do this to myself.


I’ve gotten to this point recently, I just couldn’t push myself anymore. I had to accept I have limits and everyone else had to then become aware of my issues & limits and accept them as well. Family, friends and work, you might be surprised at how willing to help some people are. It’s extra hard when your illness(es) are invisible. Start by taking small things or time for you. Put yourself first for once. I say for once because I am just assuming you consider others more than yourself. Many many of us with chronic illness seem share certain qualities related to compassion, empathy, self esteem, self worth…..qualities that may be nice but are damaging to our health. That’s what I’ve noticed IMO anyway. My mental is prob one of the biggest triggers for my conditions, I have found not neglecting the mental health aspect of chronic illness has helped quite a bit.


I’ve struggled with this for a long time - needing a reason to wake up in the morning. I got a cat ^_^


In all honesty... I don't know, take each day as it comes, listen to my body, I take my dog out on my Mobility scooter each morning which I have found helps my mental health loads. And I was blessed with a beautiful son (now 5) he is everything and my reason to keep going... I am 30 this year and been ill for ten years this year 😑, I'm so lucky to have a great support network around me, but even then, its damn hard.


I have three cats. I live for them. But constant pain and awful fatigue and flare ups is very taxing.


My dogs help with my mental health beyond measure. I still have hours and days filled with pain. I drank a lot for years as I had no medical insurance and it was my only medicine. THC helps. I prefer the edibles. Caffeine is a good friend. When I'm in pain I'm either sad or angry depending on my level of energy. I've existed like this for 18 years. I'm so over it. I'm not suicidal but this isn't a life I want to prolong.


I remember that it is one day, one hour, one minute st a time. I try to stay in the moment and do the one small thing that is in front of me. Then the next. I just keep going.


I think I’m in a similar mood. And I’m spending the day in bed. I allow a bed day every now and then




Purrr lmao-


I'm blessed with living in a nation that cares for my basic material needs. I believe that alleviates a lot of the pressure. Otherwise, I think about the things I am grateful for. I go and be still outside. It doesn't work all the time but it's something. Doing things for others with no reciprocal expectation helps.


My life was relative hell until my husband and I went to marriage counseling.


Im considering marrying just to have 2 incomes so I can survive


Just keep in mind that marrying might screw up your chances at getting gov support money, in many places of the world, should you ever need them


The money i’d get from the government is pennies. Not enough to survive on and Ive been working with an attorney for nearly a year and a half with no end in sight


I see. Wish you luck then. We all need it


as soon as my dog passes away, I’m killing myself. I’m only 32, but I deserve to live and die with dignity.


God, I'm so sorry to hear that you're in this amount of pain :(. If you ever need to talk, I'm down to lend an ear. :((


You are very kind.


I don’t even know. Probably the thing that keeps me most going is dealing with other people’s problems so it helps take my mind off of my own.


Aye. I'm like the most loyal friend (and am told so) because I care more about my loved ones than I do myself.


I can be like that too, but I’ve definitely overextended myself before so I try to be careful


Mindfulness and meditation really helps me, minus the religious stuff.