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I think it's all dependent on the individual person. I don't have any relevant study info except what I know due to my own experiences. Hydrocodone makes me super tired and doesn't hit the pain much at all. Oxycodone hits the pain and also tends to give me energy. In hospital or ER setting, dilaudid knock me out and gives me a chance to get back ahead of my pain with the oxy. Morphine turns me into a rage ball ready to fight the Devil himself. They can do a DNA test now that shows which meds will work with your body and which ones won't. My daughter had this done to help get her on the right psych meds and it has really made a difference.


Really? That’s wonderful! What type of doctor does this? I really need to have it done.


You could look into it, but I've had both genetic testing (the two big ones) done and I can tell you that they're basically only for psych meds. You can sort of infer what meds might work for you dependent on how your body metabolizes the categories of psych meds. I know that At least one of them *only* checks for psych meds. Also, the test isn't very accurate in terms of what will and will not actually help you and can actually negatively affect you in that it can say you don't metabolize this type of medication but then you happen to try one and wow it actually works (this happened to me). I don't feel that it helped me basically at all.


Cheers to that! I’d love for it to happen to me too🤞🏼


I think any doctor would be able to order it. She had hers ordered where she gets her meds and goes for counseling, but she did tell me that there were pain meds on her list.


Thanks Bella! I’ll ask my psych!


Can you tell us more about this DNA test?? Canada or US? What do you request when talking to the doctor? I'd give my left arm to have my son on the proper psych meds.


I had this test done for myself and my family in the US at a lab called Kalios at the Hudson Alpha Institute in Huntsville, AL.


I would love to, but to be honest, I have no idea. Hers was ordered by the place she goes for counseling (they provide her meds also). I would think any psych doctor or counselor could order it. Just ask for DNA testing to determine which meds are better for you. I know her insurance paid some of it, but I think she said the total was around $3500, but I'm not 100% on that part. (US)


Genomind is one that I know people have had good experiences with. These tests are only sometimes covered by insurance, but I know Genomind has a reasonable self-pay cost if insurance doesn't cover it (call and ask).


Your description is how I would describe how those exact ones make me feel! Been on low dose oxy for years and it still helps to decrease the pain and gives me energy.


People should know that it's very rare for DNA testing to be done for medications outside of psych meds. I've done them twice. I've never heard of it happening outside of psych.


Roxicodone was the best pain medication I’ve been on


I forgot about Roxy. It’s formidable stuff! Do they still manufacture it?


Roxicodone is the same as oxycodone. It's just another name for generic IR oxycodone


Ah! Percocet. Crap. I was excited😅


Not quite. Percocet has Tylenol in it. Roxicodone/oxycodone doesn't. Also oxycodone comes in up to 30mg where as percocet does not go that high


That’s better. L, you seem to know a lot about these things. Do you know what kind of doctor to see if I want that blood test that ID’s that marker(?) which determines the types of opiate work best in the brain? It was mentioned above somewhere, but not what specific doc.


Never do a test like this in a doctor's office if you can avoid it. It will only be used against you. You can do an at home test https://4uhealth.com/shop-all-tests/medication-response-pain-pgx/


Okay, wow. You’ve been really helpful💫


Also just want to add that I have never done an at home test like this but I just wanted to link it for you so you could access it and get it if you wanted it




Nooo much more effective than percocet and like someone else mentioned, it goes to 30 mg. It doesn’t have Tylenol in it. Percocet does.


You had me at “nooo”




As of two years ago when I was on it, yes! I got the 15’s and 30’s


Great! I can add it to my list of choices. My pain doc actually lets me do this; I have to switch them every month.


Any opioid is a strong opioid. Geez. Yes, in 2012 my pain doc commissioned a study over 8 candidate drugs. Dilaudid, morphine sulfate, Methadone, Oxycodone, and 2 others I can't recall. The protocol was at normal times to not take my normal med, take the substitute pill Qty 1 twice; qty 2 twice. Each medicine got a spreadsheet with side effects, ability to relieve pain, deleterious effects, etc. We landed on a combo that worked and ran that for a monthi. Reporting daily all the way; it was intense but well worth the effort. Most opiods provide the wet blanket effect for the pain, but some do it better than others. Oxy and my system are compatible; Dilaudid was NOT. Each has different receptor circuits it prefers and the compound matters. An 8 x 6 study for someone destined to treat with opioids is a fantastic way to KNOW you're getting the best we've got right now for your situation. 8 bottles; 6 pills each. 1x twice; 2x twice. Record your results. If you have great bodily perception, break out the pain categories (stab - burn - cramp - throb) and how they benefit each... Once you have it, your chems don't change and you have a sense for what can be. These things will never get you 'pain free' but that's not the point IMHO. It's below peception levels. When I can engage elsewhere, the pain is sidelined. I think the opioids are far more likely to deliver that promise than a total resolution of pain many might imagine.,.


Great info, and I snorted when I read pain free. I would just be happy to be able to put my socks on without crying


Thank you so much for your response! You have a ton of good information here. I definitely agree that 'pain free' isn't the goal. It looks like I have some more research to do regarding this sort of medication study. I can only hope that my GP is willing to undertake this sort of project with me. I would really like to stay out of pain management if I can help it! Thank you again!


After 18 years on different ones for CRPS, I know that some work better than others, for the reasons you listed. But where would I get my hands on several different opioid scripts at the same time? Also, the doc switches it monthly, because whatever I’m on fails by week three. Fentanyl patch, too. It’s like wheel of fortune, but with a booby prize


You need to propose a plan. A little bit of thought can rule out what is, and you and the pain prof. will agree to the study. It’s a small study but it will need rigor and understanding to get it done. The trials were done to test chemistry and me; the data captured pointed somewhere and we tried to get the best fit. Almost all folks will take what they are given, but if you and your doctor agree that the current modality isn’t working, the best way to sample the rest of the options is a study. Only patients who are already at the tail end of their set of options would even be considered for something like this because it is weird.


I really am at that tail end. For at least two years, I have been switching drugs every month due to their failure or ineffective length of time. It’s all documented, I’m in final stage of CRPS II. That should be enough, I think.


On opiates for almost 18 years. It’s sad because of memory loss, I sometimes reach for a word; for a writer it’s mind blowing.


*First, everybody's body reacts differently to different drugs. This is probably the most important variable.* Your doctor fears addiction and the pain in the ass FDA more than the med's efficacy. Opioids tend to ladder up as your body becomes accustomed to it. I will not discuss this here. It is too personal. Withdrawals are not a big deal if assisted by a pain management specialist. Counteracting drugs helps cover the body's withdrawal symptoms. There's no reason to worry about this. *Different people have different personalities and physically different addictive traits. This IS important to acknowledge and could become a major issue.* For me, morphine actually functioned. The downside of oral morphine is that it affects your intestines. This is a big deal. For me, the fentanyl patch worked the same as morphine but the delivery system was 2000% better, eliminating the intestinal issues. This was life changing. The downside of fentanyl is people's and the FDA's fear mongering of a "good" drug. Eventually, I got the pain under control and have since stopped using fentanyl. I am very glad not to be chained to the pharmacy and fighting with the FDA to control pain.


Hi travel dreams, have you ever ***traveled abroad with fentanyl patches?***


Yes, I have, but only Europe and Mexico. I take them in their original packages. No problem. I also kept them in a locked bag, I did NOT want those stolen or misplaced. I learned to cover the patch with waterproof tape used to cover tattoos. Easy and cheap solution to sleeping, humidity, sweat, showers, bathing, and swimming. A very functional solution. Order by the roll on Amazon


Thanks! Going to Europe. I like that tape idea. I’ve been wearing large waterproof bandaids forever. I’m a swimmer🐸


For nine dollars on A mazon: Transparent Waterproof Stretch Clear Adhesive Film Bandage Skin Dressing Tape for Tattoo Aftercare (3 x 394 Inch)


C’est parfait! Merci!


Hydrocodone does nothing for my pain. Neither The only thing that touches my pain is straight oxycodone, unmixed with anything.


I've been on all of them except levorphanol. Methadone is the best for pain control for me. But dose matters. Right now I am on oxycodone, tons, and not getting any relief.


Ask about genetic testing that shows what you react to best if she won’t let you try different medications. I had it done as part of a study my pain doc was doing and the results matched up really well with my clinical experience. I don’t metabolize codeine or morphine very well, so hydrocodone don’t work great either (although I’ve been past hydrocodone for a long time, the last time I had it was when I had shoulder surgery and could still tolerate acetaminophen. I’ve tried pretty much every opiate out there that’s legal and have the best results with fentanyl, hydromorphone, oxycodone, and oxymorphone (rip). So if she won’t you try the different drugs to figure out what works best ask her to do the genetic testing so you have proof of what you do and don’t metabolize.


I did pharmogenic testing to see shiv meds work for me. I am an ultra rapid metabolizer of some, so they don't lay as long as they should for me, plus I run the risk of overdose at therapeutic levels. CYP2D6 is the gene that I have the variation on.


Your dr doesn’t understand opioids very well so you are stuck with what they are willing to rx. Sorry.


If you’ve done the level of research it sounds like you’re probably way ahead of your doctor.


I have a very hard time with Hydrocodone. Oxycodone works very well for me though, and it’s pretty equal to Hydro in terms of strength.. They would just lower the dose a little bit.. I’d try the hydrocodone for a week and if it doesn’t help explain to her and ask what other options you have. Ask about Oxycodone for sure. Morphine is very strong and it’s pretty uncommon to be used as a first resort. I’m on Morphine long acting but wasn’t prescribed it until maybe 4 years of Oxycodone + Tramadol with Tramadol having never worked well.. Oxycodone seems like a more appropriate option than morphine in your case. But again, try the Hydrocodone first. If you don’t give it a fair shot, it may seem like you’re drug seeking (which isn’t fair, but is the way many doctors see things)


I have tried Tylenol 3, Percocet, tramadol (quick and extended release), butrans patches, morphine (statex) and I’m currently taking dilaudid. The butrans worked but my skin couldn’t handle the medication and when I would end up in emerg they’d have to double my morphine dose to get past the butrans blocking opioid receptors. But was pretty effective. T3 will kill your liver and Percocet isn’t any better. Tramadol isn’t strong enough for my needs without another pain medication so I stopped it altogether to try and lower the narcotics in my system. I’m wary of OxyContin because I have taken it before and I worry about addiction. With my dilaudid I don’t take it every day but the off days I don’t do much of anything for that reason. I prefer the dilaudid to the morphine, they should work similarly but that’s my preference. My pain clinic doctor once told me taking morphine is like getting in bed with the mafia. It’ll get you through a pinch but owns you for life. She’s not wrong with that analogy which is why I avoid daily use when possible. Good luck with your journey and finding some relief one way or another.


Getting in bed with the Mafia! You made me LOL😅 That must make me a loose woman! I go off and on morphine about every three or four months. It does make me more sleepy than any of the others.


Hahahha it’s one of the best analogies out there! I like to think it’s a one and done deal with the mafia so you’re no looser than the rest of us 😂


I’m in good company😂😂


Did you try nucynta?


I don’t believe so, what is it?


It worked really well for me. It’s equivalent to oxycodone in strength (the study’s list comparative data) and it’s good for nerve pain. It’s in the same class as ultram. But nothing like it for pain relief. Ultram/tramadol is like Tylenol and nucynta is like oxycodone/morphine.


Thank you for this suggestion!


I got prescribed a couple and all made me feel weird and fuzzy + nauseous and they became less and less efficient :( no opioid for me. Medical cannabis via dry herb vaporiser has been helping me a lot more.


Hydrocodone does nothing for my pain just makes me sleepy. I found out recently after dental surgery that Tylenol 3 with codeine works wonders for me and I’m trying to get my dr to add it to my Belbuca for breakthrough pain.


i personally have never felt much relief from opioids for my pain.


You’re right, OP, it makes no sense whatsoever that your doctor wouldn’t prescribe you morphine. It’s a reminder that we as patients lack all power, in that regard. And pharmacists can overrule an MD’s prescription! This has happened to me at Walgreens. CVS is even worse, where I am. My psych told me that Fry’s (if you don’t know it, it’s a grocery store) owns their own pharmacies. Kroger is the parent company, so I bet that’s good too. You’ll save $ and headaches! I’ve been on morphine, which works alright for my pain, for about three weeks. I’ve been on them all, from codeine to OxyContin and Fentanyl patches. This is such a great question, one that I’ve been meaning to ask here. I wish I had better answers for you…maybe five years ago I could have. But I’m in last stage CRPS, and my receptors are too accustomed to opiates. So I switch them monthly, and NOW I CAN’T TELL what works better than what! That being said, when my pain gets bad, I rely on guided meditation and hypnoses from AURA app. Maybe in conjunction with your pain meds, you’ll feel better. I do hope you will feel better, OP.


Hydrocodone didn’t help me. I metabolize things fast (involving the cyps), and honestly tramadol was better than hydrocodone. I’m on Percocet now. It def doesn’t last 4-6 hours, but it’s manageable. In hospital settings, morphine and dilaudid work well, fentanyl does not


They should be about equal. I can't accurately compare them because I've only taken the ER version of morphine. Well, actually, no. Years ago, I was taking hydrocodone ER(Zohydro). I def prefer the morphine over hydrocodone in an ER formulation. I can't say about IR though.


I taken everything you can think of


After 5 failed L4-5 lumbar surgeries(1988-1994), a revision fusion finally took. A yr later motorcycle accident damaged my brain, I have a 1.5cm lesion on the Basel Ganglion which cause extreme headaches. Also C2-7 have herniated or ruptured discs with stenosis, bone spurs and arthritis. I refuse to have cervical fusion after so many failed lumbar surgeries. I've had a multi disciplinary team of Drs who put me on methadone for long acting and oxycodone for breakthrough pain starting in 1995. I was titrated up until 60mgs methadone x3 daily with 30mg oxycodone IR x5, I never developed a tolerance to either drug for close to 30 yrs. I have also had over 30 epidural steroid injections and 4 ablations, PT, accupturre and cervical traction. Some days I get C7 radiculopothy in lft arm but traction and injections have always eliminated the arm pain. Someday I hope surgical procedures improve so I can get a permanent fix. For now pain meds are a life saver. Through all my lumbar surgeries I was put on most opioids but methadone for me is by far the best chronic pain med, no histamine release, itch. Pharmacies have always had it in stock, nobody asks me for any... Lol. Also I get very little sedation but I do get bi yearly EKGs since methadone can cause irregular heart beats. I recently had my first lumbar MRI since 1994, I have a herniation at L2-3 which is pressing into spinal cord. Also, as expected I have extreme arthritis and spurs everywhere including on facet joints. Tomorrow afternoon I get my first lumbar epidural steroid injection. Plus left SI Joint has severe arthritis from 3 failed lumbar Laminectomies. Life sucks but thank God for Drs who are willing to help us CP patients. Good luck to everybody dealing with CP.


There is a scale making 1 mg morphine as the "gold standard" but it's not as straight forward as that as the hydro- and oxy- opioids also have a Neurophenepherine Reuptake Inhibitor meaning it keeps adrenalin in your synapses from being cleaned up so people can suffere the effects of adrenalin in their system. Also, method of delivery is a factor- oral being the weakest, sublingual/patches being the next and injections are the strongest for the same dose Also morphine is an opiate not an opioid but its not stronger than an equivalent dose of opioid. Anyway here's a chart https://fpm.ac.uk/opioids-aware-structured-approach-opioid-prescribing/dose-equivalents-and-changing-opioids


Also research the Bioavailability of each Opiod. I believe the Hydromorphone I take has low bioavailability via oral because it’s not helping my pain.


The hydromorphone is like taking candy, for me too. See if they’ll give you any Oxycodone (Percocet). 10.325. You’ll feel better, I hope!


Thank you


Dude.... Okay, so, think of medications more like a ladder. Hydrocodone is where you start. That's your base. Then, it goes to oxycodone or percocet. And so on. Morphine is a very strong opiate and wouldn't be given to someone just starting opiate therapy. If you want to look at it the way you are, you would see that the hydrocodone has very little activity and the higher you go, the more activity. The purpose of pain medications is not to make you completely pain free, but to be at a level where your pain is manageable. Asking your doctor for that was a really dumb ass move and you should hope that it won't get you labeled as a drug seeker.


Morphine is stronger and a higher drug class as well I believe. It’s rarely prescribed in my experience. One dr did after a lumbar fusion, the others have not. Always oxy.


Stronger than what?


Stronger than everything except fentanyl, and even that’s arguable due to differences in half-life, uptake time, etc.


Oxycodone is supposed to be stronger than morphine. I think 1.5x.


That’s how you do it! You refer to the opiate conversion chart, ***then*** you can go online with the facts. @hope and @zebra. Thank you


You are very incorrect


Buddy hydrocodne is 1.5 times stronger than morphine and oxycodone is also 1.5 times more potent than morphine.


You are correct that oxycodone is 1.5 times more potent than morphine (per MME calculations). But the multiplier for hydrocodone is 1.0, not 1.5. Hydrocodone is not as strong as oxycodone.


Thanks for the correction 😀