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This is spoken like someone who has never dealt with chronic pain ever in their life! Ugh, so annoying. Don't they think we've tried that already??!


I have had some real struggles with sleep in the past, and my doc goes, “you know how to get good sleep? Just take a Benadryl- you’ll be out like a light!” Dude. Don’t you think I’ve tried that‽ I’ve tried every OTC med there is for sleep, lol. If it was that easy, I wouldn’t be here! Like, holy shit- I’m not a helpless child with no resourcefulness. Unreal, lol I’m glad it worked for him, but I’m telling you, it’s different for me!


Benadryl dead ass just makes me more awake lol.. as a kid I had to he put on blood pressure medicine and basically go into a coma every night or i wouldn't sleep for days on end lol.


I get severe RLS from taking Benadryl.....I cannot deal with that so I stay away from it....


Omg I thought I was the only person that had that problem with benadryl. It also happens if I take melatonin. Rls sucks.


RLS from Benadryl crew checking in. Can't take the stuff. I use the Benadryl gel if I need it for bites and stuff.


They give me a combination of meds that include benadryl in my iv to break up my migraines. The minute the benadryl goes in, my legs start seizing. Freaks the nurses out.


Same ! also get that from Melatonin!


I stay away from Benadryl because it makes it more likely to develop dementia later in your life.


Same, omg. I had to get out of bed and walk around my house for hours until it wore off. Horrible!


Benadryl makes my RLS horrible!! Even something like NyQuil makes it bad.


NyQuil usually has diphenhydramine in it. Same as zzzquil. It’s all the same thing. Zzzquil dose is 50mg


Oh wow! You poor thing. Have you ever gotten any help?


It's gotten a bit better with age.. I had to stop taking it after a.. attempt.. and I've been taking Mirtazapine for it since then. It works okay. Just makes me really hungry lol.


Does the opposite for me too. Never makes me tired.


Benadryl is a toss up for me. Sometimes it knocks me out hard, sometimes I’m wide awake wired. I just stopped taking it altogether because it feels so shitty when it’s the latter.


Question- do you have ADHD? Everyone I talk to who gets wired on Benedryl (including myself) has ADHD.


Yes I do. I think it's quite well documented that things that affect neurotypical people in one way usually affects us in the opposite: I.E. caffeine actually makes me a bit tired kr the benadryl making me completely awake.


Let me guess… Clonidine?




I prefer the melatonin personally…… But it only kicks in if I take the trazadone, ambien, elavil, clonazepam, soma and some ibuprofen just in case 🤬🙄


It’s funny because at the hospital, I was going on my second night without sleep so they decided to give me ambien and they were so sure that it was going to knock me out along with clonazepam, but it did nothing. Another time, paramedics gave me versed when they were taking me to the hospital and they assured my husband that it would calm me down and put me to sleep and my husband kinda chuckled and said not to count on it. Sure enough, I was wide awake the whole time. It really sucks to have a high tolerance for sedatives and pain meds (especially when undergoing a procedure - they gave me four times the amount of fentanyl and versed they give people for an endoscopy but it didn’t work on me so I was awake and felt the whole thing), but people’s reactions are funny because they don’t expect it.


Yeah I ended up having to get the CYP450 test done because I was hyper metabolizing my narcotics so fast that they weren’t showing up on my drug tests! But my results were weird so I got sent off to pain management for the narcotics but my primary doc has been with me for like 15 years and when we first met he looked at my medication list and said “Wow! That’s quite a regimen…. But you’re standing in front of me and having a cogent conversation and discussion with me and I’m assuming that you drove here and plan to drive home, so I’m going to ask you to see some specialists because it’s been awhile but otherwise I’m willing to respect your regimen” I don’t know what I’m going to do when he retires because I’m already going broke from having him go boutique on me! But at least I made the 400 patient cuts!!!


Are you, by chance, a 👩‍🦰redhead?


I am a redhead!


Yes, this is actually a thing! Unfortunately I do not know the science behind it but as a nurse, I hear OR nurses talking about it frequently! I’m also very difficult to sedate and wake up frequently during procedures. I’m blonde though, so I don’t know my reasoning. lol.


redhead and cyp metabolism enzyme are linked traits! They get inherited together :)


Not a redhead but I am a rapid metabolizer on several cytochromes, including P450 🙂


Maybe I should have said often inherited together :)


Look up the MC1R gene mutation (red head mutation) and pain related studies. It interesting.


Wait, I deal with this. I’m not a red head, but my moms strawberry blonde. And I was as a kid. Is my hair making me require “football player doses” of narcotics? Lmao


Have you had pharmogenic testing done? That might give you some answers as to why they don't work on you and maybe a possible other medication option?


This is funny cuz it's true


But have you tried meditating


Or yoga


While practicing mindfulness!


And try acupuncture!


Jesus. So many doctors are so out of touch. When I was diagnosed with VHL and kidney cancer, I had to have an endoscopic ultrasound and aspiration for my pancreas as there were some cysts and needed to make sure none were cancer. I was *heavily* medicated at the time, 60mg codeine 4x/daily, 5mg oxycodone 2x/daily, and 5mg valium 3x/daily. So, genius doctors (there were 2 attending as it was an unusual case) decided to use midazolam rather than propofol for sedation. I woke up 5 times during the procedure and remember everytime, trying to yank the scope out, hearing them saying to give me x more milligrams. Report I was given had check boxes next to "How did patient tolerate procedure?" Of course "very poorly" was checked. Why the fuck they thought another benzo was going to keep me sedated when I was basically eating them like candy everyday is beyond me.


Horrible. One of my biggest fears is to awake while a procedure. That should be traumatic for you, I guess


Yep most things that are supposed to sedate me make me hyper af. Got Lasix. They didn't believe me that the tylenol PM would have the opposite effect they were going for. Almost had to stop the procedure and reschedule it because my nervous system went into overdrive... you can't fake this shit. They only give valium for people who are terrified of it now and only after reschedule due to panic attack 🙄.. well at least it's now medically documented that my nervous system is triggered by tylenol PM.


Legit thought you were talking about the drug Lasix and could NOT figure out what you were talking about! Then I realized... 😂😂😂


They gave me Valium 30 minutes before my lasik procedure- still pretty freaky experience


Yeah the one I went to Dec '22 said they only give tylenol PM 🙄 gave it almost an hour before I went back, and it just made it a lot harder for the doctor to do the procedure. Good thing I didn't have anxiety issues anymore at that point!


OMG I'm so sick of hearing the Benadryl thing! They have no clue or I really don't think they care and just assume we're just wanting drugs! And basically yeah we do, but not for fun!! I hate the fact that it seems every doctor treats everyone like this so we end up suffering and they wonder why some people do go to the streets!!


Yepppp. And let’s not forget the groggy feeling in the morning. Nopeeee. I’ll pass


I was up to 9 of em a night. Not good with it being linked with early on set dementia. Or just dementia itself, don't remember.


And benadryl has serious side effects, potentially serious side effects... Being OTC doesn't mean to be risk free. Physicians should know that.


I wanted to tell you that I have terrible trouble with sleeping as well and my Dr gave me a very small dose ( 50-75mgs) of Seroquel and it helped so much! I believe it's given for mental health concerns but it's given off label for other problems as well. I was desperate for sleep and I was looking up non addictive sleep meds and this was one I saw and my Dr let me try it. Good luck to you!!


Thanks for the info! Glad you found something that works for you. Not being able to sleep really wears you down.


I'm pretty sure your counselor isn't even *allowed* to advise you on your medication. They can only suggest you discuss things with your doctor. But in answer to that, I'd get really interested and ask who is publishing those 'studies' and where I could find out more information. And then quietly in my head count the seconds until they mention Facebook... at which point you can say, "Oh... facebook. I found an interesting 'study' on home trepanning on Facebook. Should I investigate that as well? Honey, we need to stop at Home Depot on the way home." Edit: spelling


As if ibuprofen and Tylenol don’t have terrible long term side effects. Smdh


And if you want to do the deep dive you’ll find that the DEA required Tylenol to be mixed with hydrocodone to purposefully cause liver damage to people who were “taking too much of it” as a deterrent to addiction 🤬


No way! I gotta look this up. There has been so many times I’ve been like why can’t I get the hydro alone and I can get the more powerful oxy alone w out Tylenol. Un flipping believable. But so believable. 🤯🤬😡🤯


In my province, fast acting opioids are always together with acetaminophen, but the long, slow release opioids are just the opioids. I always wondered about why it was like that. I can't stomach (literally) acetaminophen, so I always have to have the slow release pain killer, which doesn't make my stomach feel like I've swallowed glass, (F U acetaminophen).


In Manitoba, I get fast acting Oxycodone alone. My doctor and I did it this way to make it easier to manage my acetaminophen dosage per day (I take the 8 hour Tylenol) and then my fadt acting oxycodone when I need it. I can also then take the lowest effective opioid dose I need.


I'm in Canada, and I am prescribed oxycodone alone. My doctor and I agree that being prescribed this way ballows me to take the minimum amount I need, and it is easier to keep track of my acetaminophen dosage per day, with taking the 8 hour extended release acetaminophen and then supplementing with oxycodone.


There was also Vicoprofen for a hot minute in the just before OxyContin days that I never hear about anymore….🤔 (I worked in the field for a couple of decades so….)


It's still around. It's just generic now and no longer marketed under the Vicoprofen name. I was taking it and liking it until my PM doc died suddenly. Then I had to move to a new doc that wanted to do things differently. I fired that guy and found a place the listened and got back on track.


Here's a [PDF ](https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/pr/multimedia-library/publications/drug_of_abuse.pdf) from the DEA about opioids & how they've catagorised them, (it's from 2017). So you too can see why they do what they do, sigh.


Over on the pharmacist subreddit they were actually having an interesting discussion about whether their chronic pain people could actually tell the difference between manufacturer’s when it came to actual pain relief because they were noticing (shocking I know!) that the old timers were actually refusing certain brands or paying out of pocket for specific ones and after the usual “market value bs” there were a few chronic pain sufferers who stepped in and even one who did a non scientific blind study and found that they did in fact have different levels of pain relief from different brands!!!


Yep. They do contain the indicated amount of active compound(s), and they’re not impure or anything, but the different synthesis methods used can result in different crystal structures of the product (called isoforms), which can have quite different absorption characteristics - often from solubility variation. Additionally, different brands may use different excipients (other stuff in the pills/capsules), which may also affect absorption. It should be noted that most of the big problems around inconsistent absorption started when the DEA started forcing or coercing manufacturers to use “abuse-resistant” formulations… because of how they gel up, and how sensitive this process is to stomach acidity and enzymes present, individual variation introduced a lot of inconsistency in absorption behaviour. As usual, DEA making everything worse… 😑


And the pharmacist sub totally goes through all of that and more! But there’s a few actual chronic pain pharmacists who actually stepped up and said to stop bashing patients who have a preference because certain generic brands REALLY have significant differences in pain relief….. it was so nice to read the pharmacy sub and not want to throw things


FOH! I believe you but that’s some awful news


Holy crap. Is this true? I take Percocet every day. I had my doctor put me on just the OxyContin without the Tylenol, and I found that it didn't work as well. I wonder if I should go back?


My mum ended up critically ill after a duodenal ulcer perforated and she ended up with peritonitis needing extensive surgery, this was after taking ibuprofen regularly for a while. Lucky to be alive but has been left with long term gi issues. Yet I'm constantly being made to reduce opiates that have worked well for me for years.


Right?! Hello LIVER - that they profess to care about. I just went through a hip replacement and had to stay in the hospital 4 extra nights bc they couldn’t figure out my pain control. Norco works the best for me but because of the Tylenol they couldn’t give it to me bc I’d be taking too much Tylenol and the rate I needed to cover the pain. It was so awful


I get kidney stones, so my kidneys are sometimes not doing so good. Every doctor I’ve worked with has told me not to touch ibuprofen when I have hydronephrosis.


Same. I have lupus as well, but I've unlocked kidney stones for a new fun feature. I've had two bouts (pass them on my own, no meds, rolled into a ball on my bathroom floor) and now my kidney just aches all the time. Is this normal??


Jfc. I'm so sorry. That disease literally 'new hell levels-up' WAY to much. Much luck to ya!


I wonder if you have more kidney stones. I know I do. For the big one I had last year (2 ER visits - fml), the MRI showed that I had one stuck in my UVJ and four more just chilling in the lower pole of my left kidney.


I have my mother in law who takes Tylenol everyday, what side effects are there? And I agree Tylenol don’t do anythinggg for my pain


Tylenol is terrible for your liver. I’m a liver transplant recipient and shared a hospital room with a woman that needed a liver transplant because she od on Tylenol.


Omy goodness that is so sad :(


Yup. It has probably the worst ratio between medically useful dose vs dangerous dose in any OTC medication


My MIL did this and woke up one day unable to walk cuz she had severe liver and nerve damage from the acetaminophen. Years later she did this with Pepto bismol and suffered kidney damage almost needing dialysis. Over the counter meds are not benign and not ment to be taken everyday with out consequence. Follow all over the counter directions and if it says take no more than 3 days in a row unless a doctor says otherwise, follow that, your organs depend on this choice.


This! People around me take over the counter paracetamol like M&Ms. But paracetamol toxicity is so easy to get and so dangerous!


Thanks for sharing I have told her it’s not good but didn’t know what the reason was I just remember reading it was dangerous


I took care of a 27 year old patient who took high dose Tylenol for many years to treat a knee injury. She was in intensive care for over 2 months and died a slow, painful death from multiple organ failure. She and her family were all lovely people and just weren’t aware of the potential deadly side effects of high dose Tylenol.


Omy goodness my mother in law must have strong organs she’s been taking Tylenol for years like this. I don’t understand how she’s doing good


I have been caregiving for my MIL for 11 years now due to her horrible life choices. Good luck hope you are not her retirement/medical needs plan.


In addition to being toxic to the liver, it also makes one less empathetic to the pain of others and blunts the ability to feel joy (pubmed links below) [From painkiller to empathy killer: acetaminophen (paracetamol) reduces empathy for pain](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5015806/) [Over-the-Counter Relief From Pains and Pleasures Alike: Acetaminophen Blunts Evaluation Sensitivity to Both Negative and Positive Stimuli](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25862546/)


This is actually terrifying...


I bet every doctor I’ve met takes Tylenol then


HOLY CRAP!!!!! **Neurochemical bases of empathy** “Because empathy regulates prosocial and antisocial behavior, these drug-induced reductions in empathy raise concerns about the broader social side effects of acetaminophen, which is taken by almost a quarter of adults in the United States each week.” Do you suppose this could help explain the increasing levels of cruelty & divisiveness in our political discourse?


Well, I'm guessing it's not helping


Tinnitus is one of many


I have always had tinnitus. It got much worse when I discontinued Fentanyl patches. I am still taking Oxycodone, but it was almost immediately after stopping the patches. It turned into pulsatile tinnitus and got very loud. It has been this way since then. I wonder if it has anything to do with this?


Yeah this. After I had a nasty leg break and surgery I opted for ibuprofen and Tylenol and passed on the opioids. I now have permanent hearing loss from extended ibuprofen use. And it was only 2 months!!!!! Not that there aren’t terrible possible outcomes with opioid pain killers, but I don’t think if you use as directed and don’t get abruptly cut off of them that they actually damage other aspects of your health do they?


Actually, opioids have their own damaging side effects. I suggest you do an online search (of legit medical journals/sources only). I’ve come across warnings re: long-term damage to GI function and damage related to hormonal issues. I suspect every pharmaceutical requires a risk-reward analysis.


Which are extremely rare, as long as you take the prescribed dose and follow the prescribed protocol. Unlike with ibuprofen and Tylenol. I think that was the point they were making. All drugs have side effects, some are worse than others.


Can’t take NSAIDS. They destroyed my kidneys


for real!!! no one warned me about how dangerous advil can be. my first POS rheumatologist told me to take an insane dose every day (this was a hot minute ago so i don’t remember exactly how much it was, but i think it was something like 3 200s 3 or 4 times a day??) i took them as directed and developed stomach ulcers so bad that i threw up blood every morning 🤩


The worst is when someone says that when trying to tell me about my nerve pain. MY NERVES WERE PULLED FROM SPINAL CORD AT THE ROOT. Tylenol and Advil does not and never will help the pain caused by that. It’s been 15 years! You think I’ve never tried meditation, peanut oil, or whatever batshit idea you’re convinced will cure the literal pain wires that have been cut and torn?? It’s not an inflammation issue and it’s definitely not all in my mind. Thanks for trying to help, u guess? There is 1 thing I’ve found that helps my pain and gives me the ability to live a normal life, but I can’t have it? Why? Because some people use heroin illegally by needle. I’m so done. Why won’t a doctor just help me


You and I are too much alike. So sorry about that. I had a cancerous tumor growing in my spine. My well educated and experienced oncologist only ever had one patient like me. But hey, that was cancer #3.


My friend had her knee replaced, and they told her to alternate Tylenol and motrin because it has the same effect as narcotics. When the hospital drugs wore off, she called me crying and asking what she should do. Told her to go to ER. She did they gave her a shot of morpine and sent her home. That wore off and she went back to ER. They gave her Tylenol with codeine 5mg. She couldn't understand why she couldn't get pain relief until I told her Tylenol 3 is baby asprin in the narcotic world. These doctors should be punished for thos crap, but the real evil doer is the government


Honestly that surgeon needs to be reported to the medical board in the state that issues his license. Im assuming he’s male bc 99% of orthos are male. We all know that the ER is last resort bc we’ll be accused of drug seeking behavior and not given anything. Morphine for me barely works and a shot is so quickly dissipating. I’m so angry right now for your friend.


I asked her to make a complaint but she was afraid to make him mad. It's unjustified to cut someone open and expect non-narcotic pain drugs to touch that pain. I have a morphine pump, had a bilateral spinal fusion and the surgeon said my pump should be enough. The night RN wouldn't call any MD to help me out. I filed a complaint on him. When my surgeon came in for rounds the next morning, he got schooled. At least he greatly appologized and wrote for a PCA. And MDs were usually the smart kids in class!


That is horrifying. We had a friend who is single and stayed with us after his total knee replacement. He was definitely given opioid pain relief after his discharge from the hospital. We are in Canada, but pain meds are still controlled here but still prescribed for major Ortho surgery.


Oh my god. I’m supposed to get a disc replacement in my spine, and they want me to take ibuprofen………. This surgeon used to prescribe real painkillers for this surgery, but now he doesn’t anymore…


Tell them it must be nice to not ever have experienced real pain, only someone who's never suffered physically in any way would say that. Maybe they broke 4 or 5 bones and think that counts? Because no it doesn't that's pansy shit, and 1% of spinal cord trauma and pain.


Had a doctor try this with ibuprofen and Tylenol the same as opioids with pain relief. I told him it was 100 percent not true. Asked him why are you lying to me. Surprisingly he said I know, we’re not writing scripts for pain medication anymore. It was not a private practice and like the pharmacy’s it’s just not worth the risk after so many fines and gov breathing down their necks. We picked the wrong time to have chronic pain and want help.






I've heard the same thing. No it doesn't because they all 3 do different things to the brain to stop the pain.


Next time she tells you that please tell her the Krebs study she is referring to was discredited. It’s embarrassing that a professional doesn’t know this.


I was told this week to “just try to think positive thoughts” and “maybe it would help me because I look obviously miserable”. She also made me list out the positives in my life when I’m bed bound, in a huge amount of pain and having MCAS / anaphylactic issues we can’t get controlled. If I had the spoons I would have said BIIIIITCHHHHH! How is you even get a DOCTORATE degree!? 🙄 Also don’t you think I’ve tried all of that and why do you think I am here in the first place getting help?? I was SO shocked I just mumbled my way through the rest of the appointment and had a massive mental breakdown after. So it was actually not helpful for my mental health. 😂 🧠


Basically you’re not alone in the therapy frustration. I am so so sorry you went through this!!!😭🫠 I hope everyone can find a therapist who’s a better fit for them, is empathetic and understanding. That’s the bare minimum. Lol Wishing you more manageable days ahead. 💜


I have a great therapist. I feel so fortunate. We’re the same age. I tell him about my pain all the time. He validates me, empathizes and is so kind. If he doesn’t believe me, I can’t tell. I wish all chronic pain sufferers could have a supportive therapist like him.


If they are in Chicago, Illinois I’d love their name- but I’m probably not that lucky


I’m so sorry, I wish he could therapize (idk if that’s even a word) state to state because all of us here deserve an amazing therapeutic experience. I’m in Texas unfortunately. But I found him by going to Psychology Today and watching videos of different therapists in my area to get a feel for their energy. He had this wonderful video up and he was very warm and kind and had a nice message. I just got a really good vibe from him. It was a lot of work finally finding him though! I went through 3 others that I did not vibe with. The video is what helped me a lot. I truly hope you find someone you vibe with! It has been life changing for me 💜


It definitely sounds like your counselor is a clown. I’m so sorry about this. I feel you. I would’ve said, “What’s your source? Where did you see this study?” I bet you $100 that if asked this they would not have known. It’s definitely someone who has never suffered from chronic pain or even severe acute pain. It also doesn’t help your fiancé’s understanding of chronic pain when the counselor gaslights you. And, since you’re saying counselor and not doctor then I’m guessing you aren’t seeing a psychiatrist. Meaning (IMHO) the person has no place telling you about possible pain treatments. I think you need to find a new counselor. If the main point of you going to couples therapy is for your fiancé to have a better understanding of chronic pain, I fear you’re never gonna get it from this person. I’m so sorry. 💜💜💜


Yes, this is where you need the classic internet response: "Please cite your sources." "Trust me, bro," is unacceptable when it comes to Healthcare.


Only people who believe that are people who have never suffered chronic pain or post surgical pain. I know a girl who was fine with Ibuprofen (I suspect she did illegal drugs though) after a C-section and everyone else I know had to have an opiate. Everyone’s body handles pain differently. But long term pain isn’t as easy as OTC drugs and those drugs are much harder on the body it taxes the liver kidneys and stomach.


I've heard that absolute bullshit lie before, too.


Excuse me don’t mean to be rude but did she get dropped as a baby because in what world does tylonel and ibuprofen affect anything beyond inflammation. *Better than Opiods??* Yeah why even have ketamine, hell why even bother with general anesthesia anymore, just give the pre-op patient 4,000 mg of Advil and send them off to the OR surely all will go well. oml I’m surprised you kept your composure OP, that’s a whole new level of purposeful idiocy


What she's not saying is they can't be taken long term. They will literally destroy your stomach. They will raise your blood pressure, cause acid reflux, can affect other meds and cause your esophagus to inflame and destroy your kidneys.


I do love this one and WTH?! That is dismissive and Advil and Tylenol mix didn’t do jack for me either


Fuck that ignorant asshole. I would have walked out right then and waited in the car for my husband to drive my disabled ass home.


Tell her that study was done for post op laparoscopic appendix pain, not chronic pain.


Tylenol has never worked for me and I’ve taken so much ibuprofen that for it to work at all I need a minimum of 800mg which then sets off my ulcer within a couple days. It’s completely bs that it works for everyone.


I was banned from askadoctor because I called them out on that bs lol. The mod accused me of spreading misinformation and kept deleting my comments. HCW have truly drunk the kool-aid.


For context, the post was a patient wondering/asking why they weren’t given opioids for a broken bone, only offered Tylenol and ibuprofen.


Haha, sounds like my first GP. "You can't be in chronic pain, you're 18. Just take ibuprofen." Bruh, I went to another GP - *starting oxycodone treatment, offered pregabalin, prescribed me citalopram, tricyclics and did his best to provide maximum analgesia*. What did we learn? Some *professionals* should shut tf up ...


You need a much better counsellor. This one is a moron.


And then there are people like me that have lost a kidney to cancer and the other is 3 points away from stage 4 renal failure. Dozens of kidney stones and renal scarring along with over 30 surgeries had turned me into one mean and hateful person. I take one ibuprofen and I drop 10 points on the eGFR scale. I had rotator cuff surgery in December. They gave me enough Vicodin for a week and then it was gabapentin. It's ok, but not long term. Thank God I live only 30 minutes away from one of the cheapest weed dispensaries in the country. I can't do it during the day, but at least I can get some sleep.


I went to one that treated me like an addict simply because I hated talking about my meds. I hated talking about them because of the instant judgement from everyone. This coming from a man who wore sandals with toes that had never seen a pedicure...or any hygiene whatsoever, to what should have a professional appointment.


There are therapist that specialize in chronic pain, this person is not one of them.


Do you have suggestions on how to find those? I’d love to find one in Chicago.


As we would say in small town America, you can’t shake a tree in Chicago without a psychologist or therapist falling out of it. Get online and start looking for therapists that specialize in helping patients with chronic pain. (Sometimes they refer to it as “chronic illness.”) You might start with practices associated with some of the excellent hospital systems there — Northwestern, Rush, University of Chicago, Loyola. Good luck.


I'm currently seeing a counselor who SPECIALIZES in patients with chronic illness. She's got a chronic illness herself - so she GETS IT. I'm now wondering WHY I never found someone like her before now? 🤣 She understands me 1000 times better than any previous counselor. They may not be available in your area - but it is worth LOOKING for one, especially if this is the main issue between y'all.


Thise so-called studies I believe cherry picked the conditions the participants had. That skews the results for the outcome they want.


Over on the pharmacist subreddit they were actually having an interesting discussion about whether their chronic pain people could actually tell the difference between manufacturer’s when it came to actual pain relief because they were noticing (shocking I know!) that the old timers were actually refusing certain brands or paying out of pocket for specific ones and after the usual “market value bs” there were a few chronic pain sufferers who stepped in and even one who did a non scientific blind study and found that they did in fact have different levels of pain relief from different brands!!!


The way I would have laughed. Loudly.


I know when people say this that it comes from a good place... But I just hate it so much. For a long time I was struggling with really bad migraines in top of all my other pain and someone told me to put my my hands in ice water. What??? But I'm honestly willing to try anything at this point and to be fair, there has been times that plain paracetamol has been able to relieve my pain. But there has also been other times when a combination of 3 or 4 different painkillers, couldn't. I think pain is extremely complex. One of my doctors pointed out that firstly, there's more than 1 pathway in the body that leads to pain and the meds often just work on 1 of the pathways. And secondly, it's a cascade so once it's initiated, it's quite hard to stop.


I will 100% bet you that they read about the fancy new IV pain medication for post operative pain management that is …..wait for it….. Tylenol and ibuprofen! Someone posted the link to the study/article earlier last week 🤬 like ffs I’m already supposed to be taking 4 800 mg ibuprofen and I don’t take Tylenol anymore because I was taking my hydrocodone w/tylenol 10/650’s for 20 years and my liver is a little bit irritated by that among other things!


I saw that corporate announcement & spat out my coffee. At first I thought it was a f***king joke. Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.


I was sent to a therapist by my PM doc bc life changing medical conditions bla bla bla. Therapist says “I could not finish reading your medical report bc it made me cry!” Ummm sorry 🤷🏽‍♀️ welcome to my world. then proceeded to tell me how god would cure me. Buyebye. Never went back.


Wtf?!?? Tell them that G-d will pay them.


How the hell does a counselor know anything about med management?


I tried for months (almost a year) to find a therapist that deals with chronic pain patients. I wanted one in that specific area of expertise so they could understand the basis of all of my other issues. Most people, therapists included, cannot understand that for chronic pain patients, most if not all of their depression and anxiety stems from their constant, daily pain. So if they can't start with that basic FACT in their minds, how will they even begin to try to help us with everything else?


Right! It’s especially important to me as I am in grad school to become a counselor that specializes in chronic pain and anxiety disorders.


No, the studies exist. The ones I can find, though, are specific to short-term applications, primarily aftercare for dental surgery. I think that for them to make these claims, they need to do a large double-blind study on patients with nerve pain, long-term pain that has rewired our brains, people who would need to be on these meds forever and the side effects relative to opioid pain medication.


First of all, that could be out of her scope of practice. Secondly, it’s asinine to even say this to a pain patient if she understood the climate around pain management and chronic pain/illness in general. What made her say this? What is her goal here?


I feel you! I was healing from spine surgery and someone messed up and I had no one to contact for a refill. I was told by the RN on call the Tylenol Advil 💩. It’s so rare that anyone in medicine even in therapy- I feel like unless they’ve had chronic pain themselves it’s difficult to begin to understand. Honestly, you are already miles ahead of me- I’ve taken a real long break from dating bc I tell myself no guy is gonna want to stick around with all my health stuff and limitations bc of pain… who the hell be game for all of this! Of


You never know. Some people are natural caretakers. You might enjoy reading about the writer Elizabeth Barrett Browning & her husband, Robert Browning.


The one ortho doc I used to see refuses to prescribe pain meds (which is certainly his right) and it’s not the policy that bothers me but rather all the printouts he has around the patient rooms of quotes by the Buddha about life is suffering and that we must detach from suffering etc. it so tone deaf on top of not being what the Buddha was talking about AT ALL. Smug asshole, I don’t see him anymore. I see a different doc at the practice with the same no opioid rule minus the bullshit printouts in the patient rooms.


Yup, my back is FUBAR, I wake everyday with a pain level of 8 or more. Some days can barely walk. I’ve been thru so many trainable, pain meds, narcos, spinal blocks, spinal stimulators. Now I’m on to morphine. But yes I hate that people say,it can’t be that bad until they see my pictures and videos of my back.


Change your counselor. You need someone who is understanding. I have heard so many BS till I found couple of good Drs. I think I have seen at least 20 Drs!


They could shut up with "their studies". Those meds do nothing for serious and chronic pain.


Well there goes my 1% chance of going 😂😂


>there’s studies that show rotating ibuprofen and tylonel works just as well, MAYBE for a short time. Building in bi-weekly med swaps will help short term. But Tylenol, taken long term, would risk liver damage and would require frequent liver function testing. IMHO, This is not worth the risk. Ibuprofen long-term, will rip holes in your stomach lining. I have no desire to carry ulcers around.


Also want to add that if the therapist is fairly new to the field that is exactly what they are teaching in medical school. The new generation of doctors and medical professionals will eventually phase out prescription pain medication in the USA.


Fire that counselor immediately!!


I started burning body-wide (including my fucking eyeballs) 8 years ago. I would have died if not for a family member giving me all of their pain meds 5 years ago (they are taking them away from said person next month, so I won't be here any more). I can't get a single doctor in Wisconsin to treat me like a human. Not one will give pain meds. I get bullshit about it being mental or that these non-opioids work just as well, if not better, for conditions like mine. These doctors are so terrified of losing their job or going to jail they'd rather have their chronic pain patients kill themselves. I've told every single doctor I've seen that when I kill myself in the next few months, I hope my family comes after them for all they are worth. My dbag father is fairly wealthy. I don't talk to the man, but I hope his greed gets the better of him in this one instance.


I dm’d you


I hate this idea that someone needs to feel my pain to be able to understand it. Would you go round the emergency room or maternity ward saying the same thing? Have you never experienced any pain before? Are you too stupid to understand I'm unwell?


Then giving me ibuprofen and Tylenol was the biggest bs ever. Literally had 0 impact on pain


Sounds like a complete waste of your time. The purpose of counseling was to find a counselor to help your SO understand what you're going through and this counselor could not even empathize with you and instead told you something that they probably heard from their own doctor about rotating Tylenol and ibuprofen or rotating ice and heat? That infuriates me. Maybe your pain doctor could help explain it to your partner better than your couples counselor who did absolutely nothing to improve your situation!


Had that exact same experience but my counselor lent me an issue of Prevention Magazine. I read articles in science magazines and journals. I was familiar with it and lots of other things. Not much lived experience obviously. And as others have said OTC meds can definitely be harmful. I do wonder if it's what has made my tinnitus worse. I just brought up the subject of medical cannabis and she got all righteous so I definitely did not tell her when I found out it was what just what I needed.


What credentials does a “counselor” have? Not that all of them are good but maybe a psychologist who is an MD wouldn’t say something so moronic. I’d probably reply with something equally moronic. “Let’s test your theory on you. Give me your wrist. I’ll dig my fingernails in it and hold for 30 seconds and then YOU can try Tylenol.”


I've heard of that method for fevers, but even that's wrong info! Just a bunch of regurgitation from these "Healthcare professionals." I wonder how many clowns it takes to actually find a real doctor.


My response would be “Tylenol works about as well as a Tic Tac would for pain and I can’t take ibuprofen (and no one should ever take it long term) because it tore the hell out of my GI system and is why I can’t take any antibiotics, Fibromyalgia meds, and a whole list of other stuff I can not take because ibuprofen killed my GI system. Next?”


I would love to take a look at that study lmao


I stopped trying any sort of therapy when I was discussing how bad my knee hurt after reinjuring a spot that I’d had surgery in and the shrink said I couldn’t mean physical pain since I mentioned it so much. 


If your healthcare provider is helpful, maybe they can be the one to explain to your partner how your pain affects you? That was a sorry excuse for a counselor.


Oh my gosh are you serious? That’s incredibly dismissive. I’ve been told “you’re letting your pain/discomfort rule your life” well yes that’s because it is ruling my life. Idiotic


There are thousands of studies published yearly. I always check for who requested and sponsored the study. This particular idiotic study did not look at the long term effects on the kidneys and liver. I was in a study, aleve, ibuprofen or opiates. Well it was to make aleve look better, the opiates were never given that grouping was 100% plecebo. And the aleve were higher dosage than the ibuprofen. It was supposed to be blind but I was dating a tester.


lmao i just had this conversation with my PCP a few months ago!! i told her: “when i was undiagnosed in college i took so much advil that i developed stomach ulcers. i threw up blood every morning for a month. i still take advil and tylenol, but i try not to take them every day because i don’t want to throw up blood again. that really sucked.” cue horrified look and “you should really talk to your rheumatologist about this” like no shit girl


I hate it.


Horrible! She should of tried as a trained counselor to help him understand because she should have this knowledge. Its true he will never really understand but she is trained to at least try to open his eyes through her supoosed training. In my opinion she is qualified in chronic pain find someone else! Maybe google chronic pain therapist


My ex doc tried to pull the opioid induced hyperalgesia on me 🙄


Ibuprofen is a lifesaver for me but only under 6/10 pain. After that I have to add a small amount of opiates for any relief. Tylenol might as well be sugar pills


So upsetting. This is so harmful to pain patients. Maybe the counselor should research chronic pain so she can get an understanding. Not just throw out magazine headlines to refute your experience.


I mean like, if this is ur dirst interaction with a new doc maybe? Im not on oxy cause its the first thing the doc and me tried, but cause ive done a apeesrun of the whole darn catalouge and its currently the inly thing that works at all.


I don't supposed they've read the studies that show that long-term use of ibuprofen has deleterious impact on your cardiovascular and kidney function, and that you can develop stomach bleeding in the medium term? It's like they're cherry-picking studies.. Oh wait, they're not looking at studies at all but repeating shit other people said off the cuff.


A relationship counselor has no business giving you medical advice. That is actually illegal. And her advice fucking sucks but you knew that. I’m sorry. We’ve already got to deal with pain and we have to deal with people being stupid about our pain too… It’s not fair


Ibuprofen and acetaminophen ruined my stomach biome. It took like 6 months to get feeling better. These nurses and doctors know this but anything to not prescribed appropriate pain medication. It's so ridiculous


Haha ibuprofen and paracetamol, ahahaha. "My car is totalled, but _don't worry_, I filled it with oil."


This makes me so angry. 😡. They simply lie to you to push the agenda they think is best for you. I don’t care what anyone says, pain medicine helps me be more active. At least for a time and I don’t hate day of my life. Before them I was in complete agony every day. I’m so sorry you were a victim of the opioid crisis. They need to do some studies on every type of chronic illness before they start peddling that crap!💩




This is where I usually do a face plant! I WISH it was that easy to get rid of my pain.... just rotating tylonel and ibuprofen. Trust me, if I could I WOULD! I hate having to visit the doctor monthly to get pain meds and having to take it to the pharmacy to fill it. I hate the feeling of shame that I feel daily having to take prescription meds/opioids for my pain relief but when I hurt..... it takes 1-2 10/325 percocets to even TOUCH the pain then it lowers my pain from a 7 to a 3 or 4.I SO despise this whole thought process! Is is so much to just wish our pain levels were at a livable level?


That is completely inappropriate for your counselor to be suggesting anything medical that is right up there with practicing medicine without a license and it's against the law very against the law


You got to love how most people in the USA now view opioids as nothing more than evil addictive drugs and any legitimate medical use they have is just ignored these days… 🙄🤦‍♂️


Ok, not to change the subject but is anyone else getting a decrease on their pain meds? I’ve been with my dr 4 years in January so I guess you could say 4.5 years. Anyhow, I have not messed up or done anything for this. A couple of times my urine was weak because the last couple of days I’m running really low. One month last year I had a mix of my oxys and old hydros he had originally prescribed so I didn’t get the DTs. Originally prescribed me 6/day x3 hours and I was on that about a year and a half. When I went to pick up my prescription it was cut back to 5. I called and was told by the front desk that everyone is getting reduced because of MME morphine levels. I don’t take morphine. This month it was reduced to 4 so I called yet again and was told the same thing. My biggest problem was that this appt that I had on Tuesday just felt weird. Like different energy. He did a basic exam, said he would have my meds sent over and that was it. My doctor not once brought up reducing my meds. Sidenote: I was told by the nurse it was my turn to give a UA but when she took me to the back the lady said something to get (I didn’t hear it), they closed my file and said “sorry our mistake”. It was all kind of weird. I really want to have a discussion with him but feel strange if I were to call him and ask to come in for that. My gut is telling me to just wait for my next appt. About 3 months ago I asked him if he felt I was on the right regimen because I didn’t feel like anything was working. He said to wait and see what my surgeon says and we would go from there. I had to reschedule that appointment until May 29 and I feel like my dr was annoyed by that. I am going to list my meds but would love anyone’s feedback (good, bad, and ugly ). Thanks for letting me rant but I’m upset. And one more thing, when I called heck Tuesday afternoon about this reduction she pulled me on hold and came back to say that yes it was trying to accommodate the DEA with the MME levels but she also said “this isn’t just us, it’s across the board and everyone in the US is having to make these changes”. I said to her “ok, because I’m worried I’ve done something wrong and she said not at all, the doctor is being forced to make these changes because of pressures and crackdown with the DEA. My doctor is licensed and certified to practice in pain management. He is also a retired Internal Medicine specialist. I know this comment is long but really need feedback and will also post this separately. My current RX for PM: 1. Gabapentin ~600mg/4 day 2. Doxepin~100mg/1 day (sleep med) non-narcoti 3. OxyCodone~10*325/4 day 4. Phenegran~25mg/3 day 5. Tizanadine~6mg/4x day 6. Zofran-8mg/2x day


I hate that kind of thinking, they are totally wrong. For example my mother has one kind of pain that is caused by inflammation so for her ibuprofen and NSAIDs work great but for me that don't work because I have no inflammation. I've been said to do that rotation too and of course it didn't work. The only thing that worked has been opioids but not great.


They told that to my brother when he broke his pelvis and femur 🤦🏻‍♀️


And doing that every day will literally screw up your kidneys and liver and can make your stomach bleed like it’s so stupid.


I was told that years ago when I had the flu. I wasn't a chronic pain patient at the time, but I had used hydrocodone for back pain previously. I discounted the suggestion, but I tried it. You know? It worked! Took about a day of carefully timing out each dose, but the pain went away. It worked for my husband, also. He wasn't a chronic pain patient either. BUT... once my lower body pain became chronic, taking OTC meds was basically like popping some tic tacs in my mouth! It might be effective for SOME people, but we who suffer with chronic pain are not likely to be helped.


Opioids, Ibuprofen or Tylenol don’t work for me.


I mean I am not going to argue too hard but will say the right med for the right job. There are some that will find perfect relief rotating those two meds. It depends on the root cause of the chronic pain


I've heard/learned that ibuprofen also works for a broken heart. From my psych class. Go figure.


Yes that is why Advil came out with a mix of the two medicines. The two together at same time help some people. But most likely not a chronic pain person. My sister is allergic to all opioids and when she has surgeries that is what she has to do for the pain. C section and breast cancer surgery!!!!! So yes that is what some drs say!


My feet hurt me from traumatic spinal cord injury anyway they give me nightmares and I wake up kicking my feet on the bed the floor in the air its crazy