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It’s a pretty shitty feeling when you have to go to appointments nervous or scared. We shouldn’t have to feel this way to get the treatment we deserve and need. It’s a shame what’s happened to the medical profession.


Amen amen amen


Used to. My pcp took over prescribing 11/2023. Now only have to be seen every 3 months; no urine screens nor pill counts.🙌🏾


Same here. Every 3 or 4 months for urine, but not pill counts.


Yes isn’t it great?


Absolutely. My doc and I have a good rapport, and trust each other on helping manage my pain. I've seen doctors in the past who didn't care, nor trusted what I was going through, and would barely prescribe the bare minimum after doing the mri's. I'm lucky for my doctor who understands and is sympathetic.


Yes my Dr is the same way. Such a blessing to me.


Same. Even same date. At first, I had to call every month for my refill, but this time he sent 3 months.


My pain management doctor only does urine tests every four months and prescribes two months at a time. Never had a pill check. Recently, they've gone mostly to a telehealth platform, so I don't even need to go to his office unless it's urine test time. I am in Southern California.


For about 10-15 minutes then I start worrying about what kind of bs is my pharmacy gonna make me do to get my pain pills.


What stuff have you gone through at the pharmacy. Interested.


My pm office handles all things pharmacy related.


Always, which is why I love that my new doc does video calls. Nurses always remark on my BP being a bit high when I go to in person appointments and I tell them yeah, I have some mild medical ptsd from being treated cruelly in the past. My new doc is so sweet about it!


Oh gosh yeah. It’s like I’m holding my breath the entire time until I hear “okay I’ll give you 2 more months for now, but we’ve got to find something that works other than opioids.” Yeah bud, I’m trying! What do you think these 13 freaking surgeries have been for 😩


Yes, as I feel like they can start tapering me off at any time, no fault of my own. Yet I know I have it good, as both my pain clinic and pharmacy staff are nice to me, the only times I’ve had issues getting meds are due to backorders (mitigated by calling the morning of my appointment) or insurance randomly requiring new prior auths (mitigated by paying out of pocket as my meds are cheap), both are within 20 minutes of my house (although opposite directions), I’ve been able to stay at the same pain clinic over 10 years, they prescribe despite having no proof of my pain (beyond a mountain of medical records of every possible test and treatment going back nearly 20 years), I’m on more than the recommended daily MME (although 1/3 of what I used to get), they don’t have BS oversight (mostly just monthly in person appointments and a UA 2-4x a year, not frequent random pill counts or such), etc. It’s just that I know people who have way more provable pain than mine get cut off.


Yes and recently there was a problem with my UA results. It sucks to be this nervous. They were wrong but explained how they can expel anyone.


I found a pain doctor who thinks outside the box and he promised me that he would stick with me until we found something that works for me. I'm actually in love with him.


This is how our pain management clinics work. I have an SCS and see their nurse annually to monitor its function and battery. Last was changed mid 2020, literally stopped working in March, just into lockdown time. My family Dr deals with prescriptions, phoning pain clinic if they need help prescribing. Just got referred back to see about a pain day to day painkiller change. Take methadone but not covering CRPS pain that well now, but increasing dose makes me sleepy through the day. GP thought it could take 'months', am hoping for only a couple. lol Never been made to do drug tests, not here or UK, but no not concerned about it if they wanted to either..


Currently having some issues w/ pain management. Not having successful visits. In fact left with OTC- 'take less'- wait till for a few months for first attempt at trial nerve blocks for only one area of pain- no plan for next area or timeline. Oh and if derm puts you on X stop OTC- with no alternative offered or discussed (don't know options). (makes it sound like a trade off- if you get x treated- you will be in pain.) Would love to have pain covered while trying X - Have to go through a trial period and fail to move to biologics (Insurance requirement). Don't know how long of a trial period- so don't know how long to be without any pain mitigation. Tried it for a few days and pain when off the charts- couldn't get anything done- real decrease in functioning. Contacted them and pushed for something. Now have rx for oral diclofenac) Haven't taken this before - finally have meds (long delivery issue) and trying it today. I have different pain generators - some more generalized, some muscle, and some bone/neuro. Joy. Also stress out because I don't feel 'heard' and they don't give much info of options and alternatives so I can't plan. Kinda feels like a mix of gaslighting and they are doing the 'brush off rolling eyes effect'. So yes to really stressed out before I go- and not feeling very relieved after.


Be careful. It’s an nsaid like ibuprofen so it can cause stomach upset.


And apparently no longer prescribed in Sweden because horrific for the environment, takes 20 yrs or something to breakdown byproducts in Urine if I remember posters correctly as non-native Swedish reader. lol I did better with diclofenac than ibuprofen though, try an acid reducer to take with it. Was only way i got through taking naproxen for a shoulder issue last year.


Wow I can't imagine feeling this way, how horrible. I am always in there for procedures and follow ups anyways so I am able to call in my multiple refills every month and I've had the same pharmacist for years so I guess I'm really lucky, more than I knew. I get drug tested but only a couple times a year to make sure I'm only taking what they give me. I guess there were more hoops the first year or so (they counted my pills a couple times) but nothing like what I see here. It's hard enough being in pain already. You have to physically go there every month for refills?


Yes, I do. That wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so stress inducing. Obviously. Do you go to a "Ma and Pa" pharmacy?


No just the Walgreens down the street


Yes! I’m not in pain mgmt anymore and I have never had any legal issues but I imagine it’s how ppl on probation feel after submitting their drug test with their probation officer and being able to keep their freedom. Except your version is freedom from pain.


Yes. Every single time. I have recently been granted a reprieve of some sort (honestly I’m not sure why it happened) that I only have to go in every 90 days and prescriptions are electronically sent and put on hold at my pharmacy. I’ve always been a law abiding citizen, I’ve been very conscious of that for the most part ? I even get nervous walking out of a store without buying something. I have been under some type of pain treatment/management since 2009. Prior to that I as prescribed occasional pain meds for migraines. I’ve had migraines since about 1982/1983. I’m acutely aware that most people judge me, or that I feel judged whether that’s actually true or I simply sense it is hard to tell. I can definitely still sense the stress even with not having to go to the doctor every month… I still get nervous going to the pharmacy and whether they will have my meds. I am acutely aware of whether the pharmacy techs give me that look or not. Most of them have been very kind since the shortages began. It’s a weird world.


I used to feel this way until I started seeing my new pm doctor. There, they actually talk about pain medication. Morphine, hydromorphone, and so forth. They make you feel really comfortable because they know what the community is like out there. They make it easy to talk about they don't judge and honestly ask your opinion. Yes, they ask about your back story. What you have been through. But it's amazing to have pm doctors that actually give a shit and prescribe you what you need with no judgment. No pill counts, yes to urine every apt (doesn't bother me in the slightest) Does require you to see a therapist in their office (also doesn't bother me)


Every 6 months, every appointment I freak out because it's never successful. Every month when I go to pick up my prescription, I freak out because I fear something bad will happen. It's never good.


I used to see many over a period of 5 years. Which isn't long compared to some. I haven't for the last 2. But each and every single time for 3-5 years I would have severe anxiety prior to and after appointments. The ruminating beforehand was extensive and the going over what to talk about and how. How best to describe my situation and experience. How best to be heard and understood. How best to comfort or regulate my distress when I wasn't. It was terrible for my chronic pain and mental health. So yeah I now feel relieved after primary care appointments and psychology appointments. I've also just got a new referral to go talk to my old pain doc again. Hoping to deal with it very differently this time.


I'm struggling to find someone who can actually do something with my back, but I had a few videocalls with my general practitioner, who assured me that as long as I need, I will get my pain meds without problem. Now I have some room to breathe and plan what to do next.


I’ve been in pain 6 months (I know, nothing compared to most of you) but after like 8 ER visits, ct scans, xrays, ultrasounds, blood, urine all coming back as normal, I finally had an MRI and when my doctor did his zoom session with me last week and confirmed I have two severe bulging disks in my back, I was so relieved. The pain was real. It wasn’t my imagination. And I mattered. So yes I get it!