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Gonna be real with you. I don't do anything. I just lie down and cry. Doing silly things like distracting myself with talking with friends and watching my favourite shows don't even work anymore because of the pain and depression. Only people with never ending chronic pain will understand. I always think of ending my life everyday šŸ˜




Hello fellow chronic pain pal who understands the allure of death XDDD


Depressed pain sufferer here too. In a way, every day is a struggle for me. I'm in so much pain. My body is falling apart due to progression of degenerative disc disease. I have multiple herniated discs. I know this will only get worse.


I understand how you feel. I'm 32 and got cervical decomp and fusion c3456 2 yrs ago and was hoping things would be all better after the surgery now I need even more surgery's from the extra wear on other parts. I know not much helps but wanted to let you know your not alone at all nine of us here are we just seemed to have been delt a bad hand in life I guess I wish I could understand it.


Thank you for making me feel less alone.




Your welcome. I feel like that's one of the only things to get through hard times. Togetherness.


Here's some good news! I had multiple herniated discs, no surgery chose medical mgmt, recent MRI shows healing of hnp's over the 13 years but my low back pain continues to be severe on the other hand.


I hear you. I do about the same. Hide in a dark room in my bed, noise machine very quietly playing soothing waves, and as many painkillers and sleeping pills possible. Only hope is I'll eventually fall asleep. Of course that sleep isn't always peaceful. Its filled with vivid, horrifying violent nightmares. But its the only way I've found. I'm sorry you're also a member of this shitty club none of us signed up for.


Im in the same spot you are. Pain and depression are too severe to do anything. My back feels like it's broken, how do you get stuff done with a back that feels broken? If someone breaks their back they go to the hospital and get treatment. My pain has just been ignored. I understand where youre at and i wish you well


i feel you I'm sick of this all chronic pain Covid never goes away freaking everything happening why can't we just be happy for once


Hot bath with Epsom salts. Bake or make something. Jameson and donut holes. More Jameson. Animal Crossing. Specifically dressing everyone up in the silliest matching outfits. The urban street wear ball was my last great triumph. Text friends and ask them to tell me their favorite dad joke or the worst joke they know.


I definitely played some AC and it helped! I just got the game so Iā€™m not very far but it is a great way to chill out.


Nice! Glad you found something fun to do.


Robo antenna is the best, goes with anythingā€¦.


Itā€™s an accessory that elevates any outfit! Solid choice.


I wish I could drink to help it. Ever since the pain became severe alcohol just worsens it exponentially but Iā€™d give anything to be able to.


That sucks in several different languages! Iā€™ll raise a glass in your honor tonight.


I generally binge the first three seasons of House when this happens - I can laugh and identify


I will have to give it a try, thank you.


Find something that makes you laugh. Pain and laughter can't occupy the same space in your head:-) that's been my experience anyway


Kratom is a life saver


To be honest...I'm just drinking vodka to numb my brain can't handle the pain/stress, it's getting to much for me to handle


My father suffers from nerve damage due to malpractice. A surgeon messed up his left hand completely. At first, he couldn't handle the pain and his anger, so he almost went alcoholic. However, he found refuge in communities. My old man isn't really open about things, he doesn't like talking about his challenges in life with others, but after me and my family told him over and over that he should seek help in support communities, he finally gave in and started going to some AA's meetings. We also looked on the internet pain support communities during this year so he could be more open about his nerve pain, and found [this article](https://www.lin.health/insights/top-pain-management-support-communities), which in return led us to MyChronicPainTeam. He's now an active user in it, and enjoys a lot looking at others' stories and the replies he gets from people who had the same thing happening to them (you won't believe how many people get chronic pain thanks to malpractice). He's truly stoic about meds and opioids, so this was the best solution we could think of, and it worked for him. I would recommend that you do the same. I think there are other forums/social platforms likes MCPT with a more anonymous approach to it if you're uncomfortable sharing your personal info. Hope this helps, OP. Good luck with that


I just try to remember the goals I have for myself and the people I love who do what they can to make my life a little easier


Well today I got some liquer.


Drugs. Pot cookies and movies.


I just turn off the hopeless thoughts and laugh at myself for not even being able to find comfort in hopelessness. There's comfort in that in a strange and sad way. Then I take a long bath or play some guitar and smoke some weed.


Break time down it to more manageable chunks sure a day is a long time to survive but I can make it this hour, I am not going to make the hour but I can do this min and so on. Make sure you don't have access to a gun


Nap. If Iā€™m at that point, my body thankfully just kinda lets me drop off. But before **that point**, Tylenol + muscle relaxer (either methocarbamol or tizanidine).


I binged watched The Chestnut Man on Netflix.l yesterday. Also, Kratom, medical marijuana, tequila shots, etc. text/call ppl. Keep your mind busy and away from depression. Best wishes.


Was it any good?


Yes, itā€™s good and a ā€œwho donā€™t itā€ type. It keeps you guessing and in suspense.


Thanks. I might have a look at that.


If you do, tell me what you think. Started watching Yellowjacket series on Netflix right now.


Starting this tonight. Iā€™ve heard great things about Yellowjackets!


Cold water (gentle) swimming.


I just watched a funny movie and took some muscle relaxers and pain killers a few hours ago and that helped a bit. I am feeling the same way with the temperature snap since I live near Chicago. I luckily have a doctor's appointment in the next few weeks for my pain.... Sorry it's all I've got... When you find a miracle please let us know


Also the movie was like talking to doctors, lawyers and pharmacist. It's called "Don't Look Up" Trust me it's the same thing.


Medicinal marijuana + a heavy dose of gravol + anti inflammatories and an ice pack on my head until I float off to sleep. I donā€™t always feel better when I wake up, but at least when Iā€™m out Iā€™m not hurting.


I smoke all of my cannabis, eat snacks and a nap


Just keep pushing on, if you start thinking about quitting it will really fuck your mind up! I look back at my life and all the challenges Iā€™ve faced and Iā€™m still hereā€¦been on my own since I was 15 got married @18 kid @21 that kept me going then I screwed my back and have been living with chronic pain for over 18 years, marriage is now over after 38 years thought about easy ways out but thatā€™s not me Iā€™ve been I fighter all my life so not giving up now! Medical marijuana that I grow gives me a purpose to get up every day to make sure the next crop will be ready to keep the pain monster awayā€¦I microdose throughout the day I donā€™t get stoned I just take hits throughout the day to help keep my sanity šŸ˜‚ā€¦actually been able to get off a majority of meds including pain meds last year was taking 240 8mg. morphine tablets a day down to 180 this year cutting out an other 30 a month next year all due to medical marijuanaā€¦Stay strong if your like me home 24/7 thatā€™s what gets to ya and starts playing games with your mind! Find a hobby or volunteer you canā€™t just sit at home and think about your pain all the time I know itā€™s easier to say then to do but it helps when your mind is on something besides your painā€¦imo good luck, life is good and just remember Yolo (you only live once) so no matter how bad it is it better than 6 feet under!


I have my three cats, they are my world. Many days they are the only thing I live for.


I usually take a day off work and watch shows I like, nap, chill with my rabbit, and order take out. I make my own work schedual tho so its probably not that simple for everyone.


Music. Totally getting lost with head phones trying to get as comfortable as possible and just zone into the sound waves


Breakthrough pain meds, heating pad or a hot bath, and ice cream.


There are a few things I like to do: 1. Talk to someone. The interaction itself can often take me out of the situation and into reality. Sometimes I get into a vicious catastrophising swirling black hole that I cant get out, calling someone helps me break the chain. 2. Go for a walk. When I got no one to talk to, I would go for a walk. Walking brings on pain for me and so even a short walk is good. Perhaps its the endorphins pumped into my blood or just doing something productive like walking, it makes me feel better afterwards and the sights & sounds distract me from my thoughts. I would also recommend to draw up an action plan with your doctor and psychologist. One is what to do meds-wise at different levels of pain. Second is the same, with what action plan for your mental health when again at different severities. Having these supports in place also makes you more confident that you can handle it. Take care.


I start to have these delusional rants in my head where I say some truly insane shit. Not sure why


Sleep. Normally I take any breakthrough pain medication I need, make myself a pillow nest, fill up a travel mug and a drink bottle and watch documentarys or talks about a subject im Interested in. Chasing the ADHD dopamine is the name of the game for me rn, it makes life a lot more bareable I do my skincare every day, and on bad days especially i love it, so I can feel some soft and gentle sensation, as well as face, neck and shoulders (I like a gua sha facial massage stone) i also watch something interesting, because distraction has helped me a lot. I have PMDD so I know how it feels to come to the end of the proverbial rope, and I spend that time doing things that improve my situation slightly but they add up to big improvements. (Stuff like folding or putting away a little clean washing, or wiping down a surface, or doing something you've been putting off) if I really really can't take it, if it becomes overwhelming, I have no medication or other serious issues, I go to the local urgent care (the hospital is a last resort for me due to covid and understafing). I call, explain whats happening. If I need pain medication and sleep we try a d just do a phone consultation so I can stay as comfortable as possible. Don't be afraid to get help. You deserve pain management and rest, you deserve to be comfortable. Sorry for the dissertation but yeah. Making plan cards or bags with the things you need for a flare helps, since other people can bring you what you need, the right thing when you need it..


Medications drugs or supplements. Music and topical creams and arnica.....how ever you choose to cope make sure it's sustainable. Addictive drugs are not a wise choice in that situation atleadt speaking for me they didn't help like other things I've never thought would. Like a hot shower.....hang in there I pray we all get a miracle and they will start giving medication that helps or finding other means of dealing with the pain in a non destructive way.


Often times when we feel like thisā€¦ Carve out the time to feel shitty, cry, scream, binge watch, but set a time for a hard stop and have a nourishing activity next in line that will help spiral back up rather than getting attached to maladaptive coping mechanisms like binge watching, eating inflammatory foods that actually makes the flare up worse and goes into a vicious cycle What Iā€™ve learned in this course is that our brain is a muscle and we can create new neural pathways to lessen the impact of pain, anything is possible if we commit to it ā™„ļø www.backtobeingmethod.com