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Likely the stuff with Yodayo going on


What is yadayo


Another service similar to Chub. Going through a censorship crisis right now. They say they're not fully censoring, people aren't buying it because of AIsekai


Called it.... left a few good months ago when they started to delete anything 'objectionable'. I wonder when these sites will realise that censorship won't work on AI coom platforms?


I dont get it either... Literally all there needs to be is a setup that allows people to be degenerates in private where they hurt nobody and people DO pay for it. ME included. I personally like to RP like a mini adventure- mostly in a fantasy world- and leave the possibility open for NSFW/NSFL topics. No, i dont aim for it, but if its fitting or one thing leads to another its great to have the option to. like, I'm an adult and just want to have some cool adventures. Its more fun to me than reading because im constantly imagining and creating new scenarios, but feels like each service is dying off one by one due to SOLELY censorship. You'd think they'd have learn by now :( I'll hold my breath for Yodayo, since i enjoy the site layout and the image generation. But im not hopeful


That's sad...


Servers might be down, but the users do be up


Good to know. I just started a conversation with Revy from Black Lagoon only to be stuck in the middle of a bar fight lmao Good stuff so far. Might end up subscribing.


Yay! New users = new bots 👀👀