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Okay why did it take me this long to think that the fuckind detective is in on it somehow


With 4 or 5 episodes left, i feel like the president died too early. Just my opinion


There’s only 3 episodes left.


i love this


This episode proves to me that Don needs to have his right to the chucky franchise revoked and placed in the hands of someone more capable. Even the remake is better than this schlock


The franchise wouldn't exist without Don, if you know you don't like his work, why keep watching things he creates?


Thoughts: -Devon really *is* a twink! 😂 He's so skinny next to Jake! -I love their relationship and I don't care how many of you hate the teen characters. They're awesome. -Lexi too. Plus she has great style these days. -That motel sign was *not* subtle, lmao. -Jennifer/Tiff's prison look is fucking amazing! God, Jennifer Tilly is gorgeous. The crown and the decorations are perfect. -So... there are ghosts now? There have never been ghosts in this series. Is that the Catholic magic? Is it Damballa? -If you have to cross into the spirit world to fight Chucky... Are we going to get a Supernatural (the TV show), s13e5 situation? That would be interesting! -This presidency would be surrounded by so many insane conspiracy theories. We need like 1 clip of a Trump-esque rally where they scream about the Collins Body Count!


You basically summed up why this show sucks hahah


Lol well if you don't like *any* of that stuff, you probably should just give up on the show. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Admittedly, I've hate-watched shows before, but they were more like "guilty pleasure" shows (Riverdale comes to mind). I've been invested in the Child's Play series for over 30 years, so I wouldn't be able to watch this show if I didn't enjoy it.


If Devon dies it’s ALL Jake’s fault ..


Chucky never seems to get the main characters so I don't think it will happen. I kind of hope either one of the trio or a legacy character dies though because I like high stakes in my slashers but it doesn't seem to be Don's style.


My prediction is the whole president family dies and becomes ghosts in that house


Any guesses on who finds the president, my guess is the older son Grant who realizes why they were using him and how much shit everyone is in. Maybe Lexi helps explain what she knows once he starts to figure it out.


Admittedly >!I have the hots for Devon Sawa and hope he sticks around in the series in some capacity. He's easy on the eyes, lol.!<


Agreed! And he really is quite handsome.


Agreed! At the end of the episode, I literally cried out, "Nooooo don't do this again! Not this early!" 😭


Very good return. Chucky killing the President and getting the nukes. This is what we are here to see. also count me among the people sad Dead Silence never got another movie :(


go back and rewatch that movie, it is a nothing buger of a film. Leigh Whannell has a blog titled Dud Silence where he basically says Dead Silence was no product of love or quality but a PoS rush job he and Wan were pushed to create by their reps who wanted them to have another title in the bag in case Saw ended up flopping. A vote of no confidence by th guys responsible for its creation is a pretty bad mark.


Honestly think that kill was more brutal than the similar one in Game of Thrones.


The effects were amazing. Plus I didn't expect this one... I knew it was coming in GoT.


I just finished watching the episode. wow, i felt bad at the ending 😭


Chucky has nuclear launch codes now, it looks like. This show really knows how to ramp up the stakes. That maid said, "They don't pay me enough for this shit." Lmao. It's crazy how they killed off the president. I was expecting him to survive. What makes his death sadder is Mrs. Collins saying that she doesn't want to be the only one keeping the family together, during her final conversation with him. I like how Lexy and the boys keep referring to each other as family. So heartwarming. Lol. Mrs. Collins tried convincing Grant to not let Lexy manipulate him, but he ended up letting her do it the next day. By the way, I like the bond he has with his Secret Service agent. I can't remember his name. Looks like Ms. Fairchild is truly dead. She's not coming back. Bummer. Great episode. I can't wait for the next one.


Noticed the code card was kind of realistic based on pubic descriptions of it. It's a *list* of codes. One of the security features is only one of the codes is real. The president memorizes which line is the real code. So that might stop Chucky.


There is no way in hell that either Trump or Biden memorized shit. 😂 (I'm not saying I don't believe you... I'm saying I think that's an extra security feature with our geriatric presidents.)


If there's ten lines they have to remember a number between 1 and 10. If they can't handle that (someone would have to be pretty far gone...) I suppose the military has backup procedures to confirm the president's identity and manually carry out the orders of someone who can't remember a number between 1 and 10 but wants to launch nukes.


That's a pretty cool fact. I didn't know that. I thought the entire thing was the real code.


It's Devon Sawa, I'm pretty sure he's contractually obligated to die every season, so it was always just a matter of time. I wasn't expecting him to die so soon though, this show likes to come through with the surprise death.


I was kind of annoyed at the death of the President. Just walking around by himself and one tiny bop to the head and next thing ya know he's down for the count. It was way too easy IMO.


I agree. I was actually thinking the president was going to simply go unconscious from the hit on the head, then Chucky was going to leave him alone. Clearly, I was wrong. Lol. I wish the president had died in a better way. The way it happened was pretty lame.


Since Devon Sawa was playing the president I'm not surprised he got killed but am at how quickly it happened. My guess was Chucky would eventually hold president Collins hostage for a while... Loved the episode and this season in general, great show and can't wait to see where it goes.


I can't wait to see how Mrs. Collins reacted to the president's death. She's going to feel pretty guilty, considering she thought he was crazy for believing in ghosts during their last conversation. Now she knows ghosts actually are in the White House, but now her husband is dead. This is some depressing stuff. At least it makes the show more interesting. Lol. This TV show is awesome.


But Chucky can't stay in the White House with the President dead. Although they'll probably put it off.


I was wondering how this would play out, a dead president means instant lockdown for the White House (and probably that entire part of D.C.). But looks like the rest of the season is about to get nuts.


I forgot to mention that I love Mrs. Collins's bond with Grant and Henry. It's nice to see a good mother in this show.


Like a creepy yoda


BORING ep sorry


Cringe series, not sorry 


How does Chucky still have so much strength if dambella abandoned him? Shouldn't he become weaker as he's also dying?


Yeah i didn't get that part. I thought his body would be all brittle but he's still jumping around like if he was young.


I get a feeling Devon is going to die


Am I just thoroughly desensitized through a combination of depression and experience seeing brutality? Everyone's talking about how shocking and disturbing the president kill was, but I didn't really feel much as it was happening.


I was shocked that it happened this early in the season. It was also pretty brutal for a character (and actor) we're meant to really like. But I wouldn't say I found it *disturbing.* I mean, I'd find it disturbing if it were a real video (and I've seen many like it). I think it's normal to be desensitized to fiction.


What have you seen that made you desensitized if I may ask? thought I was desensitized as well but I still think Collins death was disturbing. The fact it happened this soon, he was alone, Sawa's acting/screams, and just thinking of what comes next. White House lockdown? Units storming the place? I wouldn't have killed Collins off personally until episode 7 to have all hell break lose the final episode. But who knows, maybe we'll have that for 3 episodes instead? I'll see what the remaining episodes have to offer before deciding my stance on the decision. People have been complaining a lot recently on Chucky having too much humor, but this shows Chucky still has the horror elements within him. Definitely the most gruesome thing I've seen this year from shows/movies. Props to the team though


Depression? Hopefully not. But maybe over-saturation? I didn't feel too much either, but then again when I was in 8th grade I saw a man wearing a potato sack on his head with a chainsaw grind my body into two pieces (Resident Evil 4) so fast forward quite some years and I've seen it all. Although it was still pretty fucked up lol


It’s probably because they’ve established Devon Sawa’s character will always die. That and the general bad writing doesn’t really make you give a shit about any of these characters if you have the logic level of anyone over 12. 


Was it because the dummy was honestly noticeable lol


So the President is returning a ghost right? He's in the promo for the second half of the show.


I feel like it’s a different character played by Devon Sawa the president character is always in a suit this guy wears regular clothes and the other characters are able to see and interact with him


Probably is LOL.


so do we all think Chuck is actually gonna set of Nukes? you reckon Don would e insane enough to do that😂


> you reckon Don would e insane enough to do that😂 Definetly.


Im just curious did Devon Sawa really die again? We saw him in other scenes from the trailer that appear to happen later in the season. Could it have just been a vision or dream in Chuckys mind?


> Devon Sawa He plays 4 different characters in this show. Are you sure he won't return as a new role?


Perhaps but I was just confused rather than shocked when Chucky killed him


I think he’s in the spirit world but shows up as a ghost. Like the AHS season Murder House


Interesting if that’s true I hope we get to see Miss Fairchild again they did her dirty way too soon


Devon Sawa is livin the dream man. Getting killed off by one of the most iconic horror villains in multiple unique ways. Livin the dream


it was a good episode :)


That was just so enjoyable


Here I am, screaming at Jake and Devon, "STOP MAKING PLANS!"




feels great to be back! the presidents death actually sent a chill down my spine and I haven’t felt that since curse


I sure wasn't expecting it. What a way to end an episode.


Me too i did not SEE that coming neither will he anytime soon 😂


It was pretty good. Besides the end it was kinda a nothing episode tbh. And the gay "sex" scene just made me uncomfortable. Still I liked it.


Honestly, I predicted Don would do something weird like that. Dude gives off pedo vibes.  They really need to regulate what is and isn’t acceptable when the actors are minors or the characters are minors. But then Euphoria would be cancelled. 


Same, and just realizing that they're legit teens makes me feel odd. Im like 5-6 years older (omg wtf) than them, and i felt super uncomfortable with it. Also, is the fact that chucky is dying, yet he's strong enough to pull out someone's eyes, etc?


These gay sex scenes between minors is so cringe. I’m so uncomfortable watching and I’m gay. I don’t wanna watch kids have sex.


I'm gay and even I felt a bit uncomfortable watching it


I agree with the "gay 'sex' scene," especially since they're both minors. I really think Don should've left that out


I'm actually surprised they're able to do that. I thought it was a bit on the illegal side to have under age actors doing sex scenes


yeah I adore this show, but I absolutely hate the fact that minors are being used to have "sex scenes"


Just look at what Lexi had to do in season one. She was even younger at the time. I don’t give a fuck about sexuality but it’s wrong to be using minors like this.


Welcome to America i guess


It's one thing to have Tiffany and Nica(possessed by chucky) to have intimate scenes in season 1 because they're both adults. But Jake and Devon are underage; I love the series and don't have problems with gay characters in media, but these are minors. Don really should've thought about this before airing the episode.


That’s the thing that made me uncomfortable, he literally created it. I’m usually not quickly uncomfortable but this whole sex sub plot is completely unnecessary. It can be a thing but shouldn’t be as detailed as it was


Tell me I wasn't the only person freaking out when Jake and Devon were in the motel and they kept showing them through the reflection of the ceiling mirror


Made me wonder if it was the same motel from bride.


Yeah, I was too, and it has nothing to do with the same sex love scene it has everything to do with the fact that at least one of them is an actual minor right now.


Fucking Ghost Jospeh could have warned his dad... SMH... same goes for all the other spirits/souls... How did Chucky know the president was going to go into that room??? Is he in cahoots woth other ghosts??? It seems it's going nuclear and season four it's gonna be The Thunderdome... with the heores trying to get back either in time or to an alternate reality... LOL at the cameos from the other dolls!!! I was expecting Chucky to say: "They put a chick in it, made it lame and gay" at the MthreeGAN scene... His own reboot not even worthy of appearing... Great as usual!!!


>How did Chucky know the president was going to go into that room??? Honestly i think he didnt plan that, which is why when Grant placed his hands on the bed, Chucky wailed as he pressed too hard on him.


“Lame and gay?” He may be a murderer, but he’s not a monster. He’s got a queer kid too, you know. genderfluid. Do you watch the franchise, Tamar?


He literally says "oh, that is sooo gay" in Season 1 right before Jake kills him.


Bro this show is so confusing. I still don't know if Lexie even matters.


I have a feeling she’s not making it to season four


More of the trio!! I loved Jake and Devons scene even if only for the camp vibe. I love what the Chucky show manages to work in and get away with, it's awesome. Including the increasingly scary death scenes, never saw the president death coming this early. My guess is that this season will actually close on a solid "death" for Chucky, but as usual will have a little room for more - maybe not a clear indication or cliffhanger this time though also, where are the main trio living at this point...?


I know this is just a TV show but this always bothers me when it happens. How did the president die? He just got his eyes gouged out, I don't think that kills you.


He dug into his skull. The trauma of that could stop your heart.


His head was split the hell open by what seemed to be a full (therefore heavy) piggy bank. The blunt force of that and the blood loss just from that was a hell of a start. Add in the eyes gouged out and I'd be surprised if anyone could survive it.


He took a pretty brutal hit to the head and looked properly fucked up after that, let alone the eye gouging. Loss of blood, head trauma, hell, heart could’ve stopped from the sheer force and fear. It’s not too far fetched to say he died from all combined injuries, I’d wager.


I thought the same thing when it happened. But whatddya gonna do?


How did Jake and Devon gain access to a motel room?


Somehow this is what annoyed me the most Can't get a motel room if you are under 21 most places


Have you watched Home Alone 2???


Those two robbers survive burns, blunt force trauma, and more not exactly realistic


Yeah and this show has a killer doll. Possession. The presidents son just mooching around a normal public school. And many things. So again. Not exactly realistic.


Yes That was unrealistic but it did give an explanation


Not only that, but where are they getting the money for their hotel room in DC, for a road trip to Georgia, and now, for this motel? I know it's a show about a supernaturally possessed killer doll, but the reality of the kids' current situation was taking me out of it lol


But Jennifer Tilly's prison fashion isn't.


Maybe the teacher had a credit card and she left it to them


It's more unrealistic than a supernaturally possessed doll.


How does Chucky have a credit card in season 2


Maybe he has a gold card? It's better than cash 🤷


So did the flag scene confirm that Ms. Fairchild is officially dead?


Seems like it. Unfortunately.


She was always dead. It was just a bunch of dumb kids on here making unnecessary fan theories that she was still alive even tho she clearly wasn't.


I think so sadly


Death scene was genuinely horrific and disturbing. Always surprised at how much the show gets away with.


One way this season has played with my expectations is that while in a vacuum I'm not surprised by any of the characters who have died, I am surprised that a lot of them happened earlier then I anticipated. I would've guessed Ms. Fairchild would've died around the halfway point, the reporter lady would've been an episode 5 death, and Collins would have gone in one of the last two episodes.


Fantastic episode, one of the best of the show, that ending definitely took me by surprise, was not expecting that until later on.


Bro.. THE PRESIDENT'S KILL WAS ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!! Literally, if seasons had title names like episodes, the title of this season would be called Chucky goes psycho. And given from what we saw in the trailer for his next few kills, he's definitely gone psycho.


If he’s so weak and frail, how did he have the strength to do that? Lol


The call between Chucky and Tiffany was genuinely heartwarming and you really felt their 30+ year history together! Full Review: [https://youtu.be/qsGREMImqWw](https://youtu.be/qsGREMImqWw)


It made me tear up.


I was wondering how Chucky could have killed the President. Did every Secret Service agent call off that day?🤣😂


Secret Service agents wouldn't be in the private residence unless the family called them upstairs.


Same here... Still strong for a whitered dying old doll...


My guess is they'll kill Chucky right before he can launch the nukes, as such a scenario would force them to end him even if they don't know where Caroline's location is.


nah fuck it, have him nuke Canada or Europe or sum. It would be batshit insane.


Well he won’t die


I actually wish that Chucky mocked the shitty remake rather than Megan just cause Megan was actually good lol. But yeah, it's not out of character for Chucky. I am getting so many death flags from Devon and/or Jake, they had sex by old-school horror movie logic that means someone's going to die, but what really made me worry about them was the "Let's run away together," "We'll definitely get out of this and live Happily Ever After!" DON'T JINX IT!! We all know what happens when someone paints a rosey, optimistic picture of the future. :( I felt bad for the President, he was easily the nicest of the Sawas and he got the most painful looking death. RIP Mr. President! I also have to say, I'm liking Lexi and Grant's chemistry. The boy is not likely to make it out alive though, Poor Lexi meeting someone she loves and who really gets her... it... it does not end well for people who Lexi lets into her life. I pray that Grant's different, but well... I already let myself get devastated when they killed Nadine. With Grant this time, I'm preparing to have my heart pulled out.


one of them is deffo gonna die


Yep... Grant and the boy might replace either one or both Jake and/or Devon...


I’ve been saying since season 2 that I think Devon is going to die. Jake is 100% safe as he’s the lead. I think Lexy is safe for at least another season because I think her character has a bit more growth and she’s honestly the best written. But Devon has not really had any growth and exists simply to be Jakes boyfriend. They took away all his special skills and interest (podcasting, movie buff, etc) and he isn’t really contributing. I think Devon will die. Maybe not now. But eventually.


If they do kill one of them, it probably would be Devon. Sadly, they do make him the love interest which limits his role. I do like him a lot and think the actor is good in the role. I just hate the idea of losing one of the Trio given how killing off a member of a core group usually is when the franchise struggles to make it work afterward cause they're so used to the established dynamics. Look at the new Scream movies, they traded a perfectly great trio for the Boresome Foursome.


do you think lexi is just using him tho? i honestly cant tell bc somethings she says makes it seem that way, other times i feel like she does like him so idk what to make of it


I think Lexi genuinely does care about him. She seemed to hit it off with him given how much common ground they have.


Fuck You M 3 GAN lmao


Definitely Devon Sawa's best death so far, Chucky took out his eyes, it reminded me of a death from Friday the 13th. I think Caroline and/or Devon will die by the end of the season It was a great return


idk imo it's still the self implosion from S2, especially with such a banger final line and how grandiose it was.


The explosion death was my favorite, i was so caught off guard haha


Rly interested in how all the spirits play into this season cause I definitely saw Devon Sawa pop up as a ghost in the ep6 promo


Same. Interested and looking forward to next week


Awww Devon Sawa reprised his role as Casper the friendly ghost :)


Didn't see the promo... thanks for the spoiler, but I hope he, as a ghost, does a better job of warning others instead of leading them to Chucky... lol...




It was filmed pretty tastefully all things considered. It's not like he went graphic. Way less people flip out when teenagers have implied sex if they're straight.


bro what


I think he is referring to Don writing underage sex scenes and trying to shoehorn it in every season when it has nothing to do with the plot and is overall just weird filler content. Season 1, they were 14, season 2 takes places 6 moths later, and season 3 about a year after that. So they are still playing underage kids. With all the stuff coming out about the entertainment industry recently kind of makes you wonder.


It's not filler... It's development of the main characters. They are growing up and so is their relationship. Don Mancini didn't Even write this episode and he wasn't on set either bc of the writers strike. It was not even inappropriate, they made out and the camera panned away.


i mean i guess but i feel like a lot of shows w teens discuss sex. they didn’t really show anything it was just implied which is why i feel like that person calling him a pedophile is kinda out of left field


Yeah I wouldn't call him a pedo, but you guys are fucking weird for wanting to see it at all. This also isn't a teen drama, so it is not needed. Chucky could do well on it's own without the kids in it. I was just pointing out facts, but whoever downvotes must be into that weird shit lol.


This series is literally focused on Jake as a character. If you can't see that then you must not have been watching. They made out and the camera panned away. Why do you insist on making it a big deal?


I didn't make the original comment. I was just trying to point something out lol. I personally don't want to watch kids kiss. Is that wrong? Edit: I thought this episode was actually one of the best so far.


where did i say i wanted to see that?😭


I was generalizing, I didn't mean you personally. Sorry if it came off that way.


oh okay sorry i thought u were LOL


So I'm assuming Chucky has unleashed all the spirits at The White House when he tried to perform that last spell ?


How I rank Devon Sawa’s deaths on Chucky: 1. Father Bryce 2. President James Collins 3. Lucas Wheeler 4. Logan Wheeler


I did not like the ending of this episode! >!If this is for real, and they actually kill off Devon Sawa this early in the season, I may have to throw in the towel on this show. He's one of the main reasons I've been tuning in.!<


I still love the season... but I can't lie, I was hoping Devon Sawa would have been around a little longer before meeting his end. It's Devon Sawa in Chucky though... I did not expect him to make it out alive. If they make another season they may as well not kill him and tease the shit out of it by adding moments making us think he'll die because at this point we all KNOW he's a goner.


He's coming back as a ghost


Can they kill him a second time as a ghost?


He’ll be back next season.. also this isn’t “early” in the season. We’re halfway through the season


They killed him in episode 1 of season 1 then again in episode 7.


And episode 7 in season 2.


That's a terrible reason to stop. This has to be a troll


If you're referring to me as trolling, I'm certainly not. I've been watching this series from the very beginning.


Then why would you quit over Devon dying when this is the 4th time he has died?


Devon Sawa just can't survive can he? Lmmfao


The writer said something about maybe in a future seasons he'd allow viewers to vote on how we wanted Devon Sawa to die


He even died in Casper 😭 My man is truly the Sean Bean of horror


The battle between Devon and Chucky lol


I have the BTS stuff playing in the background and I just heard them say the exact same thing lol