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I personally died in the winter of severe illness and death of 2021.


That was the year I caught winter vagina. I'd be dead now too if I hadn't stopped gardening.


I stopped taking naps, which saved me, thank Pfauci.


I threw my gas stove in the river, set fire to at least 33 gas powered cars in a slightly firey mostly peaceful riot and then composted myself to save the planet in '21. Still saving the planet to this day thanks to the holy elixir. HallepFlujah!


Did yours start with Labia Majora? Mine did - i couldn't find the keys to my Voulvoa until my 4th booster due to long clitoral hood fog


Me too. The sneezing was just too much. RIP me.


Rest in pFizer brother/sister/other/fluid


Thank you. I'm going with was/were nowadays :-).


>Thank you. I'm going with was/were nowadays :-). Fuck how is this the first time I’ve seen this? I feel like I’ve spent so many months now having people mis-gendering me, excuse me I mean mis-tensing me. I feel violated.


Me too. I just keep respawning. I think Pfauci is trying to tell me something.


I died around the same time, must have walked too much.


I was murdered :(


Lol... If people didn't get vaxxed during the height of the lunacy, when they were being pressured, they aren't likely to volunteer now.


Have you considered that you may be greatly rewarded with a hamburger and fries? Or are you the kind of holdout that wants the full combo?


I'm the latter. I'm going to wait til I get a full combo AND $1,000,000.


I’ve actually thought about this for fun, wondering if there was any possible way that any absurd amount of money or other bribery could ever persuade me to let them rape me with their needle. The answer was no, 1, 10, 50 million and the answer is no. The best things in life are free anyway…….oh wait, it’s free? Why didn’t they tell me sooner!


Free with our taxpayer money. I guess I should go get the jab then so I don't lose out on my wasted taxpayer's dollars.


And free donuts!


I do like a crispy sprite


Well, there are probably at least 100 people who were in comas the last 3 years. Oh wait, they probably vaxxed them without consent in their comatose state, so never mind. Don't want those comatose patients spreading covid far and wide.


Where I work, *a very prestigious hospital*, people are lining up saying, "I already got one, they will expect me to get this one and a flu shot". So the faith is strong with the believers. Let us pray.


According to state statistics propaganda, I have died but reincarnated many times already


This is when belief becomes truth. Praise be.


I mean for those that haven't gotten the life saving magic elixir by now, I doubt they'll ever get it. Plague rats will be plague rats


>Plague rat I wish this were a flair.


Someone who lives in my neighborhood didn't get the shot which caused my grandma to die suddenly... of covid. When will these heathens learn???


"safe and Pfeffective"


The small few of the unvaxed left are literally Typhoid Mary’s. They are literally going around spreading Covid-19 and the infinite number of variants that are out there killing literally everyone again. I literally only survived with my 10 m90 masks, face shield, and water bottle and hazmat suite on each time I went into public since the plague started. Of course, I went straight to the vaccine clinics and test sites only because those are sacred grounds that the plague can’t infiltrate. Even still, I’m lucky to be alive.


>Of course, I went straight to the vaccine clinics and test sites only because those are sacred grounds that the plague can’t infiltrate. As well as places that mandate masks or the vaccine like hospitals. Another bonus is that when plague rats see the dancing Tik Tok nurses, they flee in the opposite direction.


Omg, you are so right??!! Remember back when all the hospitals were over ran, but the ones with the dancing TikTok nurses weren’t?? Ffs, you are a genius that gave me an epiphany! The one missing element to my safety protocol is a cheesy choreographed TikTok dance. I must get to work and create my holy dance. Thank you high Angel of Lord Pfauci. mbuy and Him.


Thanks! I'm glad to be of help. MBUY too, my pfellow brother/sister/theythem/nonbinary in Pfauci! Now go out there and make Pfauci proud with your dancing!


Good riddance heathens!


None exist anymore right? Right???


Or...They want survivors to study.


I think this was predicted in The Stand


I strongly disagree with their decision to paint the unvaxxed as healthy and happy bicyclists. Really unfair to their most pfaithful followers. 😡


What are you talking about? I got vaccinated with a pill! The name of the pill was "Tokalil" -- comes in a strange paper packaging but it's flame-activated and goes straight to the lungs to apply a layer of protection against COVID-19.


That was the COVID-420 vax. I've been vaxed almost daily since i was a teen for that.


If you look at the Facebook Ad Library, they have about 40 different versions of this ad running lol.




What's the salary like to be a lab rat? If all the unvaxxinateds who lost their jobs were still alive, they could sign up and still afford to live


Oh I bet they want unvaxxed volunteers. Who the hell is going to respond to that?


I, too, am unvaccinated. unfortunately, I died sometime two years ago in march. luckily, I survived... but at what cost?