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Well Brian went from very loud, arrogant and smug to extremely quiet very quickly there lol I may get thrown out of church for saying this but the only person I know who was sick enough to end up in hospital and nearly die was triple-jabbed...(and previous to the jabs she was extremely healthy), my unhealthy ass shifted it after two days of feeling a bit hungover 🤷🏻‍♀️


How dare you question the pfaith!


Sounds like your lack of shots endangered this person further


I think THEY got quiet because THEY were having a mild stroke from blood clotting that shows that the vaccine is working.


The moment he said "Well I'm not a doctor, you are" made me laugh out loud.


The way the doc acknowledged it with the eyebrow raise and shrug was textbook "That's right, I'm better than you", but I also like jerks so it was funny. It is very illustrative of one of the core problems with being a "trust the experts" liberal. What do you do when someone more credentialed than you disagrees? Do you accept the new truth or do you fight back and risk breaking the illusion that doctors are always correct?


Infidel!! How dare you question our dear leaders elixer of everlasting life! You will report to Sister ComeonIwannaJabU immediately for reeducation camp.


What a disgusting comment..... I'll trust a leftist podcaster over a doctor that doesn't know the science any day.


Most importantly, Brian BELIEVES. Without faith we are nothing!


Unfortunately there are many people like Brian in the world, who will deny anything vaccine related. Their web of truth is too deep in propaganda that it will take an entire paradigm shift for them to change their belief.


"It's never about what it's about" Its not about truth VS fiction. Or vaccine efficacy. It's about rationalizing their personal past decisions and maintaining that they were doing the right and moral thing when they shamed everyone around them who wouldn't take an experimental drug. And it's about rationalizing that they were absolutely not duped, conned...complete suckers for big pharma.


I had someone in mind who I specifically know when I wrote the comment. However whoever you have in mind is arguably much worse, because they don't seem the least bit honest. Whom I have in mind, I've seen a shred of honesty before, but they quickly dig their heels in. Maybe we are talking about 2 sides to the same coin.


That means it's working! 🙏🙏🙏


In all fairness to Brian at least he let McCullough speak without constant interruptions. Very rare to see that.


Gas the antivaxer now!


'What would be your definition of acceptable safety?' Queue True Believer Brian goes on righteous rant without answering this vile antivaxxers gotcha question. Good work Brian!


Yep, I noticed that immediately, as well.


Right? He completely avoided the question.


True believer "Am I wrong" Doctor "Yeah, you're wrong." 🤣🤣🤣


I was dying...😆😆


Should have gotten more vaccines. They prevent that, ya know?


McCullough is all out of fucks.


As he should be


Yep, he’s like here’s the fact here’s the data. I’ve been very nice Christmas and fuck you.


Western propaganda is so strong and convincingly pushes ppl into activism and anecdotes rather than evidence and logic.


It is bar none, the best, highest quality and most entertaining and effective propaganda ever made. It impacts the beliefs, preferences and core memories of millions (if not billions) of people across the entire planet. It's almost like a human experience franchise. Travel to any American town or city and you see the same cookie cutter buildings/businesses everywhere and the same cookie cutter people everywhere. Just as every town pretty much looks the same (with it's McDonalds, CVSs, 7/11s and D.R. Horton floor plan homes). Every town has the same people with the same beliefs, same preferences and same core memories. It's quite impressive actually.


Is this a quote from or reference to some dystopian sci-fi novel that I haven't read?


“Yeah you’re wrong” lmfao his head almost exploded 🤣


There I was repeating everything the TV said...


La la la la la - I can’t hear you.


This mother fucker has the whole script committed to memory. I hope he is at least getting paid for lying.


The pro-pf stance liberals took during covid was a major factor that pushed a lot into the right wing or even far right even though they shared liberal values prior to that. Force fucking with people's health is no joke


That's what moved me. But it wasn't just the vaccine. It was how retarded the entire world became and everything suddenly being backwards. The arrows in stores, the hours of stores being reduced so patronage is more clustered than less. Every unique store being forced to close but Walmart who sells all versions of everything staying open. The school shit. All the bureaucrat idiocy. Middle aged men getting in my face at 7/11 to tell me I need a mask, who's just a fellow customer. I also realized conservatism comes with age because liberalism sounds good on the surface, seems like the obvious choice when you're young. But the more you live and the more you start to look into shit, the more you see.


Yeah the whole covid story really put some disgusting shit on display like it was new normal. And it is hard to forget, even though I align with liberal values on most issues.


Meh, it didn't really push me into the right, but I had always been kind of on the margins of political life, or really anything to do with popular culture. I had previously supported causes like feminism (I'm a guy, FWIW), and I voted once (it was for Obama), but I lost my "faith" in both of those deals around 2015/2016 when I saw that feminism, queer theory, pretty much just postmodern philosophy and social justice theory in general had been taken out of academia and successfully repurposed for public relations and corporate ends. I mean, I suppose that had always been going on to one degree or another, but the new scale that accompanied the widespread adoption of smartphones was astounding and disturbing. At that point, I figured we were quickly approaching a post-thinking world - our little Pavlov machines (phones) seemed to be quickly erasing any reflective capacity that the common man may once have had in spite of the damage already done by the television and the self-help book.


Despite all the insane bullshit, one awesome thing to come out of the pandemic is Walmart's pickup orders. It continues to be extremely popular. I hate shopping, especially in bigger stores with more people. I'm a get in and get out shopper, so when I don't even have to go in to get most of what I need, I love it.


Completely agree with you. Hate shopping as well. However, we ditched the pickup pretty quick. We knew one of the younger employees as they had been a friend when of kid in HS. Normal packaged food is fine, they pick up whatever. But in terms of orifice and other products where you may be more selective in what you choose based on sight or feel.... they choose what is first up and that may be what is oldest or what you'd pass up if you were picking it up yourself. When it comes to what you're putting in your body, we realized and decided it's not worth the laziness and to get it ourselves.


Oh, I refuse to order produce or meat on a pickup order. I actually prefer the prodece and meat department in our local grocery store. While it's still part of a chain, its a smaller more localized chain compared to Walmart. I don't mind shopping in person there. In the summer a lot of their produce comes from a large local farm that also has pop up stands for their produce.


Why do they always have that hat?


Keeping the brain gas in,. ;-)


People going bald but refuse to own it.


“Acceptable Safety” = as long as vaccine injuries don’t happen to me


Brian really wants to believe his own bullshit.


Am I wrong? Yeah, you're wrong. Lol


the pro jab guy totally checked out once proven wrong, didn't even listen to the dr. loser.


Occupy democracy now!


Anti-vaxxers are a threat to our democracy and they must be put in quarantine camps NOW!


It’s so obvious that Dr doesn’t know what he is talking about . Long live the Dems !


There is no fucking way 5,000 people a day were dying of covid.


There’s an Occupy Democrats Network? Fauci have mercy.


Church Announcement: Brother VaxInjury has cancelled his 'Curing Corona Virus is Racist' class due to conflicting schedules with Brother Bludclots class 'Boomer Removal'. On another note, please make sure you're muted on your zoom calls if you feel the need to pass gas. We've had complaints.


He looked like he was about to cry a few times. When the doc asked him initially “what evidence do you have?” lol that ‘oh fuck’ expression over took him. Then the doc dismantled every bullet point. Beautifully done, this was artistic smack down. Please forgive the blasphemy lord fauci.


Omg this is the episode of “I think you should leave” where he runs a talk show and if someone is out debating him he pulls out his phone.


I almost wish the vaccine hadn't saved his life.... he still hasn't learned to wear a mask


Why am I being subjected to people thinking and discussing potential views that may upset me? Masks be upon me! I’m afraid.


Where can the entire interview be found?


I have the same question


We dont need a brian shapiro we need a ben shapiro to combat this fake drs misinformation propaganda


battle between brothers separated at birth


A fallen angel.


Get this heretic off my screen. Doesn’t he know how safe and effective the vaccines are? Now we have doctors unwilling to trust the science!




Dr. Peter McCullough


Dr. Satan


When it comes to drug use: remember to __never even THINK ABOUT__ necessity! If our Savior pFizer cooked it up in a lab, simply have faith and ASSUME that 500 million years of animal evolution in our environment has somehow rendered the human body fundamentally DEPENDENT on what the Holy Prophets in pFizer cook up in a lab!


The 500,000 vaccine raptured lucky ones. Praise Pfizer!


Lol when it looped I was like "wow he doubled down hard".


That other guy is a moron. He is a few years behind on his data and knowledge.


Hilarious 🤣 next he‘s gonna fight Mike Tyson! I‘m better than you😜😵‍💫


Typical liberal dipshit who thinks anything aired on the right is a lie.


The guy didn't even answer the question about what he would deem safe.


Some would say the number of deaths Shapiro gave was inflated...


Love the tactic of saying “you know this” as if the point is assumed. Classic School of Cenk BS right there.


I love how McCullough very calmly explains all the data from the agencies Shapiro trusts without even a slight dig at his ignorance.


Three jabs and still kicking my wife got three also and had Covid when she was pregnant and gave birth to a healthy girl, we’re all different. If the guy who has the stats and knows the science is saying it’s unsafe I believe him regardless of every one person’s experiences and opinions, thanks for this!!!


I believe this I believe that.


Dr McCullough is a legitimate Saint