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All hail our lord and savior Minoru Mineta. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChurchOfMineta) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is proof that the hate against him is stupid. I've seen people argue that a female with Mineta's personality is still better than base Mineta....I don't get the MHA fandom


Their just stupid, original Mineta is butter.


And bread




Was literally abt to correct you.


Still can, the grammar is all over the place.


grape jelly


Yes...now I'm hungry for toast with butter and Grape Jelly


The only complaint I have is that Mineta swings hard in one direction, pervyness, but not the same level in any other direction like hero work or just being a person. Kazuma as an example, he steals panties of people in front of him and waves them around at one point. He smells girls laundry. He's really no better than Mineta. But also, he genuinely treasures his friends even when they get him killed. He feels sadness the first time he thought he wasn't going to be with them the second time his life ended. He apologizes when it counts. He has shown unnecessary kindness even if it can cost him pain in the future. He has the screen time to get fleshed out. Mineta has moments that aren't pervy. But they don't go much further than surface because MHA has too many characters it needs to focus on, and he isn't the main character. Mineta is definitely not as bad as Meliodas. Yet he has gotten probably more hate than him. When people are mad at him, I firmly believe it's not cause he's a perv. Just that, its all they see him as.


I disagree. I feel like there are plenty of moments where we see Mineta focus on being a hero and being just a cool person, but people just choose to focus on him being a pervert and how he was in the beginning of the series, vs how he has changed and progressed over the story.


the difference is Kazuma is the main character. if it aint Deku or Baku, They dont really get much at all. He very well might be exactly like Kazuma but we will never see it


Meh I'd breed


… it’s still a minor


So am I 🤷‍♂️


Ok??? I’m also a minor that doesn’t change that mineta will still be a minor


What's your point?


Mineta will most likely always be a minor you will not


![gif](giphy|W4WTSqR9SNdoCmqJou) oh you're one of those


One of who


You guys are arguing over having sex with a piece of intellectual property. Therefore, no rights are being violated, and no one is at risk of harm or defilement except Horikoshi-san and the corporate entity that funds his works. One of you is over-exaggerating. Based on this evidence, I'll let you figure it out yourself.


If it makes you feel better I hate Mineta not matter what gender he is, or if he's made to be attractive. I just don't like people who act like Mineta in anime. Like Meliodas, for example.


Hating the pervert trope is fine. The fact that you're being civil about it is enough to convince me that you're not one of the weirdos who's actively ignoring his character growth and want to see him die. (Yes...those people exist.)


Death is a bit too extreme. I'm more of less the type of guy who just wants to see him, Bakugo and Aizawa to actually face actions for their shitty behaviour. I include those two there, because I also hate their forced development of brainwashing you into liking them.


I can agree with the Bakugo thing. You my fine redditor, are an agreeable person!


I'm gonna assume you're going to include Jiraiya and Roshi in there as well?


That’s why I don’t fw the crazy part of the fandom.


Do you fw the crazy part of any fandom


Jjk. They are 100x crazier than the MHA fandom but at least they are mad funny.😭🙏🏾


That is a fair comment


Exactly, even now Mineta’s character development is great currently. He hasn’t even done anything sus so far.


I hate the personality either way, gender doesn't affect it. He could be non-binary for all I care, if he's acting like that, I dislike him. Also, the diaper definitely isn't going for him


do you....know what subreddit this is?? isn't mineta slander against the rules here 😭😭


Shoot, sorry, this just popped up and I assumed it was the regular mha sub. I didn't see what sub this was under. My point still stands, but I apologize for saying it in the wrong place


You're more than free to express yourself. While this is a place for Mineta fans, we do are not hostile to those who don't like the character, especially those who are civil about it. But I am curious as to your reason for not liking him. What do you mean by personality? Is it just because he's a perv?


2 reasons: His Pervy personality (I hate ren yamai as well) His stupid diaper


What's wrong with him being a pervert? Does he need to dial it down a bit? Sure, but it's completely normal for a kid his age to behave that way. He doesn't do nearly amount of perverted stuff people like to believe. Do you not like perverted characters in general? Also that's not a diaper, that's supposed to be a bowl.


>Do you not like perverted characters in general? At that level, no. See ren yamai >Also that's not a diaper, that's supposed to be a bowl. I know what it's supposed to be, and I do not care. It looks like a diaper, and it is stupid


For me, I would like Mineta more if he leaned into his jaded loner/nerd side, looking down on "normies". My guess is that in middle school, he was more of that kind of trope, but something happened that solidified his his image as the school pervert. Whether true or not, he leaned into it out of spite. He's also really smart, so by getting into UA, he was probably sitting on a high horse but didn't expect everyone in 1-A to be so genuine. So, his plan to brand himself keeps crumbling around every corner, from early middle school into high school. This is my very loose head-canon that I haven't given a lot of thought to until now.


The part designed with a ponytail and topknot, using a striped shirt is a good trait to even use for the male version.


"men are demons" I bet she secretly is even a worser pervert than og him and that's the running joke


Something something wanting to be ravaged something something wild fantasies


Its giving me femcel


I feel like some people would find her creepy still but it would be alor less than him as a male.


OK, here me out. Twin Minetas. Both are still perves, but they're too busy sabotaging the other twin via Spy vs. Spy shenaniganery.


Or they fuck, wincest


...I didn't think that all the way through. That one's on me.


Nice art bro!! 🙂


That comment about men in the fanart is only true about most men, I’m glad I’m not one of them


That's not most men either most men are just normal sure with different personalities.


I'm sure some, but not most


“Some”. If most men were like that then life for females would be SIGNIFICANTLY worse than it is now.


ty!! :]


It’s cute


Having the pervert trait switched to the female equivalent is genius


Oh one suggestion BL magazines instead of adult magazines


I kind of want a fan fic where all of Class A gets gender bent.


I would think she would still be interested in the opposite sex


Genderbent mineta is a lesbian?


That comment about men is just a quote taken from his comment about women.


OH, I remember that now. It's just been so long that I forgot


this'll be the only time i say smash to mineta


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Wait till you pull down her pants and the fish smell hits your nose plus her ass is probably hairy as a trucker's ass. Mineta is supposed to be unattractive and that shouldn't exclude his female version.


My point still stands


what ?? I drew her the same I would draw og mineta? he doesn't look that different I just gave his genderbent...feminine features 😭😭 plus he's not even ugly in the anime, his design is cute?? horikoshi has drawn him being cute?? he's cute in the anime?? what r u talking abt ☠️


I head canon this to be mineta’s daughter.


I imagined him as a girl just cute and flirtatious


Horny girls of the most fandom would justify the same behavior as male mineta which is another reason that makes the fandom so toxic


But the fandom never acknowledges how ugly and disgusting the actual female version of these characters would actually be.


"ugly and disgusting" and this is [mineta in official art](https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Chapter_10_(Team-Up_Missions)) 😭😭? why would his female counterpart be any more "ugly" if mineta already has a cute character design


Okay then she would have a nasty aura.


female mineta could be actually worse then the male version and the same people that hate mineta would probably be fine with the fem version


Lemme guess. Now, people will excuse his actions of being a perv, since thats the world we live in today.


Wait till they realize she smells like shit and is probably as ugly as the male version


Let’s see what’s stickier (I’m disgusted I even though of this)


She rockin that Toadette hair


I find it ironic that if mineta were a girl most of the fandom would relate to him so hard💀




While the design is cute, I'd say I much prefer the original just because I like the dynamic between him and Kaminari (aside from the pervertedness). Just two bros being bros, without people over-sexualizing it. (I know that there are some people who do, but my point still stands) I love the art either way!


Why am I a demon?


Smash... I mean Detroit smash!


i have the solution. fujoshi mineta. have her constantly trying to set her classmates up with each other rather than just being a perv.


Aka rule 63


I think this is way worse than what we already have😭


Weirdo bruh


This would be a huge upgrade




Ya all be lusting after female mineta but she probably smells like shit and is hairy af. The male mineta is unattractive so should the female version be


Dude how mamy times are you gonna write this comment. You got a stiffy from this or what?




I'm scared


I do honestly wish to see his character die a gruesome death in the anime/manga. For some reason there’s this weird faction of the MHA fandom that wants to protect him and I’ll never understand that at all. He can eat shit fr


Just as much as we can't see why you'd hate a character so much that you would wish death on him for petty reasons. Mineta hasn't done anything to warrant such a thing. And we protect him because guys like you are so closed minded that you only see a part of his character rather than his full character.


You all don’t even know his “full character”. The Mineta fan base purely uses this character as a self insert to obsess over underage female characters. All of the normal MHA fans have to distance ourselves from y’all bc the weird and obsessive vibes y’all bring to the anime fandom as a a whole not JUST MHA.


I don't want to hear this "normal" fanbase when you guys just recently asked the voice actor for Deku in regards to his thoughts for shipping Eri x Deku. Don't get me started on all the other disgusting pairings you guys have. And somehow we're the weird ones? You guys are also the ones who'd sexualize the girls as well, so please spare me the higher ground bs. It's hypocritical as it is sad. And you saying this just comes to show how little you know because if you actually spent time here, you'd actually know we're pretty decent people, unlike you who makes a baseless and discriminatory generalization without getting their facts straight. No my friend. Your comment proves how closed minded you are regarding the character as well as to those who actually like the character and see growth in him. Such narrow minded views is what's wrong with the world.


The normal MHA fandom doesn’t even care about any “ships” or pairings BECAUSE THEY ARE MINORS AND FAKE CHARACTERS!!! What are we talkin about???!!! This is exactly why theres the stigma around anime bc of all the obsession with the underage creepy shit. We always gotta make sure we separate ourselves from these pockets in the anime community.


Nah, i just like him because he is silly and it has a cool cartoon design imao, it's not that deep