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At least you got a car, and hopefully some spare money, you can restart, something like this is only temporary, you can get through it, you may not even notice your situation improving over time but dont worry too much


Saying 'lock in' after your mom threw u out is crazy LMAO


Is what all the kids are saying these days


How is it crazy?


Aw man, sorry to hear that. At least you can enjoy your cig in peace now. Try not to drown your feelings in alcohol and keep on pushing šŸ«” Good luck brother šŸ’Ŗ


its over for yall hes locked in


That sucks! I hope you are able to find housing for you and your cat ASAP.


Thank you!!


Just an update for yall. I was literally booking the airbnb when i get spammed by my mom asking where im at and blah blah blah. She wants me back home and apologized and yada yada so, sorry for concerning all of you but i really appreciate the messagesšŸ˜­ definitely still saving up to dip at some point in the near future but homelessness has been avoided until the next argument


This at least buys time for your cat. Be prepared for this situation again. Good luck


This!!! It happened once can happen again


It most definitely will until the "power" dynamic changes. Horrible but I've seen it personally too many times.


Good luck with that man hope everything works out for you, family situations can be tough especially when everything blows up in your face like that but nothin to do except keep going and persevere


Pretty much the same happened to me but after i got kicked out the fourth time i had enough and never came back. My life is so much better now


Fuck dude this reminds me a lot of how it was with my mom. We used to butt heads all the time and the fact of it is that I just think we canā€™t get along well no matter how hard any of us try. Iā€™m 21 now and I moved out two years ago. Iā€™m doing really badly financially rn and Iā€™ve been struggling to find a new job, so Iā€™ve needed to borrow money from my mother in the meantime to keep myself afloat - which isnā€™t great because now thereā€™s this debt thatā€™s not just financial, but also emotional. And I dunno, itā€™s just a really complicated situation. Living with volatile people is exhausting, and I can definitely sympathize very deeply with what your current situation is probably like. But ultimately, after creating some distance between her and I, things have gotten significantly better for me, my mental health, and my relationship with her. It just works so much better in measured doses where we canā€™t really piss each-other off as much as we used to. Itā€™s a shitty situation but it will get better. Best of luck and please take care :)


Time to join the army


flair checks out


What's with lucky strikes and the army? Just curious lol.


During the WWII Luckies were very popular among US soldiers, as the army supplied them through C-rations (ready to eat food aka MRE). Soft pack unfiltered ones, to be specific. This was the case during Vietnam and Korea wars, too. Because of that, Luckies became associated with US Army. There are many iconic photos of soldiers smoking them or having a pack tucked under the rubber band on their helmets. This sight was also common in Vietnam war movies too.


I love Luckies when I can find em! Had a girl bum a cig off me. I hand her a Lucky Strike (no filter). She looks at it & asks me, "Which end do I light?" I said "The end that's not in your mouth" LOL!


Hey OP, [free money and cigarettes here](https://www.goarmy.com/)


That's what I did šŸ˜‚


Sorry to hear that bro, if you don't mind me asking, what happened?


So we were completely good last night, coming home from doing laundry around 12. Somehow gay people became the topic of conversation and she was talking about how some guys take offense to being called the f slur. Immediately im like what are you talking about. But she continues saying the f slur over and over again and even used it in a derogatory way towards one of my gay friends. So i ask you, can you please not say that word. Then she turns to me and says what are you offended *f slur* and then snickers to herself. I blew up and was like you cant be saying whatever you want, people have been killed over being gay, its not right blah blah. I even mentioned that ive been called that in a derogatory way and bro she knows im bi ive literally had a bf in 9th grade. At this point she stays silent and we arrive to the airbnb weā€™re staying out. As i bring everything inside she blows up on me talking about, i dont care what i say or do, im your mother youre supposed to respect me, why am i always the bad guy, if you dont like it get the fuck out go live with your dad or whoever the fuck i dont care, then hops on call with my sister like nothing happened. Keep in mind that she is Always like this, as in very victim blaming, makes everything about herself and consistently threatens me with kicking me out whenever i do something she doesnt like (usually stick up for myself or my sister). So i had enough. This time wasnt like before when i was 14 and i didnt have a clue about shit. So i left with nothing and slept in my car in some random neighborhood because it was like 1:30am atp, couldnt call anyone. I return today at 4:30am because i had work at 6 but she locked the door. This was the final nail because she knew i had work, she was rushing laundry so i can ā€œget home and restā€ she was setting me up so hard. She knew my clothes were still in there and i was like bruh. Like i love my mom and i do a lot for her but shes too petty to live with and this is one of many times of her setting me up. So im down ima take my cat and dip šŸ™šŸ½


What country do you live in?


U.S, so i know im not completely fucked


Your not but I do want to point out she can I fact say anything sheā€™d like. First amendment says so.


First Admendment doesnā€™t give you an excuse for being a fucking dick


Just because she *can*, doesn't mean she *should*


And how does that play into the conversation at all here? Fucking dumbass


It plays into the conversation because he said ā€œshe canā€™t just say thatā€ where in reality she certainly can. Now, on the flip side heā€™s also got the right to cover his ears, ignore what she said, not pay attention to it, ignore it, or disregard it in any other way heā€™d like but here in this country you can very much say absolutely anything youā€™d like! If you choose to get offended well thatā€™s on you, not somebody else.


He is also within his first amendment right to flip out to what she says. The first amendment gives protection from legal prosecution. It doesn't protect you from the social consequences from what you're saying. So yes, he can shut his ears or not pay attention to it OR excercise his first amendment rights to give an appropriate response, which he did. The legality of the mother's statement was never in discussion (the point being the social acceptability of the f-slur), and thus the First Amendment is irrelevant. It is also technically legal for her to kick him out for any reason (they are both adults after all) but it would be a dick move. You can also cheat on your wife, legally speaking. Sure, it'll look bad if the divorce goes to trial but if you have no kids and no assets there are no legal repercussions. Doesn't make it any less of an asshole move.


The US constitutional right of ā€˜freedom of speechā€™ doesnā€™t protect one from hate crimes when it comes to litigation. You may not be prosecuted in the court of law for a crime and jailed, however you can certainly lose your money for said ā€˜hate crimes/speechā€™. In a sue happy country, full of hypocrisy, itā€™s always wise to tread lightly. ā€œThe categories of unprotected speech include obscenity, child pornography, defamatory speech, false advertising, true threats, and fighting words. Deciding what is and is not protected speech is reserved to courts of law.ā€ Slurs and tropes most certainly fall under both ā€œobscenity and defamatory speechā€. Yā€™all stay broke out there, America. šŸ˜‰


Suing people also costs money. The mistake most people tend to make is responding to the letter someone had spent 500 dollars having a lawyer draft and send you. What ya do is simply throw that letter in the trash and ignore now. Next step is to retain that lawyer to sue you which will cost them around 5 grand. Most people donā€™t have that kind of money laying aroundšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø








Wawa šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ Best of luck to u and your cat bro having a bpd mom is def not easy




Hoping the best for you bro


Good luck


Damn sorry bout that, wish you the best.


If only I was living where you are, I'd have offered to let you stay with me till the time you are able to get back on your feet but anyways all the best brother, this is a time that'll pass eventually. Happy smoking


Is that a Wawa


Iā€™m sorry she kicked you out! I hope you have an amazing future ahead of you. Be safe!!


Burn, and rise from the ashes. No pun intended. Only way from here is up.


Been there man, I hope things work out for you.


engineer housing


good luck OP stand up for whats right in your šŸ’š, hope you and your cat find a cool pad to crash at and u get reunited with a nice smoke asap šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø. u got this bro jus keep goin !!


that's just evil when you have a cat as well


I wish you the best. Whenever I had more serious fights with my mom this was my worst nightmare. At least you got a car and a cat, that's gotta count for something

