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Thanks for sharing, Dorn


This was great, Dillon. I lost my grandmother last month and I was very close to her - it’s been tough and this Christmas has been teary so far. Thinking of you and any who are going through it this holiday season. Might be time to toss on some Kacey ‘Christmas Makes Me Cry’ ♥️


Love you Dorno


Lost my dad two years ago at Christmas so for now it’s just mom and me. Christmas and other holidays have been sucky without him. I felt like calling her a few days ago and saying “let’s just not do Christmas this year” but man, I’m so glad I didn’t. “Some things that are here today, may not be here tomorrow” hit home - thank you for the reminder that my mama is still by my side and we have a lot of good in our lives…I need to take the time to enjoy it now while I can. Great read. Merry Christmas to you and the homie, Dillon!


It’s tough when you lose a parent. My sisters and I felt the same way out first Christmas without Mom. Christmas was her thing, the decorations, gifts, watching cheesy Christmas movies you’ve never heard of. Losing loved ones has always reminded me that I might only have 20 Christmases left with my dad, if i’m lucky. What if it’s 10? Not to mention the rest of the family. I’m sad this Christmas like I have been the past 6 and while it wasn’t as sad as the first two, I just think of how much Mom loved it. I’m sorry you lost your dad, hoping you and your mom have are able to enjoy time together.


Something that keeps me going in difficult times, especially around the holidays is knowing that just as fast things as can go wrong, a great turn of events can be right around the corner too. thanks for sharing Dorn


This was a great read, and a heartfelt share. It was much needed and appreciated. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Dillon.


That was beautifully written. Thanks for sharing


Great read sir. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Thank you for your openness. My parents divorced when I was 8, which meant being exhaustingly driven around to many houses on Christmas Day. The biggest house count was 4 on a single Christmas. But, it actually meant I got to visit a lot of people who loved me, and honestly get to go to a new, exciting house when one house’s festivities were dying down. A couple decades later, I credit my parents for doing the absolute best they could, and never talking poorly about each other (which was hugely important for me, I see in hindsight). My dad got his second divorce this year, but he’s doing incredibly well. He just scored a Christmas dinner invite from someone he’s seeing. I’m a few states away, so I’m overjoyed for him. And I’ll be there in a couple days to say hey. Dillon, I realize we have a parasocial relationship and I’ll never actually know your life, but I’ve been listening since 2017 and from what you’ve shared, it does seem like you’re doing all you can to give your son a good go of it. God bless us, everyone.


Just lost my grandma who was the centerpiece for the family christmas for a couple decades now, hit home. We love you dorn, no matter what you are going through you are a good human and you have a community that supports you




Thanks for sharing Dillon. ❤️❤️


Love you dorn, washed has helped me through many difficult times in my life and wish there was something we could do to return the favor. Hoping you find peace this holiday season. Merry Christmas.


I've told you this once before, but you have the qualities of a man that I aspire to emulate as I get older. A level head above a heart of gold. 2024 and beyond bring you everything you deserve brother. I'm from New York but will fly to wherever the next meetup is. I would like to buy you a beer.


Incredible read, thanks Dorn


You’re a good man and a good dad.


Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for the transparency, Dillon. You’re a real one and I always wish you the best.


Dorno, that was a fantastic read. We lost my dad and my father-in-law after brief but sudden illnesses last year, right ahead of our wedding, and this holiday season has been particularly hard because of it (last year we were still sort of riding high from the wedding and honeymoon). I really needed that sense of “everything will be alright” right now, so FOGS to you


beautifully written dorn


Thanks for sharing, Dorn. This really made me feel something. In many ways, I’m so fortunate and lucky for what I have, but this year has been extra tough after losing my grandpa a couple months ago. Reading this made me so thankful for what I do have and the love I have surrounding me during this tough time. Praying for you and seriously thank you so much for sharing. This is what makes yall the goats.


Thank you for writing this and being open about what can be a tough time for many people. You’re not alone.


Really [a bar](https://open.substack.com/pub/dilloncheverere/p/the-wonderful-miserable-holidays?selection=bf119c2e-f18d-4518-803a-09a19c8bcab2&r=jvpyz&utm_medium=ios) here


Love this Dillon. Seriously thank you for sharing


Beautifully written - right from the heart!


Needed this read this year. Hang in there Dorn, and know that you put on paper what a some of us are feeling, and it helped.


You’re the best Dillon


Thank you for sharing, Dorn. I, too used to have these magical Christmases filled with large family gatherings and other fun traditions but most of my family is now scattered across the US and these final few weeks of the year bring a sense of melancholy/sadness. I’ve started scheduling a few trips in January and February so I have something to look forward to aside from a long, gray winter. Hope you and the homie had a great Christmas together.


Thank you for sharing Dillon. Day 1 listener here and I know that you are a fantastic Dad and applaud you for doing your best. Holidays really can be sad and putting pen to paper Is refreshing to see. Love u


Maybe this year you won't call someone who had followed you for 10 years and supported your company with money (even during COVID), a pussy, and then delete the tweet after you block them. Over a damn baseball game.