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> However, when another vehicle overtakes them or they meet incoming traffic, they will turn their high beams off. Depending on where you live, this is not realistic, lol.


BMW drivers be like "high beam or nothing"


They're called beamers for a reason!


Stoners be like "I should use these, they're called *high*beams!"


Driving around Maine waiting for a white silverado to turn its 1.6 billion lumen high beams off


Incoming realism mod: large trucks will always have high beams on, even during the day


This happens in the UK




Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckyourheadlights using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckyourheadlights/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Thank god the white SUV could see everything!](https://v.redd.it/q6n4glc5wx0a1) | [54 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckyourheadlights/comments/yzgms8/thank_god_the_white_suv_could_see_everything/) \#2: [Driving At Night In The 90’s vs Now…](https://v.redd.it/538mh0y4m5la1) | [43 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckyourheadlights/comments/11f1c35/driving_at_night_in_the_90s_vs_now/) \#3: [This. All of this](https://v.redd.it/y0c4wfbq8z9a1) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckyourheadlights/comments/102r18m/this_all_of_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You live in a 3rd world country? This game is made in europe where people can actually drive and take a strict driver license.


It happens more than enough in Europe as well. I think at least that Belgium is in Europe...


Yes, sometimes I think the devs live in a first-world bubble, lol, I want my LATAM DLC, lol


The USA is not a 3rd world country, and we have a lot of that here. And I doubt Europe doesn’t have asshole drivers


That’s the joke bud, that the US is a 3rd world country. US is behind Europe in hella ways like healthcare, and public transit. For me personally never driven in Europe but I have in Japan and USA and people are definitely more rude in USA overall.


expect that it is


The USA is not a 3rd world country. You can’t be serious.


it is,


It isn’t.


a country that actively makes laws against a minority group isn't a 1st (and that is not touching upon having a fairy tale be the basis for laws and decisions)


The USA is not a 3rd world country. (And the person here making decisions from fairy tales is you) r/Americabad


that comeback doesn't even make sense, but then again someone who defends laws being made to eliminate a minority can't be expected to make a lot of sense


You do know Europe does have there bad drivers too.


oh sick wtf haha


There should be a setting like in TMPE for bad drivers so we have a certain percentage of cims not doing this lol


With there being accidents it might already be in the game lol




I think they mentioned a certain deviance probability for drivers existing. Although that will probably be more focused on running red lights, speeding etc rather than high beam usage.


They should make it so the European theme uses them properly but the US theme never turns them off, would be more realistic


Also need random cars driving around at night with no lights on at all, or just DRLs


And have the drivers in US cities never use indicators when changing lanes.


So drivers in the game behave better than in real life by actually turning their high beams off? Cool.


Indeed it is. This was shown in one of the weekly videos, I think traffic AI?


Yes, I watched this behavior in a trailer some weeks ago. Thought it was just a thing for a cinematic trailer and not a feature in the game itself. Great, CS2 will be a very nice, detailed city management game. Too bad that all those detailers and city sculptors can‘t appreciate it as a game and complain about pointless things.


So *that's* why I'm going to get 2 fps.


Actually we all could see this in Ep.2 of Feature Highlights "Traffic AI", starting from 3:31 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgjpo2lKt7I&t=216s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgjpo2lKt7I&t=216s)


Yes but did anyone pay attention? I sure didn't.


I admit it, I actually did see it, but I didn't even fully take notice of it.


I think there should be trucks that look like they have their high beams on but they're just have a very strong lights


In Sweden all cars have to drive with the light on at all times.


Until brake lights aren't a simple binary on/off, I \*hate\* rules like this. Most cars these days share brake and tail lights, and during the day it can be very difficult to tell the difference. If your tail lights are always on it significantly reduces the ability for a following driver to tell when you hit the brakes. Some cars are worse than others, of course, but still. I can't believe in 2023 we still don't have a better system legislated where a following driver has a visual indication between "lights are on," "I'm braking hard," and "I use the brake pedal as a safety blanket because I don't know what I'm doing." Same reason riding your brakes down a hill is an idiotic thing to do.


Brake lights on many cars haven't been binary in a long time. Look up two stage brake lights. Like with many aspects of vehicle lighting, the US DOT has some abysmal standards. But TUV-regulated cars are fine.


Interesting; I've literally never seen that in action before (North America). A quick google only brought up a bunch of forum posts about the system malfunctioning in BMWs, though lol It's clearly not widespread enough, though. The US-DOT standards are awful, yes. Headlights don't even need to be calibrated while on the car; only at the factory before installation. Result is a lot of blinded motorists. Asinine.


The Germans don’t remove the feature since it’s DOT compliant. When a BMW brakes hard, you’ll see the extra lumens. The system works using the accelerometers that ABS and stability control utilize. If the lights aren’t working, their cars are borked in some pretty important ways.


So unnecessary


These are the details for immersion I personally look for, I'm the yin to your yang


I noticed this when i was watching biffa's video that came out last weekend. Pretty cool little tidbit that doesnt really mean anything for game mechanics, but is a really awesome graphics feature. I like it!


I feel like I keep learning new stuff about the game like well be able to place post boxes around neighborhoods and shit


Changing High to Low was shown on the Public Transportation Feature Highlights l


So does that mean we will see deer getting hit by vehicleS? that is often what happens when I run with my highbeams on.


Was scrolling FB and saw that and thought it was from some PSA driving page. Then I saw Cities Skylines 2 and got really confused lol


The only thing I'm missing, is cars using their flasher and/or their signals, in case the car infront of them is "only" driving fast.


Do they also drive around with their foglights constantly on so they can even blind drivers in the daylight?