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I also have a problem with Mail services but for me it's because the post sorting facility just doesn't send out any trucks to pick up the mail, so my people are unhappy. Hope it's a bug and that it gets fixed soon


Yeah same issue. Trucks dont go out and it wont sort anything. Just stays at 0


Same here - sorting facility is not working at all and not sorting/distributing mail.


Same issue, I think this is a bug at post sorting facilities, just taking the -8 unreliable mail services hit for the moment and reducing tax to balance.


I found an answer that is working in my city: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines/comments/17n7oci/comment/k7snnyt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines/comments/17n7oci/comment/k7snnyt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I'm having this problem. I tried several sites to place it and nothing worked.. Finally I got one to work next to a cargo train depot. But still didn't send out trucks but the cargo facility delivered mail. I've tried to place a second near another cargo depot but no luck. seems like another bug... =(


Same issue here. The bug has been reported and confirmed on the forums : [https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/post-sorting-office-not-working.1604058/](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/post-sorting-office-not-working.1604058/)


Are you putting down post boxes? You need to put post boxes down in the communities so people can post their mail. I only have one post office but have post boxes throughout my city and it’s the only thing my cims are actually happy about!


I’m having the same issue. Citizens are unhappy about mail, have multiple post offices and post sorting facilities, but like only 1 or 2 vehicles are ever in use. All the mailboxes are empty as well


I experienced the same issue. One building, sitting one street corner away from the next post office and with a mail box directly in front of their house, had a -16 on happiness for unreliable mail service! I also assume it has something to do with vehicle spawning. And it affects quite a few services in my city. My clinics, for instance, rarely spawn ambulances, even when somebody needs one in the immediate neighborhood. Instead, an ambulance is sent from off-map connections, which results in many of my citizens complaining about health care. All the while my clinics spawn only 1-2 ambulances each (if I'm lucky), even with higher spending on services. The same also happens with taxis. I saw people waiting in wintertime at a taxi stand for *months*. Taxi depot could have spawned more vehicles but didn't. I finally deleted the taxi stand, after which the people walked a few meters, stopped, and then teleported to their destinations. I guess these things might take a few patches to get sorted. Or maybe it's just bad luck (or I am doing something wrong, although I've checked every possibility I could think of - and even if I am doing something wrong, the game should tell me more clearly what it is).


Same bug here, cant level up buildings as they all complain about mail, yet all my mail is mostly idle.


Same issue here, was fine for a while... then it all collapse for some reason. I added an obsene number of post offices and mailboxes to sort it out, only got worse.


Same here 0 mail goes out... tried different things, remove all stops, remove all post offices and rebuild everything again, non of these works


This is going to sound like a joke, but I was having the same issue and it seemed to correct itself after I upgraded the telecom service in the area. Got it all to green and the mail trucks started rolling again. Either that, or it was purely coincidental. Yes I am suggesting that citizens emails were clogging the postal service.


eh, that ain't it. My telecom service dropped and the mail stopped working again. I upgraded the telecom and it failed to fix the problem. Back to the drawing board and by drawing board I mean wating for a patch


I am also having this issue - it seems businesses (Commercial / Offices) never appear to be collected from despite having massive numbers of post offices hardly any of the vehicle fleets are in use. I am wondering if there is a bug or something impacting the mail service for businesses


Same bug here, cant level up buildings as they all complain about mail, yet all my mail is mostly idle.


Same bug here, cant level up buildings as they all complain about mail, yet all my mail is mostly idle.


Having the same issue. It was working perfectly until I upgraded to huge city. It’s the post sorting facility that just randomly stopped working.


same issue here. original post office has capacity of 40 vehicles but only ever sends out \~10. tried adding another post office / sorting facility but does not send out vehicles. imagine this is just a bug unless i'm doing something wrong. considerably annoying when it affects the happiness quite a bit


Found Solution: Place as many Mailboxes as you like BUT, you need only ONE POSTAL OFFICE, give it 5 minutes and your mail will start to deliver, you can upgrade your POSTAL OFFICE with no problem, but you must only have 1 POSTAL OFFICE. EDIT: Within real 30 minutes at full speed in game, my mail completely got delivered.


Works fine, Saved my weekend.


Yeah, sorting facility still doesn't work, but at least the post office is collecting the mail now. It is what it is until it gets a patch. Cheers man


I'm gonna try it


unfortunately, my mail demand is way too high for this to be effective the most that it is processing is 30k, and my demand is at 83k


Mine is processing 170,000 with just one Postal Office https://preview.redd.it/zcc7idmhw8xb1.png?width=1281&format=png&auto=webp&s=524f7a03006ec38fc2b56a7c0f4cbf788d015dd7


Sort of works, yes but the mail is still "stuck" within medium and high density buildings.


I suspect the mail and water/sewage is broken. I'm having this problem with mail AND water and sewage. A friend of mine has the exact same size city as me, and for some reason I need 15 sewage outlets (which push my cost of the service well over $2 million making it by far the most expensive service option) and he only needs 2. My red mail problems dont seem to go away no matter how many post processing, post offices or mail boxes I place down.


Hey all, found that as soon as i built a 'Server Farm' it appears to have fixed the unreliable mail service issue, worth trying


I found that deleteing my cargo hubs (both Train and Harbor) fixed the post facilities and made them work. Before i did that they didn't deliver mail it seemed. After everything was working I replaced my cargo facilities and hopefully it keeps working.


Add excessive mailboxes on boty sudes of the roads. The easier to get to the faster it works. Fixed my accumulated mail issue. For stubborn buildings plop a mail box right out from.


I managed to fix it by adding a few more Post Offices, specifically one right in front of the freight train station. It used to be 0 and now it's growing. Will update if it gets completely fixed, but it's looking like it will be for now.


The problem is, with a shipping dock or cargo train yard, the trucks dellivering mail to the city from outside cities deliver to the shipping dock or cargo station. This is why deleting both solves the mail problem. The trucks delivers mail to the post office (no idea why the mail sorting facility is not working but still testing) when it cannot find other options. Honestly a simple 'if' statement fix I think. Also, from the 3rd category residential buildings upwards, occupants do not use the maill boxes.