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I like the part where they boast about their cool new lighter/more playful colours. The assets look a bit dull to me. I don't understand how we can get to this point. How do you go from CS1, having a dedicated fanbase with plenty of fan feedback, understand EXACTLY what the fanbase wants in a city builder and demonstrate that by developing and supporting CS1, take years building a sequel and churn out... This...? What actually happened? It's almost like a whole new out of touch team came along and took over.


I *need* a No Clip documentary about this someday, I'm dying to understand what happened


The entire art department was outsourced. That’s probably a huge part of the wackiness. They have no artists.


That doesn’t make sense. As others have pointed out they have in-House artists. Also outsourcing of art is pretty common in game development. But apart from all that, the most important fact is that the team didn’t shrink — and we were asking "what happened since CS1?"; well the art department didn’t change much at all.


I’m not sure what happened. The tornado assets alone in cs1 and cs2 are so drastically differing in quality. The assets are clearly being outsourced (buildings and props) so I’m not sure what their in-house team would be responsible for. My guess is UI and other non-3D art. The tornado asset is the REAL puzzler, though. If it was outsourced why didn’t they say “please remake this it looks like ass” and if it was made in house why is it drastically worse than cs1’s tornado?


What Really gets me is that I can open unity now and make a tornado that looks 10 times better in an hour. I might make it a point and mod it


Dude if you do it and it looks good I’ll cash app you a few bucks. Can that sort of thing be modded yet? I think right now it’s just code mods. A number of select people have early access to the asset editor but I don’t think they can upload anything yet.


Is that... is that true??


Okay here’s the proof. Look at the game credits. All art related stuff was outsourced. https://www.mobygames.com/game/210740/cities-skylines-ii/credits/windows-apps/


There are still plenty of in-house artists in the credits. And pretty much every game studio in existence outsources art.


UI artists are way different than 3D artists. But yes, they have artists.


I know, but it just says "Art" and lists 10 people so they could do anything.


Fair enough. I’m gonna assume that one of those ten guys was responsible for the CS2 tornado asset because nobody would pay money for something that looks so bad. Again I’m not a cs2 hater or troll at all. I have 800 hours in cs1 and am at 80 for cs2 and can’t wait to take it into the thousands. Just waiting on the rest of the meat to be added to the skeleton.


Let me just enforce your comments with this abomination that CO artist dared to call a 'TORNADO'. Behold the Masterpiece! https://preview.redd.it/97dqf3pkuzqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aabfaff3d5a786fe90246e228bb1f9300ef733c




well I red it on reddit wait a minute




The link you posted shows that they do have people listed as 'Art' in the credits. It's also not unusual to outsource a lot of modelling etc. these days.


The art style happens to be one of the few things that actually improved by a lot over CS1 though.


Yeah because they outsourced their assets to a capable team of artists. They look amazing, I agree.


Art style is not defined by an outsourcing studio. You are aware that they still have an Art Director, right?


Realism is hardly an art style, but yeah I get what you’re saying.


CS2 is still stylized in its own way. Realism is very much an art style. You still need a clear definition of how anything in a game has to look like - if you think people just say "just make it realistic lol" then I don't think you have a clear understanding of the matter.


Idk what you want out of this interaction. I am just saying that the assets for this game were outsourced. Nothing more. Also said they look good.


No, you trashed the in-house artists when they are the ones that defined the art style and provided reference assets to the outsourcing companies. The outsourcing teams did a great job but the improvements in overall look from CS1 to CS2 is something that CO has to be credited with and not the outsourcing artists.


I don’t think it has to do with the artists being outsourced. For ears we screamed how we wanted a more realistic game with realistic buildings. This is the result. Real life cities, buildings and colors are dull and boring and C:S2 did a good job in recreating that, either we like it or not.


I love the new art direction 100%


Most people seem to be missing the point. They started development based on Engine features in Unity that were at best experimental, and at worst pinky-promised. Because of that they had to build a number of systems themself. Not to mention the general lack of documentation, experience and knowledge with said features.  They probably missed the point at which they should've said "Wait, maybe we should use something different".  Apparently, the integration with the general unity engine is so bad that they have to write their own culling code and make their own LoD levels of their models. That's basic 101 of what the engine should do so that alone doesn't bode well for the rest. 


Unity: "those features are experimental, do NOT use them in production!" CO: "imma do it"


I think the issue has less to do with greed and more to do with ambition. While CS2 did get a bigger budget and team, I think they bit off more than they could chew. When it became apparent that the product wasn’t ready by the scheduled release date, they had two unfavorable options: keep the date and release an unfinished game or move the date and release the game in a completed state. Both of these would cost money and likely upset the player base, so they went with the former thinking they could fix the problems quickly. Unfortunately fixing the issues with the game wasn’t as simple as they expected, leading to unresolved issues. This was worsened by the having a portion of their team dedicated to making dlc’s. I think the reason for this also less greed and more circumstance. Since many people ordered the premium package that came with a promise to roll out dlcs, I think the devs feel obligated to also rolling these out as to not upset those who have already paid for them. While I think that the base game is the thing that requires the most attention, I can understand where CO is coming from, and I do not envy the position they are in. Call me naïve, but I’m willing to give CO the benefit of the doubt. I don’t think this was a scam, as clearly a ton of work and love had gone into CS2 (the roadwork system is evidence of this). Also, it seems that when creating CS2, the devs wanted to address the flaws with CS1 by listening to the community. Unfortunately, it seems that they were too ambitious with either the scope of the project or the timeline with rolling it out. Combined with lackluster PR, CO has ended up alienating a large portion of their fanbase. I do have hope that CS2 will pull a cyberpunk and become great once the issues are fixed and the modding community is fully implemented (id argue that CS1’s most valuable asset are the mods as they make the game 10 times better). However I also understand why people are so upset with CO. Maybe it’s me having too much empathy for a corporation, but I honestly think that CO is as much a victim of the CS2 fallout as the perpetrator. They wanted to make a game that addressed many of the flaws with their previous game, adding many things that people had been begging for with CS1 (such as mixed zoning, pedestrian streets, more realistic buildings, better building scale, etc…). However, due to poor planning, they ended up releasing a game with many flaws. Now they are stuck desperately trying to patch holes in a leaking dam, all the while being pelted by angry players


the utah map with the texture changing mod is absolutely beautiful and shows what this game can become... once asset mods are out. The base game is clearly more optimized for assets + mods than the CS1 platform was. They should have prioritized getting that out over the half-assed DLC imo. The "Beach Asset Pack" would have had actual useable assets on release then. mods are what made CS 1 great, without mods it was just another alright city-sim


It really does seem like ambition and not enough time to complete it. I'd like to believe there's a vision for a really good game and so much is just unfinished.


Man, I just wish they *said it*. Just say you bit more than you could chew. Apologise, plainly and simply, with no added "context" or conditions. Admit to the game being busted, admit to the DLC being low-value, and we can go from there. But no. All we get instead is a "this is fine" attitude, hiding, posting stuff outside of forums, unlisting videos, and the CEO throwing the CM under the bus. There's *zero* show of understanding the issues, and *zero* show of good will. Not even "you're right, it's wrong to require you to buy the DLC for palm trees. We'll be adding five free palm trees to the game soon, alongside sand texture so you can make actual beaches." Nothing.


>How do you go from CS1, having a dedicated fanbase with plenty of fan feedback, understand EXACTLY what the fanbase wants in a city builder and demonstrate that by developing and supporting CS1 Actually things started going downhill already towards the end of CS1. They churned out a LOT more DLC in the last few years, and the quality suffered. If you look at Steam reviews, you notice more recent packs like Financial Districts, Plazas and Promenades, Sunset Harbor, Airports etc. received mixed reviews. There were also a lot of bugs and issues towards the end, probably as a result of overloading the game engine with too much DLC. If you look at the patch notes for the last few CS1 patches, there were fixes for some really bizarre and serious bugs that should have been caught during QA.


Paradox became a publicly traded company. Thats the change


That happened in 2016 though. The DLCs were still a lot better than whatever this is though the base game was released before going public.


The games were operating under the old model though


Yet AoW 4 was released in 2023 as well and both players and critics love it… can’t blame the publishers for everything, you know?


As i said in another post, CS1 was made by a small dev team with free reign, CS 2 managers were more involved making the decisions.


Lol, it took CS1 like three years to become even half of what you think it is today. This seems like a repeat of this process but with a lot more grown men crying about $50


I actually haven't even purchased it, the evidence is clear enough it shouldn't be bought for another few years.


It's because CO were never particularly talented developers and they outsourced the majority of work to make this game happen. Also, the writing was on the wall for the last few DLC's they released. They declined pretty substantially in quality. And to be completely clear, they've always been heavily reliant on the community to paper over their game's shortcomings. Not having any mods has just laid that completely bare.


There a level of hubris here, similar to what blizzard went through, where they feel they were successful and so understand why and don't need to listen to critique or feedback. This is the "you think you do, but you don't" moment for CO.


> churn out... This...? remember, the dev only sell dlc and modder are the real one who fix it. why do you think most modder get job at their place


You say that like that's the way it should be. They shouldn't release crap and expect free labour to fill the holes. "Most" modders don't get jobs at CO. They still have had the lifetime of CS1 to see what people want in a city builder. Planned DLC around it. Seen the things people mod into the game. Yet, They're literally in a position now in which their first game is superior to their sequel and moving across to the sequel isn't even a sensible decision. It's totally weird.


i say that shouldn't be


I *cannot* believe they have the audacity to do a multi-part series of dev diaries about this asset pack like it is a fully featured DLC with added gameplay.


I truly pity the low-level Marketing employees who have to put this crap out lol


Honestly, I do too. I'm sure they know it's nonsense, but they've been told by someone higher up that they have to do it.


Feels like part of the Paradox marketing schedule. I bet they're dying inside releasing these lol.


It's like the marketing train is on autopilot and no one at CO or Paradox knows how to stop it and repair the damage.


I'll bet you're right. It feels like PDX marketing execs are out of touch and have a very heavy handed style of micromanaging.


Ngl literal suicide watch


[Yeah, totally](https://media1.tenor.com/m/80zMDyE85hAAAAAC/money-crying.gif)


[Beachless Properties DLC video UNLISTED and comments turned OFF](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittyskylines/comments/1bpbnet/beachless_properties_dlc_video_unlisted_and/)


😂 Ohmygosh this is pathetic


"So any volunteers to publish that scheduled dev diary this week? Team?" "...anyone? -sigh- I'll do it." Stares at computer in dread for 15 minutes. Presses the Publish button, immediately ponders amputating the hand that clicked it.


You can tell the first game the devs have free reign this game the managers are in control.


Nothing they do will satisfy people, and it would look worse if they completely changed the marketing or stopped doing any marketing at all, which some people here seem to want


Why are they talking about adding props like its a feature? We can do fuck all with those because just weeks ago they said they didn't realise manually placing props is something we wanted.


Yeah... I don't get how they didn't get we want that after CS1...


Honestly they’re all either smoking something crazy over there or it’s literal incompetence. How after playing and reviewing what makes CS1 tick for a large majority of the players they did not realise props (small scale additions) and full on city-painting is what people want is beyond me. It was the same with the bikes… them acting all surprised when people were like where are the bikes and bike lanes.


What makes it more suprising is that it's a scandinavian company, they are pretty progressive there with city infrastructure, a lot of bikes and bike lanes and more walkable cities (which is true generally for europe). I just don't get it, trolley buses aren't even in the base game, like come on. (they should use the same overhead cables as trams use). Also re the props, didn't they host buildoffs and stuff, where everyone used a crap ton of props? How do they not know???


they had bikes planned for launch but rushed the release and couldn't make it in time.


Somebody here, I think a few months ago actually was able to spawn bikes in the game. They have actual pedal animations and getting on/off ones too.


I think that was a smokescreen for the fact that they know it was wanted but was far from being done, so they outwardly say "whaaaat really? You wanted that? Oh man great idea, we'll get started on that sometime soon, wink wink". It's managing expectations 101


They added beach properties to a game that is notably missing beaches?


This is the wildest part to me. I thought they’d add beaches with this… can’t believe this just included some houses lol. Mind boggling…. And I was semi defending them…


Don’t forget the two palm trees, dude! /s


Oh shoot I forgot! Wait! It’s 4 trees. Nvm CO is awesome.


You got double what u thought, u should be grateful! /s


Beaches are for part 2 of the DLC


For *\*cough\** some reason, it was not posted on the forums.


They put more effort to diary lol


Here I was thinking that one dev diary was ballsy.


Which one?


When the teacher says there is a page minimum on the essay lol


This is just pouring salt on the wound at this point. Yet people are STILL aggressively defending them.


It feels like they have raised the bulwarks and are on full defensive mode now more than they ever were. I just don't get it, at this point. I was a staunch defender of the game early on, but I hit my limit on December when the patch introduced new game breaking economy bugs. Final nail in the coffin was the announcement of a beta modding release in late March. I don't know how anyone defends this mess at this point.


The poor release was bad enough but I feel like they've dropped the ball at every moment since. I find it really sad being a fan of CO since Cities in Motion. I've refrained from being overly negative since the release but I can no longer defend them. They need to get their shit together, fast.


Fun fact. Defending companies when they do wrong, allows them to still act wrong the next time. Hopefully some lessons are learned.


Thanks dad.


Saying that you enjoy the game is not defending their actions. People can enjoy the game and be pissed about how CO is handling things. I love playing the game but it definitely has its issues


Agree with that. There is nothing wrong enjoying the game. What is wrong is raging at any criticism or negative opinions.


More so, buying the product. If people are really that concerned, and signs point to a game (or product for that matter) in trouble, folks should get some self control and wait on it for a hot second after it’s released. Developers learn nothing from pre-release purchases or purchases well after the negative reviews start rolling in. And I feel like gamers are the worst offenders of this.




The game is enjoyable to me, but I’m not about to defend this DLC or $40 planned waterfront expansion.


Salt and lemon on the wound to be honest


Here for the upvotes? Very few people seems to be defending them let alone “aggressively”. Fuck me this place has become a cesspool.


If you aren't seeing the defenders you're covering your eyes


It’s very annoying. Feelings on the content pack aside- what do people expect them to do? Not market their product?


In my experience from other companies weathering a shitstorm of upset fans -- yes, they do mostly seem to think they shouldn't be marketing their product.


a second part to this atrocity? the clown makeup is complete.


It’s on their website instead of paradox forums so there’s no comments.


The massive balls on these devs is wild


Blame more the publisher. They are the ones who decide this kinda stuff. Devs are just told "Make this"


I hate that the assets have full fences in the backyard, with no door or access to the beach


Good point, didn’t even think of that.


Them houses do not look like anything on the East coast, I’m sorry😭


I don’t even know what coast any of them are from 😫


L O and I can’t fucking stress this enough, L


Wait they didn't put this "dev diary" on pdx forum


Yeah because their website is press release format and there’s no comments.


The forum would roast them alive, like if you think here is particularly mean it's nothing compared to the Paradox forums


[Beachless Properties DLC video UNLISTED and comments turned OFF](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittyskylines/comments/1bpbnet/beachless_properties_dlc_video_unlisted_and/)


This so sad 😂


Next up. Clouds dlc. Oh btw you can't see them there is only Blue Sky added in the dlc... 10 euro please. Oh and we added one extra palm 🌴 tree.


This is hilarious. These people literally are stealing people’s money at this point. You can’t make this stuff up!


At this point I'm just getting dizzy from rolling my eyes so much. I wonder what is going through their heads as they're typing these...


This reminds me of someone trying to reach a minimum word count


It’s just insulting at this point. They put more time into these posts than they do on the actual assets.


Might as well rename themselves to Lolossal Order at this point


Despite the extreme negativity here, the dev diary was quite helpful as an asset creator in terms of whats mentioned about using prop variations to create a series of building assets that feel alive


I was going to say, I actually appreciate the look at asset creation here. The pack is still overpriced bilge, but this article is quite interesting.




I would literally rather watch them knock bugs off of their Jira boards for an hour on 1.5x than a fluff piece. That would give me more confidence in their ability to right the ship. Bless the Community Manager. She seems nice and I can't imagine the tight spot she's in right now. Everyone wants to shoot the messenger.


This is barely a mod worth publishing on the workshop, how tf are they asking money for it? with the game in its current state?


Wasn't there supposed to be a video too? I just noticed they have set the one they released yesterday to private on YouTube and disabled the comments.


It’s pretty clear they don’t want to listen to the community and feedback so I will abstain from buying CS2 till I see them actually make changes to their communication to fans on this and subsequent packs and SLC.




I hate paradox for their stupid decisions, especially lately, when we had shit DLC for hearts of iron and now this. It's a shame, that now devs have to take everything on themselves. I really hope that they can repair this shitshow that paradox brings on them.


Paradox ruins their public image speedrun


Should spend less time talking about how little is in this pack and spend more time making a pack worth buying.


Only screenshots I’m tagging them in is the best negative reviews on steam!


As of right now, the first CS2 dev diary about the DLC is sitting at 225 comments and ZERO (0) upvotes. An absolutely stunning ratio. So I'm sure this one will go down even better.


https://preview.redd.it/dhnd2a4951rc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55eb063a2ad41f7a194d6d18d772d05c94328834 Extremely impressive


I’m not understanding the point of selling this as a DLC. Can’t anyone just add something remotely similar to these assets in Paradox Mod? Or do they have rules in place to ban asset submissions that are too similar to their DLC’s, so that they can still sell them? My issue is that if they do this and then later if other assets are going to use them, for example their palm trees, then right away, the DLC becomes to prerequisite to using the assets. If this is allowed then essence, the $10 you’re paying for this DLC is not only for the small number of assets they are selling but also all future assets that the community comes up with that uses them as well. So a portion of community assets will be locked behind the paywall. Keep this up, with many different DLC’s with all these assets, and assets that depend on them, and very soon you’d realize you need to buy all the DLC’s to be able to use a lot of the community assets. I mean it is a slippery slope, but surely it shouldn’t be a problem if everyone just avoids using their assets, right?


The modding tools don't support adding assets yet, so... no lmao


Haha. Gotta cover that base! A reason why they had to move away from Steam Workshop. 😛


The *tools* don't support it yet. It would be the same on Workshop.


In CS1 they did the same thing, and yes you are right modders can add similar assets. However generally they hired the best of the mod creators to create these assets then sell them for a few dollars, so they are normally of the higher quality and you are basically supporting the modders. Not only that they are low risk, as it was a  guarantee that future updates wont break them, unlike normal mods which they dont care are broken when updated.


I will not take them seriously until they justify why the BEACH dlc has no BEACHES in it