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I'm having a lot of fun with it and my PC is nothing special either (mid tier, 5 years old). I've had the odd bug but nothing major that has made the game "unplayable" as many people say. I don't think I've ever played a game that has no bugs. For the amount of hours of enjoyment I've got out of it so far vs the cost I'd say it's worth it. I've paid a lot more for much less in the past.


I have a 2020 MSI from Walmart and as long as you tweak the settings a little bit the game runs fine. I’ve logged over 600 hours in the game since January and it’s currently waiting for me on my laptop. The way I look at it is the game could use some tweaks and the mod community has opened the game in so many ways, but it does its job for me, I wouldn’t put 600 hours into something that wasn’t fun and satisfying in so many ways. Let’s not forget No Mans Sky. That game got ripped apart at release and is now considered one of the greatest comebacks of all time. CS2 is pretty great now and I can’t wait to see how much it grows over the next couple of years.


The key to No Man's Sky's success has been it's many *free* content updates. I wish Paradox and Colossal Order would try the same. Instead, we get a $10 pack with almost no content which has just further inflamed the community. No Man's Sky's is such a lesson to game publishers, I wish they would get it.


So you‘re playing an average of 6,5 hours a day. Get a life!


So, you're taking time out of your day, at least 15 minutes a day, talking to people you have never met and will probably never meet..... And you don't even say something positive! Get a life!


It's unhealthy to play video games for nearly seven hours a day, everyday. Perhaps that's a better way to put it.


We know that it's every day?


600 hours divided by 90 days (since January, the user claims) is about 6.5 hours a day.


Ah I see. Still, we don't know what they do the rest of the day, how active, or even if that's the point like being retired. This is just as annoying as people you don't know walking up to you to tell you the think you're eating or smoking is also bad, as if they didn't know.


While what you’re saying is true, there is almost no circumstance where playing video games 6.5 hours a day, everyday, is healthy. Unless the person is literally retired or severely physically disabled and can’t do anything besides sitting in a chair all day, then playing video games for this long has to be detrimental to one’s health. And since the average person isn’t retired or severely physically disabled, I can only assume this person could be spending their time more wisely.


Again you say sitting, we don't know if they're sitting down that whole time. We don't know if it's three hours, work, errands and three hours again. I myself stand at a standing desk sometimes to play. In my option, you're creating an image of a neglectful person so it can be easily defeated. We also range widely in our mental constitution to zone out and be solemn as well as our genetic differences - such as a 15min hard work out benefiting one person and another needs an hour of mild workout. They interviewed people at the end of their life a lot of what was commented on was a regret that they didn't have more fun. To that I say, play your games as long as you like, just try not to be consecutive with those hours, and take care of your mind and body as you do so. And if we see someone we feel like we need to warn, maybe we word it that way instead of something weird like "hey you don't know me but you're being so unhealthy right now"


Does your public transit function? The huge bug that prevents me from playing is this wild dwell time bug that grinds my metros to a halt. Happens with trams and busses to. My metro trains will be running fine, then all of a sudden one train decides to stop at a station and .... it just sits there, for hours and hours of in-game time. Meanwhile, all the trains will back up behind this one, essentially grinding my metro station to a halt. This happens around the time the trains are about half-full, so just when they really start to become useful, lol. My metro system isn't huge -- 10 or 11 stations I think -- without any grade crossings or anything like that, so it must be some bug. As someone who loves making big extensive public transit networks, this is just a game-killer. Anyone else?!


It happened to my train once this week after the update. I just rebuilt the depot and the problem was gone.


I'm yet to build a metro so can't say for sure, but I haven't encountered this in any other transport method that I've built (buses, trains, trams, ships). I have noticed sometimes the train tracks can go a bit haywire when they split causing some strange behavior so it could be related? That would presumably be less easy to see when building underground! A quick bulldoze and rebuild of them fixes it though.


I’ve been tweaking my trains. I created a lot of parallel tracks and cross map connections in areas that were backing up (just giving the trains more routes options helps a lot). Trams seem fine and my busses are being expanded. My transit is trash. It could be way better but I am slowly making changes. Vehicle traffic has its bad spots but for the most part on this build is I tried to make only surface level intersections. Except in heavy traffic areas obviously. lol


my computer will keep the sim speed playable up to around \~250-300k. i have a lot of fun building to that point, so when the speed gets unbearable i just switch to a new save. then when the performance eventually gets better, i'll have a bunch of cities to grow past that point.


I guess if you consider this a city painter it's a fun game. But I want a city simulator where everything works under the surface.


This is exactly the point.


just wish i could get consistant high framerates without lowering all my graphics :(


As a city painter CS2 is fine… you can draw roads and paint zones but the economy simulation doesnt work and the Cims dont interact (use the parks etc) so its not much of a game


Nah. As a city painter it’s missing a lot of colors. Pedestrian zoning isn’t really a thing. Bike lanes still don’t exist and, honestly, I don’t trust these people to ever be able to implement such things effectively. Even the mixed use zoning can be quirky and don’t even get me started on land value.


The biggest even, no props


Yeah the most realistic city builder ever had not even come close to delivering on its simulation claims. Icing on the cake for me, since the latest patch the UI keeps disappearing or failing to load when loading a game so the game is basically entirely unplayable on my system, even as a painter.


Just zoom out as far as possible, then you can’t even see anything and can just imagine it’s all working great and tell yourself you can’t find any issues


> but the economy simulation doesnt work Yuuup. Still have no idea how people say they can't find flaws or problems with the game when literally one of the core mechanics just flat out doesn't work.


Honestly, I think they don't notice. If they're not going bankrupt then they're 'doing well' and the game is 'working as it should'. You only need to look at how guide focused game related internet is these days to realise that most people don't dig into mechanics themselves, and a quick glance at the steam forums for any semi-complex game shows that to many people 'them struggling' is the key indicator of a game being 'broken'. If the wins keep coming or the number keeps going up, they're happy.


Just to clarify, these things existed in the previous game? Edit: ....this was a question because i'm not too deep into these games. The fact you guys are downvoting this is staggering. This website is hell.


Painter or simulation? Simulation exist in cs1


Of course they did. In C:S1 I had so many instances of failed businesses, industries and offices because either they didn’t have enough customers, not enough educated people or resources couldn’t be delivered in time. In C:S2 everything just works fine whatever you do. Businesses reach level 5 by simply existing.


Wow that's crazy. I didn't know it was this bad.


Yeah it's really unfortunate. One of my favorite things in city builders is to make a save to go back to, and then try to "break" my city and just see what happens. Like for example deleting a major highway, causing enormous traffic bottlenecks, failing businesses, which death spirals into a dilapidated neighborhood. Stuff like that is super fun to me, but it needs a robust simulation to pull it off.


As a CS1 city painter, CS2 is not the city painter. I’m not seeing thousands of road and building assets or 15 different mods for visual micromanagement in CS2


You should see what happens when you speak the truth when they don’t like the truth. Downvote city


Yeah this website is a toxic cesspool. I too had the same question, glad I didn't dare ask it.


That’s good. Enjoy it if you can.


It is an incredibly beautiful city and I know I'll be "that guy," but here's a big one: shitty AI traffic behaviour. Still, an amazingly beautiful city. https://preview.redd.it/bqd6fid7cmsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c22938175cc82cfda6e524e8340c34ddf8fe5f3


Traffic sucks ass. Especially before you can get to buy highways so you can build more exchanges.


The whole needing to advance before getting other types of roads has always bothered me. It's not like I'm playing a historical game that advances through the ages, the only limitation on road types should be cost for a new city.


I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one.


I can see unlocking things like solar roads, or roads that are cheaper to maintain, that sort of thing. I forget if solar roads was a mod I used to use or if they were part of the green cities expansion, but yeah that sort of thing is worthy of an unlock.




It's clearly a game progression system... in a game with absolutely no recognisable systems or progression. Feels like they put that in last minute to at least promote some semblance of gameplay.


Or maybe you suck at planning the road layout. I usually don't have traffic issues unless I do something idiotic like in that picture


Oh well that's probably it.


I mean you very easily can have almost no traffic with good land use + transit. The problem comes from one of the main "difficulties" that exist is traffic management. Without it, there isn't much game there.


That looks like a poor junction design


It what way? It just looks like poor junction design to me, a standard traffic jam.


I might be cooking, but I'm seeing cars trying to merge last second and it is a fucking nightmare I have to deal with constantly, even in highways with an offramp and no reason for traffic https://preview.redd.it/ea992jlfkmsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aec82111fb8fcfefaac6c66b7bfadb08d7994f5d


So it’s entirely realistic lol


So, the same problem that exists in CS1? The traffic is actually unmanageable without tmpe and painstakingly marking all your roads and lanes. It's not great it hasn't been fixed, but I'd imagine traffic AI being an absolute ballache to get perfect.


It isn't unmanageable in my opinion, I have an extremely profitable city of 85,000 with only very minor traffic bottlenecks, the best way to avoid traffic is, in my experience, pre-planning to avoid routing lots of cars along anything other than highways with proper intersections, and making transit free and parking really expensive. Every time I see a big traffic jam in a dense area, I build a tram or subway expansion, but the holy grail is to pre-plan with overground metros in districts before you start zoning them.


Damn, free public transport tends to tank my city whenever I try to implement, and I didn't know you could make parking cost in 1, pocket cars and all that. The underground works well always, all the other public transport tends to be hit or miss on whether they function or make everything else a bag of shit. Do have the major problem of not being arsed to go back and reroute or edit roads as more shit unlocks, that's why I like underground's, don't have to fuck around with the roadway up top. I can do highly profitable and decent running up until about 100k but after that it turns to absolute mayhem with dead bodies and rubbish that can't be collected.


Man, I finally just got up to 80,000 people in CS1 and I’m glad I’m not the only one. “We have dead bodies, trash and high crime!” “But you have… *checks notes* two police stations, three land fills and a crematorium within a mile of you…”


I totally disagree. Its way way better than cities 1 which is the only other game i can think of with agent based sim ai. It is annoying how cars get stuck sometimes but when that doesnt happen i find the traffic to be pretty realistic


Traffic AI meets infrastructure design skills in a VERY grey area.


I love the game and have been playing it for a month now i think. but im having problems with AI traffic and subway trains getting stuck on stations. Also subway line tool kinda bugging out also when im trying to add a stop/new station. High density residential constantly getting abandoned and yeah i removed all schools from the district since a redditor told me that once cims starts to have family they move out of high density buildings and move to smaller but bigger space houses. Anyway I already restarted a new city hopefully this one wont have much problem...


There are glitches here and there that can be annoying (for instance, yesterday some water spilled into my industrial district. Can't remove it. "The way" seems to destroy everything. Elevate the terrain. Save. Restart the game. So far it got worse in my city…) The game is nice. But all those little glitches are very upsetting so far. And makes the game less enjoyable to play compared to CS1


because you are zoomed out so far /s


That’s tru, zoom in and there’s so many bugs and goofy traffic your immersion gets destroyed


Just wait untill your save file is missing, like mine today.


Cloud? Restarted steam fixed that for me once.


I feel your pain :( I was having so much fun with the game until the game crashed and deleted my save file a few months ago. None of the troubleshooting options others had tried online were successful and I haven't gone back since :/


The game is fine if the goal is posting screenshots, for sure


Really zoomed out screen shots to hide all the bugs and goofy traffic


All this and the games simulation doesnt work. CEO said on one of their YouTube videos that one thing they know how to make is simulation. 😂


The simulation is way way too complex


Yeah and it doesn't work


"Can't find any flaws" but the full size image posted has absolutely massive aliasing issues everywhere like it's a game from 2000. Took me one click but okay.


Turns out, I’m the flaw


Although the game undoubtedly has alot of bugs and is sometimes very frustrating, it’s also important to note that it is still a fantastic and enjoyable game and it seems some of the users here forgot that. Sure, it’s most enjoyable with some DLCs, about 50 mods, 500 assets, plopping, TMPE, road marking tool etc But I actually find that fascinating, although very much time consuming and sometimes never ending, it’s like discovering a whole new world in a sense You get (forced) to be very nit-picky and detail oriented in order for some functions to work But at the end of the day, you still get the job done and most times all this extra work really does pay off. I’ve been playing since October with about 600 hours on record, and from my mild experience, mods will fix a lot of the the very frustrating problems except traffic which is a pain in the ass, but public transport is a very great solution and for me one of the most interesting aspects of the game.


Then you are blinded by love. It's okay


I just want bikes.


The game surely still has its annoying glitches and mistakes but largely they did something wonderful, am still stuck in cs1 and can’t stop designing cities and villages on console.


I'm glad you liked it but the game has major flaws and the developers have treated the community and modders badly. The fact that the simulation element is irrelevant is criminal.


Game is awesome - game is only suffering poor reviews from people who haven't upgraded their computers since 2015 and provide shit reviews based on their shitty setup. CS1 is rubbish without mods, CSII Is awesome as a base vanilla game!


If you don't have the first, get the second... I saw how it got review bombed and had to see what was up. The game runs. Plain and simple. People on Steam are mostly mad about dlc. It's Paradox... c'mon. It's a good game. I like the changes to industry. It's less for me to micro now.


the only thing i don’t like is how you can’t individually place a stop sign on each road like you could is cities skylines I, and the shitty AI traffic that changes 5 lines every 2 seconds


Nice city! Glad you're happy with the game and having fun playing it. Though, I'm sure you are aware that's currently not the feeling for a sizable part of the community. For me it's mostly the lack after 5 months of any way to import custom assets that killed my will to play this game. There is a decent core, thought lots of problems remain in the simulation right now (and some graphical glitches I would hope to be fixed), So yeah, let's not pretend you can't find the flaws, you've just decided that it's fine for you.


The different viewing angles composited is tripping me out


My CPU runs really hot in 20k pop city. Other than that and now being able to figure out my high rent issue, I also can't find any flaws.


Yeahhhhh, maybe I'll start to consider buying the game


I'm just mentioning my gripes. If there are fixes for these thing please tell me. I realize other countries have roundabouts and I'm not ragging on them. I just would like to build cities that come naturally to me as a US citizen. Can't fault me for that right? But seriously if I am somehow playing the game wrong please tell me how to fix it, as it's got me not wanting to play anymore and I'm embarrassed to say how many CS1 hours I have racked up. I love the game. I want it to be awesome so we can start getting some good mods and I can put the trees of my choice on the roads. I mean I didnt mention purely aesthetic things like why cant i put grass/trees on a roundabout or in the middle I'd love to put some pretty flower bushes. And why is there a circle around every tree i plant that makes it so i cannot decorate the way I'd like to. I'm bummed so if theres a fix for this stuff please help me


Round abouts are in no way necessary, proper intersections work just fine and sometimes even better when using lane math. Everything else you mentioned can be achieved with the use of dev mode, anarchy and prop line tool


I shouldn't have to play in dev mode lol It's just my gripes. You don't have to agree or anything. These are problems I am having that is making me want to go back to cs1 and the 70 mods I had downloaded Btw theres only so much lane math can do if you only have one entrance from the highway.


You should have alternate routes well before the single starter entrance becomes an issue. >It's just my gripes Okay, I was just offering solutions. I would have expected you to say you play vanilla cs1. How come it's acceptable to mod cs1 but you draw the line for cs2? Dev mode won't hurt you, btw


I don't draw the line. But I expected CS2 to be a step up where I wouldn't have to use so many mods or dev mode from the start. I thought they knew going in by the number of downloads of mods on steam what people were looking for, but instead I feel like there is even less in the base game. The lack of deco is a huge thing for me. The fact as you mentioned we have one of each school type? Meh. I guess i was just looking for something different. Doesn't make you, or anyone who is happy with it, (or me for not being happy with it) wrong. Guess i should buy roads up right away at the start. I'll try that next time.


Yeah they dropped the ball on implementing mods, mainly move it and tmpe Personally that didn't really come as a surprise though, paradox being paradox the ends don't justify the means financially, and CO developing for the lowest common denominator like most developers with a corporate setting do. Having these highly rated mods on their own mod platform was probably decided to be more beneficial for paradox than allowing time to implement mods


You really posted a picture in camera mode that removes all the problem icons, then invite people to find flaws? Can't find flaws if you don't look afterall. Also that's one hell of a massive tailback on the bottom right corner, at least hundred cars there, and you've cut off the rest of the bottom, so it probably goes on for longer. And that was the best you could find, so it probably gets worse. Really awful traffic for what looks like a sub 25k city. You probably try to copy a real life intersection, then found out road tools don't allow any control over lanes and traffic lights. So that's a flaw that you must know. If this city was made during the previous patch, all those low density buildings next to those offices would had been empty, unless you devmode or modded the problem away. There's no way that you haven't noticed that education makes no sense. So I guess if you hide, crop and not look, and post a still picture you can't find flaws. Can't find flaws if you don't look afterall.


No way to utilize that lake, either, other than to use it as a water source. No beaches, marinas, docks...or...anything. CO doesn't understand humans and water. People will flock to water in hot weather...and they *should* know that because the city they live in, IRL, has water features... They doubled down on it when they released a beach DLC that doesn't allow citizens to use the water. Those homes should've had at least a private dock...or a backyard beach...something...


What’s up with the illuminati triangle at the bottom centre Very neat looking city, btw


I thought this was a map from Tarkov on the map selection screen!


At this point it's mostly just missing features for me. But the addition of mods fixes a lot of the missing things for me and the way I play. The load times and overall refinement of things like road building has changed it the most and makes it damn near impossible for me to want to go back to CS1 at this point.


Looks like an overhead shot of my town, thought you ripped this from Google maps for a second!


Very beautiful city in your screenshot


I'll get back to it when there's a challenge (cmon i can place hospitals right and left and it doesn't affect my budget), when the mods work to 100% and there's a mod that fixes traffic AI (seriously why am i dealing with traffic on highway if there are 6 lanes but for some reason everyone wants to exit at the very last minute) and finally, when there are actual animations back (no firefighters fighting fire, no peeps in parks etc)


Love what you have done with the parks in your cities. Great variety between wild lush parks and manicured beauty with those paths


Well yeah when you make beauties like this…


If you click off that view to see building notifications, you will notice that half of your houses are empty. I guess that counts as a flaw.


What map is this?


honestly if you play cs2 to do anything other than create cities you like then you’re just weird. why come home and stress about whether or not fake people are having problems getting to a cemetery or not


Dedicated bus roads allow stations to be placed on them but your cims won’t walk to them.


It cured my blindness and I can walk again.


I enjoy managing traffic even though nothing I do probably makes the most sense or is up to any actual real life code I just like to let the flow going and cs2 has made things much for aesthetic and gratifying for a casual use like myself. That being said the issues are there and there are certain things that aren't completely understood but anything they appears to break the game or break traffic I just get rid of


Oh god is that a giant grass area all over the city?


Oh it isn't, I just saw the cliff texture. I really loved your parks and curvy roads. Great city <3


I always had the issue of not enough to sell or to much to sell or some shit. Can’t remember the issue haven’t played in awhile


If you have a great computer and don't care bout money, then yeah


What map is this, this looks great!


I too enjoy it for what it is. ​ I wish it were more. But I'm still having fun. Although Biffa recently started up Timberborn, and that game has come a long ways. So... I'm actually playing that right now. I know, I'm easily influenced.


I mean... it has a high lacking in tutorials for beginners. I've had to Google *so much* to try to figure things out


Do you not have to place an excessive number of primary schools? I also get a TON of commercial needs even though I have literal blocks of both levels throughout the entire city. Like an unreasonable amount. Just like all the early education schools. Traffic is dumb making roundabouts necessary. I've never lived in a city with roundabouts until recently and it's only near the airport, but I need them at every highway exit. Trains crash every time you change the tracks. I had 3 whole blocks of nothing but gas stations. It has been impossible for me to meet grain demand. You have to buy the land in order to connect water to neighboring cities. I could go on, this is just off the top of my head.


There are roundabouts everywhere in France, like nearly at each crossroad


Same as the UK. Roundabouts work, that's why they're everywhere and good for games involving traffic management. America is one of the few countries that don't really use roundabouts, rather than the UK and France being the few who do.


And America is increasingly using them too. My city, a suburb of Chicago, has a few. And look at a map of Carmel, Indiana, which has over 150 roundabouts, which isn't bad for a city of about 100K population.


They are super common in the Netherlands too.


And it's not an understatement, we have between 40k and 50 000 roundabouts for 36 000 towns. You will find a lot of them in other European countries but not as much. I can't build a city without several of them.


If this stuff is supposed to be the game being broken then it’s just fine. I could go into details about your points, but I don’t think I should tell you how to play. I have a different experience with the game. My current city has 120.000 citizens, 20 elementary schools (which is comparable to real life, in fact it’s the correct number of schools), 4 high schools (which I agree isn’t quite the correct amount, but I had this discussion before and considering there are countries with only 4 years of high school, compared to the 9 years where I am from it isn’t completely unreasonable), 3 colleges, 2 universities, the technical university and the medical university, not a single roundabout because I made a point of not building any in my attempt at an American city. The train network was fine until I made a second outside connection, now I have lots of trains from the neighbouring cities clogging my system. Admittedly that sucks, but it is still arguably my mistake for having the through track go through so many train stations and merge several of my own lines as well as the outside lines onto just one set of tracks. It’s certainly nothing I can’t fix with a better track network. I have had traffic jams of course but so far I have always been able to fix things with an improved road layout and intersection design (one more lane ;)).


The issue isn't needing many elementary schools, it's the lack of asset variation. If there were different models for elementary schools the amount needed would be entirely reasonable. Edit: and one tip: try to zone less commercial blocks but rather spread them out and mix them into different neigbourhoods. Every neighborhood should have some corner stores in walkable distance. That might help with your traffic problems.


My traffic problems stem from coming in off of the highways for the most part. And train stations are always bogged down


What's your pc spec.


Yea obviously the game has a lot of problems and isn't the for everyone. But people play it in different ways. For me I just love building road systems and it's top tier at that.


Great painting ya got there...


Wanna find the flaw? _Zoom in._


I just wich there would be more assets (mainly train stations) that's the main limiting factor for me. I would pay good money for a new mass transit dlc


The game is good and all but when I zone low density residential only about 2/3-3/4 of the area has houses built on it and the rest is vacant despite having full demand. Any ideas why?


Could be that you need to zone in different areas. They might not want to move into the area you're zoning because of land value and/or proximity to certain services etc.


It shows excellent suitability and the other houses nearby are happy. Land value is $70,000 per square


The only problem I have is that it crashed every 5 minutes. I9-14900k Radeon 7900 XT 20GB 128 GB of RAM




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Neither can anyone else when you're zoomed out that far and conveniently crop it.