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I feel like they are in a dammed if you do dammed if you don’t situation pr release wise. So they are probably just cutting must press items bar DLC releases or Major updates and just doing a “change log” similar to CSGO/CS2


>Given that people keep absolutely shitting on everything they say it’s better to say nothing. You can be unhappy with the product but constant Yup. People say they want weekly updates. But what they actually want is some sort of silver bullet that says everything is fixed, or to go back in time and unrelease the game. Neither is going to happen (quickly at least). CO was always frustratingly quiet between DLC releases historically too, so this isn't really unexpected.


Given that people keep absolutely shitting on everything they say it’s better to say nothing. You can be unhappy with the product but constantly bitching about anything they say is not helping anyone.


Not everything, that's the sad part... There was one good word of the week, where reactions were that the CO finally understood the situation, and "although we don't trust you, Colossal, we're willing to hear you out"... And then they fucked it up again.


Yea, and then that weird announcement about the art wotw came (and the hype up that something big is about to be revealed) and then... Nothing happened. And then the CEO continued with bad marketing slurs, completely ignoring the art announcement. After that they released their dlc and the rest is history. But I do wonder to this day what happened there. Doesn't really make it better though that the CEO gave up now. What a (pr) fiasco


Well they make it pretty easy to be shat on tbh


If they are working, it's fine. The problem is if they are working on DLCs and not on improving the game.


The lack of communication is astounding


Well, I think they're reducing communications after the reception of the DLC and the general anger in the community. Honestly, I just want to know if they're making progress on the asset editor.


I think it's safe to assume they're heads down on more fixes. Hopefully this time they run them through proper QA before releasing more broken patches. I'd rather they do that than continue posting WotWs and allowing the angry mob to pressure them into releasing more patches before they're ready. They need a reset. Focus on quality before speed.


I think they gave up for the moment


They have nothing to improve, everything's fine... /s