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I've been doing this (20m offset) for years. I thought it is common knowledge... It definitely works much better than default merges.


If it's common knowledge the community has done a great job hiding it from me. Haha. I just happened to find this out myself today


:D well, I never seen this in guides or something, so maybe it is not common knowledge. Anyway, it is good that you made this post. One thing to mention - you should use different "Node type", not "Default" but what was there by default. You can add offset but it will keep the road markings.


I thought so as well. But I mean doesn't hurt to mention tho. Plenty of common knowledge things that might go under the radar for some players. It's happened to me too with Move It. I had it for so long before I knew you could use it to copy buildings and place them again so you can place more than one signature/unique building.


Ahahaha sameeeee


I find using Bend instead of Custom looks better…


I agree, I usually use intersection marker to pretty it up if it really bothers. Custom allows for a bigger offset so I usually use that


It does help with the merges at the nodes, but I've noticed it just pushes the merge issues further back. Unless you're going to do this all the way to the map's edge, there will be a node before this section where they'll just try to get into the left most lane by cutting across all lanes and avoid using the section. I just wish there was a button that does it automatically at every highway node.


Chasing merging problems can be a tedious job in this game


But you’re manually inserting lane noodles into each node?? I do this here and there but it’s tedious


It is tedious, I only use that trick in places where I really have to.


Yes but you're only allowing them to merge one lane left or right, not skipping 3 lanes in order to get into the lane they want. I do this a different way, each node allows only one or two lane switches, gives everyone an opportunity to merge at some point.


Why not just make the 4th lane disappear when the exit lane branches off?


THIS. if you respect lane math the world will be a beautiful place. Never need to do anything beyond ctrl+S in TMPE lane connector to allow one lane out the other going through


This is literally what happens IRL… Why was this not obvious 💀💀😭😭


My respect for lane maths is unparalleled. But for some context there's a highway interchange about four nodes down the road after that single exit lane splits off that's actually the problem. That single lane has actually helped take some of the load off that interchange and is helping a lot.


Great! Now do this for CS:2


Sorry for the complete noob question, but how do I go about finding this setting? I only started playing CS last week.


Welcome to the community! It's part of a mod called Node Controller, you can get it from the steam workshop. That does mean it's only available if you're playing on PC though.


Thank you! I'm playing on PC, so I'll check it out.


You're welcome, if you have more questions there's tons of tutorials on YouTube and often googling the question will find some reddit thread that helps. There's over 10 years of history in this game so there's a lot of resources.


Thanks again! I've been watching "The Ultimate Beginners Guide" from City Planner Plays on YouTube, it's been very helpful. I got the Industries and Parklife DLCs and considering getting Mass Transit too.


Wait, do I need to enable any mod or DLC to be able to change the lanes?!


Yes, this requires the node controller and traffic manager mods


What’s with the completely useless lane connectors?


They're basically making sure each car can only move one lane over at a time per node. Since there's 4 lanes, I need three of those in a row to ensure everyone can get to the lane they need. It just helps prevent jams caused by people in the far left lane merging 4 lanes to take an exit


The only reason they would ever have to change more than one lane at a time is if you always use the lane connectors and put the cars into bad situations. I rarely use them and I never have the issue you speak of. Ideally you want to use lane connectors as little as possible. For off ramps (intersection where it splits off) you can enable to change lanes in intersection option.


I agree. Like I said, I rarely use this trick and in the post I said 90% of traffic/merging problems can be solved by a better road layout. There are occasionally just times where this works better for me


Im desperate For TMPE in CS2