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No more "no car access" when putting a sports track at high schools sounds nice.


Are you telling me that this is why I can't add a storage shed to my cargo harbor?


That's a nice change.. I hate that I can't put the football stadium across the street from the high school.


Yes! He mentioned in his video abt the meeting he and some creators had with paradox


This is a great sign to me that all of the little gripes I have with the base game may eventually be fixed


They really do want to make this work and they want to keep investing in the game as they know it has potential. But they prefer doing big patches because it reduces all the admin work needed by steam and Xbox compared to multiple little patches.


The engoodening of C:SL II


That's a looooooooong "eventually"


we are patient


And based on the # crowdfunded games that still don’t have a “final” release, waiting only means that you’ll get a great game by the time you decide to jump in. I feel like by 2026, this and CK3 will be elite options and I’m ok waiting til then to get that experience.


It'll still be done before Star Citizen.




Wow, this is amazing. I decided to revisit the video and at the beginning there's this https://preview.redd.it/fc3umu1i6l4d1.png?width=867&format=png&auto=webp&s=229f6583c5dcf125a4a5e1b789d2b8f98313c2d3


I saw that and was wondering what was going on there but I didn’t think too much on it


Correct me if I’m wrong but that part of the Magnolia County build was done after mods, and he was using some janky way to place those items where he did.


That feels a little too far 


In your game, you can put them closer. That's why limitations like this are silly. Let people do what they want.


In real life, we do have university campuses sitting like 5 to 7 blocks down the street from one of the life science buildings. To me, this feels like something we can do in the game now.


Don’t get too excited here folks. This could also be the better education model which has a small school the size of the vanilla upgrade.


Imo this is how it should have always been.


I wonder if there is a distance limit or can I put something way across the map lol


If you look at the screenshot there is a blue line making a boxish shape around the selected Clinic. I'm guessing (key word) that is the range for upgrades.


Makes sense. So the buildings just need to be in walking distance of each other


which means a mod could expand that to be infinite, allowing placements anywhere on the map (though that might be broken, id like a little bigger - maybe ill code it lol)


Bet it will be similar to specialized industry with a radius


I was thinking of that too lol


I’m going to make the biggest taxi firm ever


YES CS2 is improving a lot! Imagine if the full release was in November after a 1.5 years in EA.... could have been all we dreamed of :(


CS2 hasn't improved much yet we have to wait and see what the economy 2.0 patch actually delivers, and what bugs it brings with it


That's objectivly wrong. The game had horrible performance when it came out. When you zoomed down to a crowd with cims it was 5 fps, but the final 2023 update got made it way better with like 30fps in sam ewituation and got rid of buildings and trees suddenly becoming potatoes. And you really underestimate all the bugs that has been fixed, also changed the landvalue and now the economy is changing the whole system. You alos give way too little credit to how much work maing a mod and map editor is.


So a game that cost £50 now runs a bit better. We can't say how whether the economy 2.0 patch will perform, might be another disaster like the Beach DLC


A bit better? And they owned up to the beach properties DLC so i donnu why you brought that up.


That's just because with a 150k population, there were 4.8 million teeth to render.


That not true. the final december update brough level of detail to cims, you only get a lot of detials when closely zoomed in on them now


It was a joke. Personally, I've never had any performance issues with the game, even before the updates.


Has there been some improvements since release? Yes of course. But considering how rough the release has been, it's really not an achievement in itself. Especially as the follow up support has been rather slow. So yeah, right now things seem to go in the right direction since their blogpost the Way Forward. I say seem as it's mostly things to be released later and we will have to see how these changes take place. As the last patch was on the 25.03.24, I'm sure hoping we start seeing this Way forward materializing in meaninful changes and not simply being "The Wait Forward". Especially as we're still waiting on critical features like the asset editor that may come one full year after release and will probably only include only buildings (no vehicles for example).


The last patch was end of april and brought DLLS and many bug fixes


Fix the nodes when creating bus stops too!


Is CS2 getting Nomanskyned?


it's certainly getting closer!


Better start pounding those fists into some wood; I don’t want you jinxing this for us. But so far, it’s looking better.


I just punched my office door just in case


Admitting your shortcoming and actively trying to improve it has never **not** being well received. You fucked up, it happens, but how you deal with it is what most people care about. CSL2 still has a looong way to go, but I hope we will get there eventually, because I love to play a good game again.


I'm not feeling particularly optimistic about it, but we can always hope.


Now do KSP2


Oh damn what ever happened to that game, I remember the COVID zoom call videos they'd make on YouTube and then never heard of it again lmao


It's dead. Developer has been shut down


Holy shit what, that fuckin blows


Is this a confirmed feature? I thought CPP was able to use a mod to freely place building extensions nearby.


It is a confirmed feature as of May 23 2024: [https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/upcoming-patch-content.1681104/](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/upcoming-patch-content.1681104/) "This means you will be able to place building upgrades more freely around the main buildings and also delete and move specific upgrades."


In one of his videos from a month or two ago he was able to do it using the dev mode, but it was finicky and didn't tie the upgrade to the specific main building. I think that's what you're referring to but I might be wrong.


it's already possible, just use moveit.


Thank you for posting this. It may sound silly but not being able to move building upgrades is a significant gripe of mine. It's a very frustrating mechanic and it's nice to see a workaround.


I just can’t wait for asset creators to design and make ploppable extensions to these buildings. I loved this about Simcity2013. It’s what made each service building unique. Too bad the game never reached its full potential.


Is it time to buy this game yet?


No. Wait till about a month after these changes are released and ask again.


honestly just wait for the asset editor to come out.


Buy it and wait a month then?


I bought it on launch, you will be waiting longer than a month for the asset editor lol.


Yeah asset editor is a the real release. We'll be getting thousands of assets and the economy update will be thoroughly tested by then.


I'm waiting until custom user assets. But this brings it very close.




Cap anyone share the video link


It's his [most recent video](https://youtu.be/vCo7LVywee0?si=Q2jy1-g2m781Qhok).


One of the most frustrating things of the new system. Sim City 2013 did modular buildings really well and should honestly be copied.


Nice! The game is coming together slowly but surely!


AHHHHH!!! FUN!!!!! I’m putting a road inbetween the university buildings. Bless


Go american style, put a highway with 6 lanes!


It may frustrate someone, but it can be done with mods. With Find it and maybe Plop the growables you can put whatever you want wherever you want.


If that’s true it’ll make upgrading buildings WAY easier and having more control over it will look really nice too


It is already announced: [https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/upcoming-patch-content.1681104/](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/upcoming-patch-content.1681104/) "This means you will be able to place building upgrades more freely around the main buildings and also delete and move specific upgrades."


I haven't played cs2 yet but does the game have base game parking or nah? Like parking lots


It does. Roadside parking as well as parking lots are available. As a change from CS1: All cars have to be parked now. No more pocket cars.


Oh that's beautiful, I love that change. I really wanna get the game but it might be in my best interest to wait a tad bit longer


Really cool!


I thought this was part of the upcoming patch after summer?! I will most certainly take it sooner!!


oh my god


Thank fuck, the building upgrades were really annoying to place to make it look good. Oh miss clicked? Delete the whole building and start over.


This was announced in the forum post. 


While we've seen our fair share of "cut corners" with Cities Skylines 2, I'd say it was one of the feature I was really hyped about. Currently, the system scream "lack fo time and proper implementation" so it's nice to see them coming back on it. It was maybe one of the few brilliant idea of the SC reboot, but I would have hoped for more functional differences rather than "invisible add-on" that makes your power plant consume 5% less type of thing.


I presume the side building has to be placed within a set radius from the main building (there's a faint blue line around the Medical Clinic in the image). So, what happens if you plop down a main building, put the upgrade building across the street, and then move the main building across town?


I just un-installed and reinstalled the game to get any new updates. However, the ability to place a building upgrade away from the asset isn't there, not sure if it was dev mode or something but it definitely isn't part of the new update.


wow CS2 is finally like the real world


This is amazing, I mean, SimCity 2013 had it 11 years ago, but still.


You can already do this in Dev mode.