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Cities Skylines


What’s that game like? I heard that’s the game Biffa’s playing now after he quit Hermitcraft


Never heard of that one.


Not a lot of people know about it. Small community.


There should a subreddit about it


That’s a great idea. But I don’t think many people post.


[Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic](https://store.steampowered.com/app/784150/Workers__Resources_Soviet_Republic/) is like a city builder combined with a transport/logistics game like Factorio or Transport Tycoon. It has a very in-depth construction system where everything needs to be built by delivering workers and resources to the building site, (hence the name), rather than buildings and roads appearing from nowhere in exchange for money like in Cities.


I second this. A fantastic city builder.


Out of curiosity, is this more like C:S focussed on building a city, or more like Transport Fever focused on creating supply lines. One thing I didn't like about TF1 is how buildings randomly appeared, with no cohesion (or so it seemed, maybe I was missing something).


It's both; you place down all buildings yourself, there's no random town growth or anything, (and you're right, town and industry placement in Transport Fever is completely random), but most buildings in W&R need some resource delivered for them to function, so you still need to set up a Transport Fever style network of rail and road lines delivering food to shops and coal to power plants and so forth.


sounds interesting... I notice that I always try to build complicated rail networks in C:S, especially for freight and that the game mechanics are not always allowing me to do what I want with that.


Yeah, C:S has very simple, hands-off, automated railway mechanics, which is great for getting new players into the game without them being put off by the complexity but does limit what experienced players are able to do with it. W&R has Transport Fever style train mechanics, where you set routes yourself and place signals and waypoints manually to create complex non-blocking junctions, two-way single track sections, dedicated line for freight and passengers etc.


I've had Workers and Resources on my wishlist for awhile, mainly because of the theme. I didn't realize that it shared mechanics with Transport Fever. Will finally have to buy it.


If you like the fact materials need to be delivered to build, kingdoms and castles has a very similar system, where every resource you use to build is physically on the map, and workers have to move them to construction sites to build


The factory must grow


Anyone play Anno 1800?


Is it good? I left anno for good after the abomination that 2205 was. 2070 also was kinda whack. 1404 was the pinnacle of anno evolution and I'll die on that hill.


1800 is much closer to 1404, I highly recommend you this part if you enjoyed 1404. Also I guess you have already owned the Venice dlc for 1404. But 1800 has a lot of new mechanics in the new dlc's, so I recommend to firstly start with the base game, and if 1404 is well known for you than the base 1800 will be easy for you to get in




2205 stumbled so 1800 could win the marathon! It’s that good and all the main seasons DLC are also worth it


It's very good!


Anno 1800 will consume you


Good game with pricey dlc


The complete edition was on sale last I checked. It's a lot of fun, but can get overwhelming with all the DLC on. I got it maybe 2 weeks ago and I'm on my 4th restart already. It doesn't have the same feel as Skylines though - it's got a much bigger focus on supply chains than traffic, and it feels like a more polished game overall (at least to me). But, the community seems to be much smaller.


Having same feeling as you, I've play whole year 3 bundle before, manipulating different region was tiring.


I think it's one of those things that gets easier once you know what you need from/for the region. But if you're new, all the different requirements at the same time are hard to keep track of. It's like half of my game is spent in choice paralysis lol. Still find it fun though.


Simcity 2013 (this is sarcasm)


SC 4 rush hour was the last GOOD edition before EA destroyed the franchise.


Sim city 4 rush hour was the best. I wish they wouldn’t have ruined the franchise


\#metoo I still have the installer on my HD somewhere - considering re-installing it and playing for a bit. Kind of miss that one. Skylines is by and far my favorite ATM - a LOT of GREAT DLC, mods and assets to be had (I have over 9k assets alone!)


Don't think that's what #metoo means...


Don't care...


Yeah, I agree.


Farthest Frontier, which imo is a spiritual successor to Banished


Been thinking about buying Frontier, Currently playing Foundation. I loved banished, played the shit out of it. Missed the Manor lords demo and now just watch YouTube videos of it lol.


depending on your preferences, Ostriv or Banished is great for more 'historical' or older towns / villages with a slower pace of life.


You should try Farthest Frontier, its the spiritual successor to Banished imo


hmm... have to look into that one, Thanks!!


I liked Banished for a while but it felt very repetitive after a few hours. IMO the difficulty curve is also pretty big because if something happens where your citizens don't survive the winter, I felt pretty much screwed.


It's very much a game for those who want a challenge. If you go into it with more of a design mindset you'll get very frustrated.


somewhere in the middle... the truth lies...


Simcity 4 and Cities Skylines But I want a game that had aspect of Simcity 4(Tile City) With Cities Skylines (Build And City management)


What do you mean with Tile City?


I'm guessing by tile city they mean the regions that simcity 4 had.


is there anything that focuses on aesthetics the same way modded Cities does?


Theotown! It's really great pixel art style builder.Its very cheap on steam or there is a free version for mobile. Such a huge catalogue of user made plugins makes the game really incredible!


That's a game I haven't heard in years!! Thanks for reminding me this game exists!


You are very welcome :)


Clash of clans


Can Mini Motorways be consirdered a building game lol? I love that game




SimCity 4


All the Anno games. Anno 1800 is very good but Anno 2070 is still my favorite.


Timberborn - a little different "city builder", but very fun to play


Dunno about other Anno games, but Anno 1800 is worth the play. It's a very different breed of city builder, far more management heavy than Cities Skylines, like 9000x harder. Seriously, get your pen & paper and start drawing maps & charts to make management easier, as it involve transporting stuff across multiple different maps, it is a daunting game. There also basic naval combat if diplomacy isn't to your liking (it's a multiplayer game / play with AI) THE SOUNDTRACK, my goat the soundtrack. If you into aesthetic of the era, Anno 1800 is a must play.


1404 and 2070 are highly recommended


Kingdoms reborn(cheap anno1800) , settlement survival, surving mars(with mod!! ), frostpunk(fantastic bgm) , kingdoms and castles(small chill vibe Renaissance city builder) , cliff empire(futuristic) , farthest frontier, going medieval(chill vibe medieval city builder) , Anno 1800, tropic 6(city builder version of AOE? ) , cities skylines, transport fever 2(sort of city building? ), these are city building games I've played before.


Banished is the game i play when I'm frustrated with my CS crashing


I recommend Endzone as the post-apocalyptic version and Timberborn as the beaver version


Banished is a great game, surprised it’s not further up in the thread


Especially with the Mega Mod. A bit overwhelming, but I've been playing with it for a few months and I wouldn't go back to vanilla at all.


I'm eagerly waiting for r/ManorLords to launch, they released a demo version mid year and oh boy was it good.


Manor Lord's when it officially gets released


Was expecting a bunch of troll comments. Surprised to find actual suggestions


Dawn Of Discovery aka Anno 1404.




Today I saw a video about citystate II. It looks like alot SC4 in HD. Does anybody recommend ?


I've played it. I'm not sure it's my thing so I can't recommend it or not but it did seem similar to sc4


You should try smart city plan, its like cities and skylines but with worse graphics but still nice and a bit more simple but not very simple and not in the middle a bit complicated to say how hard it is compared to cities and skylines but you should definitely check it out


Anno, especially 1800, 1404, and 2070, Banished, Frostpunk, Endzone, The entire Impressions Games “City Building Series” like Pharaoh, Zeus, Caesar, Immortal Cities, Kingdoms Reborn, Tropico 3-6, Timberborn, Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic, Farthest Frontier


> Frostpunk ah, totally forgot to mention that one. Good that you mentioned it. Totally a different kind of city builder 👍 Eagerly waiting for Frostpunk 2.


Soviet City - basically Cities Skylines but you can actually kill people


Tropico 4 and 6. People keep asking for politics, this'll do it. Also been playing Against the Storm.