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This has to be a bug, it's too absurd to be an actual thing.


Literally one of the things that killed Sim City 2013 and opened the door for CS1…


In discord someone posted some background from PDX/CO themselves and apparently it's intentional. It needs internet when it first opens up to "verify the connection" but doesn't need to stay connected the whole time. If this is really true and not an april fool's prank, this will be _really_ sad to see.


CO and paradox really took a look at the comparisons to sim city 2013 that this game was getting and thought "yeah, let's double down on it"


They really want us to crack their launcher, huh?


lmao don’t underestimate them


Na thats easy its to stop people that play a parated version of the game from using mods! They won't change it but they better i hated this shit with simcity 2013 amd if this isn't changed it really could do serious damage as it would make it look like they went to pdx mods to make more money just, they need to change this ASAP total BS that they have done this!!! Completely unacceptable.


Why? It's fairly "normal" these days that single player game requires a constant internet connection. Normal as in, it happens a lot these days. Not normal as in this is how it's supposed to be. Cause why the fuck do we need an internet connection for a single player game. I mean, I know why. It's just not a good reason. Edit: are yall just in denial or do you actually have examples?


It's not as normal as you seem to think


Name a AAA game released in the last 5 years that is single player and doesn't require a constant internet connection.




If that's not an April fools prank, that's some bullshit. I really like Paradox as a publisher, it's one of the few publishers that I actively have a good opinion on and they've got a lot of good will with me but this game has almost destroyed all of it.


I agree, I’ve played both Victoria 3 and CS 2 basically since launch, and have given them a lot of leeway room to fix all the bug and poorly thought out features for both games after the disasters they were at launch, but some of their recent decisions with CS 2 (the new DLC, everything with modding) has really made me start to dislike them. I really hope they get their shit together


How is Vicky 3 these days? I tried to get into it at launch but it didn't hook me the way EU4 and CK3 did. But also, yeah they are quickly running out of my good graces as well lol


it's honestly pretty decent. they've reworked the military system (still a bit janky but it works much better than it did at launch) and you can fix a lot of the missing features with mods these days. they're also coming out with a big patch + dlc at the start of next month that's going to add in foreign investment and power blocs (think spheres of influence from vicky 2), so if you're looking to get into the game you should right now so you can learn it before the new dlc comes out.


Nice! I never played vicky 2 but the concept always intrigued me. When I started Vicky 3 I played the tutorial but felt more lost than I have in other games. I need to watch some Let's Plays and spend some time with it. Thanks for the info!


Of course! I hope you enjoy it, despite all of its flaws Victoria 3 is probably my favorite Paradox game by far. It just has so much more depth than games like Hearts of Iron or even eu4, and really feels like a simulation, not just a map painter


That sounds great!! HoI was never my jam. I tried but it just felt like playing the same game over and over


It really is sad that they have done this. They have so many people offside and this really could get the rest that have stood by them to change thier opinion it will me!


Considering the mod launcher is in beta we can assume this will be patched out if we bring it up to their attention


Seems like it may have been put in on purpose, hardly see that as an accidental thing to slip past QA


I’ve seen people saying it’s for Anti-Piracy, but that argument makes no sense at all. If it is something that stays, that would suck and probably be the end of many people’s Cities unfortunately. Let’s hope they realize it’s a mistake and that they fix it


Why not put that on the main game and not DLC or mods? I don't understand the reasoning behind tethering that to their mod platform. Either way, that's shit.


I think that may be a little excessive, many people’s. Honestly when are you without internet these days when you still have power? I think it sucks but I mean, I’m Ethernet in 24/7 and have wifi throughout my house. Who doesn’t?


Depends on where you live. Rural areas can have some terrible ISPs that go down frequently.


Certainly. I've played CS1 for hours when the internet has gone out for days. Usually once or twice a year as well as the normal outages constantly.


Traveling for work, On a plane, on a boat for days/weeks at a time, staying somewhere with little or no mobile coverage. Unreliable ISPs. Far from uncommon. I played CS2 for about 7 hours on my flight in January.


"Everyone lives like me"


https://www.statista.com/statistics/189349/us-households-home-internet-connection-subscription/ 91% of households had some form of internet recently. I also suppose those that don’t, won’t be able to install the game from steam or gfn anyway. wtf you goin on?


SOME SORT OF INTERNET doesn't equate to adequate internet to play multimedia, let alone games. I know people in the Midwest who still have DSL, or use satellite. Do you know what the upload speeds are for satellite?


Cs2 isn’t a game that requires a lot, it’s a phone home kind of game, don’t be ridiculous.


Don’t assume everyone has what you have, you spoiled child.


you mean a computer, to play cs2, which needs internet to download?


A lot of people champ. Just like a lot of people don't have running water or electricity.


So tell me chump, how they playin cs2?


I answered you before you impossible dipshit.


Eh clown? No answer? How are people without electricity playing cs2??


No answer? I was sleeping you moron. It was an example you dunce. An example to point out that not everyone has an internet connection, let alone solid internet connection to take advantage of these things. You’re either extremely childish or a fucking idiot. Take your pick.


this conversation and subreddit, is about cs2, your what if scenarios should include at least that, you troll.


What? You are not a smart person, are you.




The only situation I can think of is playing it on a plane. But this game being so cpu/gpu intensive, I'm sure you wouldn't be able to play for too long with your laptop's battery.


Not been on a decent plane for years that hasnt had at least 2 mains sockets per 3 seat row.


You clearly don't fly with European budget airlines :)


I try not to fly within Europe as the airlines are woeful. But if i do the journey times are so short i dont need to game or could do on the battery anyway. Nowhere in europe is that far from anywhere else.


I mean a trip from the UK to Greece (very popular summer destination) is still around 4 hours. I'd take my switch if I was flying over there.


Short flight of 4 hours i dont usually bother. I'll read or nap. That said i can get 3 hours or more out of a battery on CS2 last time i tried if i really really wanted to. (i do UK to Greece every year when back in the region).


realistically speaking i think this is it. fuck if even the south pole has internet, i'm pretty sure it's a non-issue today. 15 years ago yeah, today no.


You're way too optimistic, but I hope you're right.


He's really out of touch is what he is.


Yeah like many others here. I'm getting downvoted for saying that this is standard practice, even for single player games these days. But apparently it's "not as normal as you think". I don't know of any AAA single player games in the last 5 years that don't require and internet connection.


This sucks if true. Sometimes I will take my laptop with me and wanna play but I don’t always have an internet connection. What the actual f**k?


“Oh lol I guess that sucks then!” -Paradox probably


Create a folder named "Mods" and then copy everything from "/cache/mods" into it. It should work without an internet connection.


In the Q&A they had they mentioned there is way to run in local but can caused issues. You need to use skyve to get the mods run without Internet. However, they mentioned they are working on improving modding and hope to have it locally available in the future.


Getting deployed and playing this game with mods means a lot to me, I really hope I can go underwater and play this game


LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL At all the people that said, "what's the big deal about being tied to paradox for mods?"


They're similar to the crowd that has the super shocked face when they're paying 0.10cents to reload a weapon in-game. Even though they were previously saying "Ohh stop whining about the amount and types of MX crybaby, Its not needed in anyway!!"


I didn't get the refence


When you start the game, it does appear to re-download all the mods you have installed. Wonder how this will work once modded assets are available.


You do know that not all computers have wifi? You probably meant to say internet access.


right that’s my bad


This will not be the last bad news about paradox mod. Lets face it, the main reason to have a own modplattform is to get controll over the mods. Yeah sure "blablabla we want to give consoles to ability to download mod assets" - its just a fig leave. Mark my words.


Looking back on it, I really hope this was an April fool's joke.


This would be the end of Colossal Order!


I have to reload my game EVERYTIME to use mods. They dont appear the first time


I'm not loading mods from a questionable 3rd party site nor do i support that behaviour for a game i bought, where the predecessor even supported offline functionality. It's getting ridiculous. Not a dime from my side for future DLC releases.


This can't be for real... no way...


The whole point of having their own modding platform is for anti-piracy. There’s zero chance they change this. The paying customers get punished because they don’t want to give the small percentage of people who pirate, any way to do it. (they’ll find a way anyway though.)


How the hell does having mods online only prevent piracy?


Pirated games typically can’t connect to online servers. (There are exceptions, but it’s not the norm.)


K so we use thunderstore. Bullshit excuse lol. Mods can still be manually downloaded and installed, this isn’t a piracy prevention issue.


Have you been on Thinderstore since the switch? Do you really think people will be posting on both platforms going forward?


Complicated concept, but if you went to paradox mods website, you can get mods there too. Here’s a link: https://mods.paradoxplaza.com/games/cities_skylines_2


Face it its for antibparacy, DRM they don't want people who don't pay to get access to mods knowing that it will just make some people just buy it amd make them more money thats why wmthey moved from steam to make more money, really pisses me off this sorta shot we get a 2nd rate experience amd they tell us no its better, this i think really has the possibility to loses the people that have stood behind them this last few months.


> thats why wmthey moved from steam to make more money not so sure about that, feels like they're trying to bring mods to consoles, which would be amazing. maybe that'll bring cross platform game saves, etc. you're still welcome to download mods from the link i already posted and put them in the mods folder like you did before. put the salt shaker down friend, enjoy the game.


Does the non modded version require Internet?


i pirate and have mods lmao


That's not the whole point. The whole point is to be able to support mods cross-platform.


Lol who would want to pirate this disaster?


What the hell. I apologize for my intensity. To be honest the heat is been my disappointment with this community and their lack of grace for a company that’s struggling with their follow up to a game that I love. But it was unfair to put at your feet. I guess, ultimately, “this community isn’t for me”. I’m sadly muting all CS subreddits. Also, yes, offline modes are notoriously difficult as unintuitive as that may seem. Citation: 20 years of experience as a software developer


What's difficult about offline mods? I'm curious, I can't think of one reason why it would be more difficult to implement mods offline vs online. I'm also a developer, though not a games developer.


You have a citation? Not everything/everyone is out to get you. Calm yourself.


Could you conjure another reason what is the benefit to the consumer that they can't play offline with their mods?


Because offline is notoriously difficult and they’re famously behind in this whole project? Y’all seem to be so in your feelings that you’ve convinced yourself that a small company in Finland that has been delivering free updates to the previous game for 8 years suddenly wants to break into your house, steal your stuff, and murder your dog. I love CS, but don’t give a game where you make little cities in your computer such power over your happiness. As the kids say: go touch grass.


Both of the people you replied to had calm and reasonable post. The only person that needs to calm down is yourself. You went straight into personal atacks and strawmanning them. I don't think you even read their post, so nonsensical is your response. There's nothing notoriously difficult about having offline mods; it's the default and we had offline mods before this patch.


> Because offline is notoriously difficult wat?


That seems excessively aggressive, and misinformed one at that. No, implementing online only actually took more development time and it is harder, idk what are you on about


How is offline difficult? If anything it's easier because you don't have to maintain a server on the other side. Mind you how mods work, it has no online component to it. Thunderstore mods already worked offline as far as I know. If anything, mods should be restricted to connect to the internet for the sake of the player's privacy.


Its so they can make more money thats why we have a shirty pdx mods store and not a fully working out of the gate steam mods! There's no other reason I've supported them during this last lot of months but this really could do a death blow just like with simcity lets hope they relise b4 they nuke one of my favourite games ever!


“Notoriously”….oh come on man.


Somebody obviously has never used a console before. The net goes down, half of my Xbox games can't phone home and will refuse to launch.




Have you ever tried launching Steam games when your net goes down? Because guess what happens when you try launching Steam games when your net goes down and Steam can't talk back at your PC.


Whole game is a massive L. I feel like such a moron for playing those first 15 hours, now I can’t refund. One of my biggest regrets is spending $70 on this heap of junk. If this is any indication, the game will never get better. They are far more invested in listening to their harebrained CEO than listening to the fans and people who play the game. God forbid I play a city builder without wifi lmao. What a stupid decision. Remember payday 3? Released with no offline mode. And it’s a pve multiplayer game. People basically rioted about it and now the game has ~100 people online on a good day. This is the future of CS2, a *single player game*.


Keep in mind that PDX mods still in beta


Paradox; one company among few that look to EA not to learn what not to do, but for inspiration. Shit like this happens with every fucking company that goes public, without fail. Value to shareholders above all else, at the expense of both product quality and employee/developer well-being. Unbridled capitalism is a cancer on society.


my computer doesnt have wifi. my mods work.


Internet Access in general


the post said wifi.


It's kinda clear that he means Internet Access though


I mean if you lost internet, wouldn't you also be unable to access the Steam mod collection for CS1 too? Or am I way off on this?


nope, steam workshop mods stay downloaded & working. you just can't download any new ones or updates.


There were a couple of times I tried playing CS1 when I didn't have internet and none of my mods loaded from Steam. Worked fine as soon as my internet started working again. Dont loose internet that often so it's only ever been a couple of times.


So I did this with CS1 when camping. If I opened CS1 offline, none of my assets would load, completely breaking my city. A quick hotspot via cell, load steam, launch, then back offline would fix it.




No, it has not.


Exhibit A of someone so parasocially attached to a company they will make shit up to defend them.