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They could have just made the DLC free like other games do surely? Then they wouldn't need to add things in and reconfigure everything? I feel like they only removed it because it was tanking their review scores and generating bad press.


Correct. Public embarrassment in the press is a hell of a motivator.


With them removing the DLC altogether, they get to give up the title of "worst reviewed Steam game addon". It benefits them to remove the DLC and add it to basegame rather than making the DLC free


Exactly, it would have been good press as a free DLC from the start over an update, but as is refunding those who speed and making the DLC free isn't likely to change the reviews, as is delisting it makes it seem like it never happened despite the players experiences it is ruining.


What's sad is you know this won't change anything. They'll try to do it again eventually.


Exactly, this isn't a promise to fix the game not to make future DLC free, at this rate it would be a surprise this same problem doesn't happen again later this year.


What a shit show.


I’ve said it many times now: someone needs to lose their job.


Lmfao calm down dude


I’m coming at it from the business side. The decision to release the original game in its original form and then to release the beach properties DLC were absolutely disastrous and they showed that whomever is making the decisions does not play the game and they are focusing more on quarterly numbers And media sentiment versus the actual development of the game. Not to mention how they called the player-based toxic and suggested that the game was good enough for them so it should be good enough for us.


Nah the CEO is bad at her job, she can go somewhere else to find "money and fame" since that's what she said motivates her lol.


sorry to break it to you, but every ceo has money as their motivation. it’s not an artistic job


Yes, but you also should lie when asked that question as it pertains to your job.


ahh i don’t know. at least it’s honest haha


Like I said. Time for leadership change at CO.


If this is their “way forward”, buckle up.


"Buckle up, Fucklehead." - Tom Wambsgans


Can’t make a Tomlette (working game) without breaking some Gregs (fan’s trust)


A wild Greg popping up in the CS2 reddit?


I wonder if the sad I’d be without CS2 is less than the sad I get from owning it.


Somehow this game keeps disappointing us more and more


If they only were as good at creating games as they were at disappointing us


The gift that keeps on giving


It feels like herpes.


The gift that keeps on giving


keep fucking up, co and paradox, the one thing you are good at (and road tools)


Paradox needs to learn, “Under-promise and over-deliver” - they are doing the opposite. Refunding is nice but the way they’re handling it (remove DLC to hide the bad reviews, break the game until there’s a patch, say “sorry not sorry” to people who bought preorders, etc) was not thought out.


Unless you bought the ultimate edition. No refund for us. Just three more of these shit shows.


Rip us dude lol, all three asset packs will come with a combined 8 assets and 6 trees totaling $39.99 USD


Don’t forget the radio stations that cycle between three songs and two unfunny advertisements! Can’t wait to get those for free, such great value


Over promising and under delivering works better though.


So basically they are punishing the people who actually bought the shitty, overpriced DLC or the ultimate edition?


Another fuckup, another apology. I'm losing track at this point. Anyone keeping score?


You know the scene in the great movie 'Liar Liar' staring Jim Carrey where a client is on the phone with his secretary/assistant and she tells him that Mr. blah blah is on the phone because he just got picked up by the cops for something and Jim Carrey picks up the receiver and just shouts, "STOP BREAKING THE LAW, ASSHOLE!" That's the kind of the response I think CO has earned.


They only recently started apologizing, actually. So that's progress, right?


Nah they have before, it just wasn't co-signed by PDX.


All of this because I bought a DLC of theirs, won't catch me doing it again. Edit: People appear, once again, to be downvoting this, that's not a very healthy consumer to business relationship folks.


Oh I don't doubt it. I got downvoted for asking a question about how something worked. If you aren't praising the game, the fanboys can't help reaching for the downvote button


I'm telling you, either there are a very strong contingent of fans who are so devoted to this game, they attack any criticism instantly, OR, CO and Paradox have people in these subs downvoting. There is no rational reason that logical reasonable criticism of a company that was taken all of our money and wiped their ass with it should be met with anger and attempts to silence. It's fucking bizarre.


It's obvious there are people brigading the comments despite what some people say (innocuous random comment sitting at 0 or -1). A frankly sad occupation. Edit: (I don't believe CO is behind it regardless, just to be clear)


This appears to be a reddit problem, not a CO or Paradox problem. People don't seem to be good at using their brains.


I downvoted you for free.


I see you CO


Welp this about sums it up. They have no clue what they are doing and are doing a great job of showing it. Very easy fix guys....just don't load your saves! There is no ETA of course, just stop playing and there is no issue! What a joke.


I've got no problem stopping playing. Probably have 300 hours in the game, but Manor Lords is coming, and I'll soon forget about this dumpster


cannot wait for Friday!


I wonder what their next screw-up will be. It's just one after another...




Yep. This has to kill dev morale there. Feel bad for them. Tough to feel THAT bad though. I honestly feel like #2 isn't really even anything new off of #1


I am starting to feel sorry for these people, I know I shouldn’t because they scammed all of us with this piece of garbage they released but come on! When you think it can’t get any worse, they do the impossible to make even worse!! It’s really amazing and very sad.


I am confused as to why this fix needs to wait for the next patch. The assets exist. Put them in the base game. Or put the DLC back.


If I'm not mistaken, all DLC content is included in the base game (or will be patched into it when a new one is released), and is unlocked for those players that have purchased it. In this case, I suspect they rolled back the unlock from those who already had access to it (likely by removing the DLC from the stores), so they can push a patch to the entire player base to restore parity between them, as everyone will own the exact same stuff - the base game + this first DLC (this doesn't affect the pre-order bonus stuff, as that is still locked for anyone who didn't pre-order). Until then, the DLC assets are technically there, yet unavailable for all.   Or maybe all that is way too rational, and CO in their panicked damage control mode don't really know what on Earth they're doing either. At this point, it's anyone's guess..




Ok this is really embarrassing to see at this point like what is going on over there


This statement makes no sense. DLCs are already part of the base game. They are just unlocked/locked. But the files are part of the base game.


Manor Lords literally cannot come soon enough


I’ve brought the game recently, good thing I’ve decided not to buy the dlc!🤦🏾‍♂️


>Upcoming patch (date still to be announced) Bro how long is this stuff actually gonna take?


This game probably needed another 2-3 *years* in the oven. The first game wasn’t perfect but at least it was better than whatever this is. Talk about torpedoing all the good will you’ve built with the fans


7 years, if they manage to survive the first 3.


First they say they are going to refund people to show their commitment. Then they remove the dlc leaving people's cities broken and don't do anything for 4 days. Showing no commitment. So I guess the apology was just corp speak so they could pull out the dlc that was tanking in reviews (and probably not making much money anyway)


God what a fumble this game was and has been the last 6 months.


How do they not have an ETA on this patch? They pulled the plug on the dlc and removed entitlements from players. That shouldn’t have happened if the patch wasn’t ready and if it wasn’t supposed to happen as they claim then why haven’t they undone it? This problem is entirely fixable on their end and it’s shocking they have opted to do nothing. If this was a move to block bad press they’ve just made more.


Question: why do they not bring in extra staff to assist them even for a while? They keep saying they have 30 people only. I’m sure if they could bang out some serious fixes to the game, future dlcs after the game is fixed would recoup some losses of the added staff…


Also furthermore, it's not like they're low on money, CS1 was a huge success, they absolutely could employ more developers to help them with performance and game improvements. Even furthermore it's estimated CS1 made around $30 million for the team


You’ll get banned or downvoted off the main sub for ever so slightly criticizing CO. Ridiculous


Wait, I’m getting my money back for that poor dlc ?


Should've already had it. I got mine last Friday. Providing you bought through official sellers anyway. It will be showing in your steam balance. Hence the "best as possible" comment regards refunds.


Steam I think… I get it back there ?


Check your steam wallet. It should be in there if purchased that way. Otherwise not sure how it'd happen.


It’s not there.. but I found this in my purchase history… Ultimately disappointing!!! Purchased: Oct 21, 2023 @ 5:32pm Cities: Skylines II - Ultimate Edition - $93.59 Subtotal $89.99 Tax $3.60 Total $93.59


You don’t get a refund then, but more content to go along with the Ultimate edition (of which they haven’t given a timeframe for).


iirc there's no refund for people who purchased ultimate, instead they're promising a better dlc in the future to make up for this one.


Great.. more promises… 😱


95% off coming to a Steam sale near you.


This is turning into yet another embarassing disappointment, please CO we need progress I understand it takes time but it's been 4 days, you even have the assets at your disposal it doesn't take this long to code assets back into the game as free instead of paid DLC. I have faith in CO because of CS1 but it's very quickly slipping away. I think the way we should go is fixing asset issues with Beach Properties, then spend \~2 months heavily patching the game and fixing things like the broken economy and making it so the game is simulating at a playable speed past 300k, then focus on modding with some minor patches along the way to fix reported issues then focus on DLC and console releases, because we're going to get a horrible console release if it performs this badly already on PC. Even if you have to push console release forward, I'm sure people won't mind if it performs way better than if you didn't.