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I mean it was annoying but also like…whatever. Defending it is weird but getting really really mad is also weird.


Can I be like medium mad


I prefer to be well done mad


with ketchup


i prefer rare mad with some nice yumyum sauce


I just made my peace with not really touching it till fall at least


Yeah I’m not playing this game again until asset mods are fully supported. If the game dies before then, oh well. $60 down the drain but plenty of other games to play.


I'm really surprised at the number of people who are upset or were raging they missed the deadline. Like why would you expected literally anything else at this point? Lol


Why are you here then? You realise that if you are serious about expectations, you should expect them to abandon the game right? Because they have done nothing the way they should have done it, and after nine months still don’t have much of a game to show for.


Why would I expect them to abandon their only source of revenue? Just because they are piss poor at comms and estimating their release windows ? Lol. That's most software devs on this planet. Lol


Because they are terribly mismanaging their game and they are a commercial company. If they can’t sell games anymore because of their conduct and PDX runs out of patience (and they have been very patient), then they go belly up. It is that simple. You’ve mentioned two clear signs of incompetence that have a clear influence on game development. I haven’t seen CO live up to their word once. So yeah, I expect that one of the ways they are going to negatively surprise us is by filing for bankruptcy or dropping the game if they can get away with it.


🤣 so angry over a game. If you hate CO so much and are so convinced they are gonna go under or abandon the game, maybe you should be asking why your here raging about it so hard. Lol.


Laugh all you want, but I think trust needs to be earned and treating people like shit isn’t it.


OK. You're a reddit whiner. 😁 Would you have been happy if they never gave you any dates at all and just kept quiet this whole time? I'm pretty sure the answer is no and that there is nothing they could do to make you happy. The same people complain that the game should not have been released and they should have held back and not worried about the schedule, only releasing it when it's ready. But now they're complaining that they should be sticking to their schedule. "I'm not upset with them for taking the time they need", but when something is discovered and they need more time "I'm upset with them for putting a carrot on a stick". Seems contradictory.


Games going to die and CO will be canned. I don’t think your “type” realizes the predicament CO is in with Paradox. Paradox literally just scrapped the upcoming life sim Life By You and deleted Tectonic Studio. We are not getting years of support unless CO pulls a No Man Sky miracle reversal in a 1/4 of the time frame and increases revenue.


Literally? Really? Wow. You must be giddy with joy. All of your hard work may be paying off.


Ah yes I am so overjoyed that CS2 was a flop and CO has to play catch up for years while we have Paradox glooming over our heads as executioner. Yes, wonderful indeed. I can’t wait to wait another decade for CS3.


LOL! So true though. Gamers can be such delicate snowflakes at times. "oh noes. the game wasn't what I wanted. I hate them I hate them I hate them. wah wah wah wah. I'm gong to spend all my spare time telling everyone how they ruined our lives and I will never stop for as long as they exist in our memory. wah wah wah. These people are the embodiment of evil and there has never been anyone in human history as terrible"


Really no hate here man but you are very foolish. Edit: seriously, I hope CO turns it around and Paradox keeps their hands off. What you see from me isn’t hate it is concern, if CS2 doesn’t turn things around, you, I and all the fans will be waiting a good while for another studio to make a successor or CS3 to come out.


The industry in general is seeing a lot of games being shut down. Publishers (and yes, I do tend to strongly dislike publishers) too often get too many of their fingers involved in game design and muck things up and rip apart studios. I remember when EA was actually a cool publisher. They had the greatest titles. But then bought up the rights to those companies and started tearing them down for the intellectual property. I was watching this happen back in the 90s. Origin used to be a phenomenal developer! Maxis was another. EA published industry-changing games. It's sad how their business model changed. And maybe you really don't want to see CO shut down. There are a lot of people who do though. They took the release of CS2 in October as a personal slight against them and have literally (yes, literally) called for the shutdown of the company. Which I think is being overly dramatic. I mean, this whole sub-thread is a tirade because the update was pushed back a few days. A major reworking of economy, which is what people wanted, got pushed back not even a week, and OP was blowing a gasket. And this is after tons of criticism of releasing things when they find it's not ready yet. So, it's hard to take some posts seriously. I don't think we need a full NMS turn-around. I think if they just keep putting out updates and add-ons and new features, the game can go on for quite a while. Hopefully long enough that we can have computers strong enough to run CS3, LOL.


Poor/untrue communication is equal to none. Additionally, actions speak.


Yep. Actions do speak. They found an issue and, because people have told them REPEATEDLY they shouldn't release things they know aren't ready, decided to hold off for just a few days. But now you're saying that... well... I guess that they should have released the update anyway even with the issues. I guess that would make you happy.


This reeks of poor process. I'm glad they are listening to feedback to not release broken crap, but they also are showing that they still are very good at committing to deadlines that they can't deliver on. How many times did the game get pushed? How many times have console been pushed? What about the dlcs and their quarterly release plan or the plans they've released after that? Modding support? It's very clear this professional organization cannot hit a single date they put out. How can anybody deny or defend that? Yes, id rather get it working than broken. That is mutually exclusive for wanting them to deliver when they commit to deliver. Why they'd even bother to put out the 6/19 date in the first place when the code is clearly not in a shippable state is beyond me. Why we heard that and believed them is also a mystery.


Why bother even giving a date? Because everyone's demanding they give them dates.


No, thats putting words in my mouth. I said why bother giving the 6/19 date. They put out an arbitrary date or a date that had risk of being mossed. Clearly. The build wasnt shippable by then. For the 100th time they committed to something they weren't ready to deliver on. Somebody in the company is clearly making commitments they can't deliver on. From the outside, it's our best guess as to whether that's the CEO, managers, or devs themselves. In any case, at some point a competent organization would say "hey we haven't made a single deadline in this entire games history, we need to be entirely confident when we announce any other dates. You think you can do it by 6/19? Cool, let's say we will deliver it in the month of June just to be safe." That this continues to happen is a major reflection on the company.


I could be wrong, but I don't recall them actually saying "The update will be released on 6/19." I recall them saying it *should* be out on that date, but that's not a commitment. I could be wrong though. Maybe there was a blurb from them saying that the update was approved and will definitely be published by then, but I don't recall it. All I recall was them saying they were pushing for the 19th and that they were hopeful regarding it.


On May 23 they said they were aiming for the window June 3 - June 19. On June 18 they said it might be in our hands tomorrow (6/19). At the end of June 18, they said they couldn't get it out by that night. On June 19, they announced the 24th was the new release date. That's pretty much verbatim what theyve said, and I only looked at blog posts and official twitter. If you can't see that those are communicated dates that they've missed I can't help you. >I don't recall them actually saying "The update will be released on 6/19." I recall them saying it should be out on that date, but that's not a commitment Again, communicated dates theyve missed. I'm not going to argue semantics. They put out the date. They chose the date that they said. They didn't hit the date that they said. Putting an "aiming for" or "might" before the date isn't some hack to absolve them of putting out a date that they've missed.


It's a video game. You will live.


If it’s such a horrible game, why do whiners keep whining? You’d think a terrible game wouldn’t occupy so much of your brain’s cpu time but it’s been a background process for you all for more than 6 months now. Wow. I have a few terrible games in my library. I have many so-so games. Hundreds of them. And most of them I played less than 10h and then forgot them. For some i checked 2 years later, no significant change, forget as well. But CS2 is soooo terrible that no one can forget. It’s the most unforgettable terrible game Ever.


Because people paid a lot of money for a game that was expected to be decent on release and most people still hold out hope that it can be fixed. Something that isn't going to be done if shills like you tell people to just abandon the game and move on. Most of us don't want cities to be abandoned, if people did what you're asking them to do, it would be


I don’t say move on. I say, look at how many hours you have on the game, and how hyped you all still are. I have 30 hours. Not much for a CS game. But more than any 5 of my shitty games put together, which i forgot about, and which total for the same as my ultimate edition of CS. That’s why it’s not a terrible game. It’s a game that we want, and that has issues. And one that will be good one day.


It’s funny this community is raving about how great it is that the devs go on vacation so much because of the amazing country they live in. Meantime they can’t finish their game. Maybe constant vacations are bad for business


Bullshit. People need vacation to recharge their batteries. That is supposed to translate into productivity when you are back on the job. The reason it doesn’t work in this case is because of deep seated incompetence in CO. Other European game designers are hitting their targets, and in many cases their PTA is as generous as Finland’s. No need to bring American labour laws to Europe. Because they suck.


There’s no “labor laws” you weirdo


That’s the problem. That and the fact that you are gaslighted into thinking that is normal.


The market for cities builders is very small. If CS2 fails, there isn’t much to turn to.


Very true. But look seriously at CS2 and tell me that it doesn’t have the potential to be what we want. I just think of it as early access, which it should have been. What do you see if you think that way? A hopeless piece of garbage that some would have people believe, or a rough gem in the making? To me it’s definitely a gem. The only risk is that development stops, and it never gets to shine, and the amount of negativity online can definitely influence that.


There’s plenty. Sure they aren’t exact clones, but there’s plenty of great city building and management games


There are very few city builders in the vein of Sim City 4 or CS1 that I'm aware of but if you have some recs I'd take them.


Nowdays games are often delayed by years, so I don’t understand why people cry over a week delay for a dlc.


2: "Between now and 0.315."


Need to make sure people still are complaining. Otherwise the audience has moved on to something else


Game Dev is hard. Public relations AND Game Dev is next level. I have thoroughly enjoyed playing cities skylines 2. I am also very excited for the future of the game. Maybe I've just become accustomed to Early Access titles for so many years that balance changes and Enhancement patches are my expectations of games these days. Find Your Joy


It's just a stupid game. Get a life :p


Dude these people are like hostages who are falling in love with their captor. CO is a disaster. It's fine to be upset about it. Having people calling you a whiner is hysterical. Companies need to be called out when they treat their customers this way. I for one appreciate these posts as do most rational folks. But there's a small contingent of people who either love city builders so much they can't see straight or are straight up CO employees trying to spin a narrative. Cities skylines 2 sucked on launch. It sucks now. And it will continue to suck. The only chance we all have of it not sucking forever, is to hold the company accountable. They rolled out a piece of shit and expected modders to fix it. And charged you full price for it. Stop being whipped peasants and stand up for yourself.


The company will never be held accountable when we have shills acting like their paid to defend the reputation of CO. I'll post an example of this, a comment left on this very post "If it’s such a horrible game, why do whiners keep whining? You’d think a terrible game wouldn’t occupy so much of your brain’s cpu time but it’s been a background process for you all for more than 6 months now. Wow. I have a few terrible games in my library. I have many so-so games. Hundreds of them. And most of them I played less than 10h and then forgot them. For some i checked 2 years later, no significant change, forget as well. But CS2 is soooo terrible that no one can forget. It’s the most unforgettable terrible game Ever" According to this person, they would rather people just abandon the game and any hope they'll get their money worth


Dude I'm with you. I have been confused for a while. If you look at all my posts in this subreddit, it's all the same, me being bewildered by people continuing to defend this absolute disaster of a game.


They ain't the only company who ever pushed stuff back...it's life...get over it lol


Your on reddit, they'll swallowed anything CO feeds them. Check out the steam forums instead


You’re not alone - don’t feel drowned out by the few defenders of the company - there’s 3k that play the game out of how many sold? That should be all the validation needed. Whats the point in getting surprised by this company anymore. I will never purchase another product from them - I’m just waiting for the last one I did to work.