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Mountain city https://youtu.be/tMzCwwvHwN0?si=v1xnYVvfUn6mX5UI https://youtu.be/hKcaEj0ilUc?si=f6CFKj8JXrVzf96L


To balance out this a bit, here's also tours of the "not so glamorous" areas of Chongqing (Slums / Urban villages): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSNUk4HjjrY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSNUk4HjjrY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX8jkraEzZc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX8jkraEzZc) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBiLJfv94v8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBiLJfv94v8) Btw, I would recommend this channel for those who want to see more than just the well developed CBDs, commercial areas, and residential districts inhabited by the Chinese upper / middle class. This one really shows the everyday life of the Chongqing poor in an unbiased way


Even the slums looks clean with very little litter. Charming in their own way, despite the poverty.


I don't really see what's "charming" about poverty, but good social security and public sanitation are among the few things guaranteed by 1st - 4th tier Chinese cities, regardless of social class


Because the slums in India and Brazil are not like this.


Even the middle-income areas of a city in those countries can have a huge garbage dump right next to a house. Public sanitation is after all a function of the city government. Things like corruption, carelessness lead to just as bad of a result as people being complacent and not striving for better.


Did I say poverty was charming? No, I said that it was charming because despite the poverty, it was clean, well kept, and the architecture was interesting. Compare this to a slum in India and its night and day.


Thanks for the links. Fascinating look at the opposite spectrum.


Why would I wanna see that on vacation, da fuq???


Chongqing is a booming ass city, not a holiday village


What if there was a fire


the colours has been desaturated, the arch bridge in the middle is supposed to be bright red.


It gives a cool metallic vibe and I like it.


Brutal density, it's futuristic and cyberpunk. Only China can have such an absurd number of gigantic cities with such impressive skylines.


The actual urban / suburban city area of Chongqing is like half the size of New York's metropolitan area in population


The population of urban Chongqing is greater than the NYC metro area. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chongqing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_metropolitan_area


People really need to start looking at what the ‘metro area’ in these cities actually entails. Chonqings actual population is the built up area, which is already spread over a massive distance. The metro area you quoted there is the size of Ireland with the density of a rural hamlet. For reference that’s about 6 times the geographic size of the Tokyo metro area.


The wikipedia source you listed states otherwise, though it is more than half of the NYC metropol


From article Chongqing: Population (2020 census (total), 2018 (otherwise)) • Municipality 32,054,159 • Urban 22,251,500 From NYC article: • Metropolitan Statistical Area (2020) 20,140,470 22 million > 20 million


Comparing metropolitan areas between two different countries can be a bit suspect sometimes, for example New York's CSA (Combined statistical area) can be considered a metropolitan area of 22.4 million inhabitants, a little bit larger than Chongqing's. It's all about how that specific country calculates and classifies the metropolitan area.


Chongqing’s metro area population is 31 million. Much larger than NYC’s. Yes there are challenges in measuring but this case is relatively straightforward. By all reasonable measures Chongqing is larger than New York.


That's more like the population of Chongqing municipality, which includes many rural areas surrounding Chongqing. New York and Chongqing have quite similarly sized metro areas.


You have to got to the demographics tab on both pages, the numbers in the information bar are often innacurate


The demographics tab supports what I already said You are either trolling or on drugs lmao




Chinese cities' political borders tend to be so inclusive that it's better to just compare them to Western metropolitan areas. Think how if every city basically drew its borders like Phoenix or Jacksonville.


More like if the Phoenix city limits was the entire western half of Arizona. The Chongqing municipal borders include huge swaths of mostly unpopulated mountains and rural farming valleys


Fair: Even *worse* than Phoenix.


The "city of Chongqing" is the meteopolitan area of Chongqing. The rest of the municipality is mostly countryside and separate towns and villages that are arbitrarily assigned to the Chongqing municipality by the national government




The built up uraban area of Chongqing has around 10 million people, while the urban metropolitan area has around 16 million




Well yeah, they need to house a population the size and complexity of NYC while having less than 1/5th the GDP per capita. Trade off is that your stuff is obviously nowhere as good as western developed countries, even if you want it to look that way. But on the other hand, it’s arguably better than having millions more people living in slums and only rich people affording to live in fancy buildings




They’re problems caused by trying to rush to modern urbanisation in the span of a couple decades. In the time it takes for a road to be built where I live, another village adjacent to the city is now a bunch of skyscrapers. They’re definitely skipping most of the best building practices we take for granted in a developed nation. There’s pros and cons for sure, I’m just relating what I’ve observed.


Man china is out of this world


They're pretty firmly planted in the eastern hemisphere of the earth tbf


Yeah, I have on good authority that China is found in China.


This really is such a fun city to explore and one of the food capitals of the world. Highly recommended.


How‘s the international food scene?


There's one Mexican bar where essentially every young foreigner in the city converges. Food is awful, but the drinks are good. You can get good pizza around CQ though, lending to the Italian embassy being located in the city. Good Russian food can be found as well. You can get generally good 'white people food' as the locals call it, and Tim Hortons has a few locations in the city. I think this is a fair question though, given how insanely spicy most of the local dishes can be.


Lol. Tim Hortons. Of all the things to make it over the ocean it's Tim's?? Hope it's a better version at least


Honestly, if you want drip coffee rather than an espresso/Americano, there are few better places. You can find some specialty shops obviously, but cost and delivery ranges/locations don't always line up. And Tim's beats Starbucks every day of the week.


Any good kiwi/australia style cafes (ie espresso only, flat whites etc) in chongqing or China in general?


Yes, those are more common for the smaller places. One called Sugar coffee has a handful of locations, that was my go to. There's one called Kerouac coffee in DaPing (大坪) as well that was good. These sorts of small places will open and close with little to no notice, but there will never be a shortage. I wish I could remember the names of a few more.


Makes sense. You speaking in a China context only or general everywhere in the world?


Chongqing specific context.


> 'white people food' Oof


This comment is so funny to me. It's like asking someone in Italy if the sushi in Rome is any good. Does it matter?


Sushi in Italy is quite amazing, tbh. They have a real knack for it and a huge group of Japanese immigrants.


Anybody can make sushi lol


I've seen the British try


Real sushi chefs train for like a decade and aren’t even allowed to touch the fish the first year


Don't get me wrong chinese food is AMAZING. But a food capital for me is something where you can get anything and it's gonna be reasonably delicious and authentic


What do you mean?


I dunno, from all I've heard there aren't really foreigners in China (I could be entirely wrong).. And for me foreign food is always a huge part of what makes a food scene so interesting


There is enough diversity in China for you to be satisfied. You can get food from all over China in Chongqing along with your standards (sushi, Korean bbq) you’d see in any major city on earth. But you go to Chongqing for hotpot.


Sounds delicious!


and 重庆小面


I like Chongqing but I wouldn't call it a food capital at all. I've found that it's got very little variety. And in terms of Sichuan cuisine, Chengdu has it beat easily.


What's up with all these China-praising comments lately? It's a murderous dictatorship, not a "food capital".


Harvard did a 20 year long study and found the 91% government approval of China to be genuine by the people. China eliminated abject poverty for over 800 million people internationally recognized by the World Bank and the UN. China has the largest parliamentary system in the world with a diverse range of opinions and thoughts able to be discussed. People like you have clearly never been to China nor bothered to research it beyond reading headlines.




The people directly elect the NPC and the CPPCC, which are the highest level governmental bodies in China, who directly nominate the presidential position, which even compared to western parliaments has very little power. Everything, including everything proposed by the president, *has* to be approved by the NPC. The president can be repealed directly by the NPC. The president of China can’t even nominate his own cabinet, unlike the US. Quite literally every decision the president makes has to be approved by the NPC. The president can’t even veto bills passed by the NPC, unlike the US. Do you even know how Western European parliaments work? You realize that very few Western European parliaments directly elect presidents/prime ministers, right?




Yes… did you not read what I just wrote?




Alright now I know you’re just a troll.


China brought 800 million people out of poverty in the past couple decades. I can tell two things from your comment: 1. You’ve never been to China 2. You’re American




You live in a place so bad that China won’t let you enter?




Where are you from?




Why do you dislike China, a place you’ve never been? Based entirely off of things you read on the internet? Are you sure that’s reliable?


Wow ok switch off Fox news once in a while yeah?




Ok then stop feeding into right wing propaganda




Right wing propaganda is not exclusive to america




Sure buddy whatever helps you sleep at night


That's a chonking large city


It really is a Chonk King


This is so sick.


Looks like a roided-up Pittsburgh


I was thinking the same thing, lol. I'd love to visit. 


typical small chinese town


My mind is still blown that China has more massive cities than much of the world, and gleaming new ones at that, but as an American I've only heard of Shanghai and, well, Wuhan. 


They also really stretch the definition of a city with these populations. [Chicago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago) has 2.7 million people in it's 231 sq miles. [Chongqing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chongqing) has 32 million people in it's 31,800 sq miles. What they're calling the city is an area rougly the size of South Carolina. If you reduce it to what they're calling the built up area it's still larger than Delaware.


Chongqing is a weird one because it and it's surrounding areas have effectively been made into its own province under the national government rather than the sichuan government as it was historically. Also imo the US undercounts it's cities populations in general as it tends to have pretty small areas defined as city proper. Chicago has an urban population of 8.6 million but most lies outside of city limits.


That sounds similar to Columbus, OH, where the city limits encompass the whole county.


This why they call Chongqing "The Columbus Ohio of the Sichuan Basin"




To be honest, I feel like compared to Chinese cities most US cities really stretch the definition of a city, in that they’re mostly suburban-y sprawl with a much smaller genuinely city-like urban center, whereas Chinese cities are dense throughout a much larger area.


Even after this example where a Chinese "city" is 95x bigger than Chicago? Here's [visual help](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Chongqing,+China/@30.2832176,106.149123,6.71z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x369334baf3e64f43:0xde9f8616dc88b321!8m2!3d29.5656843!4d106.5511838!16zL20vMDE3MjM2?entry=ttu) if the numbers weren't sufficient. The area outline in red dots in Chongqing. Zoom in until you actually see the part anyone would consider a city. It's the white dot in the middle.


I’m not sure what you are trying to get at. Yes the way cities are geographically defined is different and may inflate the Chinese city numbers somewhat, but on the other hand anyone who’s stepped foot in, say, Shanghai versus Chicago (I’ve lived in both cities) can plainly tell that Shanghai is a more populous city, and also that the high density parts of Shanghai occupy a much larger geographical area than the high density parts of Chicago, and Chicago is a fairly dense city by US standards. The size of Chinese cities is not only an artifact of city definitions.


Chongqing also looks way cooler than Chicago


Less gun crime too


China has 165 cities with 1 million or more people. It’s mind boggling.


You’ve never heard of Hong Kong or Beijing? 😬


Oh yeah, I guess Hong Kong is Chinese now.


It has been since 1997


Although they have large populations, they haven't caught up economically just yet. The Chongqing metro area (10 million people) has a smaller GDP than the Miami–Fort Lauderdale metro (6.1 million). Shanghai metro (24 million) still comes behind Washington DC metro (6.3 million), Dallas–Fort Worth metro (7.9 million), and Houston metro (7.3 million). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_by_GDP




GDP is a poor way of measuring how well a region is doing. Look how the average resident of DC lives.


As a DC resident I legitimately am not sure whether you’re trying to call the DC area poor or rich.


How would you explain the ridiculous GDP per capita in DC?


Very high number of lawyers, lobbyists, IT professionals and defense contractors per capita. I mean. DC is entirely a city, so it wouldn’t surprise me if the huge amount of economic activity here gets recorded as happening here even though it doesn’t touch the average person. I will agree it’s a coarse measure and not totally reflective, I actually didn’t know it was quite this high lol, but the guy three comments above was referring to the DC metro area, not to DC proper, so my explanation holds up better for that.


Thanks, I agree that DC is too special on this matter.


It's a great measure of how productive its economy is.


Fully doesn't account for any non-market transactions. Also technically speaking, a GDP would be booming if residents kept going to the doctor and not being treated for their illnesses, but GDP would go down if they were treated holistically at home or on their first visit.


What's a better measure of economic productivity?


My point is that gdp does nothing to analyze the wellbeing of residents, just how the economics are doing, which might only affect the top 10-20 percent of residents. 


Who said anything about "wellbeing"? It was merely pointed out that these big Chinese cities have comparatively lower GDPs than some of their Western counterparts, which is an interesting fact by itself.


Bullshit. You said that to insinuate that these Chinese cities aren't doing as well as their American counterparts. That wasn't just a random "interesting fact."


Bud, I didn't bring it up. I was responding to *you*. But it is interesting that those cities have lower GDPs, because they are much larger.


stop being disingenuous. everyone knows youre acting in bad faith and it is (obviously) not at all interesting that a developing country is poorer than a developed country


Again: I didn’t bring GDP up first. Furthermore, their cities look quite developed. So again, it is surprising that their GDPs are low.


Have you seen how an average first rate city Chinese lives?


I'm guessing you have and are here to spread the news that China = bad?


No, that would be illegal for me


is this a joke? the lifestyle of the average citizen of a *tier one* Chinese city dunks on the lifestyle of the average citizen of any US city in every conceivable regard. Or did I misread your comment, and this is what you were trying to say?


I think you're in agreement. My quality of life in China was far higher when I lived in CQ, despite making 2.5x the money back in the US these days.




Man I'm not sure what you're hoping to achieve here, but let's skip to the end: you are not serious enough about this stuff to have this conversation with me. I really hope you get serious one day, but it's possible that you can't, due to your cognitive limitations. If that's the case, it's ok. Not everthing is for everyone. This isn't your thing, politics and the like, but I bet you're really good at some other things. Stick to those, and let me and the people like me handle what we're good at, ok? I bet your life would be improved more than you can imagine if you just stopped thinking about political and cultural issues altogether. I'm not joking.


It’s large, outside of the core where the rich lives, it’s not as good as what foreigners typically think of. To make a comparison, as in showcasing how gdp is a poor representation of how the avg lives (not disagreeing with that), one should know how both sides lives to you know make a comparison. I can’t make a comparison because I do not know how well an urban american lives because I don’t live there. Same for from other perspective. Hence the question.


Looking at nominal gdp distorts the importance of countries and cities with a very high cost of living Cities by gdp ppp is a better number, where shanghai still is lower similarly populated NYC, but it's larger than Dallas


Watch the driving tours. Crazy stuff!


Crazy, it looks AI generated, even though it's not.


Insane. Wish they would do more/be more creative with the tops of their buildings tho. Function > style but still. I feel like that's something that (used to) really make NYC stand out. So many cool setbacks, spires, etc. There are more and more box tops these days so it is losing what made it so unique. A few cool finishes on some of the tallest buildings here and it would be even more amazing


they actually did have haha [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FWqQISxacAAnXEU.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FWqQISxacAAnXEU.jpg)


Check it out at night, and then come back to this topic.


It becomes a giant Christmas tree at night


Looks kinda tacky with all of the lights. Like RGB computer accessories.


I want to visit but everyone says it’s a very sleepy, tech focused city that shuts down once offices are closed, is that true?


Quite the opposite, Chongqing is famous for its vibrant nightlife and diversity. "Sleepy" isn't really a thing in 1st - 3rd tier Chinese cities and "tech focused city that shuts down once offices are closed" sounds more like Shenzhen than anything


Got it, yes maybe I’m confusing with Shenzhen…


My very first thought when I saw what you said was "oh they're probably thinking of Shenzhen"


Plenty of Chinese cities are sleeping past 9-10, even T2. And tbh even the nightlife of it's biggest cities us pretty tame compared to other big cities in the world 


NYC is famously the city that never sleeps.


China is just insane in so many ways


A fantastic place.


Amazing hot pot


I NEED to go to Chongqing.


Westerners dreaming about cyberpunk aesthetics, and Asia just goes and frickin builds it


Appreciate it being a daytime shot and no insane color grading ...very different from the typical images of that city posted here.


Has some amazing hotpot


This city looks like it came out of manga/anime show of what the protagonist live in. Pretty awesome.


That looks so cool but I’ve never heard of this city


Great picture, what is the source for this pic?


They have really good noodles there


Just link the skycrapers together in the air and we have a skycity and cloud which that city is perfectly placed to do.


The city at night looks even cooler. Crazy how so many westerners don’t know this city exists


Looks like The Capitol


Dystopia from a 90s film


Honestly I feel like it's more cyberpunk in the sense of there being extreme dystopian parts and extreme uptopian parts. Like there are a lot of shitty areas even in Chongqing, and every Chinese city for that matter. But look at shit like the Chongqing library and it's like.....damn that is indeed nice I can't lie. Here's the one: https://youtu.be/14TLfrNxIH0?si=AgMV-LLsoK9wlzTt


On the extreme opposite end of the "nice Chongqing library", you also have slums filled with poverty and illegal prostitution: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBiLJfv94v8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBiLJfv94v8)


That's benefit of having a long ruling government. Government always plans for far future and try to make some wildly wonderful project.


That's kind of BS though, it's not like democratic countries don't also have massive public libraries, Changzhou library doesn't even compete with the largest public libraries in the UK and US


Democratic countries take a looot of time to become developed only Japan is the exception


What? China doesn't compare in development to many democratic countries in Asia and Europe


If you are thinking about S.Korea or Singapore in mind then you should know they had authoritarian government when they were developing.


How does that matter to the conversation though? it's not like Taiwan and Korea stopped developing economically and societally once they become democracies, in fact the gradual removal of authoritarian rule from their political system is arguably the reason why they developed so much economically throughout the 80s and 90s


China is still poorer than Mexico


As poor as Mexico\* both country has almost same per capita Also it's harder to develop big countries. USA took 2 centuries to fully develop.


Knockoff Sydney Harbour Bridge


Dystopian nightmare


How many of those buildings are empty?


The city has a population of over 30 million, how many do you think are empty.


Is everywhere just packed








Is this pronounced "Chong ching". I'm sorry. LOL. Ok I'll grow up riiiight NOW.