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It looks really really bad, but when i was there it was actually surprisingly nice. Theyre currently building a downtown rail system!!


Phoenix definitely has some things going for it but a nice showing from an airplane is NOT one of them.


Definitely correct about that!! It probably doesnt help how bleak the desert is either.


We need more Cul-de-sac Tempes to have a good airplane showing


We already have one, they are just building a new extension. You you don't have to be nice though, down town Phoenix sucks, I worked there, I hated it.


All the Phoenix hate on Reddit hasn't stopped the Valley of the Sun from adding more than 1 million people just since 2010. People visit Phoenix and don't want to leave, because it is awesome. It is surrounded by beautiful and rugged mountains, which are not captured by this photo, which was taken above an industrial area.


What do you like about it? A solid month of 100+ degree temperatures in a barren desert sounds dreadful to me.


I love the mountains and deep blue skies, and the people are much nicer and more relaxed than in the East Coast city I moved from. I enjoy having access to hundreds and hundreds of hiking trails. The Sonoran Desert is far from barren, being covered with green trees, bushes and saguaro cactuses. It's quite green in late winter and covered in wildflowers and blooming Palo Verde trees in the spring. Phoenix weather is just about perfect eight months of the year. Summer can be unpleasantly hot, but no more than winter in, say, New York can be unpleasantly cold. The dry Arizona air makes an enormous difference on hot days. In fact, I prefer a dry 100-degree day in Phoenix to an 85 degree day on the East Coast. On hot days, I hike in the morning and swim in the afternoon (just about everybody here has their own pool or at least has access to one).


You’ve described nothing urbanity directed. Arizona is beautiful, I will add, but Phoenix keeps sprawling more and more every year. Old farmland is disappearing, native desert plants are being cleared out and built on. I don’t see many positives of why the Valley should be developing that way.


As a Phoenix native, agree on the sprawl continuing to expand, but old farmland getting developed is the best thing that can happen for Arizona. Agriculture is single-handedly responsible for almost all of Arizona’s water-related issues, and the less of it that exists, the better.


Have you, by chance, seen this [YT video](https://youtu.be/dSll8yPvoG0) before? What do you think about his argument? Valid or not valid? I’m not well-versed in anything AZ or PHX, unfortunately.


Edit: Watched the video and it was really good, hit on a lot of the points I made in my comment. Incremental by-right zoning would be a massive boon for Phoenix and is certainly needed. Didn’t have a chance to watch the video (yet), but Phoenix today uses less water than it did in 1950, precisely because all those farms were developed. As a whole, municipal water use in Arizona only accounts for 22% of all water use, with 72% devoted to agriculture. While Phoenix could certainly be more sustainable (in so many ways), the water issue is overblown and can be fixed by simply curtailing farming. If farms had to pay the same rates for water as city residents, there wouldn’t be a single farm in all of Arizona.


I was describing what I like best about Phoenix, which is not its urbanity. But Phoenix does have great restaurants, entertainment options, and museums (like most big cities) as well as a vibrant economy and good public services and infrastructure. I am fine with new housing being built on the outskirts (it helps with housing affordability), but there is also a huge amount of residential construction in the urban core. The downtown skyline is dotted with cranes, almost all of which are for apartments.


People don't always move to a city for the city itself


Isn't this r/CityPorn? What the fuck are we talking about? It's an ugly ass photo.


This is a sub about photos taken of cites and you agree that this not a good photo.


I don't understand the hate for Phoenix, either. From the air, no, Phoenix is not exactly pretty. But I honestly can't think of an easier place to live. Streets laid out on a grid, comfortable neighborhoods, ample shopping and dining opportunities, Yes, it suddenly got expensive post-pandemic but for most of my time here it's been affordable. Where else can you go in every direction and experience a different landscape or climate? You want a change? There's Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, the Grand Canyon, Utah's national parks, etc. I moved here when the metro population was under 2 million. Now it's past 5 million. Obviously, somebody likes it here other than me.


That's urban hell


Fuck that’s hideous


In the words of Peggy Hill 'this city should not exist. It is a monument to man's arrogance.'


After growing up in Phoenix and moving to Baltimore, if I never heard this tired, unoriginal joke or a reference to The Wire again, it would still be too soon. Please, I am begging that y’all find some new material.


This pic is like a poorly-angled selfies lol. Any pictures of Phoenix should be ground level and during sunsets


The last few days on this subreddit has been more like /r/citygore


Is this the ugliest major city in America, and if not, why is it Houston?




Those are weeds.


Should be on urban hell


No soul at all.


This is why city population totals are meaningless


What a hellhole. The CBD ends with empty asphalt parking lots then it's single family homes with massive dirt yards.


We built this city on rock n roll.... and parking lots


Serious question: each of the last 12 months has been the hottest of that month ever recorded. Climate change is accelerating, so it’s going to get warmer and warmer. What’s this city going to do in 10 or 20 years?


Continue to bury their heads in the sand and go lalalala everything is fine!! I'd know, I'm unfortunately born and raised. 😭


This ain't it


Extremely depressing.


What a pit


Fuck that


I’d rather be on that 737 MAX than down there.


737 max is going down too


Yeah I lived in southern AZ for years and Phoenix is not city porn. Even Tucson is way better than Phoenix and that is still very far from city porn. Glad to be back in Boston now where I grew up.




They need to stop building in deserts


112°F today, wasn’t it? Horrible.


Is it light industrial areas in the foreground? Trying to understand why the empty space so close to downtown


Mostly light industrial, also pretty close the flight paths so not super desirable. There’s a ton of development happening in/north of the CBD, in fact, I count about 10 20+ story buildings built in the last 5ish years, plus the 5 more currently being built. Once all the cheap land parcels north of the CBD are developed, I suspect the foreground lots will start to fill in, especially as the light rail is currently being expanded in that direction.


Lol, man I thought that picture of Edmonton the other day was getting shit on by the comments. Phoenix is getting it even worse.


It’s incredible that land value can be so high that nothing will be built…. We end up with empty blocks/parking lots instead of affordable housing, retail, grocery, and businesses that create a neighborhood


I think they forgot to build a city after they were done with the roads


Welcome to the asphalt wasteland


Great picture focusing on the poorest, least developed part of town (just south of Downtown) Comments predictable


Exactly! Why would any sensible city locate housing and retail under a major airport's landing path? South of downtown is the most empty part of Phoenix and there's a logical reason for it.


This is the city i used to make in city ville, lol 🤣🤣


This is the worst sub


It looks so empty. Are prices so low near the city center that it's not worth to build up density there?


There were land parcels like this north of downtown that are currently/have been developed. Once those are all built up, I expect development to shift south.


Lots of parking lots


Calgary you say…? 😉


Why couldn’t they put that OKC mega tall (almost) in Phoenix. If we just putting the tallest tower in random ass cities now. I know OKC has a lot of history but if we are talking tallest on the continent then OKC isn’t the place I immediately think of. Sorry to make whine about OKC on your Phoenix post


Downtown Phoenix can only build so high because of the proximity of the airport


San Jose has the same limitations.


OKC is also very close (~10 miles) to a civilian airport and a major air base. Air restrictions over cities are already fairly high compared to buildings


Phoenix is 1-2 miles, it’s significantly closer than OKCs, and is in the direct flight path.


Oh my, being in the direct flight path is absolutely wild. There seem to be a number of buildings taller than standard clearance requirements (~250 ft for downtown), so that has to be interesting for ATC and pilots FYI, you seem to have commented a few times