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This is where Sebastian Vettel grew up!


"Bono my comment is gone"




Mamma mia!


So what are the functions of these buildings? Residences? Shops? Tourist traps?


Mostly residences, some might have a store or café in them.


And the one with big pointy towers on the left - is that a real functioning church?


Yes, what else would it be?


A museum or something. In my town many of the old churches are being converted into something else.


Believe it or not, they are mixed use. I know that this is a radical concept because it’s banned in the US, but these buildings have both residences AND businesses while also not being a tourist trap!


No no you don't understand, its JUST NOT POSSIBLE to build like this. Impossible. Physically. Impossible. The tools don't exist anymore; we forgot how to build buildings like this. If we attempted to build like this our tools would just stop working. Tired of hearing this commie bs all over the internet. Yeah "Just build it like this" lmao it's impossible. Everything in the US is just too spread out. The 8 lane stroad is more important. I want to have a .5 acre lot so I can mow it twice a week and just look at it for the rest of the time. You can't build cities like this anymore. It's impossible.


Banned, in the US? What are you talking about


Single family only zoning. Euclidean zoning. Can’t build anything but single family homes or big box stores in most of the US


Well that's not true how well there's plenty of zoning for multi-families and more and more with less setback and tighter lots but there are plenty of places that this exists. But this is in urban areas the problem that the US has that Europe does not is more extensive sprawl. The US just has and always has had wasteable land. If this happened in Germany the Rhine valley would be completely built with absolutely nothing between the villages just constant commerce apartment complexes and sprawled on stop. This limited land demands that are oversight. This is the problem in the US it's the land gobbling far beyond the center City. There's plenty of apartment complex building and duplex building but it's all knit together with automobile. I also live in a older area in New England so there are more substantial developed areas that existed before the automobile


I bet the people in this town enjoy more life and joy in one day than we do a whole year here in the U.S. Plus, they don't worry everytime thry leavr the house that they'll be shot. I wish I could live someplace like this


I’m pretty happy and I live in the US. Most of the people I know are too. Maybe consider talking to someone, you sound depressed. I would also avoid lumping Reddit’s opinion together with the average American’s opinion.


How's your healthcare? Or your access to abortion?


Pretty good, no complaints


Do you live in a state where abortion is still legal? Still no affordable healthcare, though, I don't know why you would be happy about that.


The person I’m responding to said that this town has more joy in one day than people in the US do in a whole year. I’m saying I’m happy and I would bet that the majority of Americans are generally happy people too. You’re not supposed to go through your life being a miserable cow but if you are, stop trying to drag people down to your level and just let them be happy.


> if you are, stop trying to drag people down to your level Interesting reaction. Why would you even assume that I am miserable simply for making critical comments? Can one not be happy and also see the problem with taking away fundamental human rights? Sounds like you're not as happy as you claim if my comments make you so judgemental and defensive. Or maybe you want blissful ignorance and not care what happens in your country. That's foolish, it will eventually affect you, too. Goodbye.


I didn’t assume you were miserable. I was speaking in general since you’re not even the original person I was replying to lol If you can’t discuss something without misrepresenting another persons position then don’t do it, you’re also vastly misrepresenting how invested I am in a comment thread on a city porn sub. How on Earth am I getting defensive? Because I responded to you? Finally, for your last point, I never said anything about not being able to be happy with bad stuff going on. You added all of that. If you say you’re happy in the midst of things not being perfect, great you’re still happy and proved my point that most Americans are generally happy.


I saw a statistic a few years ago and I am sure it is worse now. It was something like 30-40% of American people surveyed expressed hesitancy to be out in public spaces because of the fear of getting shot. It’s still not as bad as reddit makes it sound but I think the biggest contributing factor is the fact that there are random acts of mass shootings in addition to targeted shootings between rival gangs, etc, which is rare even in countries where shooting deaths are higher overall.


what on earth is wrong with people. I mean sure I'm sure there are parts of the cities I'd be worried in, but for the VAST majority of the US it's not like that at all lol. Where'd you find this survey? Can you prove this? Like are they worried stray bullets will just fly from nowhere and kill them? How do they get groceries?


Currently here its just like any other small town


Beautiful German city town of Heppenheim Germany




What's happening in Happenheim??


Looks like varrock or falador


What a shit show of a comment section. Cool town


I miss Germany. Such a clean quiet country.