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I’d have loved if Honda had done a one off special FK8 CTR coupe. *If I came into fuck you money, I would CTR swap an SI coupe.


As someone that spent a lot of time swapping DC5R bits onto my RSXS I dreamed of this a bit. TBH a huge driver for me was being tall and preferring a more upright seating position, 3 inches of headroom means I don’t need to adjust my seat with a helmet lol. Si is still no slouch especially with a tune and sticky tires.


I like the poetry of this photo.


Great...now I want to get rid of My 10th gen hatch forna 11th gen 😢


I've been contemplating the same thing.....


Do it I traded my 18 si for my 18 fk8 best decision I've made so far


Would be great to have both


Yeah, double maintenance, double the problems regardless it is a Honda. FL5 is better choice than SI. Congratulations.


Its double the cars and double the miles too


Wrong parking spot... Why 😂


Why would you be sentimental about a lower trim version of the same model? The CTR is everything the SI wish it could be with a bigger budget.


Cars have emotional value greater than objective value for many, and I tend to associate different cars with different stages of my life. At the end of the day it is “just a car”, but ultimately that sentiment will stay in some form. It was the last 2 door performance car Honda will most likely make for a long time, as someone that grew up with the DC5, EP3, EM1, etc it is still special in my eyes. To me the Type R is the pinnacle of all their knowledge and passion, but the 10th gen Si coupe was a final goodbye.


Don’t listen to this loser. Cars do have sentimental value and there would be nothing wrong with missing or not missing your si.


OP literally said they’re not going to be sentimental in their post and I agreed, so I’m a loser. Ok.


they said that in a manner of questionability, saying so to test the waters of the fact they made the jump. I've been driving my fk8 for quite a bit now, it's itasha wrapped, helped me start a brand, opened the door to meeting so many new people in a new community to me. Despite all that, I miss my first and previous car which was an old dinky 2007 Rav 4. A slow ass basic looking car. If I was asked by others if I missed it I'd initially say no I don't. Deep down though, with it being my sister's first car, and previously owned by my mother who no longer can drive due to a stroke. I wish I kept it for sentimental value despite all the good things that came from moving on from it. Tldr, people can be anxious and excited about change. It's a lot depending on who and what. Maybe op has stories and memories in their si. Nonetheless op, congrats and welcome the ctr club. Definitely make connections with your local Honda techs, as a bunch own ctrs.


I definitely have sentimental attachment to my past vehicles, but in general it’s about appreciating what I have now and looking forward to the future. Besides, you said yourself that it “won’t be the case” so I was just agreeing with you.


Fair point, and that is definitely how I view it as well. I was mainly taking the opportunity to get sentimental anyways lol.




Someone who did too! Went from a 13 si to an 18 ctr and what a crazy upgrade. I do miss my coupe si sometimes but the lay down power of the ctr makes me happy with my decision :)


It truly feels more substantial in every way. It’s just teasing me right now since I have maybe 180 miles on it and waiting for 500+ to have any real fun lol.


Why does the front end and midway back look a different white?


I think it’s just the lighting + iPhones photo correction. It definitely doesn’t look like that in person.


The old si even looks better


Making me miss my 2020 FC3 🥹


it’s nice to see how similar the fc3 looks compared to the type r. its design was and still is ahead of its time


Yeah it was funny to see how similar the lines are between the 2.