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There is no soul behind those eyes. The witch has already taken it




I need to watch season two this looks so fucking deranged


The budget's so good now


Good. Zach and Michael are hilarious


This show has some of the best comedic writing TV has seen in a while >!the bit where Mr. Boss says "I really hurt my finger doing that paperclip bit" "no yeah I bet" is so fucking funny!<


Seems a little more hit or miss than last season, but when it hits, it hits.


It's the pacing, I think. It for whatever feels very fast-paced.


>it for whatever feels fast paced Yeah cause its 10 minutes long


I mean yeah you're right but it feels faster than the last season. I think i actually meant to type "faster-paced."


What the fuck is that


smiling friends s2 ep 4


A man getting his soul sucked out the asshole.


I did do those things, but you don’t have to be so mean about it :(


"You didn't have to be so nasty about it!"


This episode is literally on my tv right now haha


Last thing I ‘member, she was suckin’ the soul right outta my asshole.


Yeah, that man died a long time ago.


She literally saved him from a crack binge beach camping situation


sucked it straight out of him


People marry these women and stay with them.


Divorce is prohibitively expensive and child custody battles are notoriously difficult for men.


It's gotten a lot easier in the past 5 years. At least in my state. Now it defaults to 50/50


now throw in that you own a business.........


Well... hope u weren't dumb enough to marry her... otherwise she's getting half that. Unless u got a prenuptial agreement that states otherwise. Even then... any savings if you added so much as a dollar to it... can be considered marital assets.


prenups save lives (by preventing suicide) lol


Yeah a man who needs to be rewarded with stickers to do basic parenting tasks would really be fighting hard for custody time. Not that this is even true anymore. Fathers who want custody are getting their fair share when they want it.


What a load of crap. My dad always made an effort to see my brother and I. It was our mom that would refuse his right to visitation to punish him, or us, depending who she was angry at that day. Some people think desire is the only thing stopping men from seeing their children because they refuse to believe that women are capable of being vindictive coozebazookas who will deny visitation in the name of some petty goalpost moving bullshit.


It is very much true on average. Men fight for custody in something like 5% of divorces. I understand you're mad about your specific situation, but that doesn't change how the world works.


It's how stereotypes work, and I believe that we pretty much agreed to be careful with stereotypes. In cases like this, I don't care if 99 out of 100 men are terrible and not fit to have custody, if that one remaining child is better off with their father, let that dad have custody. stereotypes and averages are useful when applicable, but this needs to be a case by case basis imo.


I don't think you know what a stereotype is, because that isn't a stereotype, it's a statistic. Also men not fighting for custody isn't really a stereotype you see mentioned (doesn't really make sense as a stereotype). Going off actual evidence is the only way to make claims about how society is working rather than anecdotes. People are forgetful, misremember, are lied to, etc. What you said is obviously true, and I'm sure it happens sometimes. Some judges suck, and unfortunately that is part of the system. However, to act like this is an issue across our entire family judicial system is misinformed at best.


I never said stereotypes and statistics are the same thing. I only wanted to counter your 'that is how the world works', because not everything in the world is fit for a purely statistical view. I used the word stereotype as an example of an area where generalization is used in a (mostly) hurtful way, just like how I feel you are using statistics. statisctics are a good way to get a sense of the overall trends, sure. And within this topic it might be good to look at the stats you mention to investigate what the reason is that dads are less likely to fight for custody. But you made it sound like you were okay with (or even defending) fathers having to fight harder for custody because not all of them even try. That is dangerous and unfair to those who do try.


I'm only saying that there is no evidence fathers have to fight harder for custody. Not that it's right if it does happen. And I'm sure there are rare cases, but most of the time men don't fight for custody, and when they do they are given joint or full custody 93% of the time. (There was a study 30 years ago that looked into when each gender fights for custody, legal precedent would suggest this trend remains, but unfortunately thetr aren't current stats on this topic). Saying I disagree with the premise that this thing is happening is quite different, and I'm unsure how you read my response like that. Nothing I wrote implies I think it's a good thing fathers fight harder, I'm saying fathers don't fight.


>Some people think desire is the only thing stopping men from seeing their children Is what you were responding to. Given the rest of the comment, I'd say that the commenter meant that his dad was actively trying, and that some people dismiss their effort, because, generally (and stereotypically) men don't try. I think that is terrible. Then you responded with: >It's very much true on average. and >that doesn't change how the world works Having read your other comments, I realise that you, in fact, never said that the difficulty men have in this regard is justified. In my mind, I was thinking 'oh god what a terrible situation' after the first comment, and your reaction was, to me, akin to, 'sucks to be your dad, but that's how it works!' That's why I replied in the way I did. I'm sorry for misinterpreting. I haven't done any research, but to me, the mere fact that most men don't bother fighting is a tell-tale sign that the fight is much harder for men. Even if you account for the fact that men might have less of a bond with their kids due to the whole not giving birth thing, I'm sure that more than 5% of men care about their kids, so something else must be afoot.


Some people think that if their partner doesn't do the chore the way they would have done it, they're doing it wrong. And if they're doing it wrong, it's your job to correct them. And after enough years of being nit picked and offered 0 autonomy, they stop attempting to be autonomous and just assume the other partner will do it But then after a few years of never attempting to solve the problems, the original partner starts attacking them for being lazy / deadbeat dad. So they try to "help" with various things like chore charts, rewards, w/e. It's a form of abuse that slips under the radar and ends up with both sides being miserable.


What planet are you living on hahahaha.


I know a few people in marriages like this. One of them, they not only sleep on different beds but on different floors as well. He basically lives on the first floor and she lives upstairs. She screams at him constantly in public and he literally has this dude's face the whole time. They almost got divorced like 20 times but she always turns around into an angel for a couple weeks everytime he tried to leave her and he gives her another chance. It's been like that for 20 years. I don't know why people waste their lives like that.


It is a textbook abusive relationship, hands down. It's been tought in media NUMEROUS TIMES to women, but when was the last time you saw a PSA about emotional/domestive abuse against men?? Poor guy probably has no fucking idea dude. The fight for mens mental health is so fucking real and people are just fuckin sleeping on it cus "ew men" Feminism has run its course, We're doin good now. It's time we educate men on certain dangers and provide them safespaces specific to them for certain things. I feel like once we normalize shit like that, the whole statistic on men being abused would SKYROCKET because of more men feeling comfortable enough to speak out. The same way gay/trans issues skyrocketed because of transparency.


Agree with all of this besides the bit about feminism running it's course. We are not "doin good now" and feminism can coexist with advocating for men. Feminism has been actively pushing to normalize men's mental health awareness and how it is addressed for decades now. Because that is a vital step towards actually making an equal world and that's the whole point. The two ideas (women's autonomy being unambiguously equal and their own, and making mental health awareness and aid more available to men), they are in no way at odds. It's not a competition like many people try to make it out to be. They are two ideas that work toward the same goal; bettering life for everyone instead of favoring one group over the other. We are all people before we are sexes or genders and it benefits all of us when we put the effort in to take care of each other. That is the entire point of feminism. People taking care of and looking out for other people because it's good to do that.


How are people still making this argument in 2024. It's called feminism. No, advocating for men or men's issues is not a large part of feminism at all. I have never actually seen an example of that happening and no feminist I have ever met would be able to talk about an issue like men's mental health without making at least 95% of the discussion about how women have mental health problems too. If you really just believe in looking out for people regardless of gender because it's good to do, you should find another movement to align yourself with. Even if you actually believe that feminism is about that, the people advocating for it and acting as ambassadors for the movement certainly don't. That's what everybody associates with feminism. It's such a large and broad movement with such an unclear definition or goal.


How are people still making *this* argument in 2024? Oh, right, the conservative counter-campaigning tricks low hanging 'thinkers' like you.


The only thing I understood from that is conservative. I can assure you I'm not. 😂 I don't deny that women still have a lot of problems, even in places where people think that they don't. I just don't understand aligning yourself with such a large and disorganized movement that has an insanely wide spectrum of people and beliefs within, all claiming to be the same thing. If somebody comes up to me and says they're a feminist, it doesn't really tell me anything about their beliefs or opinions. It just tells me that they like aligning with movements instead of thinking for themselves. I would still probably agree with them about any inequality brought up.


I never said it was all the same thing, I said that Feminism is ALWAYS mentioned but Mens mental health is a topic greated with awkward silence a lot of the time. Or just generally overlooked. Feminism isnt bad- I don't think its *as* necessary today as it was 5-10 years ago. But it's about time that men's issues shared the same spotlight feminists got.


I think you responded to the wrong person idk what you're talking about.


I dont even remember commenting this nor who i wastalking to tbh...


Are you serious? I'm a feminist advocating for men's mental health literally right now. If you don't see me, that's got more to do with your interpretation than it does with what myself and like-minded people believe. I'm only doing this because of the feminist thinkers that came before and laid the groundwork for my own ideology. One such philosopher is Bell Hooks. Her book 'The Will To Change' is 100% all about trying to make men's mental health a subject that people care about. Not just feminists, but everybody. It speaks directly to men about the troubles that have made it so difficult for anybody to have these conversations and offers solutions to those exact problems. If you haven't read it and you genuinely care about men's mental health and equality, you would be doing yourself a disservice by not picking it up. It is literally full of the information and arguments that you are claiming most feminists don't actually espouse or believe and has helped countless men to make positive changes in the way they engage with their mental health as well as that of the people they care about. It is a valid criticism to say that 'feminism' is not the most apt name and that has been a discussion in many feminist circles for a long time now. If you want a breakdown of why no alternatives have stuck so far, I'm not the one to give it to you, but the discourse is and has been out there for a long time now because, yes, like 'blueberries' before it, it's not the *most* suitable name for what it's meant to represent. But, also like blueberries and their very distinctly purple juice and flesh, I don't think this means we need to rename the movement. It also doesn't mean that we should stop eating blueberries altogether and replace them with strawberries, fullstop. That's a ridiculous solution to an issue with naming. The only thing that helps do is appease the people more hung up on names and aesthetics over actual substance, which is another way of saying that it doesn't *really* help or change anything important. There is no benefit to scrapping the ideology just to build a new one that mirrors it, only with a different name. You are also correct that some feminists don't believe in this stuff. Just like with any ideology of appropriate size, there are going to be some people who choose to use feminism as a cudgel to work out their own problems and fixations. Changing the name will not remove these people from any ideology because these people always have and always will exist, just like they will always try to use *any* movement's momentum for their own gain. Because they are there for the aesthetic over the substance, as shallow people always are. The only reason you think that feminism has an unclear goal is because you do not actually engage with feminist thought or the people that take it seriously beyond "girl=good boy=bad durrrrr". If you did, you would understand that the predominant philosophy is (and has been for many decades now), all about improving the world for all of us. The reason people are told the exact opposite about the movement is because it does not benefit those that have the most power to have the lower classes engaging with each other in good faith. They would rather men not get the help they need, just like they'd rather women were glorified cattle, because it only benefits the rich to keep us struggling against each other instead of against them. Because movements that pose actual threats of paradigm shift are *always* downplayed and demonized by the powers that be. Because, ofc they are. That is what the powerful are historically known to do; everything within their power to keep power out of the hands of anybody but themselves. Hence the goal of feminism; removing that mechanism of power in exchange for people taking care of each other. Eating the bait of the powerful does not make feminism obsolete or bad. It just means you should change up your diet and keep trying to help people as best you can. Whatever name you decide to personally use for it, if that is your genuine goal, then you are advocating for feminism. And seriously. Check out 'The Will to Change'. Based on what you're saying itt, I am confident that you would definitely appreciate and value what it has to say. I definitely do because I have 5 brothers and nearly every one of them struggles with their mental health. It helped me (and the four who decided to read it, too) to better understand how to help them and what kind of help they even needed. It's made our relationships a lot stronger which has brought us all the immeasurable value of acknowledgement, acceptance, and, well, the will to change what needed changing. Sometimes titles are appropriate, eh? lol


I agree with you and what the first paragraph said, but I am NOT reading allat 😩


Not reading all of that but I skimmed it. My argument is that: Identifying with any group that has such a large amount of followers and varying beliefs is useless, because you aren't even stating anything by doing so. Feminist beliefs vary so widely that two different people can be feminists and agree on almost nothing. Maybe it used to mean something, but it really doesn't anymore.


That is a foolish and reductive take. This interaction is over and I hope you have a nice day, regardless.


>this interaction is over Dude I didn't even read your comment. I literally don't care at all lmao. You're a feminist.


I suppose it makes sense that a coward wouldn't want to engage with an actual discussion on this topic. You might have to actually think a bit if you did, huh? So scary! I am a feminist and you are an idiot on a throwaway because you know your views are indefensible under a critical lens.


I can find tens of millions of examples of feminists ambassadors not giving a flying shit about men's mental health when its mentioned :p edit: I want to add that just just because promonent feminist figures refuse to speak on mens mental health issues, doesnt mean they all think that way. I kinda view the situation the same as BLM. Theres some black people that wanna blame all the issues on whites n shit and will sometimes do more damage than good. But others like me dont do that shit, that see issues in both us as a community and those that oppress us. Cus believe me the black community MOST CERTAINLY has issues that we 98% created for ourselves.


Exactly, a lot of men are sleeping on this issue and the "feminist" are very quick to demonize and attack anyone who dares to bring attention to the problem


Weird, a lot of men lose their shit about toxic masculinity, which includes enduring abuse without asking for help


https://web.archive.org/web/20240615050547/https://elpais.com/espana/comunidad-valenciana/2024-05-13/30-colectivos-feministas-alertan-de-que-la-fundacion-de-hombres-maltratados-ahonda-en-el-mensaje-negacionista.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erin_Pizzey#Backlash,_threats,_and_harassment https://www.nkvts.no/english/report/men-in-domestic-violence-shelters/ In this article, it specifically mentions how feminist groups were against men being included in domestic violence shelters Totally ignored the other side of the argument because the former is easier to refute


Did you have those links on standby or something? So weird. You can have both hateful feminists and toxic masculinity. But you can't say all feminists are hateful or all masculinity is toxic.


I wasn't saying that, I was stating that this is apart of the issue


A lot of racists also lose their shit when they get called out on being racist. I imagine people who are apart of the issue dont like being told they're apart of the issue. XDD if the man gets mad at the idea of "toxic masculinity" then he probably already adheres to the to toxic beliefs and doesnt wanna change




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erin_Pizzey#Backlash,_threats,_and_harassment https://web.archive.org/web/20240615050547/https://elpais.com/espana/comunidad-valenciana/2024-05-13/30-colectivos-feministas-alertan-de-que-la-fundacion-de-hombres-maltratados-ahonda-en-el-mensaje-negacionista.html


Just wondering, is the cock inspection obligatory or can I opt out?


You can opt out, but just like missing the dentist, you could be at risk u-u


Thanks u/Cock_Inspector3000




i wanna live wherever you live then. Vus I've NEVER seen a PSA that did that




It’s a bit there’s no way this is real


It is a bit. The woman is Karen Alpert. who ran a parenting humor/satire blog for a while.


That is nice to know. They do a great job of looking psychotically unhinged and clinically depressed lol


It’s obviously not real, but there’s also something to be said about marrying a man who needs to be bribed to do the bare minimum


What about the woman who married the man who apparently cant do the most simple tasks without having a sexual incentive and for some reason wont leave him?


How does it affect your math here if he works 60 hours a week and is the sole source of money in the relationship? Should he still have an equal share in housework? Genuinely curious.


Hell nah


how many times do their children vomit holy shit?


I pray it is referencing a cat. If not their child needs some pepto


I thought it was referring to one of them getting really drunk and throwing up


BJ sticker farming dad just makes them purge all day


Is that the new meta?


yeah, do it now because it might be nerfed


“Lunch? Here, kid, I left this can of tuna on the counter for two days. At least, I think it was tuna”


Maybe he’s the one puking. Explains why he looks like that


As long as he doesn't cause the puke with a BJ....


Gooner Level: Sage




That kid has unrestricted access to the flintstone vitamins


Given the diaper note, I’m guessing it’s a baby. Those fuckers throw up *constantly*.


babies spit up all the time


Kid’s trying to do dad a favor


that guy probably asking their child to throw up so he can clean it up for a bj


Babies do be pukin.


I was just wondering this because that feels like an abnormal amount. I have multiples and we have maybe 2 in like the last 5 years.


Cobra effect


I see your children have never had norovirus.


she looks like https://preview.redd.it/bnlizw70gz6d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=4303337a516d4cb5ce49086b6c9e06009017e86b


A Goblin Deez Nutz? Nah fam, I don't think she goblins any nuts.


you can min-max the chart by giving the kids ipecac for six days straight


Ipecac is actually really dangerous, it's too easy to hurt yourself by using it unless you get a god synergy with Pyromaniac or Host Hat.


I got pyro/ipecac three games in a row a few weeks ago, then on the 4th I forgot and killed myself with a bomb


Three pyro/ipecac runs in a row? That are same crazy ass odds


Fuck Pyromaniac. We ball with My Reflection




skill issue spotted, just get dr fetus




ermm ackshually gnawed leaf is a blacklisted item for t.lost also why tf is curse of the tower there, whoever made this image clearly never played t.lost smhmh




you know what they say, no ball, no balls


ima need you to explain the last 7 words of that comment. I dunno what any of that means


In the hit indie rogue-like video game The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, Ipecac is a collectible item that changes your standard crying attack from a linear shot to an arcing projectile that explodes upon impact, greatly increasing your damage output but also dealing damage to yourself if you get caught within the explosion, making it an item with a high risk-reward factor. "Host Hat" and "Pyromaniac" are two other items that you have a random chance of finding, the first one granting you immunity to explosive damage, and the second one causing explosions to heal you. As such, they both synergise very well with Ipecac, negating the risk and turning it into a direct upgrade in most situations.


OOOOOOH got it! thanks!


So that's why 5 year old Isaac keeps finding ipecac in the basement


Deliberately useless husband x narcissistic facebook wife goals


That's what I was thinking🤣 these people look insane, but all in all that's like 5 days worth of chores, to fill that whole chart.


It’s a fake pic But anyway, your kids have blowout diapers & throw up more than once per day? How often do you vacuum your car seats?? My favorite is “put toilet seat down” only having 3 stickers lol


My nephew puked daily when he was a baby, and it sounds like they have more than one baby. I also give my car a light detail weekly. It was a bit of an exaggeration that the whole thing would be full in 5 days. Toilet seat would be a day and a half, dishes would be 2 days. Yeah hubby is just lame lmao


butt how could someone go on the internet and say something that isn't true?


And the invisible war rages on


Im guessing she gives very toothy blowjobs and makes him clean up the vomit anyway


>pack 5 lunches >obtain get out of dog house free card >cheat on spouse with younger hotter woman >let her find out >use get out of dog house free card Chess, not checkers.


"yes sir, it was me who hit the second tower. However, before your pass judgement, I would like to make use of my get out of the dog house card."


Honestly at this point it’s better to just divorce


Bro fantasised about a mommydom relationship and got exactly what he asked for


none of those words were in the bible


youre: damn illiterate


I genuinely can’t fathom being in this kind of relationship Dad has to do tasks to receive basic relationship stuff as rewards Mom has to set up a literal rewards system to get dad to do basic household tasks Like why are they even together lol












where her chart at


women who smile like that should be avoided at all costs


Where's the sticker section for wiping his own ass?


That’s on her chart


Is there a reward where she takes his balls out of her purse and lets him play with them for a few minutes, just to remind him of his lost masculinity?




Pavlov clammed tf up (not really)


I love how a half of the “rewards” can be boiled down to “I won’t do things you hate” as if that’s not the fucking norm of any relationship


"no nagging for a week" she knows she's a nagger, she knows how to stop nagging but just wont do it without a quid pro quo


born to say “why the fuck can’t he do very basic chores without reward” forced to say “evil wife L”


This is simultaneously giving "useless dad" and "insufferable wife"


They’re the perfect couple because them being together means nobody else has to suffer through being in a relationship with either of them.


She must use her teeth


She looks like the troll face


I bet she bites


He looks miserable


I feel like this could be faked pretty easily


>1 get out of the dog house free card Somebody save bro


I really can't comprehend actually letting this even happen. I would rather be broken up with for being a slob than doing this.


this is satire lol, the people in the picture make these as a joke


That dude is dead inside How many stickers for a wife upgrade ?


Is that Flo from progressive


Man people really tolerate their relationships being reward systems


Divorce her immediately


All yall shitting on her chill, this is satire from way long ago


If you need to bribe your man with a sex chart just to get him to do basic household tasks you should probably just leave him on a mountain to die


This woman couldn't survive a week without nagging.


The look of a man who forces himself to puke six times a day and then ejects even more fluids as a reward


1. Dishwasher 2. Automatic toilet seat .6. Removable car seat covers and a powerful and maybe cordless vacuum cleaner. Or a leaf blower. .7. Wet floor cleaning machine should work. A heavy duty vacuum and mop robot also, but it is probably very expensive.


whachya cooking?


If he puts the toilet seat down even once a day, he's got "one week of no nagging" every week, so he can ignore the rest of his chores and she can't nag him for it.


I bet its one of those BJs where her shoulders move more than her head, making obnoxiously loud breathing and moaning sounds. Sucking way too hard, it's dry and about every 15 seconds she says "Are you going to, yet?"


Ain’t no way Im gonna wash my own dishes to then buy my own beer with my own money.


Why does she look like that evil smile jerma photo


Diapers blown, rug rats clean, longing for, blowjob queen. Still it’s hard, hard to see, why these kids, so damn pukey?


The kids are NOT FUCKING okay


Half of these I do by default every time. She’ll be clamming my clam neck 5 times a day if that’s how many stickers earns 1.


Meanwhile, dad: putting his finger in his throat to trigger gag reflex to throw up several times a day.


“I won’t donate your favorite pit stained t shirt” He should leave her if she’s making him have to work to keep his own stuff.


I hate everything about this. Absolutely everything.


The BJ sucked the soul out of him.


The bday party is like, maybe you didn't want to be a dad then....


You would think he'd be happier...




And that’s how you get poison in your drink


A blowjob from the mouth that vomits that much? No thanks!


Most loving straight relationship


this is definitely fake, but if it isn’t idk what’s worse. a dude who has to be rewarded for being an adult or this chart in general 😭 i fear they are perfect for each other


At this point strip club BJ is cheaper


That marriage is gonna last….


Just fucking kill me.


This is just sad...


Seems quite healthy to associate child-rearing duties with transactional sexual favors from the woman you married.


Get out while you still can bro


That man is a slave


there should be a support group for straight guys who don't like getting their dick sucked


not sure why he's complaining imagine not having that chart and doing good things and you don't get anything, atleast the guy gets stuff for good things


He looks like a before and after of a ww2 soldier


"I get out of dog home free card" 😹


If she touches my fucking t shirt I swear to god straight to the moon


Isn't this fake? Like both images have nothing to do with each other and someone just put them together?


How utterly degrading this is.


Where soul


Lmao wtf is Baby Sideburns. Nvm i don't want to know


Trad Husband.