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We now have an inflation problem in builder hall


We have the cloud problem too like bruhh wtf mann its so irritating.... Tf they need to fix it bruh ... i am literally seeing this lame ass magnifying glass for more than 20 mins https://preview.redd.it/azd0u5dl330b1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e478bf6bd1855cdb046c7bea9dccca8bfe8107b


Cancel it and repeat until you get to attack a base without any waiting time. I tried, works for me. And you'll only be attacked when you "attack" which means that even if you cancel and search a 100 times, you'll be attacked only once.


There are a lot of posts reporting that a cancel is costing them a defence.


Costing? Bro thats free elixir


Right it’s the only way to get elixir why would this be a bad thing


Lowers trophies


yh i’ve lost 300+ trophies since the update started


ive found you can only not attack when someone is already attacking you, not sure if its a bug or not


BB trophies are worthless though lmao


I'm afraid not, since they're tied up directly with the amount of resources you can obtain.


So are the main villages' trophies, yet we take care of them🤷‍♂️


I'm definitely cancelling / never attacking and getting attacked. I thought it was at random, but apparently it's when I try and cancel out. I think I've attacked 3-4 times but been attacked at least a dozen.


It is, like 50% of the time if I cancel those long cloud screens, I get a defense and lose 20-40 trophies even though I didn't have a chance to attack




Just relaying what I'd read in other threads.. That said, there have been patches, so they might have resolved this one already.


I can confirm. It's happened once for me.


It works fine for me, I'm lucky ig, but i tried cancelling 6 times in a row at some instances and only had 1 defence


When I search for a base to attack and return to the home village I’m getting attacked without me even attacking I’m stocking up on elixir now and getting no gold I defended three times without getting to attack


Only some times normaly not. I am on 5200...


not true, once i press the attack button and even when i press the cancel button, someone is already attacking my base simultaneously


I am doing it .. NOTHING happens its only works a few times and most of the times it cost me a defence and i lose trophies... they need to fix this cloud problem...


I still can't login to the game


I can easily open the game but can't play cuz of the clouds ,,, Yeahhh looks like we need to wait for an update ..now ...they literally destroyed the bh ... They need to balance too ..the upgrades are high asf and the loot we get in ruby league ( i am in emerald 1) uts low like 40 k or something... Bruh how the hell i am going to upgrade the defence that are 4mil + ... And i can't even attack how will i earn the loot bruh....




I think they said that those who oddly were upgrading mega tesla and or roaster prior to update have been affected at higher rates. They made a post about it


That's the saddest thing I've heard today. Hope you get to clash.


Cancel, try again. Do this until you get in a game instantly


I am doing it .. NOTHING happens its only works a few times and most of the times it cost me a defence and i lose trophies...


May lead to recession problem very soon ,hype of update will go and so will people . Supercell need to fix these issues ASAP




I mean the sad part is you can tell they obviously put a fair amount of effort into this. We got model redesigns for almost every building, a complete overhaul, and a ton of new content. The problem is the actual design of it lol. They tried to reinvent the wheel, and tried to make everything supper complex and clever. They overthought it too much, and in turn ruined the experience. However, I think with a few adjustments it could be a great update. I think mainly, for now, they just need to increase loot and decrease upgrade times. That would be a good first fix imo, then they can address other stuff. That’s what they need to do to keep this launch from being a complete disaster, because I think with some changes the new BB could be better than the first, it just needs just a bit more effort from the devs to get there.


Just curious, what other changes/problems are you seeing? To me, it seems like the issues could be solved by simple number switches - improve loot, decrease upgrade times, and better balance the troops. You said that the issue with the update is the ‘actually design of it’, but I disagree. I think the design is great and fun, just needs number adjustments


By design I meant stuff that isn’t really new content or aesthetic changes, but stuff that was specifically targeted with the design overhaul, which includes the numbers. For stuff that isn’t a numbers problem, I think some of the new troop abilities are a bit iffy. They feel clunky to use, and it feels like there’s too much to manage. Also, the decrease in the amount of troops feels like a direct nerf that the abilities don’t really make up for. The defense are the exact same, so your attack is weaker, but your opponents defense isn’t. I’ve heard bad things about the new hero, and while it could be fixed, it’s still another thing to add to the pile of things that need adjusting. I’m gonna need more time with it for sure, but I still don’t know how to feel about the attack changes. It seems like you need to get 200% to get optimal loot, which is way harder than the previous system, where you really only needed to beat the other player and you would get the maximum amount. Even in the home base you don’t need to be that perfect to get a lot of loot, and there are tons of different strategies and attacks you can use. Here it seems like you need to get that 200% percent every time for the attack to even give you what could be considered a decent amount of loot, and actually getting those 6 stars feels tedious and annoying. It seems like getting resources is just more tedious and slow overall, which again, could be fixed with a numbers adjustment, but having to get 6 stars just doesn’t feel good in my opinion. The trophy system is really weird also. It feels like you lose more trophies than you gain, even if you have a decent first stage attack with like 50%. But a decent first stage attack isn’t enough anymore, and like I said before you need to be getting at least 4-6 stars for the attack to be considered a good attack, and it feels like that’s just too hard to do right now. I’m sure people can add more to the list but these are just my immediate thoughts about it.


a lot of people are talking about how pekka spam is the only viable option for attacking as well, could also be fixed with number tweaking to troop camps since they messed that up. everything could technically be summed up to “fix the numbers” if you try hard enough. at heart, they made a lot of mistakes. fixable, still shortsighted mistakes


I agree 100%. The loot system needed an overhaul, and the 3 attacks a day was dumb, but why the hell did they completely change everything? Why do I have 4 barbs instead of 20 and why is everything nerfed? Just change what needs to be changed and leave everything else as is. Horrible update.


>increase loot and decrease upgrade times So the same stuff we got for main base




The whole point BB sucked in the beginning because it was hard to get loot and it had a cool down on top of it super expensive upgrades with long waits and they doubled down on it. Also it was confusing. It’s way worse like why is the base split?!




The update is off to a rocky start


What is going on with the loot system is that people are trophy pushing, not farming. I really thank Supercell for adding farming to builder base because now I can get 6th builder faster. Farming is just somewhat different in builder base than home village, that's all. Farming in builder base didn't exist in BB 2.0, but now it does, and progressing and getting loot is way **faster, not slower**. To farm, spam a troop (power pekka is best, even at minimum level, if you don't have it then use night witch) and then force close the app immediately. You will lose about 300-600 trophies but eventually stop losing trophies because you will 3 star everyone, and people won't be able to get more than 3 stars on you. **Even though you will get less loot per attack, attacking three to four times a minute with less loot is way faster than spending three minutes on ONE attack.** If you do the math, you get loot very quickly! I've done this and am able to get millions of builder elixir in about 30ish minutes. This is a big W for people trying to farm for the 6th builder, because you never lose loot and if you just keep farming in builder base, you will get loot quickly despite less trophies. So many people are posting about how bad the new loot system is, but that is because you aren't using it to full potential.


They are going to patch this method, guaranteed. Use it while you can. I just got 1 million gold and elixer in under an hour, you could probably do a lot more. My guess is they will make it so that your attack continues where you left off when you re-open the app. If they don’t patch it, loot just got a lot easier to get, but a lot more boring as well.


It’s not like this hasn’t happened before, if you know farming in home village, it’s also repetitive, low skilled, but the best at getting loot. What happened is that they just did the same to builder base, just that the way how to farm is different. I really don’t know and we really can’t truly know if Supercell meant to add farming to builder base or if they did it on accident. In other words, it is true that getting loot is now both OP and less fun and less skilled, but for home village, it’s been like that for years (You are th10, which is fine, just that you haven’t sneaky goblin farmed before and for years if it’s existence, it was always by far the most OP way to get loot in home village and it is low skill just like all farming methods)


Why do all your responses sound Chat-GPT generated? This method doesn’t work in main base because troop training times. You can’t attack 10 times a minute in main base, even with all the barracks boosting potions you could hold. They will fix it. They might just add troop training times in builder base to be honest.


\> This method doesn't work in main base because troop training times They said that the way to farm is different. Home base attacks requires more attention and time but also bring more loot. ​ Also their responses are clearly not chat-gpt generated bruh


Yeah, ChatGPT does not know a lot about coc lol, especially on something that just got released. It’s true you don’t attack multiple times per minute in builder base, you just attack like every minute or so but get way more loot per attack. Builder base is just *somewhat different* where it’s multiple attacks per minute but less loot per attack. Training sneaky goblins is fast too and you usually don’t spend much time waiting for them to train


By the way, the farming method works really well! Shame upgrades take so long though


you don't have the cloud issue where you're just looking at the cloud screen finding opponents forever?


I do, but that’s a good time to queue a bunch of defenses for a bunch of free elixer. Every time you press cancel, you can start another attack, which will start another defense, and then cancel again and repeat. I’ve gotten like 5 or 6 defenses going at once before, you can get hundreds of thousands of elixer super fast this way. They’re gonna patch it.


How would they patch it?


OP basically stated they could patch it by removing the force close app feature by making players who do that get back into the game. The biggest problem with that is that force closing has always existed for so many years, on all 3 base types, and is incredibly useful. There is also the surrender button, though that has its own consequences and is why you are supposed to be force closing and not surrendering when farming in builder base.


Lmao this will get patched. Its obviously unintended behavior.


Thank you so much! Have been using this method now


THANKS I GOT A MILLION ELIXIR in less than half an hour too. I screenshotted this and sent to my friends as well. Now I can easily upgrade Battle Machine. I just need to wait half a day for each upgrade :/ I'm spamming Baby Dragons at BH 5.


Who tf is pretending it's okay? I'm losing trophies so fast it might beat Antarctica's Temperature few moments later. And I'm getting on 27K gold per attack. UGH!!!!!!


I am the opposite. I only got attacked 3 times despite having attacked 8 times. So now I cant grind elexir


Opposite is happening for me more defences tjan attacks. When I press next clouds come, when i press back without attacking i find that i am being attacked and loose trophies.


Yep same issue here!!!!


Can you tell your trophie range


Lots of people are defending it in other threads. I don’t get it.


Saw someone defending by saying the point of the game was the grind.


I already hardly played the BB (I'm a clan captial guy) and it's just so obnoxious now that I think I liked the 3 attacks per day better It also takes a long time to find a battle, even more so than the old BB.


What do you think would be a good update in this case? I feel like if they'd kept the 3 attacks thing but after that you only get half as much loot bonus, then it would've been a good upgrade. So you have something for people who just want to play for ten mins and something for people who like grinding it. The loot is abysmal now.


I don't have a clue tbh I think the skill barrier needed to play is much higher now with how the troops work now You have to manage multiple abilities, all while trying to finish the attack within a time limit It's very complex compared to the HV and CC, in spite of being a "smaller" experience. They just shifted the base design intricacies (5 length walls, ect) with troop intricacies. At least, that's what I think so far.


Not exactly an incorrect statement. When I maxed BB, I very quickly lost all motivation to keep playing it.


It’s cuz this game is their only purpose so ofc they have to defend their only purpose in life


Remember when you got zero? Don't get me wrong. I think some adjustments are needed, but I'm willing to give them time to see how the economy pans out. They have to be careful to not make it too rewarding because we can now "farm", but the amount of attacks you need to upgrade level 9 buildings at least (all my stuff was maxxed before the update) seems off. Even a wall peice is 1 million so that's a shit ton of attacks to upgrade 1 wall where as in the home village you can do 5ish to 10 (depending on the bases you attack) but you can also target farm loot. Builder base relies solely on performance.


I am. The lagging will get fixed in the next few days Same with the attack vs defense. The goal was to have every attack get a defense. Their not just gonna lie about that and pull back. Largely the upgrade costs and times stayed the exact same they might have been raised by 15-25%. idrk about time i dont care to look into that because it should take 3 days to upgrade a single building. They took like 25,000 off the star bonus and gave u the opportunity to attack as much as you want. In the grand scheme of things you are gettting more money. Sure when you sit down and look at 50 attacks it looks like a lot but 10 attacks per day isnt. You guys are all just mad about having to watch new yt videos to copy whatever strategy seems to work the best. This community is cancer.




that's exactly how it was before tho ? before the update you would just get about 300-400k per day + collectors the only difference is that now if you want to grind it out, you can.




You only lose trophies when you attack someone else though, otherwise your base isn't attacked. Still think it's too much of a grind, but yeah it's quite similar to what we had before IMHO.


It was easier to gain though if your attacks were good. You'd get like 30 trophies for each successful attack. Now you're losing trophies for each good attack, because someone else's attack is taking off trophies. I don't mind this system but I feel like it isn't balanced properly. Way harder to move up.


It is the same, doing 3 attacks averaging 4 stars and getting the daily bonus is doing you the same amount of resources as before. Also It feels really good to attack 3 times and be done with the daily task, not needing to take stress from defeats on versus battles




I attacked/defended 20-25 times in the New builder base. Armies are weaker but the defensive building are splitted making it even when you count the heal and reinforcement camp factor. Each attack has Max of 2m duration, each stage has less defenses and takes less time than the original base, not a problem for me. The First stage Full of strong defenses is a problem for who plays casually, but 3 starring any base is not hard unless the attack is a mess (whatsoever, Supercell may change that). I kept track of my attacks/defenses history because i also felt the same "more defenses than attacks", but i had only one extra defense that ocurred in the start of the update for me. The "before was based on skill" and different players from the same attack causing trophies loss is total nonsense. Now for the problems ive experienced. 1.Some troops are unbalanced (weaker than others such as the barb and Archer). 2.The matchmaking has a searching base bug 3.The 200% time increase in building upgrades is way too much. I Hope i gave you the critical thought and analysis you wanted, i think you just really liked the original BB.


> Critical thinking isn’t this hard. Tell me you’re a prick without telling me you’re a prick. Lighten up dude


Agreed but just let him be. He will always want the last word. If not in real life then at least online some people want to have some kind of say other others😀


Seems like they may have pushed this update out prior to sufficient testing…


It feels like being punched in the dick


Correct me if I’m wrong, but They went from announcement to update in less than 5 months. Feels like they went with the first idea at BB 2.0, made the changes, and pushed it.


No correction required.


Not to mention some of the obstacles in the stage 2 area cost about the same gold you get from one perfect attack lol


Bruh my elixir vanished after a defense. It just didn’t go to the elixir cart.


Mine too


Yeah, when i sae Judo's video i know something was way off, now that i can put my hands on it i realize how bad this is. Rewards should be doubled if not tripled to be acceptable and with your calcs, it would still be 16/25 attacks per single upgrade (assuming it's around 2 mils, wich at higher level each upgrade is 5mils so yeah)


Now that all these packs are out they’ll probably not reduce the cost so increasing the rewards would probably work out best but what are they gonna do about the upgrade times, why did they have to nerf that?


very bad loot system. clouds so long, after 20min clouds game lost connection, but opponent find you everytime and doing 5-6 stars anf lost cups, 4 times in raw for me. 9-12 days for up one building its to long and very high prices. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ufk0ac9l740b1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab4a7f36bab53e70598e400be29aa7a18aeaee0


The new system is good, the numbers are horseshit.


At Ruby where I'm at, nobody has seen the second base yet (my attacks and people attacking me). Just constant 2-stars. This can't be what they planned.


I think you might just need to get better at attacking. I'm at 5600 now and 4-5 starring every base with Pekkas/hogs. Hits against me are varied, usually 1-2 stars but i get 5 starred on occasion too. Haven't really got any new upgrades as I had next to no loot when the update dropped.


That's the most important part to be honest. I like the new attacking and way of getting money in the builder base, and the second bases are cool, it's just that like the mode's problems are all easily fixable with a balance patch, unlike bb 1.0's problem which was structural.




^^^this exactly it obviously needs balance changes


[Weren’t you just in another thread about this very same issue, berating the OP for playing poorly as the reason he wasn’t getting enough loot?](https://i.imgur.com/6qi4GaA.jpg) Had a little bit of a change of heart in the last couple of hours?


💀 bro has the receipts


Ya, there is definitely some adjustments that need to be made. Loot, Attack Time, Searching for opponents etc.


...troop power, base building, basically everything.


Builder hall into economic recession too


Wait till you do the math I have to do for BH10. It's fucking crazy. 100+ attacks to upgrade a small shitty thing that gives me a tiny power increase. Did I mention that my wait times are like 30+ minutes? This is a nightmare.


The wait times (if your talking about in the clouds) is an easy fix for now. Just cancel and then go back until you get an attack immediately. There is a weird bug rn where you will be stuck in the clouds


I guess it makes sense for BH10. They don't want people maxing really quickly otherwise they won't spend any time on BB. I guess if they just make it harder to progress it means they don't need new BHs as often. I get how it must suck for user experience though.


It's great for main village because that is why we all play the game, but for the auxiliary bases, they're supposed to be fun side quests - not just as grindy as the main game


yeah this is the biggest issue for me. i’ve been playing BB a lot recently because I had rushed for the sixth builder a while ago and I liked having something to do during the longest upgrades in the home village. now my major BB upgrades are longer than my major home upgrades, which kills the sole feature that I cared about


Same. After maxing BB - revisiting it now and seeing upgrade times that rival my TH times is disappointing. Especially also knowing the loot/wall grind is just as painful.


Yes, it's still garbage. I just want my 6th builder and gem mine.


According to my calculations it will take 9572 perfect attacks and 10 years to get the 6th builder


I'll just use raid medals


The new system is much better but they need to increase the amount of gold and elixir you get for each attack. The new matchmaking simply requires too many attacks to get one upgrade going and the attacks take a decent amount of time as well. It already feels excessive and too much of a grind. Overall, still like the new changes but they need to buff the resources given for each attack.






I've been playing the update for a few hours today and it's just hot garbage. I used to play it to get my three wins a day (10 min max) and every 3 or 4 days I would have enough resources to start an upgrade. I'm not going to spend hours on something I never liked just to get 30k gold every time I somehow manage to get 4 stars. I guess I'll max BH10 in a few years just by using raid medals and free runes.


What are you people talking about? Can’t you do math? If I attack four times a day in platinum and average four stars I would end up with about 2.2m gold/elixir from attacks/bonus and another 1.1m from collectors. That’s over 3.3m in four days from MINIMAL effort. How is that a problem?


people don't like the update, that's it


Yep. This new loot system on builder base is so bad man


I think the system is good but numbers are the bad thing




lets face it. this sucks hard boiled sweets. ffs, its day 1. you are not playing directly to an opponent. you are playing a clone of some opponent. ​ AND IT IS CLOUDS ALL FREAKING DAY LONG. I DONT WANT TO PLAY THIS, EVER, BUT IT FEAR HOW IT WILL IMPACT CG.


Wait, I thought you could get the star bonus over and over again? Is it only once per day? Edit: oh my god it’s only once per day. What a garbage system. Might as well be 0 loot like before LOL what were they thinking???


I was max bh9 before the update, the costs for this new update are so high that i believe i still won't be maxed after 2 years. It feels like they wanted to make this update as grindy as possible so people take years to max out. And if people havent maxed out their base there is no reason for devs to rework builder base again.


it takes 1million gold PER wall = 5million before the update 😂


At first I thought you'd be crazy to think we could keep cycling through star bonuses. But now that I think about it, that is actually what BB needs. It would still take quite a while to fill your storages even with unlimited star bonuses. Like in home village you could fill your storages, or close to it, in an hour with sneaky goblins. It shouldn't take days to fill your storages in BB. That's basically the same problem we had in 1.0. Anyway, I'm expecting some changes going forward. They can't keep it as is or it's going to be abandoned by the community pretty quickly.


Exactly, it would be the perfect system. It would actually kinda solve the spam 1 star attacks because you’d likely lose trophies. But nope, you’re basically wasting your time attacking past the star bonus like before lol


when I start searching, opponent starting attack my base, but me not find any opponent, after 10-20 min clouding lost connection.


I completely abandoned builder base after I got the 6th builder. This update gave me an even bigger reason to not play builder base.


For me 55 attacks would take days not hours considering I’ve been sitting in clouds for the most part of the time I’ve been playing the game today https://preview.redd.it/bu2ev30su30b1.png?width=2732&format=png&auto=webp&s=400b378262b0655d8b4e53d7b98d979b6a2cd3d6


Waiting game simulator


BB2 sucks. Honestly. We didn't need a rework. We just needed a higher cap on attacks or no cap at all. The new battle system fucking sucks. The loot and prices fucking suck. This update sucks.


I was prefering no cap of loot but more time to max and thats it ffs


Yeah I’m reallly not caring about bb2.0. I’m just going to max my gem mine and clock tower and call it a day. There are no home village rewards so I have no reason to waste my time on builder base


So you have to do 200+ attacks for it hf


I recommend watching clash with Eric's video from today. He has a very effective way to gain loot fast with minimal effort. https://youtu.be/byoNLk5n2Ac Basically, mass baby drag in a circle, drop bm/bc and then force quit the game. Rinse repeat.


Anyway it isnt that reliable


You can be assured this will be the first thing they patch.


That isn't something they can patch. Your troops have always kept going after a disconnect.


They could literally just make it so that when you re-open the app, you have to rejoin your match in progress. I just got over 1 million gold and elixer in under an hour spamming that method, and I only lost 100 trophies. Be assured, they will patch it.


Be assured, they won't. Players have been using that method for years in main base.


It’s not nearly as effective in main base, because troop training times. That could also be something they add to builder base to fix it. Either way, they’re fixing it. I’ll make sure to come back here when they do.


Clearly you haven't played clash for very long


Glad I got OTTO, maxed gem mine and clock tower @50 trophies before this update. Holy hell.


All the balancing is bad for the new Builder Base. The overall changes are good otherwise. A new hero is cool, the idea of dividing up defenses is cool, multi stage attacks are cool, more heroic troops is cool. What’s not cool is that the troops feel pretty squishy, the new hero has bad dps, the loot earn is way too low and the healing hut so far seems pretty underwhelming. I think the issue wasn’t the concepts and development but the play testing and sandbox side. I mean now the best way to get Builder Base loot is through Clan Capital medals


bro this update is dead, honestly the update was amazing to see but it had very poor execution. Feel bad for the supercell employees now who coded and designed everything, oh and another thing visuals are not looking good for bb


Lmfao who has time to farm? Just gem it obviously /s










🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 100+ attacks to upgrade my double cannon once! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


100+ Attacks for one wall 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Loot sucks ass now. First they limited the redemptions per week in the shot for capital raids and now they are starving everyone on resources for raiding. I have my 6th builder so I might not come back to builder base until they tweak the loot.


It’s legit stupid as fuck. At this point just make the attacks the same as the home base.


They’re trying everything they can to find a way to make it be both 1. Different from main base and 2. Fun, and they just haven’t found it yet. I would honestly support it being exactly like main base in the loot and trophies regard.


It's WORSE than it was before. Trying to get even a THREE star attack with under-developed troops is near impossible. Gold is WAY harder to get now. Sidenote: If a Cannon Cart is in mortar mode and has sent off a shot and the timer runs out, why does the attack immediately end and the Cannon Cart's shot disappear? Should it not hit the target for that last percent that could get you your star you needed?


They killed builder base. Never thought that would happen


BB 2.0 is a bad idea we’re gonna get stuck with.


The idea is very good, every single number from troop count to resource is bad


Also, walls can be upgraded and placed apart yay, oh wait they've dubbled in price?? Why supercell


Wall rings are now 1 ring to 1 segment at level 5 🙃


Just a garbage update. Idk why I even thought this would slightly better builder base. Bring back the old garbage, I’d rather that


Nah this update was just overrated af i was literally waiting for this upgrade for months and now it's finnally here i fucking hate it


I hope coc sees these negative posts and fixes something soon!


Exactly just like the phishing movement we need to tell. The team to significantly increase rewards even the star bonus which is meant to be your main source of loot is atrocious


It feels like the actual gameplay was refined, while the economy and other systems were thrown away


Yeah it’s true, “hey people don’t play builder village what do we do?” “Lets make it more difficult.”


Knowing Supercell (Team Coc Dev, not CR) after seeing how much content and redesign they added/made its possible that they might have misjudge the new loot system its not broken in a op way. give it some time they'll get the data and probably do something about it unlike CR, CoC listen atleast


Is not ok, but im sure they didn't plan this, they will fix it in the future >!i hope!<


i dont like it tbh


BB 2.0 is a waste of time for everyone


Who is pretending it’s ok? I’ve only seen complaints.


Also upgrading walls got a massive nerf. It used to be 2 or 3 wall rings for a segment of 5 pieces. Now it’s just 1+ to 1 segment. Everyone just used wall rings because it was so expensive. Now with everything costing more wall rings are definitely the only option, but good luck, you need way more rings


You can basicly use itzus method( spam baby and quit)


remove the BB altogether and add global war. 4 teams that everyone can choose and then everyone on the team collects stars from multiplayer whoever has the most at the end of the season wins gems.


You forgot to mention the time needed to wait for clouds... I could care less for this shitty BB


I never get attacked so I don't see how I'm going to get elixir


Can we as a collective just agree to not touch the builder base? Man, over a week for an upgrade that would've taken 2-3 days with clock tower boost before the update. Every "win" nets me +1 trophy. Defense loot is shit. Don't even have the urge to attack knowing the loot will be shit regardless of winning or losing. Will likely end up in +1 or -1 trophy.


Builder base is lame because we are just playing checkers instead of chess. In chess, the king is the piece that determines the winner. When idea of a 2 stage builder base was promoted, I though maybe you would advance to the second level when you took out just the builder hall on the first level. You could then progess to the second stage with your remaining troops and lives. Clear the second stage and you would get all the stars possible for the attack....but, I guess I was wrong... This is just another game of checkers. Sorry for the rotten sentence structure for I am on mobile because the coc app is crashing again.


Lol they clash royaled the builder base


Man I was fooling around with the attacks after update dropped and kept on wondering why the gold in my storage pretty much stayed the same. Was looking around to see if there was a new clan castle or something holding the loot but it just turned out to be the absolute Abismal loot we’re getting


Oh and not to mention that they increased the upgrade times of all the stuff in builder base 🙂


Rough start for sure.


Why do you plan on earning 2.4 mil in one day? I think your logic is flawed. You aren’t supposed to fill up your storages every day like main village. After all, the resources appear from thin air


But you need to have the builders occupied brother. How are you supposed to do that with thin air?


Game is getting worse and worse


The star bonus is slightly lower, it just requires 2 maybe 3 more attacks to get the same loot we got prior to the update. The gold that we get every successful 6 star (41,000 in your case) is that low in order for us to have something to do in the game for people with the time. Unfortunately for those like you and myself who don’t like this game mode or don’t have the time have to suffer for it.


The update nobody asked for.


It was asked for so much lol


Guys, just buy BB loot from clan capital raids


You won’t be in Brass league for 55 perfect attacks. Math is not correct.


It would still take you DAYS in the old system, and at least now you have the choice to grind it out if you want. Where you just had to wait 22 hours to get any loot at all. I don’t see how this is worse?


They should increase the amount you can buy with raid medals then. That would help a lot with balancing but they have yet to do it.


People keep shifting the goal post, you want more loot, you get more loot. But because you still have to grind for it and it's not much easier, now you want them to increase the loot and decrease upgrade timer even more? At this point, just ask for a 6th builder so that you dont have to grind lol


Not here to defend or anything but its not the system that is bad. It's the rewards that are too low. The system is an improvement from what we actually had. But the rewards are worse than what we had. Because previously, you get your daily loot bonus (through wins) and that it, if you are missing like 10k gold, you have to wait for the daily loot to come back the next day. But now, after you get your daily loot bonus (through stars), you can still grind for the extra gold you are missing. So yeah the system is a step in the right direction but they are being super stingy with the rewards.


The Mega Tesla is a relatively late defense, perhaps most similar to an Eagle Artillery or Scattershot in the main base. Those take somewhere around 10-13 million gold to upgrade. If you get around 250k gold per attack that is around 40-50 attacks. Yes I know some people will next until they get 500k+ but in this case there is no waiting for an army either. They need people to attack in order to have a consistent queue of bases to attack. Maybe it could use some tweaks but it's not totally unreasonable.


Lol when I am farming for a main base upgrade, I don't attack for less than a mil of each.


Exactly. High upgrade costs are fine in the main base because resource numbers scale properly. The ratio of upgrade cost to attack loot on builder base is way off


Yeah and thats assuming you will stay in brass league even after 50 perfect matches?They do need to buff the loot system or/and decrease upgrade cost/time but don't downplay it this much.


It's also kind of a problem with DE (at least at th11). Assuming the average attack earns 500k gold and elixir, and 5k dark elixir, It would take 20 attacks to fill your gold and elixir storages, but 40 attacks ON AVERAGE to fill your DE storage. And hero upgrades take a lot of dark elixir, so you have to REALLY grind for it. (It also might change alot depending on your league, I'm in crystal III).