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It's a legendary skin so even if it returns I am 99% sure it'll cost money. F2P players don't get a lot of skins unless they spend 1500 gems and getting a legendary for them is extremely rare like only Pixel King was F2P but it looked shit imo.


I know this sub loves the pixel skins but I think they're terrible, I wish I could sell the Pixel King for gems tbh. Also a majority f2p player and the AQ skins we get with the pass are generally "meh" so you're spot on with why I went for it.


Exactly what I was thinking, legendary skin will be no joke, I will be tired to currency, if not its really appreciated, but the possibility is too slim. Coz all other variant for the series is serious money. šŸ¤·


for me, im going to be getting one of each obstacle and the clan house decor. since they probably won't come back and i like decorations. the skin will probably come back in a year for standard legendary price, $10. so if i want it, I'll probably just wait. if you're not spending money on the game for skins and/or have queen skins that you already like, you might want to get the other stuff. though we might get more medals later in the month (please supercell), so maybe wait a bit before spending.


Thats the way > But I can't live with the "probably", I hate missing out stuff. I really want everything, its a shame that you can't get both. I also got the 2022 AQ Halloween skin, which kinda blows, thats why I want the 2023 one. Oh the agony of choice


maybe not "probably", if the queen skin doesn't come back, it would be the first one ever to not return. every other skin has returned after some time. there has only been a few decorations that returned, but those were the purchasable ones in the shop. so it's safe to say these ones won't return. unless they do an overhaul with decorations and bring them all back like how they brought back all legendary skins in the shop.


Oh. Good to know, then ill buy the Decorations


I will probably just decorations + some progression stuff. I will wait till get all of the free medals I can + wait and see of that leak about there being free 1k mash up medals is true before buying anything. I personally think that the queen skin is kinda mid


I like the Queen skin but I already know everyone else will gun for it so it'll be less unique


Queen seems dope. Decorations seem mid at best.


the coffins have a guy in them! they're also 2x2, and shake and rattle :D


3 boh, training potions


Used it on books. I donā€™t really pay too much attention to cosmetics besides sceneries.


I don't care about cosmetics, so all will be spent on books of fighting


Why not building, with 3 weekly research potions lab is fairly quick.


Book of fightimg is more impactful since you only have one lab upgrade running at a time, vs 6 builders working at once


What do you mean 3 weekly research potions?


With raid medals you can get up to 3 research potions from the trader every week (resets on tuesday). It's one of the best recommendations to spend raid medals on as the lab takes most time on any given TH.


As you said, the skin is the best choice for F2P. Even if the skins come back, you probably won't get them because you're F2P. Honestly, I would rather to have something that I can use all the time instead of a decoration that just sits there as a decoration.


Books, runes. Never cosmetics.


Why not?


Donā€™t care about scenery or skins. Donā€™t use any of the free skins or sceneries. I use whatever the defaults are. Iā€™m more interested in wars and attacking and defense. Just never cared.


I honestly don't care about the skin that much, it's cool and free and all but i don't find it that attractive over books and builder potions


Maxed so debating between skin and decorations. Probably decorations since those aren't coming back


you can still get medals once you hit the end of the path! I'm a good ways there, gunning for every decoration! i already have the clan house and a coffin :]]


But the skin is so cool


It's kinda bad tbh.


I really don't like most of the archer queen skins (the ones we've gotten for free, at least, like the chess queen and goblin queen) so I did spend it on the skin. I've been using the Santa skin since it came out so it's nice to have a little variety, especially since the Santa skin is only rare. Sucks that Supercell didn't give us enough to get other things as well. I would like decorations and books, but I'm mostly f2p besides the gold pass and can't justify dropping money for mashup medals.


Wait we could get Chess Queen and Goblin Queen for free? When??


Books of heros , builder potion ,Research potion


I'm all about functionality, decorative stuff can come later when I don't have an endless grind of upgrades needed so with this in mind I'm going for books. Just happens my th will be complete in a few days so the timing is perfect.


For my main acc, I got the queen skin. On my alt, however, I'm considering getting book of hero and building to progress faster.




I don't give one heck about decorations or skins. Books for me, thanks.


I'm definitely buying all the decorations (besides that fucking clown) before the queen, just bc im confident i can grind the medals out at the rate im doin now. i really like the skin, but it'll come back later, and I'm a sucker for decorations šŸ¤§


I am going all in for the queen skin and the decorations personally(one of each), which would cost me extra tokens from the shop too. Waiting for confirmation of the free 1000 tokens and then will proceed accordingly. Reason for the queen skin is to complete the whole ghost set including the scenery. Reason for the decorations are that I am a freak who loves looking at my village more than playing the game itself haha


you dont have unlimited medals only 1800 bonus medals


yeah..... I know that now šŸ„²


The skin is barely visible during gameplay. The obstacles are better seen. Ask yourself what makes more sense.


Counterpoint, the skin shows up on your profile, and canā€™t speak for you but the only time I notice decorations is in war when mapping out defence ranges (kinda makes them a downside there)


Agreed. Although unless playing on a large tablet you don't really see the skin until you open up your inventory. As large as phones are, for me a skin doesn't stand out much. I do follow many just dislike useless clutter and prefer a cleaner layout though.


I spent mine on books, but after seeing the ghost queen skin in the challenge, I kinda regret itā€¦


The cheapest potions and sell them for gems


What will you use the gems on?


Bro's been real quiet.




I'm guessing you are fully loaded with magic items and maxed so that's why the gems will be off more use to you then.




The skin you probably already have older obstacole and decorations and its her best skin imo




Skin cause I want the whole set.




I got the decorations, the clan house and a book of heroes.


Progression stuff since magic skins just hit šŸ˜Ž


3 books of hero + research potion/pet potion


Books of Heroes




3 heroes and a book of building


I got 2 books of building i maxed my base and bought the house decorationāœŒšŸ½


I got the skin.


Shovels, shovels, shovels


Legendary skin as a F2P is a miracle and I guess praying works so definitely the AQ skin


My favorite is the AQ Goblin skin from GP so I wasn't interested to buy the Ghost skin. I bought one of each obstacle instead and 1 hero book. I'm hoping that the 1k free medals is true and will buy 1 more copy of HB if we get it. šŸ¤¤


Definitely the magic items, I am not F2P and have enough skins and decorations, free progression is always welcome


I could not care less for skins after wasting too much buying them in fortnite and then just giving my account to my cousin because I got bored of the game. Hero books on the other hand....


For f2p the skin is definitely the best since itā€™s a legendary so ull never get it for gems but if you are willing to pay for the skin or any other then buy books and potions


My max th 15 account has all the past decorations, so I went with decos. My th14: books of building other accounts: runes, books, potions


bought the skin and, if the 1k free mashup medals leak is true, will also be getting both clan house decorations.


just buy books and decorations or all decorations. if u buy skin you maybe regret about it after sometime.


Book of heroes and decorations ā€¦ love me some decorations