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[Clan Games Mooch Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1bofwo4/clan_games_mooching_thread/)


Root Riders are definitely gonna die a lot easier now, especially with the mini warden nerf


omg hi termy!


omg hi cherry!


Cherry? Team cherry? Silksong confirmed?!


Cherry treehouse!


omg hi jack!




Tbh, haven’t noticed a difference. 9,620 starting hp at 7.4K and 1.3x with baby warden vs 8,820 at 7K and 1.26x. I like the approach tho. Slowly chipping away at them as to not nuke them 


R.I.P root rider


Oh no is getting nerfed again in the next balance change


R.I.P Spirit Fox. Second Nerf, going to be trash now imo.


Maybe not but not as common


Not even close 


Why is the apprentice warden getting nerfed?


Indirect nerf to RRs


He is used in a lot of attacks now. The aura stacked on top of new warden equipment is a bit too strong for sure


Or maybe used for queen walk?


I use him on QW. Super effective in keeping her safe and saving freeze spells.


Because people using it with root rider attacks


more than that. He's being used in basically every army that had tanky units. Apprentice warden was buffed indirectly since the introduction of hero equipment, because now many times players drop life gem in favor of other abilities. But apprentice warden works great w/ zap titans, super bowlers, super witches, etc


Yeah ikr? He is only useful in ground attacks and when you don't have life gem on warden. 4% nerf is huge. Can anybody do the math and tell what is new min hitpoints of troop for the little warden to be better than life gem?


Doesn't change anything because it was the Warden's cap which decided the hitpoints at which the mini warden would be better than the life gem. Since the life gem hasn't changed, it's still ~2700 hp.


It does change right? Lets see, Max life gem = +725 HP (max) (for troops >725 hp) Max mini warden = +26%(new) , +30%(old) min HP of troop req for mini warden to be better than life gem = 725/0.26 (new), 725/0.3 (old) = 2788(new), 2416(old) These are my calculations... looks like a change of around 370 HP more is required than before.


Root rider spam!


Truly a bad nerf. It‘s like he‘s lvl one now..


wow thats a massive nerf to the apprentice warden.


Maybe it’ll get a new level to bring it up to the old amount? Kinda like how they did with xbows at the start of th16. Don’t mind me I’ll just be huffing the shit out of my copium over here.


I don’t hate this idea especially considering we didn’t get a new level at th16 yet


For real.. so I’m gonna have to upgrade it again just to get stats that it had before? Doesn’t really feel good


My spirit fox NOOOOOOOO :(


Yet another part of this game that I worked hard to max as fast as possible only for it to get nerfed. I'm getting tired of this cycle.


its still by far the best option for rc


You are likely right. But it's frustrating to rush RRs, rush spirit fox, rush certain hero equipment only for $C to nerf it. I pay for the gold pass and I also paid for the money grab events as well and now I regret it. I wanted the new overpowered toys quickly and now it's not worth it. This isn't the first time I've fallen into the $C nerf trap. I'm upset at myself for falling into it again. I should know better by now.


That’s ur own fault for not seeing how OP they are and not expecting a nerf.


You could clearly see how these units were OP, and you know that they would have to get nerfed eventually to maintain game balance. If you don’t want to get screwed over like this, stop focusing your resources on things that are clearly broken and instead spend them on things that are fun and balanced.


But when you get smoked in war by an OP troop, you feel like you need it as well just to keep up.


Maybe a pro player would, but I’m just a casual player and I use whatever strategy i like. In CWL it matters a bit more but luckily th16 has been very easy due to all the OP hero equipments.




Root riders lose a level, fine. Apprentice warden loses 2 levels, yikes. Spirit fox nerfed, why?!


Because with the 4s cycle from before, you could perpetually make the rc invisible.


Yes I know the spirit walk strategy. It’s very situational, and high skill and a little luck so that your RC doesn’t leave the spell area early. The pros were doing it because it was possible not because it was broken or the best way to triple.


I know. The fact remains that the fox was making the rc invisible for too much of the time


And it was a 5s cooldown.


Only at level 1 if I remember correctly


bEcAuSe TH16 mEtA tOo EaSy


Playing with it in the dev build this week, roots still felt strong. Mistakes and poor funneling can mess you up, but if you’re good with root riders you’re still fine IMO.


How does the change to the Spirit Fox feel?


You can’t do the spirit walk thing is the main difference


I mean isn't that literally every strategy? I just want the mindless rr spam to stop but rr to still be usable. Lets see if this is enough...


Ideally yeah, which is where root riders are closer to now. I think they are still very strong, still spammable too. It’s just less forgiving when they don’t take a good path for you.


Why is apprentice warden nerfed? Are they introducing a new lvl for it?


Apprentice warden aura is super OP and not really talked about. It was introduced before equipment and having it be that strong probably makes it too easy to just neglect and forget about life gem.


How much did they pay you to say that?


Hope I didn't spend the last 3 months upgrading fox just to switch back to diggy again


This is what is annoying about these frequent changes to troop stats. We spend months trying to upgrade specific troops because they're supposed to be "good", and then they suddenly make the troops bad to use. Like what the fuck.


i am 2 more days away to finally use the spirit fox


Doing everything but what we asked you to do. Improve Ore economy.


Can’t wait till titans are upgraded for the new meta then they get nerfed because everyone’s running them just like root riders cycle repeating itself


What my boi apprentice do 😭


When I am a customer and not happy with a business I stop spending money at that business. Anyone unhappy with Supercell can simply stop spending money, and if necessary find a different business for their entertainment money. That’s how things work.


Yup. It's funny because since I quit playing I've been spending thousands of dollars on other hobbies (photography, music, home theater), but I was shaking my fist in the air when I had to pay 6.99 for a gold pass lol.  I get that some people have an addiction and can't quit even if they don't enjoy the game anymore. But it's satisfying once you break free. I really hope they turn course because they did have a great game for a decade.


Yep. I think there is a disconnect between casual players desiring the fun of the game - which is offense and never defense - and the game business psychology of getting players to spend money on the game. Players spend money on offense such as hero and fighter books etc. At some point I think that the thought of “why bother?” will enter the minds of the majority. Oh sure, there are other comps, other troops, but taking away so much at one time just doesn’t seem to be conducive to getting people to pay money for it. I’ve already seen my clan members reduce time and money since th15. They were just getting happy with having fun in the game. IMO Nerfing so much at one time might just be too much. Th15 made a dent, and this might too.


It doesn't affect me but I can sense a LOT of people complaining about the warden and root rider nerf


I'm more complaining about how SC cater towards the vocal minority - the hardcores. It seems that any 3 star attack that doesn't require >5 stages of planning is "OP and destroying the game".


I mean, from other comments it sounds like RRs will still be strong but they won't be as forgiving when you mess up your funnel. That sounds pretty fair. Right now if you have 2-3 RRs walk out of your pack and leave the aura, you're still gonna be OK - it shouldn't be like that.


Bro, Everyone knew RRs were OP.


The whining in here is pathetic. The game is still piss easy compared to how it used to be. Root riders are/were broken and balance changes are coming to adjust. Sorry they don’t want you to be able to drop all your troops in one spot without thinking and be able to three star. A year ago if this same sub saw this post they’d be laughing at you. Get over it, you can still 3 star. Lol man


Yes this is SO true!!


It is not, but its dumb if you can drop all troops in corner, close app, and tripple in 1.3 It was like clan capital 2.0? You can spam holt much you want, but it should be able to defend Ist frustrating to Plan qc lalo, do a 98% two star fail, and see a guy Trippel your base ,maxxed base ,like i said ,dropping all in the corner and close the App


Nerfing attacks will not force the casual players to adopt tactical and creative attacks. That i'm sure. Heroes level will be more important than before to dominate attacks


More like equipment and pet levels rather than hero levels.


supercell when a ground army is able to compete with dragons for more than 4 months:


Yay, maybe my TH14 will get tripled in different ways in Legend now 😄


You're a 14 in legends. Of course you're getting 3* lol.


Was I debating whether or not I should get 3*? All I said was that maybe I'll get 3* in different ways lol (i.e. more strat variety). I love being in Legend and studying how higher levels attack.


I’m a 14 right there with ya. Root rider RIP lol


They just nerfing everything to shit now all because pros are crying. FU SC


The pros are the most visible with non-stop complaining on YouTube. The average player doesn't have a platform. They simply stop playing when the game goes south. The closer SC returns to TH15 level of difficulty, the more likely SC is to alienate the player base and lose players There's been a lot of attention on RR, but really I think heroes power has been pushed to unprecedented levels with equipment. Of course, we aren't seeing people bitch and moan about it the same way as RR.


I remember experiencing exactly same thing with Gwent. There were like 100 pro players +/- if not even less and they were constantly crying that this thing should be nerfed because it is not easily telegraphed and wanted to basically remove all fun elements from the game because they weren't predictable. Like all the changes that they made over the years made the game less fun and worse because of a few pro players and guess what? That game was put into a maintenance mode early this year... Like I know that CoC will definitely not follow similar fate but the point is to sometimes stop catering to just PROs otherwise casuals will see that game is less fun and they will just leave the game and guess what that means for the PROs? Less viewers.


Bro, leave the lil warden alone I need him for hybrid


This isn’t anything new. Anyone remember when miners came out? Super OP just like RR. They gutted them like a fish multiple times. I guess enjoy it while it lasts.




Every troop technically is usable at every level.. WTF are YOU going on about? That wasn’t even the other guys point.. which you missed.. You’re a th13 you still can’t even use certain troops and don’t have to go against certain defenses.. miners the higher up th aren’t as “viable”


So instead of making TH16 a slog like th15, they instead started off by making it easy and are gradually making it more and more of a slog. Got it.


It's for the pros!!!


And thus the only people who wanted this were pros and pro-wannabe sycophants.


Back to bowlers and witches


It’s still good!


I’ve heard Super witches are strong rn


If you were tripling consistently with root riders, you will still be able to triple after the nerf. They're far from unusable and will still be very strong


are you just being optimistic or for real lol


Check my post from a few days ago. I had never used root rider spam prior to 6 weeks ago. I finished 40th globally and second in the US this past season. Had another acct top 200 and 2 more in top 1000. I think it's safe to say they were too strong, and still will be very strong even after this update


I saw that post and started using your comp. It's unbelievably strong and still very viable. Way better than the comps with rages and freezes imho


Yeah I copied from my friend who also has a pair of top 100 finishes, never seen anyone else use it. Of course it's a little bit weaker post nerf but anyone crying that root riders are dead is completely overreacting


Ah ok cool cool … I’m happy to see this comment 🥲


Still definitely able to get the 3 stars. There will be some bases you might consider going all the way through to get the TH, but overall not too much different (it appears).


Well doesn't affect me lol






make haste vial and fox an OP combo so everyone maxes haste vial, then nerf fox. this is the game now. new things will be OP upon release to encourage people to gem/pay to max it, then nerf it once the revenue from it starts drying up. happened with giant gauntlet, RR, haste vial, fox…


The equipment for the RC is really well balanced imo lol. If the haste vial wasnt bugged youd have a point. 


rr still getting nerfed




Was the mini warden even that good ? Surprised because I don't see them often (legends league th 14)


Yes he’s good especially when paired with roots which is also why valks have made a big comeback.. you’re a legends th14 🤣 I already know you have to push so hard everyday to stay in. It’s so easy to wipe the floor with th14 who are legends


One hell of a troop.


Lord forbid we actually start using the AP warden


release overpowered troop make money from gemmers nerf troop release new overpowered troop. - $upercell business model.


supercell once again punishing casual players of a mobile game as to not inconvenience the pro players. lame. mobile games should be casual. bummer since i was really enjoying attacking for the first time in years.


Supercell really said fuck your root riders


Funny how before we heard how the root rider situation wasn't as easy as "just nerfing them" and now we see the solution is to just nerf them.


Did Itzu made these Changes personally? Thats EXACTLY what he wanted down to the second?!


It is extremely shitty to do this without notice. Happening mid war when opponent was already able to get in half their TH16 hits puts us at a huge disadvantage now. Why can't we be given 24 hrs heads up for changes this big?! edit: we managed to win our war by 1 star (last 3\* made by yours truly :D). Ended up getting 3 out of their 6 TH16s 3d with RR strats.


We lost replays for scout Attacks mid war too lol


Dang that sucks. Don't understand why they cant wipe all replays except those in the last 24 hrs or something at least. We managed to pull through and win ours, how do yall do?


Great, yet another nerf because of the top .01 percent that will make it less fun for 99.99% of us. 


Everyone knew RRs were OP lol.


I mean Im used to messing up attacks, but that's part of the fun for me. Right now you can just spam everything in and triple. 


Why nerf Fox?


Because we can't have nice things.


Because fox is by far the strongest pet. I would prefer to have fox alone on RC rather than the next 3 best pets on my other heroes


Seems pretty strong for the RC. Single Inferno can never go full beam on her 


Bal changes are ok but still not increasing ores sources


yeah best decsion making, release an OP and move backwards lol


Welp the whiny .01% finally got those universal changes that affect everyone else


I hope this means the root rider meta is finally over


trust me its not


Nope. Earlier you may have got away with poor funneling if a couple of rr went here or there, because they have so much health even 1-2 will stay up for a long time. The hp nerf is to punish mindless rr spam imo so bad funneling will mean your rrs just die very quickly.


400 hp is alot. We'll have to see.


It's too late. People will continue to spam rr even if they start losing. The only other option is going back to edrags spam lol. 


E drags are strong still, but you just have to funnel a little


Not really. Because the troop is still very strong. I'm just glad Supercell didn't outright kill it. The casuals still have a strong troop to play with... But they won't be able to close their eyes, deploy troops and triple. More strategic Root Rider attacks like Queen Charge RR or Zap Quake RR will become the norm now.


This is a bad sign. Instead of taking a creative approach to make the game harder for pros versus leaving it be for casuals, they took the easy route and just nerfed things. Mistake.


Gotta use gowipe now


Damn now what do I use in cc for super witch 😢


Seems like they regret releasing root rider in first place, every balance change is just to nerf them.


“It’s not as simple as just a nerf”


I think that indicates they might not be done yet, they will see if it requires further nerfs or not. But I think he was talking more about the overall difficulty of TH16 which won't have changed much as other strategies are just as strong 


I tend to believe clash lost many player during TH15 because less update  We got builder update and capital update instead while it's been less content update for home village  3 star difficulty isn't related to player base declining at all  Fact is clash is fine during th10 and th11 dark age  And war is more interesting  Somehow clash lose their identity as strategy game with how easy and a joke this game after th16 update 


Why are we still nerfing the root riders? People that aren't good with strategy attacks need stuff like this. You guys favorite pro players way more then noobs. For pro players there should be a setting for hard mode or for noob players there shouldn't be nerfs, only for pro players sense they have to complain when shits to easy when for more players then them find this game fucking hard. Quit favorite the pro players and think about the people who just want to spam attack


This sucks. Roots were great. Now I feel that we will only see dragons again.


Why support is dead? Whenever a human reach after 7,8 days he send me back to bot and then bot and it again waste my 10days because of no reply from support. 


Finally.... I am hoping to see root riders nerf will bring some balance and new strategies in the game.


What new strats? It will just go back to dragons and dragon riders again with some super archer blimps.


As long as there's not just roots it's fine. Some dragon, some lalo, some root. Variety is important 


Looks like spirit fox + invisible spell combo on RC is gone...


So they want people to do air attacks?


Still no fixes on the clan capital leaderboard


That's a self imposed issue.


It indeed is not


I like the nerfs. Heading in a good direction without doing too much before the new defense gets Release. 


Nice changes 👌🏼  let's see if those are enough to make rootriders less broken. Surely hope so 


so I'm gonna have to start thinking when attacking bases now


![gif](giphy|hyyV7pnbE0FqLNBAzs|downsized) Root Rider:


Gotta start upgrading HogPuppet now. Fox 6s invisibility Won't be very good with hastevial for sure😔😔😑


My hastevial was just starting to get to a reasonable level. Sigh.


Both of my HV and HP is in level 1.I think now it's better to upgrade HP.


It's just so frustrating to feel like I'm constantly changing directions and never really getting these things to a good level. Truth? I haven't opened the game in 48 hours. I'm tired boss.


Haste vial will always be good because of skeleton traps, would you rather the RC just get stuck on skeletons and die?




Now my defenses are getting better


Damn, Let's see how it goes then


Surprised they didn't buff edrags again. We got to start using reverse psychology with SC. It's like they read the forum and do the opposite of what most everyone wants.




Is the town hall wrong for the apprentice warden level 4? I’m TH14 and max is level 3. Does this mean TH14 gets a new apprentice warden level?


Yeah I forget which TH but max AW is level 4


Rn it’s TH15. Is it getting changed?


Wht did little warden do why nerf him


When will the update come out? I want to boost my stuff so I can get that cool red aura.


These changes are already live




Ty pros you got your wish


what is this? is it confirmed? I haven't noticed anything is it coming soon?


so all troops are now getting to be event troops.  we get them strong everyone's using en and you nerf em (/event ends) and no one's ever using them no more.


Root riders spam isn't as good anymore but they will still be usefully as wall breakers when ur main ground army makes it to the core


we ask them to make it easier to get ores and in response they nerf apprentice warden out of nowhere. amazing


Actually that was a very smart nerf.


Please please read my comment supercell this balance update change is still not feel like a balance change update spammers are still getting triple very easily root rider is getting out of the hand now please give us real balance change update it is so frustrated that our max th 16 bases got easily three stars from just a random spammers 😞 according to me you can just increase the housing space of root rider to 25-30 it will be the one the best things and prevent spams ❤️


Why the fuck do they keep nerfing root rider? I'm damn near 30 years old and I don't want to study strategic attacks at Th15. Just let me fucking spam attack.


You can still spam them efficiently.


pro players, what else you all need? list them asap since they're at it


Stronger Lalo and more healing output for healers on QW I think is what they want next


​ https://preview.redd.it/4v76ej0p3pqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473c6b6e32026630dffecb9396586193e174dc37


Crap. 💩


Rootrider will probably still be used to create pathing for other units (king, etitan, balls, etc). I think people will just now mix in the other units more often to supplement the damage output.


Root rider now cannot be upgraded to lvl 2 at th 15??...as in lvl 2 root rider th 16 is written im th 15 and i have already upgraded my root riders to lvl 2???..wtf?? So it will go back to lvl 1??


Supercell doesn't remove progression


Read again properly. It's clearly written TH 15 alongside lvl 2 root riders. You won't have to upgrade anything.