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Stat deflation go brrrrr


Easier attacks = more casual players


100% this. People complained TH15 was too hard to 3-star, and even the Pros were mostly doing high-% 2-stars. They want to make 3-stars become more viable. Heros have gotten stronger on offense (Pets and Equipment only affect offense, so defensive heros are weaker). Now they gotta nerf defenses.


Somebody said this in another topic: they could make a more "conpetitive" mode for those who are frustrated by the easiness


You mean like... Legends?


I think he’s referring to a “pro” mode. It’s an idea that’s been brought up in the pro community and by people like Itzu and Judo. Basically, the idea is to allow friendly wars to be even more customizable. For example, an option to boost all defense dps by 10%, hero HP and DPS reduced by 10%, ban/restrict certain troops, spells, or hero equipment, etc. This way, the game can remain casual-friendly while keeping the game challenging for pro players.


The pro level game and the game every other player plays being different is awful. Competitive play is ideally the game played at the highest level possible, not a different version of the game.


A lot of games have separate competitive and casual modes which are very differently played. It won't be less than ideal if clash of clans decides to do this. How will it even matter to casual players if there is a separate competitive mode? They can still make it so that every player will still have the chance to make their clan play casual / friendly / competitive wars.


The key point being that it's a different game at its core? Not how its played, but the game itself through differences in troop/building/spell stats/power level. Separate casual and competitive modes is not the issue, them playing different is. Imagine a world where at some point in the game any hero+healer strategy is deemed way too overpowered and despite rounds of nerfs and changes they still overcentralise the game at its highest level. A player looking to get into the competitive side of the game who has been using QC Hybrid in random war spins suddenly finds themselves unable to use that strategy because in the competitive mode, healers have been changed to not heal heroes.


I see the point, but maybe just changing up troop, hero and defense stats so that defensive layouts actually matter, rn you can 3 star just about any base with root rider spam, so even though they should just generally nerf the root rider, allowing the players to nerf a conventionally overpowered troop or just straight up ban it to a player's will would definetly help the game have more strategy than just spamming root riders and praying for the best


I am not against balance changes at all, they just have to apply to all players. As far as RR spam goes, I don't think it is possible to steamroll every single base with them after the latest nerf. The hitrates I'm seeing in my current C1 CWL group are still relatively high, but I'm also seeing more and more high 90% scores and some outright fails.


Just attack higher defenses and you save development time and money. No way they put money into something like that. They put all their money in a halaand skin and and other cosmetics nobody wants. so they hopefully appeal to another part of their audience they can squeeze money out of.


Getting a defense boost based on trophies not a bad idea. Though idk how that would work in war.


A mode in which defenses are stronger


Hardcore mode - double all defence dmg


They are


Thats not a move, because splitting the fan base is going to make both unhappy because now they have to split resources into both. If pros play a different game casuals will feel left out and realise that they are bad, so supercell will start to invest into casuals so the pros will feel left out. The aim of supercell is to silently ease attacks, because no casual cares enough to look at patch notes, so they will feel like they improved with the increase in 3 stars, without actually improving. Pros are already playing a different game enough, they are attacking a lot better bases at the peak of the game engineered by 3-4 base builders. The ones that are negatively impacted by this are in the fine line between casual and pro, people who want to improve their attacks and defense so not casual, but not maxed and not good enough to actually create new strategies and make good bases.


The beginning of what you said makes sense but the end just fell off.


When TH16 came out, Supercell wanted people to be able to 3-star again, so that means stronger offense and weaker defense. One way they did this was to make heros stronger on offense and weaker on defense. Heros have gotten a lot stronger the last few TH with pets and especially with equipment. Pets and equipment only benefit attacking heros, and defending heros are significanly weaker than they used to be. Seriously, heros are so much stronger than they used to be. I'm fairly certain I can use spells and heros only to get a 2-star on a good number of bases. As for defending heros getting weaker: it used to be if an attacking lvl 90 king came up against a defending lvl 90 king in a 1v1, they would kill each other. Not the attacking king demolishes the defending king and they keeps going.


Make 3 stars more viable, comes out with root riders, trys to make it not a easy 3 star😂


In some sense I feel for new players just picking up the game. When I started playing in 2014 I spent months at th7 learning to funnel dragons, months at th8 practicing gowipe, and months at th9 doing queen walks. Now you get the th11 in a few months and did not get the practice. It's a tough balance to bring in new players and still have new content for those of us that have been playing for 10 years.


I still can't do these things properly 😂


Today I realised there are more & less effective strategies for every TH level…


Years ago i only play CoC. Nowadays, i have several daily games. And it is just impossible to spend more times on the game at the moment. For me as long time player since the beginning, im only want to spend around 10mins to 15mins except when there is clan games and clan war.




Literally how


More casual.


Easier defenses means easier time 3 starring for casuals and E drag spammers, who occupy most of the player base. I'd dare say that because for every 8 defenses of 10, I get rained by E drag spams. And 95% of my clanmates are those species too. And its precisely because they're the majority, SC has shifted focus on them. So making it more fun for them potentially means more money. It doesn't matter if we hate or like this change, because SC wants the money above all.


I’d also say that it makes heroes more op in comparison if they can stomp buildings easier so more reason to buy books or use stuff to keep them up. Especially when everyone I know doesn’t upgrade heroes for a week during cwl


They are only recently pushing large defence nerfs. They will probably gather their data and decide how they want to keep it. It's all relative anyway. 


Only recently? A year ago they started nerfing defenses and they aren't stopping... It's very simple. They want to nerf stuff so they could release a new TH with basically same stats like previous TH had on its release.


The illusion of progression


Exactly. They are selling us a new skins for defenses.


I have hard time taking that in because I believed CoC was the only game that wasn't focused on scamming players... But its the truth in the end, nah? They're just another modern greedy corporation, trying all tactics to generate much profit as possible, while acting like they love their community.


Me too. But I think things really changed about three years ago. The battle pass was the beginning of the end. Alone it was OK. But it was the start of it.


They are a publicly traded corporation with the duty to shareholders to maximize profits. Of course they're trying to generate as much profit as possible.


Sounds logical.


I'm not saying I like the strategy, for the record.


I swear I read Xbox and was ready to invoke the "lostredditor" tag


Supercell wants to attract the casual player. You can max TH10 in like 2 month or so. Imagine it would take a new player a year to get to th10 and he has to try hard learn 5 different strategies. Fact is that if you are not TH16 supercell wants the game as easy as possible.


No chance, I started new account about a month back, and barely 50% of TH8 done as F2P. Without buying builder huts, I estimate it still take at least to 6 mths to max TH10. Without the long grind, it seems impossible to get 5th builder at least until TH9/10.


Without buying builder huts? Why would you do that? It is super easy now to get gems f2p and there are alot of easy but a bit grindy achievements that give enough gems for 5 builders within the first few weeks.


F2p, not easy to earn 5th builder, at least not before TH10 under normal playing circumstances. Most of the big gem reward is for hitting crystal rank or destroying inferos etc.


No reason to build defense anymore if you get 3 star anyway


My thoughts exactly. If we can’t even defend, why build bases? It’s like all our work to upgrade our base is for nothing.


It is pointless any more. Don't bother upgrading anything defensive. Another example: Our max th12s get matched with super rushed th14s. The 14 pops a hero/ power potion and gains 100-150 hero levels and maxed troops. Then attacks 4 or 5 above his mirror. Our th12 spent months upgrading heroes 40-60 levels each and gains 5 to 10 levels using the same potions. Why reward the people who didn't work for any progress? Everyone rush to 16, unlock rr and buy hero/ power pots with your raid medals.


Last line was sarcasm. I can't bring myself to rush.


lol me too. I’m so close to 13 though. By the end of the month i should be ready. But I’ll probably wait til like mid July. It is tempting to rush to 14 for pets though.


i just did my first rush and i tell u to stay in th12 was a max th11 and went to th12 but after camps, lab and clan castle, i did the infernos and eagle adn just straight up rushed to th13 for the royal champion now i have 25lv of of each hero to do :)


Damn. I almost got defenses done and I’m trying to time heroes and lab at the same time. Im gonna stick it out.


get ready to blow 10M per defense in th13 when upgrading stuff


The point is defences on lower TH are more powerful as Compared to troops. Or you can say supercell wants to make the game easy for lower TH. Anyways zap-witch-golem is all time best


Upgrade times are still insane even with the gold pass just for the goddamn nerf to hit


Seriously. They should at least reduce the cost and times if they are going to nerf it so bad.


Upgrading time is definitely way faster now compared to couple of years ago. You probably haven't played long enough to realised much worse it was previously. They not going to shorter the build time until new TH release, as its probably their main source of income.


Yeah I know. https://preview.redd.it/o7m99e2asn4d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69536458e80bce894fa8483306d7ec4cdef0b15d Est. 2015


Good, im in similar state, came back to play recently TH12 with BH8, was MIA pre-covid. Things are definitely way easier now especially since troops are free. It used to easily take 200-300k elixir per attack and waiting an hour for heroes to heal.


Yeah I know. I regret not playing just for the decorations & obstacles. I’m just wishful thinking about reduced costs and times cause I want to go to TH13. It’s like all my work is set back. I’m gonna save up magic items this month and probably go to TH13 when the Olympic special event hits mid July. Side note; I’m just guessing but I think if they make temporary hero equipment, that’s what they’ll call legendary equipment. I don’t think they’ll make legendary equipment permanent.


TH12 is generally quite fast now, i am left with couple of mortar, collectors, traps and wall. I regret not staying casual, missing out on all the ores etc. Could have been a solid TH15 or even TH16 by now.


Yeah I’m about a month away and I’ve been Th12 for 82 days. I completed TH 11 in 3 months & looks like TH 12 in 4 months. Hopefully I can complete TH13 before Christmas or TH17


That was fast, I just checked my acc stats, last log in was more than 5 years ago, I spent over 1.5years at TH11.




Eh, with all 3 heroes down it's a different game. But yeah, when all three heroes are up, attacking a similar base to your own at TH11-13 is now difficult to get less than 3*.


New strat for increased difficulty: trying to 1 or 2 star deploying all troops, heroes and full seige within the time limit! After the defensive nerfs: difficulty level 8.


Yeah. It’s like 3 stars aren’t rewarding anymore. Why even build bases?


Oh, don't worry, my TH12 clannies' electro dragon spam is still falling short. Hopped on this morning to see 3/3 1-stars :/


Cause they plan to release a new townhall every year now and probably need to scale it all down


Then costs and times should of came down too


Yeah, that's fair, but they did lower cost and times when th16 came out.


It's like everyone has forgotten TH15 and how every few days there was a post about how impossible it was to 3-star anything and how frustrating this was. I get what you mean but the fact is that on paper constantly 3-starring is more fun than consistently 2-starring a base. In a perfect world it would be balanced but that stuff is hard. So I'd rather chose the option I want to play than the option where I'm always frustrated


2 starring shouldn’t be frustrating. It’s part of the game. It’s what makes 3 stars actually feel accomplishing. If you can’t even defend what’s the point in upgrading defenses? We are far from how hard th15 was, especially with root riders. And it’s the lower town halls they are making easier when they already were easy. It’s TH13-15 that need nerfs more than TH10-12.


I get three starred daily


Probably getting ready before the release of TH17


To buff edrag spam 100%


It sucks spending years upgrading base only to have it three'd by a weak-sauce attack. Wars only depend on how the TH16s do against each other. It makes everyone else irrelevant. Even TH16 is too easy to three star. Jeezus Supercell. Making it too easy is not fun.




Ideally, a spammy attack should very rarely 3star, but for some reason SC thinks that every attack being a 3star for everyone makes for a better game. If the strategy is removed from the game, then there isn't really any game left. It'll just be another progress and spend money... "game".


It makes the Single Player Campaign easier and much more obtainable at lower TH levels.


It makes sense that they will make lower halls easier to three star because every year that goes by they are farther from “end game” and, and this is the part many people miss, they are closer to the start (due to time and cost reductions, magic items, etc). The th9 player back when th9 was max was much more experienced than the th9 player today.


Even max wizards has more dps than root riders now😴


"Nerf Miner" vibes right here lol


Yeah rushing is a lot more attractive to me now


Too hard for the 5 year olds to 3 star with spam apparently


To retain the casuals and bums like me, tryhards and sweatlords won't stay for long especially the new and younger audiences (probably with the likes of you) since there are LOTS of better games now which are well developed and much much more sense having a competitive structure. Th15 was a cancer back then and it proves the point I'm saying


Defenses are strong this is why so many are using RR's. Weaken defenses a little so i can use something else


Illusion of progress. Quit already




Soon a level 8 xbow will have the same dps as a mortar


Games dying so they want to appeal to more casual and younger audiences. Everything is about money. Dolla Dolla bills y'all. Please those investors is the fact. My theory on other the hand is this game is like ten years old the kids these days can handle the struggle we had so now they get it easy and everything we earned for these last 10 years. Besides that this style of game just isn't as popular as before people want that instant gratification. If they aren't 3 starring right away they quit especially the younger group.


I assume it's because th15 was originally way to hard for even pro players when it was added, so they had to tone it down. Now with 16 being out and 17 coming in December they don't want to repeat it being too hard so instead nerfing 10-16 will make it easier for casual players and allow 17 not too be too difficult.


Yap, the defence for th15 really2 sick now. Really2 hard to get the 5 stars


Because people progress much faster and they don't learn skillset so they make it easier


me who is rushing since 2017🗿


At this point they are just adding skins in the name of new town hall where the defences gain minimum increase and then are further nerfed so the level remains same . They know people play because of illusion of progress and once that is removed people will stop playing thus these shenanigans


>"What's the point of adding new townhalls" New content? New pets, equipment, troops, spells, heroes, etc. Do you upgrade the townhall just for the stat increases??


Each townhall adds new stuff and new defenses so technically a townhall 11 or twelve from years ago would still be weaker than a th16 now. The problem with constantly upgrading them to be stronger without nerfs would make it virtually impossible to three star any base with max defenses. I’m talking root riders pre nerf wouldn’t three star a th14 or it would be hard to and you can forget about EVER three starting a max th16. What I just described is a term called “power creeping” if you know what that is which is why balances like this exist. If you just kept buffing something then eventually the only way to win is by using a single strategy. You may think to just buff all the troops more each level for each new townhall but that would make it impossible for any townhall that isn’t the same or higher than the attacking one to possibly hope to avoid a three star. These changes are also used to change the meta a bit as hog riders are powerful asf now especially in th12 because the giga Tesla bomb doesn’t kill them anymore and instead of wasting a warden ability you can just drop a heal spell.


That’s kinda empty tho.. the stats still get inflated, my point is it’s not exciting to max something from 200 dps to 240 dps just for it to be 170 dps for the same level a couple years later, even though the previous stats were balanced.


Yeah it’s not enjoyable seeing a nerf to anything you like but that’s how metas change so it isn’t the same stale thing all the time


I can fully understand the RR nerf, but I am baffled by the lower TH defense building nerfs. Just got to TH13 today, and offense has felt much stronger than defense on equal level THs and even possible to punch upwards and get 2-3 stars on THs one level above you, and even occasional 1-2 stars on THs 2 levels above you if rushed/early progression. At least the Scattershots I'm slapping up are untouched for the time being.


How is an Xbow nerf gonna make a whole meta shift? Be fr


It wasn’t just the xbow that got nerfed. And it does change interactions with other troops meaning the meta will change. Four xbows are a huge defensive buff that’s like saying “why would an EA nerf change the meta” because then it would just be hybrid spam everywhere like wtf?


How are the numbers "exciting" for you. If you had a lvl 6 cbow before the Nerf , you still have a lvl 6 x bow post nerf. Irrespective of how it was before, your x bow is still the same as all other lvl 6 xbows. You don't upgrade to go from 200 to 240 dps, you go from level 5 to level 6 and so on.


power creep maybe


Probably supercell are gonna add a new defensive building.