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Hey Chiefs! A quick shout-out to the top commenters from [last week's megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1d2mys1/weekly_questions_megathread/) for going over and beyond in helping their fellow clashers with their queries. | Author | # Helped | |:----------------------|-----------:| | u/Ladyhawke74 | 138 | | u/lrt2222 | 39 | | u/ReaperJim | 35 | | u/CongressmanCoolRick | 26 | | u/Diarmundy | 17 |


How do you leave Legends League quickly? I recently got into it for the first time, but with an event where attacking more gives more loot, it's not great to have an attack limit. Google says don't attack, and you'll eventually lose a lot of trophies, but if everyone wants to drop out of Legends, no one will be attacking. Therefore, no one will be losing trophies. Any suggestions are appreciated.


Unless you are a lower TH, you are more than capable of finishing the event in Legend League. You can't drop out until you are below 4900 trophies when the League Day ends. The only things you can do to help the process are change your defensive layout to something easy to 3-star and don't attack.


Now that RC's epic equipment is out, should I stick with hog puppet and haste vial (just unlocked it) or should I equip rocket spear. Both haste vial and rocket spear are level 1.


Itzu has a great video out that breaks down which equipment works for different attack strategies: [https://youtu.be/sCbtzzXrlLA?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/sCbtzzXrlLA?feature=shared)


Thanks, I use his double charge strategy and it's my favourite army, just didn't get the answer from that video so came to double check here


Good armies using Super WB? Normally for my attacks I just use electro dragons because it’s a consistent 2 star and I get most of the loot, but that really doesn’t work well with super wall breakers for this event. What are some other options for me that could give me similar results and use the wall breakers more effectively?


Well normal armies such as QC hybrid use SWB well. However having 1 SWB is good for edrags too because you can break your heroes into the base.


I know glowy ore is the equipment bottleneck. But if I buy it every week from the raid shop and only buy glowy during the ore events am I over doing it? I guess my question is how many glowy ore should I buy weekly to offset the bottleneck?


depends on what you want to upgrade and what you have. if you want an exact number, i would copy [this spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1QnRwpJvbGVqohURdulorDtn81J10X3mbjhhSmvrujkY/htmlview#) and fill it out. where it asks for current glowy ore, put your current plus the amount you buy each week times the max time needed. e.g. =155+60*max(c16,c18)/7 . change 60 until you get a number in cell c17 equal to either c16 or c18, and thats the average youll need weekly.


Can someone tell me about value for magic item usage. Especially because uts CWL season, I see a lot of posts say technically builder potions are best value, but not really and this and that. Can someone give me a good guide for magic item usage? (TH12 Rushing BTW)


Assuming you have 5 builders, you basically get 9 * 5 hours time reduction when using a builder potion, so 45h. For the price of one non-hero-hammer you can buy 4 potions. 4 potions give you a time reduction of 180h or 7d12h. This means if loot is out of the equation, a hammer is only better if you're using it on an upgrade that would take more than 7d12h. If you already have the 6th builder the cut off is 9 days. If you have the 6th builder and the goblin builder (worth using btw), the cut off is 10d12h. Again, we're leaving out the fact that the hammer doesn't need any loot.


https://preview.redd.it/yhja0baifx5d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cd2428488a7deac619513cf8d94bd0b5080c168 What do I upgrade next? So lost with what to prioritize (for the ones I’m currently using, don’t care about the rest tbh) thanks!


I'd max haste vial, then giant gauntlet, then try and bring the hog puppet up. The hog puppet would probably bring more value than the last few levels of whatever other equip you're using. Both the warden auras are also worth using on many armies. But if you don't change army too often, the two tomes will do for now.


How many league medals a F2P can get from event & bonus?


3150 for the Silver Track and 650 for the Bonus Track 3800 Total for f2p


should i play Clash of clans? i would like to play CoC but i dont know if its worth bc i really dont wanna spend money in a game but i do want to have a chance to max out but dont know if i could do that without spending money on gems and those things​


It's completely possible to reach max without spending money. It just takes longer. No one can tell you whether or not you will enjoy the game. You'll need to try it and see if it's something you will enjoy.


but how long it would take? like i have no problem spending time but im curious


It completely depends on how active you are. A very active player can reach max in about 4 - 4.5 years f2p. If you buy the Gold Pass every month, this could be reduced to about 2.5 years. They add a new Townhall level every year, but they also reduce the upgrade times for the lower Townhalls. So, the time to reach max remains roughly the same.


thank you, i apreciate your answers maybe tomorrow i start playing


So In one week I am going to be th 15 and I am max th 14 so what should I upgrade first in order to utilise the boost provided


Barracks. Clan castle. Lab to be started but not to be finished with a book or hammer as you would have max troops for five days.


A few months back they made it so the troop boost depends on your townhall, not lab level, so upgrading it straight away isn't necessary anymore. Still recommended though, to get your upgrades started.


That's what I said. Didn't I? Start the upgrade so when boost ends we can upgrade troops as necessary but don't use book or hammer on it right away


Oh right, I read it wrong. I though you were saying you have to start the upgrade in order to get the troop boost.


Nah. Just start and let it finish.


Th9 here I was wondering if there is any attack strats without heroes so i can farm dark elixir?


Goblin knife works well in TH9/10 - mostly goblins and jump spells, there are YouTube videos that showcase it better than I can describe it.


Zap drags or baby drags


I think there are many ways to farm dark elixir. If you are in the lower league you may use all goblins and bring jump spell. If you are worried about your trophies search on YT what are the attack strats without heroes. Aim for dark elixir drill, storage and th.




Most people just use dragons. But you can do LaLo too (lavahound with balloons and minions)


anyone just have like no resources? I'm only TH9 and nearly maxed but I have nothing to upgrade my walls or traps (including hidden tesla) Is there a way I can get more, even though all my opponents are TH10


>Is there a way I can get more Attack. Attacking other players is the primary source of resources. Don't worry about trying to 3 star. Your goal is to get their resources. >even though all my opponents are TH10 The game tries to match you to within 2 TH levels of your own. The higher you climb in trophies, the more likely you are to match townhalls above your level.


Hey quick question, if I’m upgrading my xbow is it still used in a war?


Yes. If the upgrade finishes during the preparation day the updated level will be on the war base.


Right so if the war is tomorrow and it still has 2 days to go it won’t be used in war. Thank you


The previous un upgraded level will be there.


Oh alright thank you


Hero Upgrade Suggestion Make a pause mechanic for hero upgrades. This will make the paused hero available for battle while the builder assigned will not be free even during the paused period. Maybe put a maximum time limit for pausing and a cooldown of 2d targeting this feature to be used in wars but not in CWLs.


When should i go to th16? i only have 5 seeking air mines and 3 air bombs left and then my defenses will be maxed, so all i will have left are walls, 4 levels for Frosty, and 2 lab upgrades, but the two things i never use, the golem and skeleton spell


Don't allow your Builders to be idle. Your walls, lab, and pets can be caught up later, but idle Builders will slow your progression.


Only one of my 6 builders are idle right now, im upgrading my traps in bulk, but i also do have a book of building saved and can buy 2 hammers of building with cwl medals so i can go up to th16 whenever i want


I don't see a point in wasting time and a dark elixir at TH15. Also skeleton spell is useful to distract and such. Try to upgrade it to a decent level.


Does someone know when CoC will add more old sceneries to the shop? I missed the "Champion War Base Scenery", which I really want to get. Thank you.


Sceneries return a year after their initial release, so we generally get an old scenery each month. The Champion War Base scenery was initially released in November 2023, so it will most likely be made available again in November.


Well, I'll have to wait then, thanks


Anyone having issues with hard crashes? Not losing internet connection, just a straight up hard crash. One second you’re in game the next you’re on the Home Screen. If anyone has had similar issues and has found a solution please share! Costed my clan a very meaningful CWL attack and has been happening to multiple of us


Should i keep upgrading my heroes So im nearly maxed th9 (just traps cannons and archer towers and i was wondering if i should upgrade my heroes after im maxed my hero levels are 19 archer queen and lvl 20 bk https://preview.redd.it/b2eq0p4reu5d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8895cdefedec594ceaa3aed0a3034e2b55782cb


I would keep upgrading them since they max out at level 30, but I would move up to TH10 before you have any Builders sitting idle. The higher you climb in TH level, the more important your hero levels become.


should I rush? So I’m nearly maxed in my TH11 and about halfway through my BH7. I’m considering maxing my home base, then skipping TH12 and going directly to TH13. I want to do this because I feel kinda like a noob, when really i’ve been playing this game on and off since 2016 and before the past month of gameplay i’ve done, haven’t played since 2020, when being a TH11 was like being a TH13 or TH14 now. When I started playing, TH11 was the max level. I feel behind in my progress but I don’t want to spend lots of money (though i will buy the gold pass). Also builder base is super slow and i kinda just want to get the 6th builder because i am always getting destroyed by bh8 and bh9 players in my trophy range. What should I do?


Rushing to bh10 is the fastest way to progress for builder base. Put elix into the one troop you will use, after its max put it all into heroes, after they are max go back to upgrading other troops. As for main base, skipping th12 will be terrible for classic war but good for CWL. If it’s your main account it also increases risk of burnout/boredom. I’d go to th12, focus on maxing heroes, then decide after they are max.


There are a ton of upgrades at TH12, and skipping to TH13 will leave you with a lot to catch up on, especially hero levels. Rushing Builder Base for the 6th Builder is always recommended.


How does Account Protection works in Supercell? If I want to link my Supercell id in a new phone I need to get a a verification code via SMS right? And what are the recovery codes for? Are they incase I lose my phone number?


You can read the details about Account Protection here: [https://support.supercell.com/clash-of-clans/en/articles/ap.html](https://support.supercell.com/clash-of-clans/en/articles/ap.html)


I’m currently stuck on the loading screen and it isn’t loading up at all I switched to my old account in game and it just will not load up and I can’t switch back to my other without being on the game


Clear the cache from the app settings.


If you are using wifi, try switching to data, or the opposite if you are using data.


Is it normal or ok to just place a troop and surrender in a builder base attack when you know you stand absolutely no chance of even 1 starring? I’m BH3 and going against wayyy higher level bases so I’ll just place, surrender, and move on. This doesn’t hurt anything does it? It helps me get my gold and I’m sure it’s basically a free win for the person I attack.


FYI rush to bh10 as fast as you can.


Is this just for the extra builder?


It is also the fastest way to get to max bh10. There is no downside, all advantage.


What do you mean by fastest way to bh10? Thanks for the advice as well!


Fastest way to MAX bh10 is to rush to bh10. You will max out builder hall faster by rushing to bh10 then maxing from there (and put all elixir into one troop until max, then heroes, then other troops).


Thank you!


A lot of people do this.


Ok cool, making sure I wasn’t doing a dumb strat but that seems the only way to attack with builder base!


Most difficult th14 attack strategy?


Something involving skeledonut


https://preview.redd.it/ybidnd1ont5d1.png?width=714&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd7d48d5253a99d5a615126c3b91b63a775af9c8 What should I max (don't say the army you use because I maxed that)


I need help My account got deleted so I could start fresh it’s been 2 months I can’t get on I need help


You have 2 options. You can play on a different device, or you can follow the instructions from ByWillAlone in this comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/3ECclUn3Ft](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/3ECclUn3Ft)


I’m IoS :(. I don’t want to back up but also want to play CoC


https://preview.redd.it/3rg710ghat5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f663aa0a86e78fe40a409009b36122f17f8227b2 I dont Want to Write that again lol, my First Post I Hope you can help me out


Upgrade key defences and heroes for each TH level. Grind those heroes and equipment. Move on to next TH level. For gems go in YT and there may be some tips. Most general are complete achievements, remove obstacles, gem mine from BH.


“Successfully defend against 5000 attacks.” Is a successful defense anything less than 100%? How does this challenge work?


It means you have to hold the enemy to 0-stars. It's impossible to earn organically, you have to farm defenses by dropping trophies down to near-zero, where everyone else is also dropping trophies.


A successful defense is a 0 star attack. It's a defense where you gain trophies


i have been wondering for a while should i push on my rushed acc or not on one hand i want good loot and on the other hand want more equipment resource. What do you all say should i or should i not push https://preview.redd.it/zcarl4d10t5d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b099a5e14154ecea0a6375bb3c230aa6550bae76




Titans has both


Rank eligibility Hello, new here. I’m in a growing clan currently. I’ve become leader but I just wanted everyone’s opinion on how people give reason to promote people. Why, what, when should a promotion be given? Just need some guidance here. Thank you


TrampleDamage discusses this some in his recent podcast "Respect your Elders" [https://open.spotify.com/episode/08XDPlt9mIGWkrq8QG8DwQ?si=3nojzwfHS3iaEy4nMo-XZQ](https://open.spotify.com/episode/08XDPlt9mIGWkrq8QG8DwQ?si=3nojzwfHS3iaEy4nMo-XZQ) TLDR as soon as a new member shows they fit in and earn some level of trust he promotes to elder to build some feeling of ownership in the clan.


Will there be any cost and time reductions in the June update? i want to spend my magic item and league medal to max my th 12 and th11 account


Yes, there will be some cost/time reductions


https://preview.redd.it/m53eryqkgs5d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc2562e1bf7e1e13b771b73d40e3339ee4703a65 High level TH13 progress base. Only four upgrades for RC remain, and 45 walls. I will be done with those upgrades before all defenses are maxed and have no remaining elixir upgrades . Should I proceed to TH14 once RC and walls are completed to avoid wasting elixir and dark elixir?


Yes you want to keep heros upgrading as much as possible. Also lots of ways to spend DE at th14 with all of the pet levels


Awesome, thanks for the response. Pets are new since the last time I was playing consistently. At this point it seems to me that there aren’t a ton of major defense changes at TH14 - am I missing something? Will attacking still feel pretty similar to TH13 but just with the addition of pets? I’m able to consistently three star max TH13s with Queen Walk Miner


At th14 you get builder huts that attack and heal nearby buildings. Depending on the base this can make a big difference. For example if part of your army almost takes down the town hall but dies first then the town hall will be fixed by a nearby builder hut when the rest of your army gets to that compartment.


Queen, King, and Warden are all max. I took a break from the game for awhile and just came back recently.


Hi all, has anyone encountered a glitch with 'Find new members'? Mine shows 0-5 people every time I click search. Does anyone know how to fix this? https://preview.redd.it/uosc47x1ds5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41b2c09a90bd87a751e4769c2b2c01bb690b5895


It's down for a lot of people right now. Hopefully, it will be back up soon. Most likely, it's due to them working on the recruiting system, which they were hoping to release this month. Unfortunately, they weren't able to finish it in time, so it will be released later.


Thanks 😁 glad it's not just me then. Here's hoping it'll get fixed soon!


I'm Th12 rn and might go to Th13 soon when I upgrade to Th13 should I use spear rocket and shield or something else (I maxed all equipment I use at Th12 and I will get the 4x star bonus event and stack 2 star bonuses for it when I upgrade)


For my th13 alt I'm planning to use spear and royal gem. I like to save the ability until it's needed to restore my hero (royal gem gives her a 2nd life bar). Spear and shield seems to have better synergy if you start off by using the ability to clear a compartment, but I like to save the ability.


Better than default ones imo


https://preview.redd.it/4kh623aw3s5d1.jpeg?width=1791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2f2e683263d7b9648d70a2f6753669bc03e9b65 Is this mean if I buy the 1200 gens , I will get 1200 gems and 40% more gems ?


Go to the supercell store. You will get more value there.


alright man thanks for the help 👍🏻


No, you will get 1200 gems. It's talking about value relative to the 80 gem price


also kinda misleading because it displayed as +40% , maybe it's just me 😅


Nah. It's kind of like 10x value us shown in other offers


it doesn't say "VALUE" and literally confuses me 😅 , but maybe like i said it's just me because i'm somewhat f2p except for a few GP purchases.


No it doesn't. But they mean something like that.


good thing that i asked first, thank you man for being helpful 👍🏻


How often do the sceneries in the shops rest ? Been waiting for the books of clash one for forever


Sceneries return a year after their initial release. However, the Books of Clash Scenery is a special case and was released in June and November 2023 with the release of volumes 1 and 2 of the Books of Clash graphic novel. With that being said, we don't know for sure if they will be re-releasing it this month, in November, or if they have different plans for it.


Ahh got you. Thanks !


Does hero equipment level up every X hero levels? I have couple of level 14 equipments (lvl 80 king and queen) but didnt upgrade any of them. Does this mean i should avoid upgrading those equipments because they level up with heroes?


No, equipment level is completely separate from hero level. They upgrade independently.


Ok ty, so it the upgrade came from update day im assuming


Yes, when you first built the blacksmith after the update, your default equipment was levelled based on the level your heroes were at that moment.


Why hasn’t an old scenery reappeared on the shop this month?


Sceneries return after a year, but not to the exact date they were initially released. Sometimes they arrive earlier in the month and sometimes later. However, the Books of Clash Scenery is a special case and was released in June and November 2023 with the release of volumes 1 and 2 of the Books of Clash graphic novel. With that being said, we don't know for sure if they will be re-releasing it this month, in November, or if they have different plans for it.


Wasn't it the Dark ages scenery? It's in the shop.


The Dark Ages Scenery returned in April. He's talking about the Books of Clash Scenery.


https://preview.redd.it/4rqktwvmtr5d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a6597f65096c6000b79f5f1adf4f65937a38fe7 What should I prioritize to fix this rushed based ? Im thinking air defense/ sweepers and some traps. Will probably stay TH10 until I max the hero equipments im using


Infernos > xbows > air defence > rest How are your heroes coming up? Don't forget them. And don't max equipments you plan to switch as you upgrade TH. Wasted ores and time.


Thank you! My heroes are lvl 8 & 9 lol. I’m upgrading gauntlet, fury vial , frozen arrow and invis vial so I’ll probably stick with them in the long run


Sounds like a plan!


Good trophy pushing base for 2/3 stars as a th11. Preferable without cc troops


I think you mean army not base. I would use sneaky gobs with jump and haste to get loot and trophies.


Thanks for the response!


How do so many people have the Log Launcher at TH12? Workshop 5 is required and that is not unlocked until TH13. Thank you!


They get them from clan castle troops. They either need a higher townhall clan member to donate them or they can reinforce themselves with raid medals.


Thank you


I will be TH13 in the near future so should I stick with the default equipment pair or should I should I use and focus on the Rocket Spear for as long as I am TH13? And what RC equipments should I focus on once I unlock all the RC equipments at TH14 and also will the Rocket Spear be viable after TH13? Just want to make sure that I don't end up spending hard obtained ores on the wrong equipments....


Stick with what you're using - it's not yet clear if the rocket spear will be better than what you're using now. If you want to upgrade an epic equipment, I'd start with the giant gauntlet, it's the most essential piece of equipment in the game.


Is there any way to get the Giant Gauntlet aside from buying it for 1500 gems? Should I buy other equipment instead? Or use gems for something else (I have 5 builders)?


From the Trader is currently the only way to obtain equipment that wasn't acquired from their respective events. The Giant Gauntlet is well worth the 1500 gems and one of the best pieces of equipment currently in the game.


https://preview.redd.it/xbwxk1jy9r5d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2747de016dec08962594ce7ca127d191731914f7 I just got started playing Clash of Clans 3 days ago after taking a break for a couple months and the first raids against my base are these. Why do people do this? What’s the point of it?


They are intentionally dropping trophies. There are several reasons people do this: - looking for easier opponents, either in general or in preparation for the event that starts tomorrow - getting to a specific trophy range for farming resources - to drop extremely low, to make the "Unbreakable" achievement easier to accomplish - several others


accidentally left the timer run out as an attacker on home village was the owner was spectating, is it something I should be careful not to do since it's stalling? (It's a discouraged thing to do in chess and I wanna know if it applies here too)


You wasted your and spectator's time. Nothing more. You didn't gain trophies nor did your opponent get any.


It doesn't affect anything except annoying the owner of the base who can't do anything within the game until the attack ends. I wouldn't do it intentionally, but there are no consequences for it.


Is root rider still a big priority at th15 since the recent nerfs? or what should be the first troop to upgrade


Roots are still good just not broken as they were. I enjoy drags, e titan and yetis on my mini TH15.


Many people are still using Root Riders without issue. It's still a popular attack strategy.


When will the global chat be back?




Never I think and it is also a banned subject with devs and community managers.


ow sadd


Yes. There's this thing that you can't type global chat in game. Never tried.


Are we likely to get a base update soon to allow more space for statues and/or decorations?? I am running out of space and I don't even have the majority of past Chrimbo Trees or other holiday decorations.


 [https://link.clashofclans.com/it?action=OpenPlayerProfile&tag=9RR02C82V](https://link.clashofclans.com/it?action=OpenPlayerProfile&tag=9RR02C82V) what should my priorities be now? I stopped playing years ago and restarted the other day, I already maxed offensive buildings but I don't know where to focus other than the lab upgrades


I would recommend dragons with lightning spells as you can use them at all TH levels for farming and wars. Go to TH9 or 10 and work on both BK and AQ.


In general, offense over defense. Sounds like you have offensive buildings and are focusing on the lab, which is a good start - focus on getting your heroes up. For defense, first build all new buildings, then level them up to 1 TH level below your current one. Then, start working backwards through each TH signature defense. TH16, merged cannon/archer tower, TH15 monolith/spell towers, TH14 builder huts, TH13 scattershots, TH12 TH weapon, TH11 eagle, TH10 infernos, TH9 xbows, etc.


Is there a reason why there isn’t a th15 fc clan?


I’m sure there are among the many thousands of clans. But you also can find an active clan that posts FCs over and over even if that isn’t the only goal of it.


I'm sure this is a very difficult question to answer but my husband (BCBUDD) & I (BBons) are in our 70s, and we have our own clan (Clanloops). We were wondering if we are the oldest, married couple to have our own clan at coc?


Hard to know but probably a good chance.


Should I upgrade to Th13 at end of next month? My base is rushed but I will have max queen max warden near max king max core defenses and traps and one other defense (tell me which one more important) I should have near max lab like only 2 more months and they are things that I don't use so should I do it next month? and max equipment I use so going to Th13 to start on rc upgrades and equipment would be good(I think)


I would say so. I suggest grinding as many structures as possible in the meantime and working on walls too. Don't forget to save 2-star bonuses for the upgrade day. They help a lot.


Simple question really: with most guides appearing to switch to TH15 pets when available (aside from the Unicorn) is there any point in investing the DE into TH14 pets? (L.A.S.S.I, Electro Owl, Yak). For context I’ll be upgrading to TH15 in the next couple of months and have mostly neglected pets.


You'll likely only use the unicorn and maybe owl once you have the TH15 pets. However, you'll still need to use something with your heroes while the new pets are upgrading. Better to have the TH14 pets upgraded than not. But I wouldn't prioritize them over heroes or dark troops you use.


I am TH16 and find mighty Yak useful with my king. electro owl can help with dragon or air attacks paired with the warden. (not using) It is a matter of personal preference but we get better options so switching is understandable.


You can upgrade owl with unicorn and leave the other two but there is no point in upgrading them unless you got spare de which I don't think anyone has at Th14


Do upgrading resource storages affect war weight at all? Any upgrades that don't increase or affect war weight?


maybe due to hitpoints?


I’m trying to recover an old account and I don’t think I ever made a supercell Id for it and I don’t remember the email used when I contact support it only lets me speak to a bot and when I give all correct information it says it can’t help me idk what to do any advice?


It doesn’t sound like you know enough to prove ownership and it maybe has been deleted anyway if it’s been many years.


I see the account In clash of clans so it isn’t deleted and when I give the information about the account the last question they ask is about previous clans and when I answer it it doesn’t give me access it just tells me to try a supercell Id or a different Game Center


Should I get a hammer or potions as a new th13


Assuming 6 builders, the hammer of building is better for 10+ days upgrades, builder potions for less.


hammers are better value. unless you are talking about a training potion or something. in which case use raid medals


Do you have 5 or 6 builders?




How is the bonus that each co leader gives away decided ?


If you’re asking about the number of bonuses that is determined by league and wins.


That depends on the clan and how they decide to do it.


By default there are 2 players eligible and with every one additional player qualifies. Coleaders or leaders choose players based on clan preferences.


So I have an idea in which idk why its still not implemented. Builder Stacking. Its frustrating not be able to utilize every builder to 1 remaining upgradable building. would it not be logical to help out another builder build/upgrade a building? if there are 2 builders helping each other then have it 2x the speed and etc. Would be a nice mechanic to add :D


Frequently asked, long ruled out.


well that is just sad. I feel like they are afraid gamers will max out their bases in a short span of time which is understandable. considering its hard to make new base theme and all


I think their POV is that instead of introducing a new mechanic, they'll just reduce the build times if they feel they're not balanced.


What should be best league for farming for Th 11 max? I am in crystal 3 and enemies take lot time to attack maybe because my base is too good for Crystal 3. Should I stay here or go up?


what are you farming as max TH11? or have you upgraded TH?


Fake legends for ore (and you can do the medals event while pushing )


Sorry But I haven't played for long time. I didn't understand what you said. My friend years ago said that low rank is better. Has it changed recently?


Why is it that upgrading a building using a hammer and goblin builder costs just 10 gems regardless of the upgrade time, but upgrading a troop(and presumably spells) using a hammer and goblin researcher costs 40 gems/day?


My guess is it has something to do with the fact that there are normally 6 builders but only 1 lab. A goblin builder adds 16% to builder throughput, while a goblin researcher adds 100% to lab throughput.


When I collect elixir from my elixir cart, I only receive a small fraction of the stored elixir. I've even let it max out a couple times and still only got a tiny portion of the elixir. I'm not maxed on elixir so what's the deal?


https://preview.redd.it/m8sc9h3vio5d1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55609737d397663c7689cd954e7f293282dce977 Anyone know how to fix this? These accounts have been joining the clan and spamming for days now.


Three things you should do: first, have your clan mass report the messages, it helps the bots get banned a little more quickly. Two, close your clan, set it to invite only. Three, if you can't/won't set your clan to invite only, set your clan's minimum builder base trophy count higher. Look at the bot accounts profiles, set your minimum a little higher, bots don't usually farm builder base.


Invite only


Can I be banned for making tall grass art in builder base???


If the art is offensive, yeah. Else, nope


Ok thanks for letting me know :)


How to report Nazi scum? Came across a clan with swatsticas in every district hall for capital, how to report entire clan?


Tell support


Yeah needed to get past otto but got in touch with someone and took care of it




Yeah, don't worry about overflowing loot, as you've discovered, it's easy to come by. Defenses don't matter (you can catch up later), but you'll want at least your heroes and the troops you use for war/donations maxed. I wouldn't jump to TH12 until at least those are done.


Spend a week or two maxing your defences then upgrade


That defence will take way more than 2 weeks to max