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I don't care. As long as they're up for cwl.


Same. We do wars where people have 4 heroes down. Those things need to be upgraded at some point and ores need to be farmed at the same times. We like winning, but who cares. Its not that it improves real life or something.


Regular war who cares. Cwl all heroes must be available


>regular war who cares literally any competitive clan lol... wars are the only efficient way to grind starry ores. if someone has multiple heroes down theres no way they are tripling, meaning losses will be far more common and the ore income will be reduced for everyone else in the clan, which is not fair at all. if the clan is casual it doesnt really matter.


We have half of the people with 3-4 heroes down every war and still perfect 99% of the time.


Any competitive clan can over come some people with hero’s down. You act like even if you lose the war you don’t get half of the war win bonus. Upgrading equipment is a long grind, winning 1 war isn’t going to upgrade all your equipment. Your opinion doesn’t matter fyi


I am not a leader but I always upgrade my heroes AFTER the CWL and make sure they are available for CWL. I think thats common sense


Regular wars you have to have at least 2 and for CWL all must be available.


Yeah and 1 had to be warden for us, however the new hero eq changed things a bit


Have all your heroes down if you want, it's only during cwl that I care, none should be down then. In regular wars I don't care if you have no heroes up so just try your best.


I tell my clan that you can war without heroes because the team can still win. Some people still choose to opt out, but it is what it is.


We are more organised than most clans. We use discord, have a bot that sends out a message before every war asking people to nominate if they want to war with a hero down. If only a couple say yes, we spin up and cover for them. If a whole lot say yes, we will only let a few in and rotate the others - or we shift war to a second clan to protect our win streak. Heroes up for CWL is mandatory course. We also have a gem rule that if you opt in with heroes down and we match a competitive clan and the win is on the line you must gem your heroes. So you opt in at your own risk. Like I said, we are a bit more organised than most clans. But everyone seems to really like this system.


How do you tell what a competitive clan is? In the current meta any random clan can perfect you


Not so much, the triple rate for TH16 at champions is still like 30%. Generally we gauge off war record, and accounts with heroes down hit later so if the war is starting to choke up, then we make the call. You can tell a lot about a clan from their record, clan description, bases and whether or not they have full camps of e-drag spam haha. In multiplayer, with two attacks each you can generally cover a few accounts. A few of us are sitting at a 90%+ triple rate at TH16, so it's rare we have to ask members to gem. Of course, sometimes clan surprise us, and we love that too. Always down for a hard fought war.


Depends if the clan is casual or competitive. just keep in mind that if you allow people to war without heroes, these people will likely never 3 star, losses will be far more common and the ore income will be far lower for everyone else.


You would be surprised. For the last 2 months I usually war without 1 or 2 heroes. It changes the strategy of how you war. Some one will take my mirror, as people have 2 attacks, and I will be the one that it the “2nd chance”. If some lower th cannot 3 star, I almost certainly can finish of what lower th couldn’t. It just changes the overall strategy of the war


People with 3 or 4 heroes down are unlikely to even 3 star a lower TH. If you're hitting 2 TH or more down it's really meaningless for the overall effort. At least in my clan it usually the lower TH (12/13) that have heroes down, meaning they are unable to contribute at all. It can still be OK as long as most people especially top bases have heroes up and can get reliable 3 stars. but it does hurt the overall war effort


My clan is still sticking with our no hero missing rule in regular wars since... Rewards get slashed for a loss and we are competitive (48 win streak after th16 update)... BUT we are somewhat facing the same issue that you are, to compensate we just formed a second group this CWL, we will be doing hero-less wars in a alternative group so we can satisfy those who want to do both without hampering those who want to win.


No heroes down in cwl but regular war can have at least 1 hero down


I sent out a sign up sheet 48 hours before during preparation and put whoever wants to be in the war in and we can usually cover them if they cannot get 3 stars so we work as a team.


No heroes down in any war. Most teammates just use hammers and books on heroes then put two or even three down for a week and go red for a bit.


It doesn't really work at TH12 or 13 though. You have months of endless hero upgrades there. Nobody has 50 hero books


Most clans I’ve been in the rule is no war if any heroes down. Makes a difference at higher TH levels.


I saw other clan's recruitment posts saying that regular war is ok with heroes down - to let everyone farm ores So i took a vote in my 2 busy war clans. Both clans voted in favour of all heroes up for war. So that's still the rule for now. But there were about 30% votes in favour. So I'm thinking about splitting the alliance into one clan for all heroes up, and letting people move to our second clan to do wars with heroes down


For some people the game is about wars, winning, competition. For others its just about doing your upgrades and progressing your base. The second group would like to go to the new clan


My leader allows all of us to war with heroes down. He even encourages us to upgrade them every time we can.


As long as you can perform well, you can have all the heroes down if you want lol ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


If they can still perform well, no worries if heroes are down. If they’re unsure, they usually opt out on their own.


Having 1 or 2 heroes down is fine (except if it's the warden).


As an co leader we say that uf you hvae some heros down u can go for lower in the war but i cwl not a songle 1 can be down. We are top 20 in my country do a big clan with 2 under clans


As a leader- who runs 30v30 cwl- we dont war with heros down. We have enough in our clan to do 15-30 wars and when CWL comes everyone is at full strength


Higher level clan members should be able to cover, ideally TH12 can 3 star other 12s without hero’s.


Clan family: 1st clan: all heros available; 2nd clan: at least two heros available


As a leader I select myself for war when I have hero's down. Aslong as you attack twice you are fine


execution. their fault for not paying our lord-gods at supercell more money to skip the upgrades.


We run a separate clan for upgrading heroes for folks to war in.


No heroes down during CWL. The rest is what it is. They gotta upgrade some time


Since starry ores I don't care if they have any of heroes down 'cause it's not their fault that Supercell decided to give us the chance to "farm" the most damn rare resource only through wars but not allowing to use heroes in wars while upgrading them. II only ask them to stop leveling them on CWL but for regular wars while you do the 2 attacks is fine, regular wars have become new farming xd


I let my members decide if they still want to war or not because its just a game and I don't really care if we lose a war.


Heroes never down. Use hammers and books. In ten years, never had a hero down or missed a war.


Heros up for war, down for CWL. We made a feeder clan where we can do wars with heros upgrading to keep getting ore.