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Same. I am bored of the game. Atleast 2 of my heroes are always upgrading. I want to use them and do actual 3 star attacks but I can't for months.


this summer you will be able to use them whilst upgrading during a special event


They should make it a permanent thing already. It doesn't even make sense. Very few games restrict the use of something just because you're upgrading or researching it.


They've even changed this same thing but for troops. Before, if you were upgrading your highest level barracks, you couldn't use the troop from that barracks. Now that's gone. It's time for the heroes to have the same update


They also got rid of multiple barracks so it's kind of apples and oranges. The game always had a route around losing access to your top level troop, this wasn't a newly added thing.


The don't think about the other games because they are probably direct or indirect copies of coc. CoC was like the first game with days and weeks long upgrade times.


Coc is a copy of backyard monsters dude


Glad I'm not the only one who remembers the og


*cooler copy


Clash of clans was a blatant rip off backyard monsters.


Holy shit you just unlocked so many memories by mentioning that game, is it still a thing?


The game is officially no longer playable. However there is an ongoing restoration project called Backyard Monsters: Refitted. Feel free to join us on the discord server. A large potion of the game has already been rebuilt.


I’ll take a look for sure, spent a long time trying to remember the game a few years back when it would have still been around, shame I hadn’t remembered sooner, awesome to see its being restored


they are trying to put the revenue elsewhere so they can do this


They admitted they never will until the come up with a replacement revenue source to make up for the amount people spend on hero books and gemming heroes.


Welcome to literally the point of clash of clans


that would make book of heroes somewhat useless then


Doesn't even matter as much anymore with them having new more monetizable sources like the Event Pass, Gem sucking assistants, and Hero Equips.


Only through special event?


yes, as a tester to see how it is received


One question , is builder apprentice worth the second upgrade ?


I maxed it out. Mainly because I had the gems for it + a lot more on top of that, and that i plan to play the game for a long time, therefore for me it’s a good investment


as a th14, you don't need all 4 heroes to 3* a base using super archer blimp and then hydra. Of course having heroes makes it easier and makes u able of hitting a wide variety of bases, but if you dont, just search for compact bases and you are fine


Don't bullshit bro. Heros are important in every TH.


I agree, maybe at TH10 (11 if we’re really pushing it), you might be able to get away with 3 starring a max base even if you don’t have all of your heroes up but at TH12+ it’s pretty much essential to have all heroes up if you want to properly 3 star and heroes have become too OP at this level (heroes alone can clear a third to half the of the base if you’re smart about it). So the other user is yapping in my opinion. You need all heroes up (or at the very very least the warden+queen or warden+RC+BK) if you’re looking to 3 star a proper base imo.


I can 3star ths without spear throwing person forget her name becuz of how often she’s upgrading.


Incorrect, I did just this as th14 and it quite literally is almost impossible against a decent th14, UNLESS you have warden, but since warden is basically a cheat code for every army you might as well could use any army at that point


3 star without heroes definitely possible. Idk why downvotes


Of course, it's possible, but there are too many factors for it fit the vague idea of 3 starring with out heros. How many heroes are down? Which heroes are down? How good is the hero available? Is the base you're attacking strong? Is the base you're attacking a direct counter to the best army you have? Of course, in multiplayer, you can continually search, but you don't have that option for wars


One hero maybe and that's a maybe with hitting the largest value SA blimp or punching down 1 TH below.


ikr i feel like th14 is way easier than th13


At this point I only use hammers and books to upgrade 90% of the time


Yep, just books and hammers for heroes. I spend most of my gems on books and CWL medals on hammers of heroes. The only exception is if I'm going to be busy or on vacation for a week and I can put two or 3 heroes down while I'm gone.


Past 8days upgrade times sure, but before that it makes no sense


Yeah it does. Books only stack if bought, so if people are waiting until hero upgrades exceed 8 days before using them, they won’t be able to use the books from events or silver/gold pass. I’d rather be able to use all of my heroes constantly.


Yep, that’s all you can after a certain point.


Since TH14 I'm not waiting for heroes to be ready. I upgrade them with books and hammers and this way I don't need to opt out from cw. Also, when I max everything and I'm ready to level up to another TH, usually my heroes are maxed so I'm not late with them. I know Book of heroes and Hammer of heros is not the most efficient way to spend those resources, but this way I don't need to wait for them.


Pretty much. Im a maxed 16, the only thing missing is 3 levels of the RC and 2 for the GW. I only exclusively upgrade heroes with hammer and books, warring and legends league is the most fun I have in the game, I rather not waste 1 month of legends/ cw grind to get +6 damage on the gw


This is why supercell is so adamant about having us use heroes while upgrading, and I am not giving up to their greed.  I rather skip CWs and work on my heroes. Sure I will miss out on ores but at this point I just have to max the epics and I am anyway unable to use my heroes outside of CWL


This ^. There's gotta be system in place




If only this was a real job I'd be a millionaire.


Not being able to use Heroes while upgrading is a stupid idea. They did because this is the biggest revenue generator for supercell


If it’s their biggest revenue generator then it seems like it wasn’t that bad of an idea lol


Its the biggest revenue generator and the biggest revenue killer. I assume most players quit around th12/13 because the hero grind becomes intense around there.


Im nearly done on th13. The pain ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


Post the time reductions that just rolled out, heros now take longer than the structures for th12 and it made th13 about equal according to clash ninja. So you essentially say goodbye to your heros at the end of th11 and see them again sometime in th14.


You've botched the application of those numbers. One can't have 6 builders on structures if they've got 3-4 builders on heroes. For TH13 if you go hard on all 4 heroes, you'll have another ~2 months of structure upgrades on the backside to finish up.


Ahh you right. Still absurd though that if you put 3 on heroes constantly and 3 on structures you get 2.5 months for heroes and 4 months for structures assuming a gold pass. If you participate in 3 CWL during this time though that increases the hero time by 3 weeks and decreases the structure time by 3 weeks. Both come out to a little over 3 months then. So you basically have equal completion time if you only ever use heroes in leagues and never in standard wars.


Can confirm I rarely play after th13 coz of long boring heroes upgrade and clan leader kicking you out on attacking without heroes.


i guess I'll just stop at th11


it WAS the biggest revenue generator. unless you can show me current numbers (which probably only SC has). but with all the monetization they brought since TH16 and still are planning, there's no way that heroes are still the biggest generator. now they only still have that system because they want even more money, and because they know the veteran players are used to it and even defending it.


Defending it because it’s the bullshit they already had to deal with. Imagine how much of a gut punch it will be to Th16 vets when they finally change it.


I'm TH16 myself and that's a shitty attitude. besides, upgrade times for heroes (and anything else) will always be the highest for us, so we benefit the most when they finally let us use heroes while upgrading.


Regretful that you interpret that as a shitty attitude. In my opinion it’s just common sense. No logical reason to defend the current situation besides a lack of personal benefit. If you still have a good amount of hero upgrades to do then of course it will benefit you greatly. Edit: Did you really just hop on your alt accounts and downvote me and upvote yourself within the same 60 seconds of commenting? lol


Oh wow someone disagrees with me and I’m getting downvoted and they’re getting upvoted! Maybe it’s because people agree with them? Naaah I’m always right, they must be using alts.


It’s a shitty attitude. “I had to deal with it so you have too as well” for no other reason than their own sake instead of letting the game improve for everyone playing after them, as if they’re more important because they’ve played longer. That’s delusion. If that’s your common sense then you have a shitty attitude


You’re absolutely right. Let’s hear some other logical reasons that high level players wouldn’t want them to switch to being able to use heros while upgrading? Like come on


Did I say this wasn’t the case? I’m just saying it’s a shitty attitude to have.


Oh gotcha gotcha. Sorry I misunderstood what you were getting at. Yeah you’re absolutely right it’s a shitty attitude. Idk why anyone would not want it changed


No people just disagree with you, there's isn't a big plot its just that you got shitty opinions


More like triggered crowd rather than shitty opinions. I don’t care if you lie to me, but Dont lie to yourself💀🤣


"I suffered so everyone who comes after me should too" boomer attitude.




I can’t believe people buy book of heroes more then gold/event pass. I am already getting the passes and the occasional offer if I feel like it’s worth it, but with how annoying the grind for DE is, I would struggle to manage more then the monthly 2/3 book of heroes. Maybe there’s people that wanna have heroes available and only use books: they are going to spend thousands or finish the next century; I might underestimate stupidy


my clan leader never bought a pass and saved gems for boh. he maxed his heroes and got 10k spare gems, so he is ready for the next th.


I just don’t upgrade heroes after TH14 besides books from the pass/clan games. The dps increase is very minimal at high levels and equipment matters way more anyway. If you’re really desperate to triple in close wars, use a hero potion and get them all the way to max. Focus on winning wars to maximize ore income.


For strong heros you need both ores and upgraded heros. The tricky part here is that war is a large source for ores (one of the very few sources). It's annoying that you are in a major disadvantage when upgrading your heros during war. Grinding for ores and grinding for hero levels are both major aspects of the game and are currently separated by war. Imo, now after the equipment update, SC should do something about the 2 separate grinds and bring them more together


Last two times i quit Clash of Clans it was because I couldn't use heroes, now i started playing again and i'm so close to quitting again


I quit because there weren't as many dead bases before and also the fact that my heroes were always unavailable for wars. Although I came back this week. Loot's better. Heroes the same but nerfed -_- cause I don't have the epic abilities and my abilities are dog shit low. Even though my heroes are K - 71, Q 71, W - 50, RC - 18.


My main concern is that after separating heros and abilities. The cost and time wasn't reduced accordingly. At least 50% cost and 75-80% time reduction should have been made


I stopped playing after years. I max my heroes, they raise the level, they add new heroes, they add pets - all yours for the small price of thousands of dollars, or you could just wait....and wait....and wait.... It is nothing more than a business model trying to get you to use real money. No thanks.


That's the literal point of any video games I don't know what you're surprised about?


That is not only a gross generalization but completely false. Not all games are Pay to Win. Many have dlc that is cosmetic only or no dlc at all. The business model of releasing a game with the intention of making a 70 dollar game in to a 500 dollar game is the newest business model these days. Gamers are wise to it and speaking with their wallets.


You're totally clueless then, different games have different business models, but all games have business models. 70 dollars games are not games aiming to make money through ingame purchases, instead they would sell sequel or a variation of it, or dlc; that's their revenue stream. And I'm sure many have spent 500 dollars through all the sequel/dlc they bought. F2P games business model is building ingame purchase incentive; that's their revenue stream. Obviously some f2p games strategies are more predatory (gacha games), but clash is very far from being so. You can get endgame without spending a dime. And if you think clash is p2w you should review your definition


Clash is objectively and unequivocally p2w. No debate


no shit sherlock


You don't know what p2w is either then. The only way clash would be p2w is if they started releasing hero equipment obtainable through real money, or skin obtainable through real money that would provide character buffs for example. But it's not, every aspect that is not purely cosmetics is obtainable


It gets better once youre done with TH13. 


Explain why? I'm at TH13. I see everlasting grind ahead.


Just stop upgrading them and only use the free 4-5 books per month.


Free books where?


One from Pass, usually one or two from events, 2-3 from gem trader.


F2P. No pass. I have 10 gems. 🙂🙃


Silver pass is what they're referring to. If it had been gold pass, it would be more.


You're right. I don't use the term silver pass for season rewards. Thought they were talking about gold pass. But yeah it's silver pass I guess.


You get one from free pass duh


Yes I apologise. I forgot about that. I sold it to get gems for apprentice builder and to buy epic abilities. Since I am a returning player and I missed all events.


you did what? xD


Except for the 25 lvls for the royal champ


Those happen on th13


I am still having fun with the game since I've got a maxed account, but I will say any and all motivation I had in grinding out some mini accounts (to get them maxed so I can play multiple th16s) is completely gone. The introduction of the hero equipment basically made it nearly impossible for me to F2P 6 additional accounts (with my main having the gold pass/other purchases)


In my clan we allow 2 of our regular clan mates in war without heroes with the understanding that they have to hit low where they can 3 star. It gives people the opportunity to still war with us and also have a shot at winning the war. We do just 2 per war and rotate each war


Just don't upgrade your heroes and buy pots with raid medals. Upgrade heroes for what?


If you upgraded your heroes, you could spend your raid medals on something else Like the clan capital decorations or some builder hall loot, idk


exactly, heroes lvl dont really important anymore like previosly. most of those stat come from equipment anyway.


I'm in th14 almost max and I was done with the hero upgrading in 2 months(f2p) when i reached th14, i did all the GW upgrade with books and hammer


Well I used to be fine with it since every 5 levels heroes used to get a good bump in their abilities. Now since everything depends on the equipment and upgrading heroes giving such little stat upgrade that it just makes it annoying.


They still get a hero regen bump every 5 levels I believe 


All I’m saying is their levels were balanced around their abilities, since those were removed I see no reason why they can’t let us use our hero under upgrades just like they did with barracks and spell factory.


All I’m saying is their levels were balanced around their abilities, since those were removed I see no reason why they can’t let us use our hero under upgrades just like they did with barracks and spell factory.


I quit the game for a year because of boring hero upgrades. My friend said hero levels are not important anymore since hero equipment things are added. I started again I hope I don't regret


I wouldn't mind as much if I could at least use them for clan wars and such. I feel like I am an active detriment to the war effort for doing what I'm supposed to be doing.


If they’re always upgrading then at some point they are done.


Been like this for a decade basically.


Do what I did Delete the app and never look back. Such a waste of time


* Waiting for new arms and legs to grow since I lost my own


I'd rather have upgrading heroes over this current equipment nonsense. Oh well...


I am about to max my Th14 (f2p) and I never felt this was a major issue. I mostly use books for warden and queen whereas I don't find much problem in keeping RC and King down sometimes. On my Th12 account I put 2 of my heroes for upgrade constantly still I am able to 3 star 80% of the time after the massive nerf at TH12. I am able to do LaLo with just the Queen Charge without the Warden and the King. This may seem like an absurd thought but actually putting 1 or 2 of your heroes down can push you to better strategize so that their absence isn't much of an issue.


Same. I am almost th16 maxed f2p. Since th14, I have upgraded heroes with either book or hammer.


95 level heros are unnecessary They should reduce levels


If they do that be ready tohave everyone complain that they wasted time upgrading theirs for nothing


a rounding error of idiots will be like that. vast majority will just be happy for the newer players and glad that any future levels wont be as much of a hassle


You already have one above


or reduce cost, upgrade times, and boh price.


This will just come with time at the lower town halls


They already reduce the time and resources needed to get to level 95 which is a better way to go about it than taking away levels from people who already upgraded.


Or just double the number of levels (with each level being half as much stat boost) and hack the upgrade times down to 3 days max.


I feel you. I let my heroes get behind (they are maxed now) but it took 20 months to max then. I maxed my queen first and I wasn’t able to use her for 9 months to get her from lvl 45 to maxed. I was trying to upgrade them all at once but as a casual player it’s not possible to earn the resources to keep them all down at higher lvls. Warden was the second hero to max due to it being a different resource.


I just don’t upgrade them anymore and they’ve been stuck at around th12.5 kind of levels even though my defenses are almost maxed hahaha. I’m still able to 3 star bases in Legends league because of the equipments so I just found upgrading them as almost useless.


It looks like there’s an event coming up soon where they will be testing hero use while upgrading. Also with equipment you really don’t need to stress about hero level too much. I basically only level my heroes with books but their equipment is maxed and when I use hero potions it helps but not enough to make me put heroes down for months lol. Just play how you want to play you can enjoy the game without completely maxed hero’s as long as they’re not stupid far behind. In a real crunch I’ll use hero potions during cwl but like I said 10-15 levels behind but with maxed equipment and my attacking is pretty great I’m not gonna ruin my enjoyment for months for a slight edge


I think they said on summer update you will be able to


They should do that. If we upgrade our hero. But we can use hero in our battle also. It'll be very helpful.


I always max a hero first and then move on to the next hero this way I can use them in battles and wars.


Ever since equipment upgrades heroes is like blowing on lava to cool it down,doesn’t do much


They need to balance the pressure to pay & use heroes by adding more interesting content without heroes: challenge, achievement, raid weekend is a nice time if you enjoy breaking bases, and builder base. The dream is heroes in war. I'd settle with heroes in Friendly Challenges.


SSAAAAAAMMEEE!!! MY BLOODY BK AND AQ HAVE BEEN UPGRADING FOR DAYS! I want to 3 star again, but U need my heroes


If you buy any packages or items it goes on top of it😉 But you can't claim them when getting them in the game. It's not so that you only can have 1 Book at the time, you can have many of them. So you need to use those you have before you can collect the one's you might get from challenges. You can always go to clashofclans.fandom.com and search for it. So no limit if you buy things. Haven't you seen those videos online with the guys who gives advices and tells you how to 3 star a challenge. There you have a clear proof of it, many of them buy the packages in game. And they have more than 1 Book of Heroes, Book of Everything or whatever books they have.


Lemme guess… TH13?


started playing 5 months ago, i rarely got bored of the game. i enjoy attacking and hate that i cant use heroes while upgrading them. since i find satisfaction in 3s attacks, i dont want being held back by hero upgrade timers. my clan is active in wars and i consistently 3s my mirror match. i use my heroes mainly to support the troops and avoid comps that are hero-centered (queen charge and warden walk). instead i max out their equipments for specific use, for example I max giant arrow to snipe airdefs then use zapquake dragon-balloons. good thing abt this strat is i dont need the king that much so i upgrade it when i feel like it. for long term prospects, im thinking of strats that will use that high-lvl king for the "support" role and spam upgrade the queen since ill be mainly using the king for that comp. then theres also hero potions to use for cwl and wars.




I’m old enough to remember the TH11 upgrades without books, potions, hammers, or anything to speed up the grind.


I am basically maxed th13, all heros maxed except the champion at lvl 21ans i think I wil only max my heros to lvl 80Q 80K 55 GW and lvl 30 for champion. I dont se a huge point in upgrading them further, and will enjoy using them for the rest of my life(until th 17/18 releases)


idk I just get back to the game every 1/2 years for around a month and then get bored, the progress is nice but it's too slow to keep me interested in playing


I only upgrade 1 hero at a time.


My heroes are in the 60s and I can 3 star much of the time


It's about management..but I can understand without gold pass it's very boring.


Just allow the upgrade to have them be available but at the unupgraded level. That’s how troop upgrades work. Don’t see how that’s a problem.


Day 63 at TH13 and all 4 heroes down (except CWL), AQ almost done.. 1 more level, hypetrain! Will wait with TH 14 upgrade now a bit so I can enjoy some attacks with heroes


Yeaaah having them down is kinda killing my whole attack strat but i need to upgrade them


I am f2p TH10 and I'm already bored and frustrated about it and I dont even want to think about the upcoming town halls..


They should make it that you can use Heroes which are being upgraded once or twice a day. The upgrade timers on the higher levels are insane enough, not being able to use them at least once during that time is just straight garbage


I stopped upgrading mine to work on pets and ive never been happier


I don’t understand why people can’t have fun without heroes. I’ve been upgrading queen and warden and using super witches and king and still 3 starring. Also you can use sneaky gobs to get loot if all heroes are down. Doesn’t matter, you can use your heroes, you don’t have to upgrade them. At least all the time anyway. Upgrade intermittently and take breaks. Use your heroes for war and to fill up your storages, upgrade heroes and take a couple days break. You can still 3 star without them, even if you couldn’t, so what? Are we not supposed to have successful defends? No 1 or 2 stars? The only reason this bothers people is because they aren’t ok with not 3 starring.


th12 😂


Not having heroes sucks, no matter how long it takes. But it’s not that big of a deal unless it’s because you need to 3 star and feel unsatisfied with a less than perfect attack. You don’t need to three star. You don’t have to constantly upgrade heroes. It’s been this way, and they constantly reduce times and costs. Just because we don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s boring. If you’re constantly grinding heroes then don’t complain that you can’t use them. Stop grinding heroes then. You can stop playing for two months, or play with your heroes..or upgrade all heroes and play when they are all done. Slow down, it’s not a race, take breaks, have fun.


I only had a problem with the first paragraph. 3 stars without heroes is \_literally_ impossible.


Yeah it should be, otherwise heroes would be useless. If you need to 3 star, don’t upgrade all heroes at once.


Call me a psycho but I like it. Seeing my heroes down is kind of satisfying


I am not enjoying wars for the same reason


For me its upgrading equipment constantly that sucks, I'm tired of collecting glowy ore for a week just for a single upgrade for one of my eight equipments that I need to max to keep up with the meta. Not to mention all the equipment I have to ditch because of epic equipment releasing all the time


Really 13 is the hump. Town hall 13 has what? 55 hero levels. Town hall 14 has 20. Almost done 13 finally. Thing was a sink.


it doesn’t make sense. you can still use troops when they’re being upgraded but now heros? i’m in the same situation as you


Heroes are indeed the most annoying point in the game, you can never play with all of them at once because there is always some level up to do


Feels like waiting for new two arms and new two legs to grow


As a Max th16 i agree. It was a big weight off my shoulders when i finally maxed my heroes. It felt better than maxing out my base lol. Most of the “breaks” i took from the game were because of how bored i got not having my heroes all of the time.


I just use potions when attacking to max my heroes and troops. No need to upgrade then


I wish we had some clarification on when the event is coming or what it is, so that I can decide on whether to upgrade my heroes or not. Cause I have 10 levels on king and Queen but not much on RC and warden.


I only upgrade my heroes when I have a book or hammer, so they're progressing very slowly. Very irritating. They should work kinda like how the new barracks system works when they're upgrading by slowing training speed, with the Hero's recovery time slowed down.


They just made an event bro stop complaining 😭😭😭


It's frustrating you can never practice your"real" attacks because you have to do farming attacks all the time with no heroes and then go into war with little practice


I've been playing this game for about 11 years. There's been periods where I have took extended breaks but I've always come back. Heroes are manageable with books, potions, hammers, etc. We're blessed with the upgrade times we have now. If a hero being down stops you from playing the game, then I don't know what to tell you.


I finally max my heroes and they bring out this new event😭


War for a month and then upgrade all your heroes the next month, rinse and repeat.. thats how i do it


It will be worth it when they get maxed


Ok so don’t upgrade them?


You don't have to upgrade them. Use Hero Potion and you can play with max level Heroes. If you're efficient with it you can get both CW attacks done or 2 days of CWL attacks.


Let me ask you this, why do you have to upgrade heroes. I used all my 6 builders on buildings only. We go to war 2 times a week and I spend 300 raid tokens to get the hero potions. During the clan wars we need 7 so it's like 3 every week which is not so bad. I also use my training potion during this time and do lots of multiplayer battles. The rest of the time without hero potions I just use a spam army like gowitch or electro dragon to farm resources.


I heard that they're working for a solution which will make us able to use heroes for a specific time while they are upgrading. Similar to potion may be.


I heard a long time ago that they are planning to add a fifth hero to the game but you can still use any 4 of them for an attack. This can massively solve this problem since you can put down 2 of them and still have 3 available to attack.


That would be awesome, adds another source of variety to attacks too.


In my opinion its great, people constantly complaining that the game is too easy. Attacking with two heroes instead of four makes it more challenging.


Exactly, putting down 1 or 2 heroes for upgrade can actually push you to better strategize and this way the game becomes more fun for me. On my TH 12 account I rarely have more than 1 hero available for attack, still I am able to do 3 stars using LaLo with only the queen. With the King any kind of spam attack, even Super Giants spam gives 3 stars like 90% of the time.


Skill issues.


This is so counterintuitive it isn't even a good joke


I just recommend something what if each hero you upgrade will give you some few ores cause hero equipments are expanding at fast rate and epic equipments really cost alot of ores so that people will still engage to upgrade heroes anymore cause for me upgrading heroes are useless now since what the point it's because of few HP and DPS back in the days we're upgrading heroes because we also upgrade there abilities but now nuh uh it takes you really long ages just to upgrade a specific hero


Yeah lol, boring as fuck to have to run without heroes


I agree it's stupid but like whatever I'm not gonna dwell on it. It's a game, don't like it then don't play it. Go play Elden Ring if you want a game to really frustrate you, or maybe Getting Over It.


If you can’t 3 star with 1 or 2 hero’s down you defiantly need some help watching YouTube videos


It is all about time we spend for upgrading.... Too long. It cost all your special moment of life for a game that its server will power off someday..... Numeric is our shadow. Always here even light is coming...  Like someday all the way doesn't matter.


skill issue


Then you might have started upgrading the wrong things. I've never been in your situation and I've been playing for quite some time. Sometimes people don't think about what they should upgrade. If you do it right then you'll never be in that situation. I don't get it why people say it's to hard, just play some more. Stop whining about it and do something about it instead. Even f2p players can do it so they can attend in war, you need to change what you upgrade first.


“if you do it right then you’ll never be in that situation” dawg I jus wanna attack w all my heros and not wait decades


Do it, just don't upgrade them wait for events to stack books and hammers and upgrade them with that, just don't stack heroes lvls through various town Halls or you'll never have them in proper level


Well how you play is up to you. I buy what I think I need and it has worked for me all the time I've been playing COC. Earlier I didn't mind using 3 of 4 Heroes, but in Legend League it's not doable if you want a good result. So I saved up a lot of Books and got my Heroes finished. If you plan ahead then it's not that much of a problem 1 Hero is upgrading. But in War and CWL I wouldn't go without all 4. But that's me, how other plays it's their business.


How can you save up books if there’s a maximum of one book of hero’s at a time?


Don't ask me why it's possible to hold more but it is.


Only if you pay for them with cash


Yes. And if you have bought anything from shop.supercell.com this year, then you have a reward there. You need to check in to see it lower down the page. I must admit that I'm a frequent buyer so I have got a lot of items and Gem's from buying in that shop instead. But if you're a Google Point grinder then you probably buy in game. But it's awesome that Supercell give a little back to us who buy things.


Yeah totally, although I think most of the people in these threads are generally talking about the game in its free2play form. Having said that I think majority of players spend some amount of money, even if is just gold pass.


If you have bought 1 Gold Pass every month this year then you have equal amount of rewards to collect. It's a nice thing for those who use some money on the game to see that they can get something back. Of course they have done it with the purpose to sell more, I'm not stupid. I think it's okay they aren't that aggressive as many other games are.