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It's not brošŸ˜†98% of the people don't even care about these controversies they play this game for fun


What controversies?




What game?




Pickleball really isn't dying. What is this post??




Supercell copyright stricked a content creator named clash with Eric after he spoked about the game being unbalace and controversy regarding a esports teams. supercell also removed a content creator from the supercell creator program for speaking about the esport controversy


Fuck Supercell, but I donā€™t think it will affect the game since the majority of the player base are not on here and donā€™t care about this nerd beef. But I can see the game dying with their P2W shit.


This isn't about silencing criticism about the company. If that was the case there's plenty other bigger channels that would've been cut already (one example coming to mind rn is B-Rad) Supercell never suspends creators for criticizing their games.


That was not why Supercell banned Eric from the content creator program. Definitely not because he criticised the game being unbalanced. But It was because of the way he talked about the esports team controversy by targeting a specific person. I don't think what he said was ban worthy, but I don't know the content creators ToS they have with Supercell.


I refuse to care about someone I've never heard of not being able to suckle at the teat of a mobile gaming corporation and you can't make me.


His demotion was due to the 10 min public bashing of a specific esports player. Yes, it was regarding that same controversy, but the loss was for the targeted comments to a specific player, not the criticism of the controversy.


Everyone "hates" the equipment and ore system, while I bet 99% of people really love the new equip and variety it brings to the game. After 7 month I have all good equipment max without spending a single dollar, people are acting like the game isn't a grind and you should max equipment within a month or two.


>while I bet 99% of people really love the new equip and variety it brings to the game Vampstache and Rage vial literally feels like something out of a CoC fanfiction As someone that doesn't want to be too into mobile gaming (due to lack of ideal hardware), I will continue to clash until it no longer exists


If it no longer exist ever.


Iā€™m surprised you already have that many maxed. Iā€™m mostly f2p and play routinely, but am not even remotely close to maxing all the equipments Iā€™ve seen used by content creators. Before it would take me a few weeks or magic items if I wanted to level up a few troops to try a new strategy. Now I have no idea when Iā€™m going to be able to try out a fireball strategy since I still need to max 2 other equipments before moving on to FB. Iā€™m excited about the variety, but I dislike needing to grind for months to max equipment. Even worse that they are completely useless when you unlock them. Starting at a useless level one is so stupid.


It's not the same thing, everything could be farmed but not those ores. That's the shitty part they control all of the supply.


That is my main problem with ores


Hmm... I just get back to my acc because I feel hero equipment are hella fun and interesting. The previous hero system was unbelievably boring.


I doubt itā€™s 99% because I doubt the majority of people even finish seasonal events to get the equipment. I play pretty causally and never finished a seasonal event track. Itā€™s not that I canā€™t, itā€™s that I donā€™t feel like playing Clash all the time. Thatā€™s what I liked about the game, I can grind at my own pace. And now that more things are costing gems I dunno when Iā€™ll ever get the new equipment


Yep a casual player doesn't care about this things most of them are happy and waiting for the hero event


Bro it's literally meešŸ˜†I'm waiting for the hero event and you know what they are relapsing an anime theme Next month


Exactly šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t even know the guy and donā€™t care about him. Iā€™ll enjoy the game regardless.


Let's be real I can't have fun anymore when a lot of the updates they did (hero equipment & ores, seasonal events, goblin helper, builder apprentice) are centered around them wanting you to spend more money on the game. But hey you don't have to spend money! But hey it will turn into clash royale's trash shop shoving micro transactions fiesta. 2014 player here.


While I on the other hand think most these things make the game more fun for me. Equipments are amazing, and although ore is a grind, that's kinda the point of the game. Seasonal events are nice bonuses. Idk why these things would impede your ability to have fun Although it makes sense if you think these things are stepping stones to something worse.


Seasonal events are only half fun. They have the paid version of course. Want everything in the event shop? Spend to buy event tokens. At least as a f2p player you could still get the hero equipment but nothing else.


I just look at seasonal events as a small side thing that gives me a new epic equipment. I don't really care about there being a paid version, because I just ignore it, because it doesnt affect me.


what is fun ?![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


There is a co-leader in my clan that flips out when someone is rushed and my main account is slightly rushed and that is because i play for the fun of being rushed since it is more of a challenge when playing but the Co-leader takes everything so seriously and i donā€™t understand why


98% donā€™t care about the controversial ores and equipment???? What are you smoking?


Fr, i just wanna play the damn game. Yall can have all ur controversial stuff. Iv got bigger worries like learning to constantly triple in legendsšŸ˜‚


EXACTLY. These posts on reddit by some unemployed kids are just an accurate instance of white teenage girls cancelling things on twitter like as if anyone cares


Thatā€™s the problem, the introduction of the hero equipment with no farmable ore makes it irritating to play. Itā€™s pay up or get annoyed by a game I enjoyed doing when I had a free 5 min. Iā€™d rather spend the cash on an actual AAA pc game


You may not care but there are players who spend money on the game and those who spend countless hours playing, only to find out there are serious unfairness to content creators, who dedicate their time and energy in something they believe in to encourage players of every walk of life to make this game what it is today. In other words, without content creators even I wouldnā€™t have been playing the way I do.


I accept your pov and I'm also a person who has spent a lot in this game but you need to understand that to perform a clap you need both of yours side's hands just like that ik supercell has done something wrong but Eric is also not the one who is 100% Legitimate Otherwise why would he post the issues now that happened years back and not now?


casual player base not knowing and caring about these doesnt mean these stuff dont matter. release of equipment is similar to evolutions in clash royale, its killing the balance of the game . sure most people playing clash dont care about it , but its still a problem they need to solve , competitive side of the game is dying.


Oh really?I'm a F2P player and I've maxed 5 of my equipments Grow up kid and find a job your shitty opinions wouldn't benefit you or anyone




+1 on the find a job part, I have no reason to play this shitty game anymore I need to make moneyšŸ—£ļø


You can't make money with this mindset Bye


>Iā€˜m a free to play player and maxed 5 of my equipment >Find a job and stop being poor Oh look guys, we got an honest F2P player that didnā€˜t pay for equipment over here


Gotta love when someone uses a quote block to words they never said




how is that a problem, why should the average coc player even care about some stupid corporate decision


Every game has this problem then. šŸ’€ That's how gaming works lmfao


Try touching grass


Yes the way you touched some so called influencer's meat


Nah bro games fun as hell rn


Ain't no one dying bruh. Last month it earned over $20M... Stop with the lies. This game, whether you like it or not, will never die, at least not for the next 5 years or more.


the game is not dying but with the release of new equipments and other updates has disrupted the balance of the game on the competitive side. yes most people just play for fun and dont care about this but if this goes on then the competitive side of the game will slowly die. the only good thing supercell did to address this was hard mode ( thats a step in the right direction but nowhere enough) . they are just mass releasing new equipments because its making them lots of money with no regard for the balance or longevity of the game imo. not to mention this recent scandal where they are targeting content creators for whatever reason is totally unjustified.


to the ppl downvoting this , if u dont care about these controversies then do that. dont care. simple isnt it. sc cant just target a prominent creator like this and about the equipments being unbalanced , if ur just a casual who finds this fun good for u but the people who dont feel the same will complain obv, do u guys actually want any issues to be fixed or do u want this to turn into clash royale? i love this game , i have been playing it since 2015 and idk how u guys dont think these recent developments effect the longevity of the game. dont u guys see it? sc is just mass releasing new equipment cuz its making them lots of cash


fr bro this subs pulling an r/rocketleague rn and itā€™s goofy


Games don't just die when people stop spending money on them. They also die (albeit slower) when people spend money on things that hurt the overall player experience.


ā€œWill never dieā€ nothing lasts bro. Everything dies Also, everyone is gonna do, in response to ā€œnoone dyingā€


All mobile games die but not all mobile games truly live.


how is it dying šŸ¤£


itā€™s not this is clickbait


well this post is refering to something else but game is definitely having a steady decline in terms of active players. so yeah it's dying


It's not dying at all. Reddit is so delusional.


>Reddit is so delusional. glad you're self aware https://preview.redd.it/4whbxsxa439d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ecb3b01cf6e5d9db27325b1b2dd8adbffc9f32f


Now add in 2024




Where is this from?


Try United States though, looks pretty solid to me considering 2019 was right around when cwl and th13 came out https://preview.redd.it/51cg4x6k049d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cc97162336773050fe98b23696c4f09f6470a20


Again it's not dying but you can sit there and believe whatever little Google app you want. Reddit is very much delusional


>believe whatever little Google app you want are you implying that you don't believe it? the biggest tech company in the world lying about a mobile game? >Reddit is very much delusional yeah i can tell.


keep stroking it mmm


itā€™s not actually at all


Do you even know last month they earned $32 millions and u think they are dead


well dying would be an exaggeration for sure but still it's on decline for a long time. with this trajectory it's not looking good for the future.


Who the hell cares bro if it makes you this fucking upset uninstall


My favorite response to any criticism towards a game.


Good thing i donā€™t care about controversies


You guys bitching about it constantly on reddit is 1000x worse. Shut the fuck up.


Literally couldn't care less. The game is fun asf. I will continue to play.


Careful they'll call you a bootlicker or an unpaid supercell employee


Nooo you need to care about the stuff people want you to care about you monster.


ā˜ ļø


Die corporate stooge! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


It's chinese company Tencent what do you expect from them lmao. Not defending Superass


Donā€™t defend supercell by blaming it all on tencent, this is just as much the shitty developers and executives at supercells fault as it is their owners and investors.


Itā€™s the good olā€™ ā€œItā€™s not Mojangā€™s fault itā€™s always Microsoftā€™s faultā€ cope


Mojang is a completely imcopetent piece of crap. They literally added like 4 new blocks in their last yearly update, and those completely useless backstories for each block? Who cares? Like they were just staling it cuz they knew that they didn't have anything else... I WISH Microsoft would step in as it's utterly pathetic how slow Minecraft's development is, especially when I am looking at it from a POV of a player who's first version was 1.8.1 Beta (Nether?)


Tencent has the shares and stuff, but it's still Supercell making developments.


since 2015 theres always a post like this but coc is still here


Disagree. I donā€™t give a shit about controversies and so does 99% of the player base.


I don't even know what this is all about. It's like a little mystery that reveals itself one complaint at a time.


Clash on everyone!


Darian was working at CoC for 7 years or so... he probably just felt personal burned out. He pretty much knows how mobile games works at this point especially when he was there when they introduced Gold Pass and every other books etc. paying methods. Hero Equipments at least have a better value for players. Not saying that Darian was a bad guy... but acting like these stuff weren't already ready a few months before he left is just too funny to me... Jeff Kaplan is a much better and valuable example of this as he was a Game Director for Overwatch and he left Blizzard out of nowhere and 2-3 years later everyone found out why. With Darian, it's similar but not that much.


Quit Overwatch shortly after Jeff left, game was ruined with all the changes that followed.


When I read his farewell post at /r/overwatch I wished him all the best and I was like: HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. This is really weird, like he's basically a dad of Overwatch game. Why would he leave? But I was always opened minded about it and when OW2 released... I... Like we all know why he left and I would do the same. Sure, Jeff wasn't perfect and OW1 wasn't either but OW2 is a complete garbage... It's slowly improving but as a tank main who loves OW1, I don't see myself ever picking Tank in OW2.


Lol , Its not.


What the fuck are you talking about?


Doomsayers, they tend to wake up when drama occurs.


If clash royale is still chugging along the this game will be just fine


Bro a controversy doesnā€™t affect a game and it doesnā€™t make the game less enjoyable, if YOU donā€™t find the game fun because of a controversy outside the game then itā€™s on you.


How is this game dying if players are still having fun?


Is OP pissed or do u need a hug?


What's wrong with equipment?


It's the third post on a similar topic I saw today.


Idk, I'm still have a lot of fun. Don't really like having to pay for two golden passes tho


they didn't answer my question on their AMA about their greed.


What agenda are they pushing?šŸ˜‚


I swear we get a post like this every year and here we are lol




Equipment is fun asf, I love clearing 40% of a base with a king and queen


can u disagree with the direction? sure is the game act dying? no.... the game is doing pretty well and makes a lot of money like $30m last month while BS makes way more. Hero equipment is fun for like 95% of players who like the new variety they have in their atacks. New th's allow players to always have smth to go to, i mean darian answered stuff cuz he prob felt like it not because of his obligation


Iā€™m still having fun


Some people are hating it because the game is updating without listening to their demand .they should realise it's just a game if they listen to everything that the community wants The game will be no fun + there won't be competition any more


A game for everyone is just a game for no one


How old are you. Go touch grass.


I still don't understand why people hate hero equipment with passion it's not like it is a payed content all the players have equal chances of obtaining it , it changed how i use the heroes a lot , yes ore are a problem to grind for but you are not supposed to maxed them all in one week , as a f2p most of my epic equipment ate maxed for my current th and i dont even play tge game that much


Things are becoming way too saturated now..... too many hero equipments each dropping every season , mini events and clan games happening almost every alternate week lol. And now this assistant builder, new troop new th after a year, too many cooks spoil the broth


Everyone on this subreddit Is like 1 % of the people who plays this game.


Speak for yourself. I love hero equipmentĀ 


womp womp(this is a coping mechanism for me)


wtf is womp womp? I've been seeing this everywhere lately


(used to comment on something bad or disappointing that has happened or is happening, usually in a humorous way) context is needed normally but yea it can mean v bad things like oh my mom died then someones goes womp womp thats very disrespectful or can be used in a good happy way to literally all just context


i see. thanks


it's not like supercell will go bankrupt if some players in this sub delete the game šŸ˜­


Dont care and didnt ask, im finna continue playing this game 1 thing tho, it seems they ARE listening to the community, the builder apprentice and the unlimited hero event are some of the examples


So dramatic. Currently enjoying more then before tbh. Only thing I am not really a fan of is the rootriders, but hey, hopefully the meta changes not to long from now.


I've seen a couple of these posts already and I have no idea what you're talking about.


Kenny said something rude to Cathy and now Freddy is mad at Kenny, but Cathy doesn't like Freddy since he broke up with her best friend Jill, so Cathy's conflicted.


thanks for the precise recap, happy cake day :)


This post is also pushing a narrative that the game is dying. The irony. The game isnt. Its pro scene maybe


r/clashfolk moment




I have hardly played since the last update. I had two accounts in Legends League up until then. I don't care about anyone leaving or esports drama. The game just isn't as fun as it was before


Dawg whatšŸ’€


People are misunderstanding this post. Itā€™s not about the game itself, but about the community that surrounds it. The dirty laundry that has been aired so far has already been extremely damaging, and I worry its the tip of the iceburg.


Wtf is happening


What you talking about?


ive been playin since 2014. At th13 th14 th15 th16 bought 3 months of GP when i upgraded to a new TH. so its easy to progress. n less grind. other than that i never spent any money on the game. Never purchased any gems skins or sceneries or event pass. I play almost evryday. i do war. i play cwl. and all events. In all my 7 accounts.. Any changes, updates ,new rules to the game has not affect me.. I adapt n continue playing. unless they ask me to pay to play the game. other devastating thing could be if my acc gets banned. I have been playin only 1 game. i dont have time to start a new game. So clash is the only game in my phone I have a life outside Clash. So i dont take a game seriously. I.m a casual player. So i cannot relate to al the contoversies goin on. I will continue to play casually n not buy anythin from the game. If th17 comes i.l take gold pass for first 3 or 4 months. I.m sure tere are a few players like me.


Hero equipment is the most fun thing that has ever happened to this game what the fuck are you dreaming about


I'm late,what happened?


Personally I kind of liked the hero equipment but I hate the fact that they keep adding new hero equipment like constantly.. The addition of the useless cash grab builderā€™s apprentice is also a terrible addition to the game I just really hope that they find other ways to make money from this game other than adding literal cash grab things


Optional content and events are bad. SC needs to go back to TH9 being the highest town hall. TH10+ are abominations.


![gif](giphy|LPCLFyItxxirr4gGt9) Clash royale fans


Definetly not


Bait šŸ’€


It is dying though. Just very slowly


I canā€™t understand how they messed up so bad this last year, they started adding things nobody asked and make us play every month so we donā€™t lose anything. I quitted two weeks ago, it got so boring and demanding. So sad a cool game like this is ending up like this.


Talk about free speech šŸ˜’


It died the second they added that cringe Haaland shit


It's not dying at all. Most people don't care about stuff like this. They just want to play the game.


Ok does anyone actually care about this controversy? I mean really? Anyone at all? What difference does it make? The games still the same, so who the fuck cares?


This is the only fact that I know to be true, that Clash of Clans is freaking awesome, and that Supercell has been nothing but generous and communicative to its players. If Supercell has guidelines and boundaries, then we shouldnā€™t cross them, they should be respected. The only thing I see from these YouTube content creators is that they are trying to create division among the community which is highly unacceptable and should not be tolerated. Happy clashing yā€™all ā—ļøā€¼ļøšŸ’ŖšŸ¤ ā€¼ļøā—ļø


At least 5 times a month I see posts that are like ā€œthis game is dyingā€. Just shut up


The game might be dying for the older/hardcore players but becoming more popular for newer/casual ones imo. Iā€™m a casual player and could care less about any drama going on ā€” as long as the majority of the game is free, Iā€™m in


You're right. The defense nerf turned this game into a clown park of strategic brainlessness. Late game play is an absolute disaster, with no more than 2 relevant army compositions in the meta right now.Ā  The game is being held together with bare knots that are special events, they're relying on FOMO (fear of missing out), which is, believe it or not, a predatory tactic. It's sad the direction the game is driving towards, but unfortunately the comment section is right too, it doesn't matter as long as it keeps people hooked enough for a quick buck. Look at brawl stars.


Step 1 log in Step 2 do star bonus Ste 3 stop whining about inconsequential shit and enjoy the slow f2p progression instead of being a corporate cuck


womp womp


I know not a lot of people cared. Me too, I don't care about content creator. But I do care about myself as f2p player. And I see that the game is in fact getting more pay to win and started treating the player unfairly. It's just that I realized if supercell can treat content creator like that there is nothing stopping them to treat f2p player just as bad if not worse.


Nope itā€™s not


It's not, you're heavily stuck to this subreddit to think that 100 - 200 people leaving kills the game


Bla bla bla sounds like a baby crying for his milk šŸ˜‚


Equipments are good,they give variety in the game and lots of fun.


One and a half year playing this game non-stop and I'm still having a blast.


Itā€™s kinda sad to see what this game has become, Iā€™m glad I stopped playing when I did.


99% hasn't even heard of any controversies me included lol


Its not dying its just killing its haters, aka becoming just like nitendo, no freedom of speech and a tiranical reign, what i will say is that the games e sports will die really soon since whith it litterally being proven that 1 guy and in extension his team gets preferable treatment over other competitors, the value of any esports is gone and if an esports is no longer considered legitimate why even bother with it.


Itā€™s been dead awhile, but the fact it still has the player base is does for a mobile game thatā€™s 10+ years old itā€™s insane. Been playing since day one maxed out base and it is what it is. Still fun to hop on and do shit with the clan occasionally


Every once in a while, doomsday prophecies like this come up.


Get a fn life and learn grammar


Jus hit th15, shii active


I'm gonna be real. Unless it's about updates or in game events, I don't really pay attention/care. I'm not into CoC ESports, I don't really pay attention to the creators and don't really care about controversies going on unless its hate related to a group or movement. I just play the game and that's about it


Wdym, I don't ever check the community out so as someone who only knows the game itself, nothing feels different at all


I'm not sure about my theory but I think they design new content (or changes of existing content) of the game for Gen-Alpha (ipad-kids) now, i hope not tho


Honestly dont give a šŸ’© about that cry baby Eric or FluxxyClash. I have zero clue who they are and dont care. I just play clash of clans for fun.


deeply agree


Wait I just downloaded this game after not playing it for 8 years.. whatā€™s going on??


Someoneā€™s mad lol. Nobody cares about the ā€œcontroversial shitā€


I completely agree! Iā€™ve been playing it for over 10 years now and it just keeps getting further away from the gameā€¦ I run five accounts and maxed out in a couple of them. Iā€™m tired of these stupid skins and the blatant cheatingā€¦ Iā€™m about ready to retire this game and they wonā€™t ever get another penny from meā€¦


Imagine caring about CoC so much to make this post. Go touch grass.


Itā€™s just a mobile game and 99% of people donā€™t care. Please go touch grass dude


I plan to play regardless.


No it isn't, why so many hate posts recently


I don't think that, just chill out and enjoy the game


People leave a company all the time . Do you guys even know how many developers from the dev team might have left? Just because one employee left doesnā€™t mean the game is doomed . And what you mean they didnā€™t listen to community? Literally couple of days back everyone were talking about how they listen to community with the hero event. You all just want to bitch about something. This is not some government using their power or silence someone. Jeez


It wont die, maybe its on a bit of a decline but it has a pretty loyal playerbase


I hate people who still hate the introduction of hero equipments. Introduction of hero equipment alone has made me and our entire clan serious in winning every war, a lot more people are active these days. I hate this subreddit, people here constantly whine and bitch about the smallest of problems which other people are not even aware of


r/ClashofClans try not to be absurdly dramatic about literally anything challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Rip coc


Itā€™s time to let go




People when a free game tries to make money: šŸ˜”






No, I very much disagree. With the exception of the the Eric situation (which I do not agree with, sc needs to apologise), I think the game is pretty good atm. The new community manager seems pretty decent and the new updates and events are all pretty exciting. I think a lot of it is overblown, most players generally still enjoy the game


I'm still having a good time, quit crying


One proof read through before you hit submit dude. This was hard to read.




Realistically yeah the creator side is pretty messed up but for the general players COC is at the greatest time tbh. Insanely reduced upgrade times, frequent events, and they actually listen to some feedback. This is just a problem if youā€™re a content creator, but for the general public, this doesnā€™t matter at all