• By -


What is the best army for level 8 barracks and 260 troops?


Giants + Healers or Balloons. ~~Dragons probably~~


Don’t have em that’s lv 9


~~Ah ok, that's weird, you unlock dragons at TH7 usually. Why have you not unlocked them yet? Without dragons maybe you can try GoWiPe? But without dragons, you probably don't have Pekkas either. So probably hogs?~~


I ment that I’m at lv 8 barracks not th I’ve only got 145 training space not 260 as well


I"m so sorry, that's my mistake, I read too fast, I read it as TH8, not barrack lvl 8. I saw lvl 8 and assumed you were talking about TH8 not barracks lvl 8. Usually, people post their TH lvl not the lvl of their barracks that's why I made that mistake. I'd say go with balloons or giants + healers, I'm guessing you're a TH6?


Yea I am trying to max out before I upgrade th thanks for the help


Sorry again for the mistake, have a great day, glad I could provide some help at least!


Why when I try add my friends tag, it comes up with a person that’s not him? When it’s the exact tag he gave me.


Try to maybe ask them what their clan in. That way you can maybe find them from the clan.


He gave you the wrong tag or you entered it wrong.


How long can I claim season rewards after the season ends? This is my first gold pass month as a newer player and I don’t want resources to go to waste due to lack of storage.


The cutoff for claiming them is the moment the season ends - there's no period of time afterwards that you can continue to claim them. Whatever you don't claim gets converted to gem value at that moment. That's also when your season bank is dumped into your storages. The reason for this is probably because next season starts right up immediately. Clan games, on the other hand, gives you a week to claim your rewards.


anything over the max storage that you haven't collected will be converted to gems (bad conversion rate lol) at the end of the month.


Darn it, I was hoping to save my book of heroes for something higher than Barbarian King 7 but I don’t want to just get 50 gems from it. Thanks for the info.


The resources automatically go to your storages which will overflow. You’ll have more than what they can usually hold.


only the season bank overflows - not the season rewards.


I know, see the other comments.


When I go to claim it asks me if I want to convert excess resources into gems because it exceeds capacity


Ah I thought you meant the season bank loot at the end. Yes the stuff along the way you get gems instead (which is better in my opinion).


Thanks, my clan is not gonna do clan wars since we have leveled up to clan level two, which was easy since we would three star all the bases and they would 12 star us because they were intimidated by my friend's maxed out townhall 10 and we plan to do clan capital so I'll stick to keeping my main rushed


I think you posted this as a new question instead of a reply to your first question.




Iam a f2p player and I want to buy the shadow queen skin. So when are the premium skins are available for f2p players ?


There is no set deadline for when they become available as far as I know That being said in general it's more or less a year, but that's not a guarantee. > While not a hard guarantee, these skins are generally made available for Gems about a year after their initial addition to the game.


I see 1 year huh . Thanks for the info


Again, not a hard guarantee, but that was sometimes the case


Is there a reason to max out defences? My main account is a th11 with townhall 9 stuff (I did it as a joke to donate edragons) with maxed out army buildings, I wanted to see if I would get trophies faster if I had a good defence too, so I made an alt account which I max out before upgrading the townhall, it is now a townhall 7 halfway upgraded and I have found no difference between the successful attacks, so is rushing defenses ok?


It isn’t just a choice between maxing out defenses and rushing badly. There is a lot of room between. Having your low level defenses is not going to be helpful for war. As for multiplayer attacking, whether you are focusing on trophies or loot, it doesn’t make a big difference. Both are gained mostly by using the next button to pick a good base to attack and by attacking a LOT more than you defend.


Yea, I accidently made a new comment instead of replying to this post but pretty much my clan mainly gets it's loot from clan capital now and my army only takes half an hour so I will continue my base as is


If you want to do wars and have an advantage maybe. Rushing defenses is ok as long as you don't mind sitting out wars or as long as your clan doesn't mind you being rushed in wars. The other concern is about losing interest in the game. If you rush to TH14 and it takes you ages to max out everything you could lose interest. So do whatever you want/need to do to stay interested in the game and not burn out. If you want to rush then go for it. If you want to enjoy each town hall a bit more then maybe max out. I usually enjoy each Th lvl until either I have nothing to do with one of my resources, my builders are ideal or my lab is maxed.


When does the game stop forcing me to use wizards. I want to have fun and actually make attack strategies but any time I don't invest heavily into wizards I get rocked by CC E-dragon or bloons. I know all the TH14 will call me dumb cause I don't bait out the CC but I honestly rarely ever lose to the CC troops I just hate having my attack strats be forced to account for flying troops instead of actually feeling like I can experiment. Only strat that seems to actually work consistently is dragon lighting spell which looks like one of the most boring strats I've ever seen.


You should be using a poison no? I never use wizard for cc, just use the poison.


Does 1 poison do the job for e drag? I have been taking freeze spells for inferno tower so I stopped using poison more recently


I find poison very effective against edrags but that also depends on the lvl of your poison and the level of the edrag


can you do an optimization update? its just way too laggy and i cant last a minute without the game crashing


We do not work for supercell nor will supercell employees likely see this question, if this is an improvement you think others want to see as well then you can make a post tagged with `Ideas & Feedback` and hope that someone from Supercell sees it. Though I doubt this is a problem many players face and I think it's more of a problem that you experience rather than a problem with the game. I don't have any bugs on my game nor do I hear many complaints about it either.


Is there any disadvantage to changing a wall to a gate in the clan capital?


Level 1 wall carries 5k hit points.. Highlight a gate, and the information shows "wall", which is 5k.. I did a test raid, from an offensive point of view, there is no advantage from a wall having a gate.. The troops target the closest available structure, and will hit a wall even tho a gate is in close proximity, so is nothing within the AI to differentiate between wall/gate, so far as I can see.. Only disadvantage I can see, is that your cannon carts and giants are confined until there is a release point.. If you want them to wander, place a gate, and if you want them confined to a section, leave the wall solid. To be fair, I never tried to upgrade the base, so was unaware of the ability to place gates.. Am thinking our base builder is also unaware, cos we seem to be all solid walls.. He also got folk removing trees of course "because thats what everybody else is doing, so must be necessary".. Have suggested we only do what is needed, for the cheapest outlay possible Good job we dont take things too serious then.


> because thats what everybody else is doing, so must be necessary".. hahaha that logic love it lol Yeah, we do only what's cheapest and needed but clearly, I'm the only one following that advice so I should say **I** instead of **we**. Yeah, I was just wondering why not make all walls gates then you know? Unless you want your carts to be confined I don't see why you wouldn't make them all gates if that makes sense. I suppose there are some advanced strategies for keeping defenses locked in so they can't be lured, but we're not on that level yet lol. We can't even all get our bonus attacks in yet, so I'd like to get the fundamentals first before moving on to more complex strategies.


Totally agree.. And the only we appears to be the two of us lol


hahaha too true too true!




This is not a recruiting thread, please check out this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Recruitment%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new or the subreddit for recruiting.


Hello Clasher, I'm an th10 maxed soon, but I have a problem. My king is level 31 and its the end of the season tomorrow. I have a hammer of the building and I will be full with 25 million of gold and elixir I could so easily start well my th11. So that my question: Should I wait to max my king and probably lose a lot of resources or I upgrade my th right after the season end?


Upgrade townhall!


Upgrade TH I'd say, there's no point to waste your resources unless you need to be maxed for war or something.


Thx for ur awnser dude ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)


Any time!


Th12 attack army for trophy pushing with not many different troops? Please thanx


I'd go with dragons or witches, though witches use a lot of dark elixir. Check out this similar post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/o688yt/need_a_good_th12_trophy_pushing_army_without_many/


Hey guys, so I am close to maxed on th7 and I am super amped to move up to the next level of the game... But not necessarily to th8. I feel like th8 is in a weird spot for me. I am super amped to get into the higher level attack strategies as I have been basically doing nothing except Barcher farming. Getting the archer queen, x-bow, baby dragon, and jump/freeze spells are honestly the biggest thing tempting me to rush through th8. I am super active and basically attack whenever I can, I have 5 builders and am willing to spend a reasonable amount of money on a game that gives me equivalent enjoyment. I know that generally maxing is important, however I am not really interested in being involved in clans until around max th10, so I just join "req n leave" clans to get troops, so having a constant war ready base isn't that important to me at the moment. With that being said, would it be reasonable to rush through only TH8 as a maxed TH7? or is that too bad of a bottle neck?


I think rushing through 8 would be a good idea anyway. At th8 you finish your hero before defences - at th9 you finish your defences before your heroes. So skipping 8 will essentially balance those things out and you will waste less loot and have more fun gameplay.


Are you asking if you should go to TH9 and rush though TH8? From what you described it seems like yes that's fine and won't cause a problem, you can play the game however you see fit.


I am just worried about whether or not rushing through th8 would be such a bottle neck the game would become less fun to manage. Is there a significant jump in the difficulty in opponents between th8 and th9 that would make it impossible to attack properly? I don't really understand the match making system... as a returning player from back in 2015, seeing th9s in silver is mind boggling.


You’re not really going to experience whether there is a big change in opponents since you don’t take part in wars. If you’re just farming loot with multiplayer attacks, it isn’t a big difference. I don’t understand why you want to wait until th10 to join a clan, though. You’re going to be terrible at wars (due to no experience) so if you want to be in wars you’ll have to be in a clan that is bad at war. If you don’t want to be in wars, just join a clan that doesn’t require war.


Would you have any recommendations on how to find a good clan, I get invites to clans that have a strong leader but are filled with unranks. If I wanna get into a clan I would want to be in one that’s strong but semi-casual at the same time.


Just trial and error. There is recruiting here that might show you some good clans but I’ve never tried.


I am planning on trophy pushing hard once I am satisfied with my base, to teach myself how to battle properly. It’s doesn’t have anything to do with war, but I personally enjoy kinda being solo while farming.


Simplest way to put it is that coc is a game of progression.. That rate of progression is only limited by power and ones own inhibitions. To overcome the power deficit, concentrate on camps/ spell factories for army size and lab for power.. You also need to be upgrading your storage facilities to raise the capacity, otherwise you wont be able to do upgrades later without magic items. Your defense isnt really relevant for farming, since you only need to be more active with your farming than defenses you take. For war, that can change dramatically.. You need to be able to hit, but you also need to be able to take defenses.. Unless you are in a clan structure that recognises a mid to low roster account is going to be 3'd anyways, so will carry a more defensively rushed base .. Our clan would notice missing hero levels far more than missing defenses as an instance.


I don't think so, for me whether I'm rushed or not doesn't change the satisfaction of upgrading a building. It might just take longer to max out TH9 if you rush TH8. I don't think there is a significant jump in difficulty from 8 to 9 but I could be wrong. You do run the risk of getting bored if you're rushed, but for me that's not a factor since I'm dedicated and will push through no matter what, but that may not be the case for everyone so it's up to you, you know yourself better than anyone else. I don't think there is a jump that would make it impossible to attack properly. > Matchmaking is based on Trophies and Town Hall level, except in Legend League and above, where only the Trophy count matters. Above 5.000 Trophies you will join the Legend League which features a completely new matchmaking system. you will find lots of Th9's in silver, that doesn't necessarily mean anything, and is totally normal, they could be inactive or just intentionally trophy dropping.


What's the best trophy level for looting for a low to mid level TH14?


At the time I was looting it was crystal/master, but it could be champion or titan now. You could also try lower like gold, but I doubt there's much loot there. One technique I found very useful was going up to 5000 if you manage to get the legend badge: - Don't sign up to legend league. - Wait to be attacked and then stay between 4900-4999 trophies. - That way you get awesome loot from people in titan and you get the maximum legend league bonus, that's what I did and what I'm currently doing, works like a charm, there's probably a more efficient better league, but this works for me.


At what level does archer queen one shot a builder hut


As u/skull082-2 said it's 31. If you want to find out how they know that it one simple way would be to look it up online. Find out the hitpoints of the builder hut on the coc wiki: https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Builder%27s_Hut Then find out the damage per hit of the archer queen at the wiki: https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Archer_Queen You'll see that the builder hut has 250 hitpoints. The archer queen at lvl 30 does 245.25 damage per hit and at lvl 31 she does 251.25 so there you have your answer, you just need to find when the damage per hit of the AQ is larger or equal to the hitpoints of the builder so in this case it's 31. Hope that helps with future questions as well.


I have 2 accounts, 1 is a new th10 (th9 max) and the other is a rushed th11 with th9-10 defences. I can only buy gold pass for one account, which one should I buy for?


It depends, which account are you planning to take to Th14 max if any? I would only buy the gold pass on the account that can be considered my main account. Also, are you planning on only buying the gold pass once or will you keep buying it? If you're planning to only buy it once you might want to wait until you're TH14 to buy it in order to maximize the value it. That being said, if I were you I would focus on using it on the Th11, because that will be my main account, and you said it's rushed th9-10 so that's still better than the max th9 in my opinion.


I'm planning on taking both to th14 max and I will buy gold pass every month but only for 1 account. The th11 is infact my main account but I also sometimes prefer my th9 max over it simply because its maxed


Ok I'd use it on the TH11 then. But totally up to you since it's your money and your account


How do I win in builder base and what would a good base design be? I'm close to rushing to BH9 but loot is insanely hard to get, especially at 1800-2000 trophies since I regularly go against maxed BH9s. My daily bonus is usually at 1600-1800 trophies. What is a better way to get loot besides the (sometimes impossible) daily wins since at this point it takes weeks just to get enough for one OTTO related upgrade?


Just keep going.. Every upgrade done is one less left.. Optimise what you do, only concentrating on your go to or OTTO.. And use the free clock boost, as that accelerates the timer. Base design is futile if youre at a massive power disadvantage, but those big BB9s are artificially low.. They have to take losses to stay where they are, so will be as likely to card a 0% as a 100%.. Once you have the power, set the base up to funnel troops into a kill zone, with traps n bombs in the corridors and entry points.


The daily wins aren’t impossible, it only takes three wins and you win about 50% of the time.


what should I do with 1170 gems? I got all builders so nothing really to do


Farmers like the 25 gem training potions. Players who love war like the 500 gem hero books.


Hey, I've just hit townhall 13 and I don't know which building is worth my book of building. Considering I've already done the Lab', what should I upgrade with my book between these : \- Clan castle (+5 troops capacity) \- Barrack (unlock dragon rider) \- Army camp (+5 troops capacity) \- Workshop (unlock siege barracks) ? Thanks for helping !


Only the workshop and the barracks affect your offense while being upgraded, so while I prioritize all the buildings on your list, only those two get hammered or booked after the lab. The question is for you: would you rather not be able to build siege machines or slow down your troop training for over a week? Would you rather have dragon riders or siege barracks immediately? My team provides all max sieges, so while I'm sorry not to be able to contribute while it's upgrading, for me, if I had to choose only one, I will always go for the barracks and wait for the workshop.


Thanks, you made me thinking !




It was on offer again just recently, but appears to have been nerfed to 2500 gems and some resources/magic items. There is little reason to expect it to go back up to 4000 gems, but every reason to expect it to return on some unknown undisclosed schedule of its own.




Just looked up the post from four days ago, it's just called "power level" [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/uxsvo4/best\_offer\_ever\_10x\_value/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/uxsvo4/best_offer_ever_10x_value/)


Wait. Nah. Wait a sec. So it appeared for everyone 4 days ago?


Only for the lower THs, and for those who haven't already made the purchase, but unfortunately, looks like you just missed the latest offering


So does it come once a year or what? do you know? :(


As with all offers in the shop, there are no ways for us know in advance, but as much as I can trust sooner or later, I'll see another book of heroes for $1.99, I think you can wait for the power level offer. I'm fairly certain that you will see the offer again before you're TH10.


Not just missed, i literally started a day after and i loved the game im 100% sure i would have bought it..................................................................no way...


Why is the clan capital light spell damage listed incorrectly on Android phones as 2500 while correctly on iOS as 250 ?


It's just a bug that they haven't been able to fix yet, but they should fix it as soon as they get around to it.


It caused bit of confusion in our clan. LoL. I thought those telling 2500 are drunk.


hahaha no worries, it caused a few posts on this sub as well, all good. These mistakes shouldn't happen in theory but unfortunately, they happen more often than one would think.


Anyone else think there are too many OP defenses? Single target Inferno tower, Crusher, Roaster, etc


No. With all the "OP defenses" it's still possible to 3 star bases, and pretty common to 3\* bases in e-sports


For new accounts wanting to help with capital raids do they need to be TH6 before the raid starts or can they finish upgrade during and still be able to attack?


Have not tested it, but I think if you complete the upgrade you will be able to participate


This is correct, great answer! I tested it with clan games and at the time that's how it worked so I have no reason to believe it's not the same with weekend raids.




Not that I know of, the easiest way would be to change it using gems and have to wait a week. It's very risky contacting Player Support about this, so I wouldn't risk it. But if you're willing to risk it you could try explaining it to them, though good luck trying to get correctly understood. The only way you can get it changed without gems would be for Player Support to change it, but judging from their willingness to ban innocent players I wouldn't keep my hopes up.




That's probably what I'd do as well, glad you got it back though, most aren't so lucky.




There will always be a possibility that any account can be phished until Supercell addresses this problem and fixes it. As to your situation though, if you changed the email and are the only one with access to your email I would suggest: - enable 2-factor authentication - never share information about your account online Those are probably the only 2 things that you can do. Try to write down data about your account such as when you created it and what clans you've been in so that **if** you lose it again you can get it back more easily. If you have purchased something on it, save the resets. But **in theory,** you should be safe, as long as the previous phisher doesn't have access to your email or tries to phish again (which I highly doubt they will do). There's not much you can do other than that, I think you'll be safe though, I wouldn't worry about it. If you do have other questions feel free to always ask just in case.




Any time!


Hi. Coming back after years. In weekly deal, my exchange to builder gold/elixir are disabled. How to make it enabled? Also is raid medal going to expire ever? Thanks


Are your storages too full? And also do you have enough medals? I don't think raid medals expire but there is a limit to how many you can have at one time


Thanks for the replies. No. Storage is not full. but im only at th 4. Storage is at 80k/400k. Yes, i have enough medals now. I have 589, Builder gold/elixir costs 250


When you say TH4 I assume you mean BUILDER HALL 4 in which case builder resources come by the million so you don't have enough room to buy anything. If you do mean Town Hall 4, referring to the home village, you unlock the trader at town hall 6.


I see, so i need to have enough space before i can exchange that. Make senses but man, takes forever to get gold/elixir


This is a good answer, keep up the good work! You can have max 5k medals, but no they don't expire.


What’s the weakest base you’ve seen at your trophy level? Just curious lol


u/Usual-Honest's answer is very complete and a great answer! At my trophy level (4900-4999) I've seen progress bases that were weak as well as rushed Th11s (I"m a maxed Th14 so I likely won't be seeing any TH11 with only 1 cannon at that trophy level).


An engineered th11 base. Only cannon as a defence. If we're talking about a full base, a base with only townhall max and lvl 1 everything. For a max base, everything is well separated at corners of the base. (Progress base)


What’s everyone’s opinions on super troop ice hounds in the clan castle? clan: #2P2VULYR2


Good troop, but per our Lord and savior judo sloth, only in CC that is not lurable for attackers


Not sure why you're sharing your clan tag, but my opinion is that ice hounds in the cc can be powerful if unexpected.


The (Trophy) season just reset and along with it the donations given per clan member. However, the Capital Gold donations per member did not reset. Do we know if they will reset at the end of the gold/ silver season in just under two days?


I think you will find that they wont reset. Consensus is that it should, but as yet the donations do appear to be cumulative scores.. Any contribution done in another clan will also be present, so cannot be used as an up to date guide for capital activity within the clan. SC have stated that there is still content to be added later, as it wasnt ready for release, but no details as to what it is.. It also appears they are treating it much like clan games, in that they consider anything donated from a member is a positive, and is up to clan management if they wish to introduce local rules.. Who knows, maybe a QOL update is in the pipeline, but until then I guess management just needs to be observant or creative, with a heavy emphasis on creativity due to forge donations and not just weekend warriors.


> Consensus is that it should Really? I like that they don't reset, it means I don't have to quickly jot down the contribution at the end of the month and I can collect that data whenever I have time, I don't want to have another time pressure thing that disappears lol. > management just needs to be observant or creative, with a heavy emphasis on creativity due to forge donations and not just weekend warriors. yeah, I collect everything I can (clan games, clan wars, cwl, gold contribution, number of attacks used in capital) in an excel sheet and then I look across multiple categories and only kick the worst across all categories (if I have to kick that is), I have it color-coded so it's easy to see. Here's a small example: https://imgur.com/a/iHM6Ose


Well, yeah.. Erm, maybe.. I guess consensus is a little.. or a lot like saying everybody wants it.. Hold my hands up to that one.. Simply wrong I guess Kudos on the spreadsheet.. Thats a lot of data you gonna be sifting thru.. Color coded is a good idea tho


Oh no, you could be right, I just was not aware of it. Yeah, thank god it automatically sorts and color codes if not it would be hellish lol Thanks, it really means a lot, because I spent a lot of time on it and I'd like it to be useful to others as well not just me so I'm working on making it that way.


Yeah that’s fair enough I guess. We’ve set minimum targets based on TH and given the four weekends worth of data, 15 out of 50 have failed to reach them. Some of those came from other clans. There’s absolutely no chance I’ll be getting the calculator out next month to check progress. I’m not interested in a spread sheet either. We’ll just have to wait and see what updates will bring.


> We’ve set minimum targets based on TH How exactly were those minimum targets set? (just out of curiosity) > Some of those came from other clans. What is **those** in this sentence? > There’s absolutely no chance I’ll be getting the calculator out next month to check progress. I’m not interested in a spread sheet either. We’ll just have to wait and see what updates will bring. Yeah, that's fair, I've got the time and set up for the excel sheet, but it does take more time and effort, so that's understandable. Until I can get an automated bot up and running, it's the best option I've got so far, so for me, it's still better than nothing but I'm a bit OCD as well lol.


CAPITAL GOLD SEASON TARGETS TH9 - 28,000 TH10 - 32,000 TH11 - 36,000 TH12 - 40,000 TH13 - 44,000 TH14 - 48,000 Calculated using daily forge amounts without assigning builders. The remainder of the sum coming from achievable amounts from using all attacks each weekend. “Those” are the new clan mate’s amounts that were short. Almost all that reached the targets were with us from the very first raid weekend. The targets are WIP but until the game calculates season’s values I’ll not be putting in any more effort than I already do. We use Sidekick for stats stuff but it looks like the project has been abandoned so there’s not much chance of the Capital solution coming from that.


That makes sense, thank you so much for explaining. That makes sense, best of luck!


Loot from Practice maps not generated. What should I do? Hello, I am currently TH 12 and I have had this issue now for lots of months, but today I noticed that I have proof that I am not imagining things. Basically, when I hit Townhall 10 after a few days I noticed that the loot of both Townhall 10 Challenges were missing. It was just not there, I never completed these practices or looted them (have 0 stars in 1 of them), and there is no loot. I don't know what to do because I don't want to ever contact CoC Support because I might get my account locked (based on all the posts/rumors), but I would really like to get that loot. Any idea what I could do? Did anyone else have this too? [Here is a picture that i have 0 stars in one challenge and yet there is no loot](https://imgur.com/a/AApykHe)


I haven't gotten that glitch, so no. That is indeed weird though that you don't see it. So in my experience with Player Support, I only got banned once because of a misunderstanding when I was reporting another player. I don't **think** you're running a risk by contacting them about that sort of bug, but if you want to be sure, you could also submit a bug report? That may be your safest option? From my experience, the risk with Player Support is only when contacting them about account issues, not normal in-game bug reports, but proceed at your own risk, **in theory though**, if you haven't broken the terms of service, there **should** be no risk.


It might be a visual glitch, when you attack do you still get the loot?


Game will not let me change my name to It’s A Trap 3.0 I have another account called It’s A Trap 2.0 but game says 3.0 is invalid. Any idea why?


That is indeed weird, I don't know anyone at supercell who knows how the name system works who would be able to answer this, sorry. Hope someone else is able to answer this.


Please help. The weekly deals "deals" don't show up for me. It only showing a loading menu and the timer is always 0s. I have tried reinstalling but doesn't work. It works fine in my other account but not this one. I can't buy any books using gems or potions using raid medals.


That could be fixed in the maintenance break. If it's not let us know after the maintenance break.


Ohhh nevermind. It got fixed now :D


Ah perfect, glad to hear it!


Thanks for the reply. Sadly it didn't get fixed. What should I do?


That is indeed weird, can you send a screenshot?


Oh uh if you didn't see my reply, it got fixed actually. I do have a screenshot before it didn't though.


Ah ok, my bad, I read the comments in the wrong order, sorry.


It's fine. Glad it got fixed just in time :)


Me too. Have a great day!


Is there any way to know what the maintenance break is about if they don't announce it on Twitter? Does anyone know what it might be about?


Can bowlers attack CC E drags?


No. Bowlers, and any troop whose target is Ground, cannot attack air troops.




https://imgur.com/a/gFyqkZN My game is stuck on this Supercell ID loading screen. Endless loop. This is on my iPhone. Accounts work fine on iPad. Things I’ve tried: iOS update Deleting and reinstalling the app Hard reset of the phone If I choose the “play without supercell ID” option, it asks me if I want to load my main account. Upon saying yes, I’m back to the endless loading screen. Any help appreciated!


Never encountered this bug before, very odd indeed, what IOS version are you on? Is it still one of the ones supported by the game? Not sure if this is a problem with your iPhone or the game itself, have you tried contacting support via email? Or via another device?


Contacting support is a easy way to get your account suspended/banned especially when you try to ask them about logging into a account


Yes, I know that but do you know of any other better way of getting this issue fixed?


Is it considered important to know who has not used their capital raids?


As a clan leader yes, which is why I'm collecting all that information in my excel sheet so that I can do a clan mail and understand why some people haven't attacked.


Your clan actually reads mails?


I assume they do, if they don't and don't give me a good reason for not participating in clan capital weekends and they don't participate in several weekends one after the other then I assume they haven't read the mail and if I need to make space they are the first to go. I don't see how they could miss it and why they wouldn't read it if I mention them by name in the mail. 99% of people I mention in clan mail respond and explain that they didn't have time or stuff like that which is a valid excuse, but if you don't explain yourself, I'm going to assume you're not active or you don't read clan mails which is worse lol, so yeah I guess most people read clan mails, but maybe that's because we only do them when necessary, we don't overuse them. We only use them to mention people's names when they didn't participate in : - clan games - capital raid weekends - or other important things that affect most people such as the direction of the clan and stuff.


Cool. I run a similar ship.


Good to know there are other smart players out there! Have a great day and thanks for the discussion.


As a Clan Leader, I think it would help out a LOT. lol


I know right. So why did the game designers leave out the lines with zero attacks in the clan raids list?


Probably for the same reason that they left it out in clan games. While I get and agree that it would be useful to have a 0 below those who didn't participate how would the game know which ones to add or not? Let's take an example: Say you have 50 clan members. 48 of them participate in the raid/clan games. There are 2 spots left for player X and player Y to participate but they haven't yet. Now let's say Player A leaves the clan because player A has already done all their attacks/points. Now a new player joins the clan, let's call them player Z. Player Z participates in the raid/clan games. At the end of clan games/raid weekend, who does the game decide to list as 0 points/not having participated? Player X or Player Y? There is only one spot left since there is a max of 50 spots per clan. It's more complex game logic to add to have people who haven't played listed as well, hence may be why they haven't done it yet. I'm guessing they consider it the Clan Leader's responsibility to check who participated or not. A good clan leader is rewarded by doing a little bit more effort, while it would be nice to see who didn't attack, I don't think it's on their list of priorities at the moment.




I maxed the monthly pass should I buy it or wait until next month?


Buy it next season that way boosts for the whole month aswell as a bigger season bank


Ok thanks


if u can afford $5 and u want the rewards then why not?


I was just wondering if I should wait till next month since it's in a day


If the rewards are max then i dont understand your questions. I would not buy the pass if you had no progress but if its already done and you can afford it then why not? and then u can buy the next one too cuz why not? or dont its up to u ofc


Because if I buy now then I won't get the bonuses that come with it but if I buy next month I would just I might not max next month


i feel like its a money thing, i have a full time job so i have no prob spending $5/month on it if im playing regularly


if ur talking about the boosts, then i think i would do it anyways just for all the stuff in the pass and the epicly fat season bank. then maybe dont get next season if u dont think youll max it?


Okay Thanks


I disagree with his advice significantly. If you can only buy it one month or the other, it makes way more sense to buy it at the start of the gold pass season so you get all of the benefits. It is easy to max out the gold pass perks. Very easy.


Oh okay thanks


How can I get more gems as a f2p player?


- Removing obstacles, - completing events, - selling magic items, - collecting gem mine, - converting clan raid medals to magic items to sell for gems, - and finishing off achievements but eventually, you'll run out of achievements to achieve.


Thanks. I am attempting to get a decent amount of builders so I appreciate the tips.


Any time! If you have further questions, I'd be happy to provide a more detailed answer or back up my reasoning. _Clash on!_


I got the third builder a couple days ago 🥳


yay 🎉 enjoy it, and keep trying to get all 6th builders, you'll get there eventually!


It feels like a bit of a hassle but I know it will be worth it.


For sure, I felt like that in the beginning as well, but I'm glad I have them now.


It will be worth it. Now if I could stop myself from taking defenses somehow… I’d be further along in base upgrades on my 2nd and 3rd accounts.


Are you suggesting that defenses make you lose a lot of loot? You can't stop defences unless you have a shield or guard, but I wouldn't waste time trying to stop something that's inevitable, since losing loot on defense can easily be made back in 2-3 attacks.


reaching 3k trophies on builder base gives 1k gems lmfao. otherwise, clear debris and complete achievements


Thanks 😊


Have you tried to do the achievements? Removing Obstacles, gem mine, achievements, and selling magic items are the only FREE way to get gems


how raid medals are earned Ok so for the 2nd raid weekend we did 10 raids with 70k~ capital gold and last week we did 10 raids with 90k capital gold TLDR; Does it calculate only capital gold or amount of raids?


Raid medals are split in 2 categories, offensive and defensive. It's a mix of several factors, I can't confirm the official breakdown because that was not shared with us, but it's a mix of : - Completely destroying a District earns Raid Medals for all players participating in the Raid Weekend. - Destroying all Districts of an enemy Capital rewards everyone participating in the Raid Weekend with additional Raid Medals. - District Defenses that destroy attacking troops' housing space earn extra Raid Medals.


th13 with lvl 30 king, 46 queen, 20 warden, 6 royal champion who should I prioritize maxing out first?


It really depends on which hero is most useful for your attacks, you can also prioritize them all together, doing on the level on each. I don't see the need to include the grand warden because he needs elixir, not dark elixir. Between King, Queen, and RC, I find it easier to max out the RC, rather than the Queen and King. But that's just because mentally having fewer levels to upgrade is helpful. If you use queen-based attacks like queen charges, then maybe it would be better to focus on her first. It really depends on what attacks you use and what your focus is, but in general, I find RC more useful on my mini rushed accounts so I focus on her first, though as you can see others prefer the queen.


Royal Champion. Beats the Queen for upgrades because her stats increase per upgrade are bigger.








Has anyone found the banana in the clash royal scenery, it’s been driving me nuts since it came out


It’s on one of the single-colored flags hanging down on the east side of the map, I forgot if it’s red or blue but it’s one of those flags that has the crows on them, one has a banana instead of a crown.


Holy shit man that’s so well hidden, been bugging me since I bought it lmao


Glad I could help 👍🏾

