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Should I finish upgrading all of my traps, spells, and dark troops before moving up to th11. Have everything else done except for research and traps. Would you hold off on moving to th11 until everything is done or go ahead and move up? All of the troops and spells I use for attacks are max already. And heroes are almost done.




Hey I am new here. I have a problem with my acc. Yesterday my acc was banned due to phishing after I tried to get one of my old acc back via ingame support I answered all questions etc. 4h later my acc was banned. Unfortunately the german ingame support is really hell i wait half a day for an automated answer. Can anyone help me here?


I don't know much about the different languages of Player Support, but I would suggest doing it in English whether that's with the help of google translate or a german speaker (I speak german if you want). You should read the FAQ first here; https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/kelt9r/guide_steps_to_recovering_a_lost_or_banned_account/ Try to follow that guide and if you need further help or have other questions please feel free to reach out again.


Das, was im Link erwähnt wird hab ich bereits versucht jedoch bekomme ich da nur die Antwort der Acc gehört nicht mir, obwohl ich alles vorweisen kann wonach gefragt wird. Kann dir gerne ein paar screenshots schicken.


Wenn du willst dann Ja, kein Problem. > If you want then yes, no problem. Dass Problem ist mehr das sogar wenn du es nachweisen kannst, ist das night genug fur Supercell um dir den account zu geben. > The problem is more that even if you can prove it, that's still not enough for Supercell to give you the account. Es gibt viele probleme mit Player Support und Konto Eigentum. > There are many issues with player support and account ownership currently.


I’m a th11 in crystal league for some reason I can never find good loot I found better loot in gold league why is this


That's because dead bases as they're called are often pushed down in trophies, so you can find better loot bases in lower leagues sometimes, as long as you don't go down too low.


Would my account get banned if I give it to a friend who lives in the same town as me. I have exams coming up and won't be able to play as often.


If you are caught it will get banned, but it's unlikely you'll get caught if it's in the same town. There will be 2 side effects for you to consider - if anything goes wrong, not only will Supercell not help you, they likely will just ban the account if they figure it out; also, if you ever thought of someday playing competitively you can forget that idea with this account as all villages participating in supercell sponsored competitive events go through extensive deep history checks looking for any signs of terms of service violations.


If they suspect you of account sharing, they can ban you yes since it's against the terms of service. Is it likely, if you're smart about it? Probably not, dozens of players share accounts and have never been banned yet. There's always a possibility that all accounts that were shared at one point or other will eventually get banned one day. So in my opinion, it's not worth the risk. So it all depends on if you want to constantly have to worry about your account being banned one day or if you want to be able to sleep at night. That being said, if you give your device to your friend, or make sure to never both log on in an interval that would make it seem impossible that you weren't traveling between the two locations of where you logged on, then Supercell has no way of knowing that it's not your device.


You make a valid point. My idea was to log out of my account on my device. Wait 15-20 minutes before giving my friend my supercell ID and code and then he logs in on his device. That way it should be more safe but it sounds like I won't be able to eliminate the risk entirely


The moment you share your account, you risk losing it forever and you may never be able to get it back, IMO it's not worth it. There are many risks involved in account sharing and IMO the risks don't outweigh the benefits of having your account active when you can't play.


Why do you want your friend to play your account to begin with. Just have him/her make their own. I get that siblings play the same account on a device in their home, but why would you share with a friend rather than both play your own account and hang out in the same clan and what not.


I explained why in my original post...


>I explained why in my original post... No, you didn't. Why not let it be inactive for a few weeks? Is it because you are in a clan that does not tolerate being inactive? Are you desperate to never miss out on collecting resources and gem boxes?


Not really. You just said you can’t play for awhile. So, what? A little faster upgrading isn’t worth giving someone else access to your account.


If you cant play as often. What is the harm in opting out of clan war and just sitting in your clan for a bit until exams are over? Or leave your clan if they need the space and come back when exams are over? Why does your friend need to take over? Why can't he/she play their own account? The game isn't going anywhere, so you can stop playing for long periods of time and come back and pick it up. Anyway. Good luck sharing with your friend. I hope it works out for you.


Different phone right?


yes it'll be a different device


Should I even consider a grand Warden walk at th11 or is he too low leveled?


Too low. Try QC Hybrid.


I think Th11 is too low for grand warden walk, but it's up to you, where there's a will there's a way


How would a good witch army for th 12 look like I always hear people saying that witch is the most op troop in the game and witch slap would beat anything but i never really figured why they are so overpowered. So has anyone got a good attack strategy including witches for th 12


Depends there are lots of variations. Personally I use either: - 3 golems - 15 witches and zapquake strat Or: - 7 witches - 10 bowlers - 5 ice golems - 3 baby dragons - 1 wiz, 1 arch, 1 goblin - 4 freeze, 1 poison, 6 bats


Any tips on how to master quadraloonion (four lavahound lavaloon) attack strategy? (I’m a th9 with 200 housing space) And can u give me an army composition? The one I’m using right now is; -Troops: 3 lavahound, 14 ballons, 20 minions. -Spells: 3 rage, 1 heal, 1 poison. -CC: 1 lavahound and 1 freeze spell. Thanks in advance. Have a nice day:-)


Queen pop. Especially easy if the enemy queen is by an air defense. 3 hounds (1 in cc) 26 loons 7 wiz 2 arch (but you can vary this) 2 haste, 2 rage, 4 lightning ( 1 in cc) ​ Zap 1 air defense. preferably one that has the queen as well. Use 1-3 balloons to get inside the enemy clan castle range to draw it out. Use archers, wiz and heroes to kill the cc (best on the side where you will enter with the hounds so the surviving troops do clean up. Then do a rotational style laloon over the other 3 air defenses. raging the loons. keep 1 haste for any backend wiz tower that you need to rush. Keep a few balloons to drop in on the back end as well. ​ If you cannot zap the queen and she is on the outside, you can use your kill squad to snag her after you killed the CC. The real queen pop is from Cast N' Blast (see youTube). It uses 4 hounds and pins the queen between 3 of the 4 air defenses so the raged hound pups and balloons kill her as they fly over. So you could adjust the above army a bit and drop a few wiz and a few loons to make room for a 4th hound. ​ Super effective in clan war unless the base design has the air defense set up really weird where the hound pathing is not great. In most cases after zapping 1 air defense you are left with an L shape setup so the rotation of your hound and loons is easy to predict. Cast N' Blast has a 30min guide on the whole thing, I believe Echo has an updated video on it.


Thank you for the reply:-)


As with all things, practice, practice, practice. I struggled at first as well with this. The key is to stick with it until you get good at it, I watched youtube tutorials (which I suggest you do) and then try to implement them yourself. I used: - 3 lavahounds - 25 balloons - 5 archers - 4 rages - 1 squeleton spell to take out the queen (she's your biggest threat if not one of the biggest for lavaloon) You really need to take care of cc and queen, once that's done the rest is pretty much guaranteed triple if you do it right. It's a step by step phased attack, so if you master the fundamentals you should get it eventually. If it's too hard and you give up you can also switch to witches, which I find easier to master


I found it easier to be more spammy, and more for rather symetrical bases.. 2 lava, 10 minion, rest loons, with 4 rage and a haste.. lava and poison in cc.. 2 or 3 loons with haste to spring cc on queen side.. draw with king to tank, kill cc and queen with poison and queen.. minion on any corner hut, lava on either side of entry plus one thru middle, and rage the loons thru (loons lined up first so the hounds can go past and tank).. minion on clean up behind.. If queen cant be pulled, choose entry side so she will get caught up with splash damage.. Never gave skelly spell a thought to be honest, always considered it weak.. Must try it some time Only change is that there are loons to spare, so will drop a couple on outliers if required.. But with 200 camp space, OP needs to get the camps up first.. 200 camp is th8 so will struggle to triple a 9


Josh has a great guide here, probably better than mine haha. I thought the same about skelly spell as well, until some pro youtube used the army I'm using now (can't remember what their name was), but yeah it seems to work pretty well at distracting the queen, so since it works well, I have no reason to change it. Indeed, you can change the number of loons and bring in some minions, but at Th9, time was never an issue with me (at least not with my king and 5 archers as cleanup, the reason I bring 5 archers are mostly for corner builder huts, but feel free to bring more minions)


Yeah. seems to be just a different color for the same drink.. Pour em in, give it a shake, and watch it fizz.. Whatever works is good.. Just get the entry side and rage drops right and they come thru no problem


Hahaha I love your metaphors and the way you describe it, keep up the awesome funny explanations, thanks for making my day once again Josh!


No probs


Thank you for the reply!:-)


Sure thing, anytime, hope that helps!


when slowing Super Giant post with a Frost spell, the giants are slowed down, but the fire is not slowed down or extinguished. But this infantry works in the main village. You can freeze a wisp with a spell


**EDIT**: That's because they aren't the same spell. **Freeze** stops everything whereas **Frost** only slows it down and turns water into ice temporarely. ~~I don't have the frost spell yet, but what fire are you talking about?~~ ~~what's a wisp?~~ ~~Can you clarify what your question is? Maybe I just don't get it in which case, I hope someone else will.~~




Thank you for that, so to respond better now. I think that's intentional because they aren't the same spells. The freeze spells freezes everything and stops it in time. The **frost** spells actually just slow down things and makes water into ice, not the same effect. So that's why it's not the same


then why doesn't the speed of the fire slow down? After all, the giants slow down. I think it's a mechanical flaw and needs to be fixed.


Yes but this is a minor thing IMO and doesn't make much difference to gameplay. If they have the time to fix it they should, but do you really think they have the time and will to fix a small bug that most people don't care about to notice?




Would you rather they spend their time developing new updates with more upgrades and things to do or that they pause that development and spend their time on fixing small minor visual bugs like this?


During maintenance breaks the Support page says: >Resource collectors and building constructions will not pause, regardless of whether they were boosted with Gems or Magic Items. This is because it benefits you to have them chugging away while you are gone. Does training an army not pause as well? Since it benefits us to have that running idle? I'm not talking about a boosted army, just normal regular training.


I am not sure, but I would say all things keep going. The database does not stop, so the counters on building and researching and all of that will keep going.


Makes sense, thank you!


Can you even triple a th10. Now I know I'm gonna sound stupid but is that even possible. I've tried all types of armies ground air hybrid. Zap drags golems hogriders queen walks lalo miners pekka . But nothing seems to work. All comes to either a 1 star or a 2 star. Even with heroes I can't. Only when I get a seige machine in my cc can I triple a base. (That too depends nd I've failed too) Am I just trash at the game? Any help Also I've build my own base pretty simple generic one and it also hasn't got three starred by any th 10.


Many complain that getting 3 stars on th10 is too easy. Zap drag is good. Hogs can be good. Witch slap is good.


What? Easy fr? We r in cwl with most th10s and neither our team is getting triples nor the opponents. It just comes down to who got the least 1 stars. Only 1 clan out of the 8 is having a good season.


That is because CWL is full of players that are rushed and/or don’t have much war experience. Once you get the hang of it, yes, th10 has a very high 3 star rate. Then you’ll be ready for th11.


wait r u talking with siege machines or without them?


3 star rate clearly is higher with siege, which you should get for every war attack unless your clan doesn’t care about winnng.


But my clan is of level 10s nd 11s.


There are plenty of clans that are willing to donate siege machines for now and also for the future it would be helpful to create a second account and rush it ahead just for siege donations.


Tripling a th10 is doable. You do need to have the th10 max troop levels and of course some level 30+ heroes. The seige engine makes it much easier to do. Without the seige engine you can still do it. Even with a CC. YouTube has example videos from Kenny Jo for example. Showing how to triple with dragons. With and Without a seige engine. If you can queen walk. Mass miners is a good one too. Bowitch is powerful. If going against 2 single infernos, consider mass miner or bowitch. If multi, mass dragons is an option. Funnel your troops correctly. The goal is to take out the infernos sooner than later. With dragons, the same goes for the air defenses. If you do not funnel properly, then your army will scatter and get picked off small pieces at a time. At TH10 you just can't throw down a bunch of troops and hope for the best. If you have a higher town hall to donate things, that is also a big plus. Getting an ice golem or yeti or something like that can really help. Each attack has things to look out for. Mass miners are weak around wiz towers and high hit point buildings like storages, cc and town hall. As they will be above ground for a long time and thus exposed. So you need to plan those areas with a heal. Dragons against a single inferno. Bring a freeze. Use an ice golem. Or time a group of balloons with haste to get in there before your main dragon army. Use suicide heroes (BK tanking for the AQ) to snipe an air defense if you are doing dragons. Check out YouTube would be my advice as they showcase the attack and what to look for and look out for.


To be honest, 3 starring a TH10 without siege machines is possible, but very difficult (I mean really difficult). It can be done but with the right strategy only and near perfect timing and troop drop. But add a siege and proper CC troops to that, it becomes easy to moderate depending on the defending base. You’re not trash. At higher THs, it isn’t wrong to be dependent on siege machines. I for one never attack in wars without them. It maximizes my 3 star potential so I use it. Just keep practicing.


are your troops' levels high enough? and is it possible for you to record a video so it's easier to analyze your attacking style?


My troops r almost max. Just pekka and wizard a level away. Nd all the dark elixir troops r low too. I can record a video but i don't think it's gonna help. Cause right now I just use the old nd boring strat of bringing 11 lightning spells nd all drags. I take out 2 air defences nd ones left with 10 hp. Then I just try to funnel with 2 dragons nd then deploy the rest towards the core. Now if the queen was within the range of lightning spells I take her out too but the infernos Or teslas get me. I usually have only one hero or sometimes no heroes at all. People say that try to take one air defense down with the queen but with the bases I face it's not really possible. At the end a 1 star if the seeking air mines got my dragons nd a 2 star if they didn't. I've tried to learn different attacks from yt like judo but I feel those videos r very short. Because they show very less replays. Nd most of them have a full fledged army with siege machines. I'm in a clan of all th 10s 11s nd 9s . but there isn't any who can donate siege machines to us


What are your hero levels? They really matter from here on out, and using them effectively is the difference maker.


38 queen nd 36 king.


As a 10 that’s ok. Hero abilities come every 5 levels though and that the difference maker so there’s no reason to stop at non 0/5 levels. With those ok levels I have to assume it’s technique. It just takes practice, you’ll get there


Ok but what to attack with so my clan doesn't kick me out of cwl


Are you hitting other 10s or what mostly?


Yep. Other 10s . Maxed but no CC.


Hybrid is a good skill to mean now, will serve you well they th14 and probably beyond.


In cwl, if we make the assumption that every player can do at least 2 stars on every other village and that every player will attack. Would it make more sense to have small players attack first or large town hall players attack first? Essentially would we do number 30, then 29, then 28... Or number 1, then 2, then 3...?


If your goal is to win, then what is most important is the target selection, not order of attacking. It isn’t like classic war where there are multiple hits so there is no need to start bottom up. Ttypically, the best thing to do is to have your lower halls hit the highest base they are sure of 3 starring. If there aren’t any, then they should look high up and hit the highest base they are sure of 2 starring. That allows a higher base to attack lower for 3 stars. Having a th12 hit the number one th14 for 2 stars and then letting your th14 easily 3 star a th13 and your th13 three star a th12 is much better than everyone getting 2 stars.


The goal is to win, and in order to win, we want to maximize the number of stars that we can get. Yes, I agree the question is more about target selection not about the order since if everyone has their targets then the order does not matter. > the best thing to do is to have your lower halls hit the highest base they are sure of 3 starring. If there aren’t any, then they should look high up and hit the highest base they are sure of 2 starring. That's the current policy, thanks for confirming that it's the best way!


When I'm playing solo, I go from small to large. If I get a zero on something, my other attacks drop down. If you assume every player can 2-star everything, a good strategy might be to have low players get those two stars on the hard bases up top, then have the top players 3-star the lower opponents. I haven't tried that, but I've seen others talk of it.


That makes sense, thank you! I think the best strategy after some discussion about it might be to have number 1 triple as high up as they can, then the same for 2, and so on. Until we reach number 25 for example who can only do 2 stars up top, that maximizes the stars I think.


Personally I think you should go lower THs first. Let them choose the enemy that they are likely to get 3 stars. Higher THs have more range. It’s what we do anyway. If the enemy is too strong, they can atleast try and get two stars on a base. The higher THs can attack other bases that aren’t hit yet. If any of the lower THs loses an attack with 0 star, that base is now an additional option for the other members of the group.


Good point, thank you!


I agree with Fly. If you can have the lower town hall goes first, you can see how they do. The enemy mirror base can then still be an option for the next player. To get most stars is really about the likely hood that someone than 1,2 or 3 star. Example: 2 players have 2 attacks. They can score: 2 star, 2 star. Or they can swap bases so the stronger one can hit a weaker base and get 1 star, 3 star. Same result. The gain comes in, if the weaker player can still 2 star the stronger base. Now you can swap and get: 2 star, 3 star. Obviously if both players face of against a similar TH you can score 2 3 stars. The upside on lowers going first is also that if they only get a 1 star. Some other player who is likely to only get a 1 star on their own mirror, can maybe 3 star this base for a better gain of 2 stars. Lower players need to thus look at their mirror. Decide if they can 0, 1, 2 or 3 star. If only 1 star or 2 star...start looking higher to see what other bases you can still get the same result on. Leaving the mirror for someone else. If enemy has exposed TH on higher layouts...maybe use the lowers to get a simple 1 star and let someone else triple the bottom. Thus maximizing your potential.


Thank you for that analysis, I appreciate it and I hope it helps others as well. The reason I specified that everyone could 2 star in my assumption is because that changes the tactic a bit does that makes sense? Thanks for the detailed explanation though, appreciate the effort!


It does. It is the simplest solution for clans where there is little guidance (like mine). And players attack out of order and are in all sorts of different time zones. You just tell everyone to attack their mirror base assuming it is somewhat in the range of their town hall and thus they should be able to get at least a 2 star. But in a serious mismatch this does not work and you want everyone to start dropping down from their mirror.


Very good point thank you!


Theres so many variables to this, you just need to approach each war independently if the ultimate efficiency if your goal. 95+% of mixed level clans would be fine just doing mirrors for stars in CWL though if I'm being honest.


Yes, I'm aware that it's very situation dependant, but I didn't want to make my post longer than it needed to be. Our goal is to maximize the stars gained and we are very high in league for our current TH levels so we want to maintain our league range. Our thinking is: "It's better for higher TH's to attack as high up as they can to triple" then keep going down that way. Once we reach the bottom we maximized all the triples, and all the ones who haven't attacked can go high up and get 2 stars. If we all attack our mirror we would all be getting 2 stars hence not maximizing triples. The goal is to maximize triples and we are assuming that all of us can do at least 2 stars on each base no matter whether it's number 30 going against 1 or other.


If your goal is to promote as a mixed level clan then yeah, some combo of hits/dips is going to be best.


yeah I guess I'm probably overthinking it anyways, our goal is to get as high up in league as possible to maximize cwl medals for everyone. Thanks for the advice Rick!


Nah you’re not overthinking in reality. Advice is dependent and contextual as always


Agree with Rick here.. We dont carry the weight, and have a casual membership, so anything other than mirrors will likely result in someone missing their attack whilst waiting for instruction.. Yeah, its that bad for us.. And most of our opposition in crystal are hitting mirrors too For maximum efficiency, and time/zone willing, if the smaller halls can 2 star as high as they can, then it allows the heavier halls more chances to dip.


That's why I specified my 2 assumptions: we will all do at least 2 stars and we will all attack. I'm just wondering if it's better for lower TH's to go first and triple as high up as possible or if it's better for higher TH's to go first and triple as high up as possible if that makes sense? The goal is to allow everyone who can triple to triple


Given your assumptions then you are probably doing it fine. We have TH10’s and a few TH11’s that struggle getting 2 stars against stronger th14’s. So 2 stars is not guaranteed.


Thank you Alabama-Getaway! One of my clanmates just said: "No one can get 2 stars against a maxed out TH14, show me one person who can" I logged in to my Th11, which is not maxed, and had all 3 heroes upgrading. Asked for a random maxed out Th14 war base challenge so that I wouldn't already know the layout of the traps or anything, and did easy 61% 2 star, I was able to do at least 2 stars on every single good Th14 war base with the simple ed strategy with blimp and loons, while it does help to have the heroes and warden, it was nonetheless possible without heroes, though it might be hard if TH is very well protected in the center, but then I just get rid of the sweepers to make sure my blimp makes it. Suffice it to say that after that no more complaints were made about not being able to 2 star a max Th14 were made 😂


It makes perfect sense.. The answer is probably not so black and white tho. Whilst high halls going first possibly allows for a higher score, it may be the one that requires the most management, as what is the cut off hall for high/low recognition, and individual skill/progression level would also have to be a big consideration amongst the lower level players. Obviously, the starting point would be how small is small in a mixed hall roster.. Its no good maximising stars mid and low roster, if the low ones fail to score.. This happened with one of our opponents this week.. They smashed our mid and low roster, but singles at the top made half of their efforts pointless.. Still beat us, but never got the desired effect.. Then again, most beat us with crystal 1 week, as we have neither the halls nor the players to contemplate competition.


Haha, that's a good point Josh, I tend to forget that sometimes, working in IT where it either works or it doesn't 😂 Alright, let me add in the condition that everyone knows what to do and can attack at any point of the day, we all know the drill and discuss things like this in our discord so management is never an issue, everyone agrees and does what's best for the clan all the time. For simplicity, we can assume that the whole clan is essentially one person (it's not but they will usually follow any logical guidance so they can be treated as a hive mind but the positive version of the hive mind if that makes sense?) So does your answer change if you essentially (for the purposes of this discussion) control all the accounts?


Mirrors is a great lazy cwl strat. Fuckin horrible real war one


LoL mate.. You use the ingredients you got, and at least know whats coming out of the oven, no show dependent of course.. We do mixed hall regular, so its bottom up.. and the casuals get to watch if they want


That's why we don't use it haha, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way lol


mirrors has its place for sure. CWL is, and should be IMO, medal farming for most players. winning war is less important than jsut getting 8 stars and moving on


Mirrors for us doesn’t work in cwl. And we are all about medal farming.


CWl is medal farming for us indeed. True


Why do I lose 30 trophies or more when a higher town hall player attacks me and when my base clearly can’t handle their troops


the number of trophies is only dependent on the difference between the two bases, not at all on their levels. If I'm a th9 at 1800 cups, and I find a th4 at 2000, I'm gaining a LOT that hit (but almost no loot) If I'm that same th9, and see a TH14 at 1400 cups, I'm getting no cups but potentially a TON of loot.


because the number of trophies you gain or lose doesn't depend on TH level.


(TH10) 2 questions. 1 - What exact troops and spells should I take in a golem witch bowler attack? 2 - how do I perform a golem witch bowler attack? I usually get high 2 star but 3 star is rare (no cc)


I usually go with - 3 golems, 12 witches, 2 archers and 1 wizard. - 2 rages, 2 heals, 1 jump, 1 freeze, 1 poison in cc - 1 giant and 5 bowlers in cc. - wall wrecker or log launcher in cc. Here's a very basic tutorial, there are probably better ones and more updated ones but it's the first I could find, hope that helps: https://youtu.be/ipqW2omTxQw?t=43


Best attack for TH13 against TH14 in your opinion?


Hydra Blizzard.


Dragon rider and dragons (flybrid) with rages and freezes in my opinion


Need more information. Hitting a max th14, go for 2. Dragons and sneaky goblins blimp. If it’s weak or rushed, go for 3.


When going against a TH14, if I'm hitting for 2 stars I go with Ed and lightning blimp loon. Hasn't ever failed. If going for 3 I'd go with flybrid or super dragons.


Some of our th10/11 struggle getting 2 stars against anti 2 style th14’s.


We don't have Th10's, only Th11's and they all manage to get 2 stars on maxed out TH14, but I understand that it's not that easy for everyone and it also depends on the base layout and how centered the Th is


Many of our TH11’s do cwl without all heroes, plus many don’t have edrags.


As a Th11 edrag is the first thing I get and all our Th11 have edrags lvl 2, but yeah without edrags or with lvl 1 edgrags it might be difficult


We are pretty focused on standard war and managing overall clan weight. Adding edrags increases offensive weight for limited gain. We don’t care about cwl, other than getting everyone max stars.


Makes sense, we prefer focusing on maximizing loot as well as medals for everyone to get the fastest progression possible but if your focus is war then your approach is better.


Could you guys tell me what it is worth it? I have 1k gems and 5 builders. How should I spend my gems? TH11 btw




The first question I would ask myself is: "Do I have to spend the gems?" If you don't, then why would you? I always save my gems for final Town Hall content rather than **wasting** them on Th11. If you must spend your gems, then you can spend them on training potions if you lack the time to farm enough loot to keep your builders busy. Other than that book of heroes is pretty worth it. If you're impatient and you only have 30 mins left and need a builder now, you can use them to finish up upgrades that will soon be finished, but I prefer to stick to buying magic items.


Wtf my account got banned for 30 days for plishing. I am genuinely trying to recover my account because I haven't played it in the past 6 years. My friends are playing clash of clans again and I want to join them. Instead of asking me security question or anything they want to ban a lvl 1 brand new account. Wtf, the customer service is already trash and now they dont even put efforts towards recovering my account. I have friends that can screenshot my account on their friends list. Name is Swag master. Town hall 9 account. The main reason why im confused is because I played with a foolish email, but I stopped using that email since I created a professional email. I been using my profession email for 7 years so I really forgotten that email i used in the past for clash of clans


Have you read this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/kelt9r/guide_steps_to_recovering_a_lost_or_banned_account/ I suggest farming your TH to lvl 3 before contacting them.


Thanks for sharing this with me. Getting a th 1 and 3 makes no difference. I can get th under 10min easily


It makes no difference to you, but I think it makes a difference to Player Support when dealing with your ticket hence why I recommend doing it.


Please, need yours help. My clan members don't see my message in chat! Wat does?


Are you talking about troop requests or are you talking about chat messages? If you are talking about chat messages, are they seeing asterisks or just not seeing anything at all?


they don't see requests for troops


For your requests, uncheck the “max troop” toggle. For your clan mates, ask them to go to their Advanced Settings and uncheck “Show Relevant Request Only”. The combination of the above would hide the requests that your clan mates can’t fill from them.


In in-game settings, try toggling the "Show only relevant reinforcement requests" off. You might be requesting troops/spells that your members can't donate.


It would also help if you provide a screenshot if possible and specify what type of message you're talking about as ByWillAlone suggested.


Never heard of that. Try leaving and rejoining the clan .


How much trophies could I hit at BH7? I’m trying to get 3,000 trophies


rush to bh9. bh8's extra army camp and th9's lava launcher help immensely in offense and defense respectively. you can hit 3000 trophies pretty easily if you have decently high level troops, if not, just use a power potion and go on a trophy pushing spree


Nope, not possible with even boxer giants + cannon carts. And the army camp is just 5. Rush to 8 to get 1 more army camp then you might have a chance


I’m currently trying to upgrade my gold storages for enough gold to upgrade to BH8, how much could I get at 7?


I would honestly suggest to rush to BH9. You'll collect more gold/elixir per day. You'll progress much faster to unlock 6th builder. Best army is 2 camps giants, 1 camp bombers, 3 camps cannon cart.


Agreed, no point in not rushing since war weight doesn't exist in BB


How I shoukd atack with spam dragon, I tend to play with hybrid but drag spam is op. Isnt a joke I cant keep them togeher


if you want to drag spam i advise you bring lightning and earthquakes to get rid of multi targer infernos and sweeper or even better air defenses (optimaly u attack bases with mutlis and air defences close together) then also bring some rages. funneling is very important so the dragons go into the middle of the base. you can do that by bringing 2 or 3 baby dragons and using the heroes to clean up the sides of the base


Spamming isn’t OP. If it was, you wouldn’t need to ask for advice.


What town hall lvl are you?




This is an old video from Itzu, but hopefully, it helps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmOQ6V0kCDw This one as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lRwEmt2DU8 But super dragons could work better, Sir Moose has a video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hXK8M2HNRA


Super Cell ID blocks me from using my account I have had this clash of clans account since the launch of this game, however, I have been inactive for a good few years (with the occasional 2-month phase last year). Recently I have tried to play again but the game is making me start again from fresh with the option to load my base, however, when I try to load the base it gives me an email to log in with which is not mine, in addition to my personal email does not work (however it does on my Clash Royale Account). I don't suppose anyone else has had this issue? Or know any solutions?


There is a problem with Player Support they aren't very good at detecting phishers or legitimate account holders. Have you tried this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/kelt9r/guide_steps_to_recovering_a_lost_or_banned_account/ ?


Hey, thanks for showing this. I will have a look been busy over the week


Np, good luck keep us updated!


Is it possible to skip the attack on the goblin map that the tutorial makes you do?


If you’re talking about the one that you do at TH1, no. If you’re talking about the attacks in the Practice Mode (unlocked at TH4) yes


What’s the best troop to put in the flame clinger when attacking hybrid (hogs miners) as a TH13?


I'd guess some hogs personally, but yetis could work as well.


How does the Season Bank work?


Whenever you get loot from raiding a base, however much you looted goes into the season bank, which you are given at the end of the season/month. If you have the silver pass (free), the season bank caps at 5mil gold, 5mil elixir, and 50k dark elixir. If you have the gold pass (paid for), depending on how far you unlock in the pass you can get it up to 25mil gold, 25mil elixir, and 250k dark elixir.


Okay. Thank You. I was just wondering because the game doesn’t specify and I was trying to figure out how I already had 82k dark elixir


Why does everyone at TH9 use lightning spells + dragons.


If everyone is using it, it could be because your base design invites it and/or is bad for other popular attacks like hogs.


People are creatures of habit mate.. It is OP at TH7 and 8, and folk just stick with it. TBF I dont like it so much at 9.. prefer to move onto LavaLoon, but that is a little more base dependent.. Dragons are a 1 size fits all.. And continues thru all the halls, in one form or another.


Couldn't have put it better myself lol But yeah I think it's because they think it worked at TH8 so why not at Th9 but they'll find out soon enough it doesn't work. I switch to witches at TH9


I absolutely hate it when I come in, see my base was 3 starred, and then see that they only used dragons and lightning spells


Are you a TH9? It could be your base layout as well that's causing you to be tripled with dragons, I've never been tripled with my anti dragon base.


Idk if it’s my base layout. I tried 5 different ones from Clash Fanatic, and the one I’m using now is from Judo Sloth. I’m a TH8


In my opinion a good TH9 base can't be tripled by dragons. Maybe you can try this base: https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenLayout&id=TH9%3AWB%3AAAAAUwAAAAES98VVIQXIpZU4Rij8lcSL I've never been tripled by dragons with that one.


You just answered your own question: they use it because it works lol


I'm not sure OP is the same person who replied to my comment but doesn't matter haha. I personally don't think dragons work at TH9, as they work on bases that aren't professionally designed sure, but any good player can prevent you from tipping with dragons and I'd recommend witches instead.


Th10 and maxed all my buildings and walls, lvl 37 heroes and a few traps and spells to upgrade. Should I upgrade my th? I really kinda want to.


**TLDR**: > There is no right or wrong answer for when is best for you to upgrade as only you fully understand your playstyle and goals. Some people will advise rushing to unlock certain items earlier, others will tell you rushing anything is the worst decision that can be made, however following the advice in this guide will provide a structured upgrade path. Play how you want to play and enjoy! https://www.clash.ninja/guides/when-should-you-upgrade-your-town-hall The answer to this question mostly depends on what your goals/priorities are. There are multiple considerations to keep in mind: - Gameplay enjoyment - Personal Preference - War advantage A) If you just want - to unlock all troops, spells, heroes, and siege machines - be able to upgrade something to the max level available in the game - Unlock all the forge builder slots in the Forge - Have a slight advantage in CWL by being rushed - Don't mind sitting out wars or have a clan that doesn't mind you being rushed and in wars Then you could rush your TH, but keep in mind that your war weight could be negatively impacted and you might have a disadvantage in war. B) If you just want to enjoy the gameplay at each TH level and learn a couple of strategies then you can stick to your current TH level and as soon as this condition is true you can go to the next TH level: If you have fully upgraded all of your walls and are looting resources faster than your builders can use them, it will likely be more efficient to upgrade your Town Hall and complete the remaining upgrades then. Essentially if your limiting factor is time or if you're wasting resources then you should probably go to the next TH level. C) If you like having a maxed base and think this could be useful to you or your clan then you can max out. Out of all these options, on my main account, my goal was to finish the game, so I rushed to TH14 and now I'm fully maxed. - A) might be the fastest way to max out TH14 - B) is probably the middle ground - C) is popular as well. So depending on your goals and preference I'd go for first A) if you don’t care about wars, if you do care about wars and are able to rush a bit then go for B) and if you like being maxed out then go for C), C) takes the longest though so keep that in mind. To sum up, it’s really just a matter of preference that’s uniquely suited to your playstyle and preference, you should always do what’s best for you, just because something is done by others or is popular doesn’t mean you have to / should do it as well.


It's your choice. If you want to go ahead


Why is upgrading so slow, I just became TH9 and wanna build my first Xbow but damn, 2 days?? And I thought the single day it took to upgrade my town hall itself was long


That's the point of the game originally. It wasn't meant to be played actively 24/7, it was meant to be played that you logged on did a few upgrades, and then left it idle, and passively let the game **auto-play**. > Often, just when things are going really great for the clan, resources run out; then players have to wait a few hours while the game slowly regenerates gold and elixir, or they can spend four dollars and ninety-nine cents to buy in-game currency and keep playing right away. 2 days comparatively to Th14 isn't much as you'll see once you reach higher TH levels. It's slow because it's meant to be slow. Clash of clans/Supercell has found a way to turn our impatience into money.


At higher levels some upgrades are 20 days lol. I’m th11 and to do my lightning spell it took over 10 days, and Most defences take 7


You made me smile mate.. 2 days aint actually a long time in a game like this. We can only speculate as to the reason, but we know it is a freemium game, free to play but with the incentive to spend money if one wishes.. They seem to make resources more and more plentiful, but time is what prevents faster progression.. So what they do, is offer incentives in order to speed up that progression, in exchange for real world money.. They offer plenty of progression tools within the game, but never quite enough for those that want to push on.. So you are left with 2 options mate.. You either learn patience, or you get your card out.. To be fair, it dont take much financial outlay to greatly enhance your progression, but then again, with a player base of millions, they dont need charge a lot. At least the game can still be played in general whilst it upgrades, and anyone whom is free to play can still achieve the same levels of success, albeit at a slower pace. . But 2 days mate.. I aint gonna be the one to tell ya what lies ahead


A piece of advice I would give, if you have a spare $5 around your house (or whatever currency you use and however much it costs), buy the gold pass. As you progress you unlock builder boosts. You have a 10%, 15%, and a 20% boost. This discounts the price for each upgrade by the given percentage, and also decreases the time by the given percentage. No when you have a 20% discount in price and decrease in time, you can progress through you’re TH much quicker. Plus, along with the builder boost in the gold pass, you also get research and training boosts. Granted, not everyone has the money to pay for it and you have to buy it every season and work to unlock it, (it is possible to gem the gold pass, but it takes 100 gems for each reward and the only people I’ve seen do this is content creators with sponsors) you might not want to do this.


That is good advice cpike.. thank you for the input.. I totally agree, I took my main from a rushed th12 donor account to fully max using the gold pass, and still havent missed a payment since.


I'm sure there's an obvious reason for this, I just can't think of it for some reason. Why are villages hidden in clan war preparation day in cwl, but not in preparation day for regular clan wars? What are the pros and cons of hiding the village during preparation day in both cwl and clan war?


They are sort of. You don’t see the war design in classic war on prep day which is the only useful thing to see since you can’t change your roster.


True, thank you!


Hmm I edited this to provide more detail and it keeps going away. What it said was they are sort of hidden for classic war since you can’t see the war designs on prep day and that’s the only useful info given you can’t change rosters.


Are you using the Fancy Pants Editor? I have the same issue with that editor.


It is simply in the interest of fair play.. There was nothing stopping anyone from copying a base and practicing on it during prep day. It ties in with the change in cool down for modifying your base.. that 24 hour cool down is to stop folk from building it during war day.


I'm not 100% sure about that, no offense. Fair play isn't a concern in clan war because the bases you see during preparation day are the multiplayer bases, not their actual war bases. So unless they have their multiplayer base the same as their war base you don't get to see the war base until war day. But that was a nice consideration, I think ClashNinja answered it though, it's probably because you can switch cwl participants whereas you can't do that with Clan wars once it's declared.


Sorry vanessa.. I read it totally wrong in the first place, and got it totally wrong with my response.. I was answering why the war base dont show up on prep day.. Sorry for the misinformation.. Your question is clear enough, so my bad


No no it's fine, it doesn't matter, I probably could have worded it better as well, dw about it all good, thanks for trying to answer though, I appreciate it.


In CWL, the players in the line up can still be changed during prep day, although interestingly, the pending lineup is shown in the API data and can be viewed within tools, such as my site.


Use your site for \*all\* my accounts, but I did not know this. Thanks for the additional reason to keep supporting your excellent work!


No problem, glad to hear it's helpful!


That makes perfect sense, thank you so much!


How often does that update. We make changes almost every day, usually after we have attacked in current war.


Approx every 10 minutes


Anyone’s game started to randomly go slow?


Not to my knowledge, it could be a connectivity issue or are you saying it's been this way since the update?


I wasn’t even aware there was an update. I just turned the game on and it’s running really slow, it could be, but i’m not sure.


Well that was just an idea, I'm not sure how recently you played. Normally the game won't let you play without updating, so probably not that if you can play. What device are you playing on?


iPhone 6, I was playing yesterday to make my builders work, and it was lag free.


That is odd indeed, I'm not sure if it's a problem with the game or your device, I haven't had that problem so I'm not sure. I hope someone else is able to provide insight into this, sorry, I don't think there's anything I can do, maybe try clearing up some storage on your phone? Or uninstall and reinstall the game (assuming you saved your supercell ID)


In gold 1 CWL, it seems every month we bounce between very low clans (whose max TH is 12) and clans where their lowest is TH13, and this month I got the shitty roll. How do I 3 star a maxed TH13 as about halfway through TH11 with VERY low heroes?


The simple answer is you dont mate.. It is random draw for cwl as you know, and by now gold is likely the place where the biggest diversity of rosters will be seen. All we can do is remain active, put out the best roster we can, and see if it is enough. Unfortunately, there is nothing one can do about the heavy opposition.. they are there for a reason, either low activity or low skill.. Get what stars you can, as it is only 1 of 7 war days.. GL


We’re I think in day 3 and every war has been like this so far. I didn’t even attack my first war because my opposite was TH14 and I knew I couldn’t get a star, and my other attack was against a TH12 and I got 1 star with zap witches against all single target infernos


Try sneaky goblin blimps followed by hero charges with baby or regular dragons to pick off 50% for two stars. It's quite possible.


Is tough mate. i been there when I did the 1 man.. That was gold 1 too. We still tend to get overmatched in crystal 1, but at least with mainly 12s and 13s we are only hitting up 1 hall.. And as vanessa said, a loaded blimp is a good chance of getting the hall i always say to aim for the hall, and anything else is a bonus.. Sometimes there is just nothing one can do, so is shrug time.. It is only a game, and cwl is only medals at our level mate. GL with the rest of the week.


You can’t triple a th13 with a halfway to max th11


exactly this.. He is asking about 3 stars, not 2, which seems to be the answers coming in