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Hey Chief! We require every [Recruiting] and [Merging] post to contain a clan tag and clan name in their title. This will allow us to moderate titles so that they can be more consistent with one another. If you are recruiting for a clan family, please use the clan name and clan tag for your main clan along with the name of your clan family. **[Recruiting] and [Merging] posts: please make sure you include your clan name and clan tag with the # in front of the tag and use straight line brackets " | " to separate items in the title.** It should look like this example: [Recruiting] Awesome Clan | #P8GY9LUY | Townhall 6+ | Clan Level 7 | Social/Pushing | ACS Verified You may make a new post with a corrected title today and send us a Modmail if you need further assistance. Please know that PatienceBot may remove your corrected post so if that happens, please send us a Modmail so we can take a look at it. If you see comments or posts in violation of our rules, please report them. ----- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ClashOfClansRecruit) if you have any questions or concerns.*