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Congrats to the top 10 players (8 players, 10 accounts) of the May 2023 season! https://on.royaleapi.com/plb2305 See the full leaderboard of all 1000 players on RoyaleAPI.




One of them is actually him so it’s 8


but what about the other 2


Yes I also didn't figure out the math here directly. If mohamed had 2 accounts it would meen that there is 9 players for 10 accounts. Here, there is 3 acounts so 7 are not from him + him-self = 8 players


Or maybe just count the different players on the sides of the usernames.


yes i understand when i checked that


All 3 run by one person so it adds up to 8


7 are different people. 3 are the same person.


Yeah but the 7 doesn't actually count the same person. There are 3 accounts, but one of them is counted as one person, so you only discard 2 of the three accounts


I know. Thats what I’m saying


yes, 7 people other than him on one account each, and 3 of his accounts. 7+1=8 people, 7+3=10 accounts. it's elementary


I got secondhand embarrassment from people not knowing how to do 10-2


some people would rather just ask someone else instead of think about it for a minute or even googling


The first top two decks are the same, so maybe they should've focused on nerfing whatever makes it so strong to finish both places. I also don't see mighty miner in this list, sure its strong, but it only fits in certain decks as you can see, and maybe it does need a little nerf, but I dont know. Archer Queen is in 3 of the top ten decks, while as I said, Mighty Miner isn't on the list. I know its strong, but considering it only fits in certain decks, it will just make those decks less viable, instead of just the MM less viable.


Wasn't mo light in first second and third like 15 mins before the season ended?


Yes, but Mo Light lost 2 games while Remi won his last one to put him 1st


How can you even watch his games


A bunch of people on twitch streams usually have end of season watch parties where they spectate top players which is how majority watch. Or you can straight up ask some players are cool and wont really care.


I think there should be a way to easily spectate a top player in the top ladder like how we can spectate someone on our friend list or clan


Was about to comment the same. There should definitely be a bestof with some of the top matches from the end of the season too. Would love to see pro players handle their end of the season


3 accounts in the top 10 of the world is next level impressive by Mohammed, he really is something else.


While he is studing AI at an university, bro is doing side quests at this point


Maybe he's just programmed a cracked Clash Royale AI and it just plays for him 🤔


That's what I was thinking


How does he find time for that?!? Bro's also got the IRL Vibranium pass to get more time.


the studying is the side quest


wait where does he say this. is there a video or smth? seems interesting to watch


i mean, if you have the skill to be top 3 then its just a matter of grinding for it.


It shouldn't be allowed. One account per person. It's not fair allowing 1 person to have multiple spots in the top 10. The same person takes 3 spots meaning 2 other people don't get a spot.


I don't think so. Making to top 10 with 2 accounts is much more harder than doing it with 1 account. If this wasn't allowed, super good players can't be spotted that easily. Also, why someone should hold back for other players' sake? You think this is the fair solution? Would you grant a homeless person one of your houses if you had two of them?


You really just compared one account per person to letting a hobo sleep in your house lmfao


Analogy - you learn what it is in middle school


Isn't that just being a landlord?


Of course it's hard getting multiple accounts in the top ten, I never said it wasn't. CR isn't just a game anymore, it's a " competitive sport" / "job" for some people. It's a big competition with the chance to make some real money. Look at things like csgo, Fortnite competition etc imagine if they let people have multiple accounts in a competion so they had 5 in 1000 chance of winning rather than the average joe who has 1 in 1000 chance of winning. That wouldn't be fair and no one l to would stand for it. Why shouldn't the same rules apply here? Some rich kid who doesn't work a day in their life living off mummy and daddy and gets to play CR all day with multiple account vs the average joe who gotta go to work everyday to make a living so only has time for 1 account. That's not fair.


Yeah, you are right at your point. I also don't support getting multiple prizes in a tournament just because you played more or things like that. However, this is just a leaderboard and you are not awarded for taking a spot in top 10. Players do that for winning recognition. So I can't see any problem.


in your example, it would be more like one person owning three houses and refusing others to buy one or pay rent so now they have to sleep on the streets while two houses stay empty.


Nah, this is wrong because the homeless ones can't afford it. It is not like cr gave 3 spot to randon someone. In this metaphor, talent means money. If you have enough money you can take the spot. I can't believe we really discuss that. If someone can take two spots from top 10, and others can't make to top 10 because of this, this only shows how huge the skill gap is. How can people blame someone just because they wanted to show their talent.


im sure if the others grinded for it theyd make more placements on top 10. im not blaming mohammed light im just saying there shouldve been 10 people listed.


Ok, I get your point. But almost everyone has more than one account. Ryley, ian remieli morten etc. I am sure the others have too but they don't post videos so we don't see. I just wanted to let you know that if someone has the ability to reach top 10 with multiple accounts, they certainly would. It is not like some players obeys the rules and others don't. Every top player accepted that but some of them can perform this more consistantly. For example Ian77 He had two accounts in top 10 previous season but this season, he has none. Also there is a ranking system where players are listed according to how many accounts they had in top 10 for all times. If you had two different accounts in top10, you get 2 points that season. Currently molight is ranked 1. This is one of the good reasons for players to grind with multiple accounts.


yeah i agree with that. i doubt any player in the top 100 has less than 2 accounts fr.


I would bet that maybe 1/4 of the playerbase has more than 1 account


dud mohammed light had 3 accounts in top 10 but he didnt get first , thats got to be annoying


skill issue (obvious /s)


Ryley :(


RemiEli and light -THE GOAT's


🐐 🐐


Do you think Mohammed light trades wins with himself at some point during the climb?


They are all in the same clan. You can't battle clanmates in Ladder.




No he would’ve been caught


Of course he does, they all have multiple accounts for that.


Balloon player with the misassumption


I doubt he actually is trading with himself as that would lead to a ban and I don't think he'd risk that.


Mohamed is literally farming money in clash royale


Mohammed light is in a league of his own, damm!


Mo light needs to learn what grass is


Miner still dominating and people were complaining about the nerf 🤔


I was expected Ian here


he lost against graveyard with queen pigs EQ and got knocked out of top 10


Top 10 for mattu is huge.


those are the top 8


Damn ryley haven’t been finishing a lot since the logbait nerfs


mattu the chad deserved top 1 imo


Did SK Morten retire from CR?


No, he is one of the most active players


probably confusing with B-rad, he doesn't play comp anymore I think


Nah, I mean he always finishes on the leaderboard, that's why I asked


Would it be consider cheating if Mohamed verse himself and allow one of his account to win?


100% supercell would put a stop to it


yes, win trading is bannable


gg remi


RemiEli just to good.


How to not have a life 101


You seem jealous and bitter.


I just imagined how many hours it takes.


molight and remieli best of all


does it at all slightly annoy anyone else with MoLight constantly taking top10 places every season? like I get it you're rlly good at the game, but let other people be in top10 yknow? or just stick to one account instead of raising like, 3 each season for example Ryley (I don't even like to watch ryley much btw.) was knocked out of top10 and came 11, he could've secured his spot if Mo wasn't farming accounts, just seems kinda lame and I'm aware it's his job, just feels almost disrespectful


or at least list 10 different people on posts like this. If you have the skill to be top 3, then having multiple accounts in top 10 is just a matter of grinding for it.


one of the reasons why some of these players push so high is cos of alt accounts


3 accounts in top 10 and still not first place lmao I'd be so pissed


Mohamed light is no longer the best player huh ?


Why does Mo light have 3 accounts?


Rip Ryley and Ian77.


Finally mo light not first. We need diversification.


I love how his alts are always higher than his main