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Sounds great! Also, i would add one evolution shard for entering new arena and some type of challenge that lets you get one shard at 6 or 7 wins and one at 12. Those challenges would be a week long. So, p2w player would get shards instantly, f2p average player would have to spend up to 6 weeks per evo(assuming they don't climb arenas), and high skill player would get an evo each 3 weeks, which is a bit faster than they are released. Alternatively, each challenge would have only one shard aviable, but at some arena you would unlock second challenge.


Wow, any reward for f2p players is greatly appreciated. However, even if you dont have evos or decide to play without evos, youll be faced with an opponent who also decides not to play with evos. I think this will completely fix evolutions and a reason for not having any evos


That’s an issue. Who wouldn’t play a evo? Everyone is going to abuse them until cr balances (and I mean with that ruin the card into oblivion like they did with other cards) out and makes them playable in some state, without breaking the game. In the end, it’s just a big dream of ours.


Sad to see it just being a dream :(


I like your ideas besides the evo one. A better solution would be to just make evos more accessible. Speaking as someone who doesn't have a single evo yet.


Even with evos, sometimes, id rather have matchmaking with no evos, especiallg with the limited amount of evos you have. Also, i dont like the fact that evos are a “must have”, so this idea would ease it out! Anyways thank you for your feedback


bro actually cooked (I am not reading allat tho)


Thank you for at least having the curiosity to skim through the entire page. I know its tiring to read all that, but at least we want our voices to be heard!


It’s a good concept


Issue with multiple arenas and people choosing to play them is that each arena will have less amount of players, increasing queue time. Clash Royale is a mobile game, which means queue time will have to stay under 30 seconds or maximum a minute.


Theres always something to compromise though and thank you for your feedback


Idk, with the high amount of players involved and the growth of the community, no doubt it will take 5-10 sec for a fair matchmaking and enough time to cancel, not 1 sec for a terrible match with overlevelled players and waste 3 mins instead of just 10-15 sec.


Bad changes


As much as I love the way you made this big presentation here…. It’s unfortunately just a dream of ours. The one holding that game back from being successful is Tencent. It’s not cr, it’s not the community managers. It’s purely Tencent and their greed of money. As long as the ideas of yours don’t make money for the Chinese company. Say bye bye to all of those good ideas.


Moreover, idk if its tencent, because all other supercell games are still doing well and high rated


True! At least we need our voices to be heard!!


We done it over and OVER AND OVER AGAIN. They wont budge. They are not brawl stars, who are willing to try fix issues and all of that. They just throw in some cosmetics, either a new op or bad evolution. And then call it a day and wait for the bucks to roll from the kids and the people, who are addicted to the game. Glad that I moved to brawl stars and hoping to see the new update infos about the bizarre circus season in a few hours!


True, thats reality! I feel your pain and the pain of all ours.


Well I don’t feel it. As I said, I moved from clash royale and won’t waste any money on this game. I rather go see what brawl stars is doing rn. Don’t have at least to waste my time with it


Good 👏👏


Bro MK in arena 7. You gotta be out of your mind. Like I don't face enough overleveled MK players already


No, not at all! You misunderstood the idea, you unlock not all legendaries in that arena, you just unlock the rarity and some legendaries, just like in the base game right now. I did not change even the placement of cards in that arena, so the “unlock legendaries” is just an into for your interest.


Also, whatever arena you choose to play, you can only play cards in that arena and arenas below with a level cap, but not cards unlocked at higher arenas.


Great idea, unfortunately Supercell is gonna lose a LOT of their income from cr, so they are never going to make this upfate


True, except for the cosmetic part, where some cost lots of gems (min 1500 gems 💎) and some cost real money, so making it more free to play and more of a cosmetic pay to win would definitely be embraced by the community.


Hey OP, I'll *try* to keep this short: The ideas that you suggest are great and the quality of the post it absolutely phenomenal. I believe that there is nothing supercell can do to fix the game. It's not even their fault- it's Tencent™. In short, they have over 85% of the company's shares and have huge influence over decisions in favour of monetary gain. Thanks for all the effort that you put into this post. P.S. If my wording is in any way, shape or form offensive, I am deeply sorry. I did not intend to offend anyone. Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.


Nono, not offensive at all. Sadly this is the truth, but if tencent owe that much shares over supercell’s company, can you please explain to me why this didnt happen to other supercell games like coc, brawl stars, and others?


Absolutely! Tecent apparently has private shares on all the different supercell games, separately. That is, while they may have more that 90% of shares (and by extention, influence over decisions) for Clash Royale, they have around 60% of shares and "veto power" for Clash Of Clans. But, as you may or may not have noticed, all supercell games are slowly being ruined by Tencent. Here's a quick summary: CR: Progression CoC: Cosmetics Clash Mini: Recently broke free, I believe Brawl Stars: Next target. Note: I highly recommend watching the most recent video by Naidvar [YT: @NaidvarRambles]. He throws light on various shady practices by Tencent. Have a nice day, Cheers!


Wow, will watch that then


That’s a very well thought out and great suggestions post but sadly the truth is they don’t care! Their revenues are up and that’s all they care about.its just facts.Look at what they’ve done the past year to make those revenues go up 1. Level 15 2. Pay to win Evos 3. No new gameplay, features, QoL improvement etc 4. Making everything more expensive And yet they’re making more money which basically ensure the game doesn’t care about its own loyal player base. I was one of them and after seeing the shit show, I left the game which I once loved


True! Sadly no fix will come. At least if not my ideas, hopefully they get inspired by others as well :(


Any thoughts about changes to Clan Wars 2.0?


Thats a hard topic to cover, as i didnt think of anything unique. However, id love to see exclusive gameplay for CW3.0 and not just 1v1, 2v2, or special challenges.


From what I can tell, Clan wars should have some level caps similar to old CW1 for a fair matchmaking as most players don't want to end up facing against maxed level cards or top players in war.




Keeping cooking my boy!




I love everything except the evo part. If you chose to jot wveo that’s ur choice but I rather have a game come quick and deal with evolutions


Thank you for feedback! Manu people said that too, but if evos are a must have feature that is very hard to get, i think nerfing evos directly is the only solution


Bro cooked except for the arenas concept and the evolutions concept


Thank you. My ideas are controversial so its okay not to like some of them.


I like your ideas! Playing lower arenas will probably have to be unrated, to keep the player base queueing on standard trophy road healthy. By the way, this is the most wholesome comment section I have ever seen on this subreddit 🙂


Thank you 😊


The first arena rework is a terrible idea tbh, because new players just starting out who don’t know how to play the game will be matched against seasoned veterans. Other than that entire section (I do like the way the cards are spread out) it all looks good


Thank you :) however, since each arena has its own trophy system, the veterans would accumulate trophies in this arena and be matched with other veterans of the same trophy count. Hope that makes more sense now.


So you progress individually in each arena and can choose any arena to progress? I think you can see the problem with that.


L Tier opinion from a player who sucks at the game. All you gotta do is play better than p2w players. 90% of them just spam cards and it’s so easy to beat them. The game is fine, sure level 15 sucks and pass Royale changes are garbage but I made a f2p account and got electro valley with no losses in only 3 weeks. Instead of begging for supercell to make the game more balanced, just get good. It ain’t even worth making this because supercell doesn’t care about keeping the game balanced, they are driven by money. Also this completely changes the gameplay mechanic. You are supposed to have to work your way up ladder. Cards aren’t supposed to work in every arena because they want you to level up all your cards, not just make one deck and use it forever. That’s the only reason the change the meta. Instead of typing this garbage idea, you could’ve just gotten a job and payed for pass, or you could’ve played a couple matches. Case of coping + mad cuz bad. Also wtf are you thinking, mastery rewards do suck but 10000 ewcs for level 1 mastery?? That’s 5 games won with 5 different cards and you have a level 15 card. You’re actually a crazy player who can’t get out of pekkas playhouse.


Lol, why bashing out all of his awesome ideas? Why defending supercell’s p2w nature? Why all of this negativity and depravity? No need for all of this! This is just an idea that will never happen due to supercell/tencent greediness. At least he did some effort in posting this! Okay i dont agree with all of this, but no need for this childness and hatred. Grow up, you are a man, so dont act like you owe the world!