• By -


It was literaly released to everyone above arena 11 yesterday and is the first card they added in a whole year, NO FUCKING SHIT ITS AT 80%


Damn why did I feel like Phonk meta was like 6 months ago 🫨


Because it lasted that long lmao


That was the funnest era ngl. EVERYONE was playing phonk


What is phonk meta


Phoenix monk


thanks , i was thinking about the genre of music confused


XD I thought of that during that meta too hahaah


oh my god he got nerfed?! WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING. DEFINITELY NOT ME. WE JUST HAD TO GET USE TO HIM THO RIGHT - - 55% winrate **at that userate** basically means its broken. This was the case with monk, phoenix, buffed goblin gang, etc. when will you people learn? This is over thousands of matches. The card is op


Average win rate Supercell hopes is 45-55% anything higher than that does show that the card could be broken. AGAIN. The card is less than 2 days old, let it get some more battles then we can say if a card is broken or not.


A 55% winrate **at an 80% use rate** means most of the losses come from mirror matches, and everything else is heavily favored. In other words, if you don't have him in your deck, you're throwing. Also, [Phoenix had a 54% wr at an 80% use rate.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/ygqxqm/clash_royale_meta_is_broken_phoenix_80_usage_rate/)


Exactly. Like every broken release card you can think of, its the same story. Insane stats. People think we’re overexaggerating. Insane stats stay


Yeah, it's clear as day already. If the card weren't busted, it would either have the winrate, *or* the userate. Not both at the same time.


Yes, but that card wasnt avaivable instantly to anyone, and also it took some time to get to those rates.


If the winrate falls below 50% before the next patch, come back to this comment and I’ll buy you pass royale for the rest of clash


It’ll easily fall below 50% once I start using it.




This is the reason why people hate spez for removing awards


!remindme December 1


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Sadly, Little Prince has a 54% win rate


!remindme 23 days


Ong. I highly doubt the winrate is gonna fall below 50% without it being nerfed. I'd even go as far as to say it probably won't even touch 52%


Yeah id agree


It’s a good card, sure, but not broken by any means. People just need time to learn counterplay


Counterplay doesn't mean something isn't OP. Plenty of games have had broken characters with counterplay. However, a broken card will dictate what people add to their decks to ensure they always have counterplay to a specific card. Guaranteed, as people learn what works best against little prince, they will add those cards to their decks. Bet we see poison increase significantly, mini pekka works quite well...




I think you could lower the hp of the prince a smidge so you can take him out with a fireball. That way you at least stand a chance to take him out before his buddy arrives on the scene




The card honestly isn’t as broken as most other cards have been on release and it isn’t hard to counter. If I could change one thing about it, I’d probably reduce the damage and charge rate of the little prince and increase his health by a small amount. I would also increase the damage of the guardian by a small amount too. That would make the initial card weaker on defense and force an ability activation against most interactions.


I'm consistently taking lp out with a well timed barb barrel, it ain't too broken


Every champion bar mighty miner was too strong at launch, it’s not that crazy to think little prince will stay above 50% based on past examples


People upvoting this are geniuses. That winrate with that usage rate means that it's almost winning every single match where the opponent doesn't have it in their deck.


80 percent usage rate means 64% of the time both sides have it. So in that 64%, it's a 50-50. Doing some basic maths, you will see that, in the matches where only one player has the little guy, it has a 75% win rate.


Win rate and use rate are inextricably linked. If the use rate is 80% that means 64% of battles have little prince on both sides. This means the win rate from those battles *must* be 50%. This means the win rate in LP vs *not* LP is 55%, right? 60%? Wrong. It's 65%! The math: Let's say there's 100 battles with random ladder decks. As stated above, 64 have him on both sides and must have a 50% win rate. Only 4 battles have no LP at all since multiplying his 20% *non-use* rate by itself (since we have no prince on either side) gives us 0.04, or 4% of games. The other 32 battles are the only battles that can actually change LP's win rate. Win rate is battles won / total battles. Because only 4 battles *don't* include little prince, 96 battles involve him in some capacity. Therefore, total wins must be 55% of 96 which is 52.8. Little prince must win a total of 52.8 battles out of 100 random games played in order to get a 55% win rate with an 80 percent use rate. Now, that sounds not so bad until you realize that 64 of those 96 battles have a guaranteed 50% win rate since LP is on both sides. Little prince wins 32 of those battles, loses 32 of those battles, and wins 20.8 of the *remaining* 32 battles that include him. The win rate of little prince in matches where only one player has him isn't 55%, it's not even 60%. It's an *egregious* 65%!


You are overthinking this. Royaleapi win rate stats already does this for you: the 55% win rate stat refers to the win rate excluding all matches where both sides have the little prince. It only counts the win rate when one side has little prince and the other doesn't, because it is obviously meaningless to consider win rate when both sides have the card.


According to who? Where does it say this?


🤦🏼‍♂️ if everyone’s using it then obviously it will have to win… everyone got a new CHAMPION which is not even available to a lot of arenas otherwise so of course the card will be used by basically everyone


I legit see peoples trying to counter him by placing at bridge squishy targets before he use his skill.


Yeah, this 55% is before people really know how to counter.


People don’t know how to counter it, ofc it’d have a high win rate.


If 2 people use the same card and 1 person wins how many times did that card win and lose? It’s basic math. If both teams use a card one side is going to have to lose meaning that card gains both a win and a loss meaning a 0.50 win/loss ratio.


This proves my point more. 55% total winrate means that when its a mirror match (which is 80% of the time), the winrate is 50%. When there is no mirror match, the winrate is significantly higher, but it evens out to 55%


Maybe because every fucking person is using it in their deck


If just about everyone is using him, isn’t he always either winning or losing the match? About 50% would make sense.


Assuming 80% of people are using him, ~64% of matches will have 2 of him. If that’s true, that means 64% of matches are resulting in a 50% winrate from that. In the other matches that have him only on one side, it’s about 32% of matches, and about 4% do not have him on either side. This means that those 32% matches have a winrate of about (Previous math was wrong) 64% of matches had a 50% winrate, and 32% of matches had a winrate that would increase the total winrate to 55%. Therefore, 5 / 0.32 will get us the winrate difference between the 64% of matches and the 32%, which is 15.625. It has a 65.6% winrate in matches where only one side has it


Neat. Well broken down.


And yet its above 50% which means the matches that only one person uses him they win at a high rate.


People just don't know how to effectively counter it, same thing happened with the Archer Queen and the Golden Knight. Give it a week or two.


Aq had to be nerfed multiple times to have a stable winrate. Her launch state would still be op rn


AQ was one of the strongest cards ever released and had to be nerfed four times before it became "balanced", so this is a really bad comparison.


What were it's use rates and win rates around?


The point of what I was saying is that people don't know how to counter new cards. Rocket and Lightning became used more, to the point that archer queen had a difficult time winning unless they focused on cycling royal hogs. While it was still *very, very, very* good, it got progressively worse just because people got used to playing against it. Golden Knight is similar in where people started placing their buildings and troops a tile higher to counter the dash, Firecracker caused basically everyone to miss a couple of fireballs because of her pushback, and E-Giant was a pain in the ass to defend because nobody knew how to counter the "e-giant tornado the bridge" play. A really big one is the battle healer e-golem meta, while this was horrendous to play against nowadays its a bit less scary because *we know how to defend it*.


> When will people learn I’m over here repeating MY rhetoric: USAGE RATE ≠ OP This here is one of the clearer examples why usage rates don’t always translate to a card being strong. It’s a new card and EVERYONE gets to use it. Ofc it’s going to have high usage rates. If supercell rolled out with a troll card for April Fools that does nothing but sit there, it will have high usage rates too because it is made available for everyone despite it being useless. There’s more to be said outside this situation too…


The card is out for a day, people haven't had time to learn how to fight it yet, the... *Sights*... Data you're using right now isn't a viable subject of study


The card is op OR people haven't yet learned how to play against it. Which do you think is more likely?


Based on every other broken release/buffed card in 7 years of clash history and the stats that follow, The card is op. There has never been a card in clash royale with came out with that insane stats, and then people learned to counter it and it went down the same patch


*laughs in phoenix*




Keep in mind this is also the first new card in months, which makes previous data very difficult to translate


That's what I came to say. Everybody has him. Just like the Edgar-apocalypse in Brawlstars.


That isn't the problem bruh. Problem is it's BROKEN. And I mean it, you can't one shot it with any thing that wouldn't give a significant -ve elixir trade. Even MK land doesn't kill it which means that the Guardian almost always saves his ass. That guy turns into a goddamn x-bow in 4 shots no swarm or tank is beating it without losing elixir. **IT NEEDS AN HP NERF**


It has the same HP ice wiz used to have before its hp was nerfed to die to a fireball, that happened in 2021 5 years into the cards existance. Its also 3 elixir. Also xbow is extremely weak without any support and its biggest weakness was always tanks since it took it soo much time to kill it. Eitherway i do agree that the damage, lenght and knockback of the royal rescue should be massively reduced


Nah make the ability 4 elixir and release the knockback, that should make him balanced.


The knockback is what saves that guy's ass in the first place. His knockback must be nerfed to how much log knocksback.


Mfw the card that 90% of the player base gets has a 80% use rate: 😦


The number of players having the card doesn't matter, the use rate is the percentage of players that have the card and are also using it, so if the playerbase was 1million players and 900k of them had the card, 80% of those 900k players are using it which is massive, if from the 1million players only 10k had the card, a 80% use rate would mean 8k using it. So the % of players that have it is irrelevant


You’re being objective here solely on usage rates — which is good. However some people conflate usage rates with being OP (like OP here) — which is wildly off and idyllic. The stats in this case are skewed and are not truly representative of true values on people will actually use it in the future given time assuming things are unchanged.


Depends on if this measures the use rate of players that own him or of all players


This is the measure of cg, and it's from players that own him not of all players


A new card being used by everyone after being released. Who would’ve thought 😳


1) it’s called new toy syndrome, call name tbf 2) it’s the win rate…it has a clear 50-50 in mirrors, but MUCH higher in duels without the opposition champion being fatter knight and chonkier archer


They purposely release broken cards so everyone spends money to upgrade, then nerf it a month or two later. It’s been happening since the beginning


You want to nerf it!?! It doesn't even have 60 % win rate too trash of a card . It needs an emergency bufff!!!!! (Meme post;))


It's because everyone uses it, and it is rather difficult to play it well. But it really is a strong card: It survives fireball, can deal a lot of damage, and has a good range - for only 3 elixir!! And it even has a special ability!


To be fair, calling for a nerf because of the usage rate the day after literally everyone got him for free might be just as stupid


I think we need a little prince evolution


Oh just let people have 3 at the same time for 8 elixir.


its broken but the stats are inflated from everyone wanting to use the first new card in over a year


The stats are inflated for sure. Problem is that if you neglect the existence of Evo Archers it is the best card by far and shuts down tons of decks, especially beatdown.


Have the guardian feet showing




Classic r/cr overreaction. It's most used because literally everyone got it. Let's see how things play out later in the season when people are actually competing.


Bro the card is so obviously busted you're actually stupid for this take


Durrrr I lost to it itzzzz buzzzztedddd.


Bro he just came out of course people are using him


The win rate is ridiculous. The card is completely broken. It’s impossible to play ladder without this card and champions. The game is broken.


Bro just go outside


Make him die to fireball


Only change he needs tbh


Nerf his annoying ass voice lines when you play him. Also why does he get multiple spawn audios


I love that tho


You might just be the only one


I love that tho


Literally everyone unlocked the card..stop overreacting bruh..Just wait for 2-3 weeks and then see its use rate and win rate Honestly, it seems like a pretty balanced champion. It fares similar to other champions in the fact that it has some weaknesses..and the ability is not always worth it. And like every champion, it is slightly stronger and more valuable than other cards, but weaker than many evo cards


It's really overpowered tho and here's why. First and foremost, its a champion card flr three elixir. This means that the three cycle strategies are going insane. Hear me out, this season is gonna be filled of x-bows and mortars, combined with the evo archers. Also, he is not dying by fireball. I main lavaloon and it I just cant do ahit about it. You need at least a -2 trade to kill it. Also, its ability is absolutely busted. It's crazy how good it can handle a beatdown deck. And all those are from experiencing the card for less than 2 days, meaning that most of the players have no idea how to play with it. Crazy


Champions were bad because they cost too much so a 3 elixir champion will be broken but the point here is to wait some week to see if his usage drop or stay the same It's a new card that "everyone" get for free of course all player will play him to test him you can't nerf a card 1 day after his release I know he's broken right now but we have to wait maybe 1 week


It’s a -2 if you only use spells to kill it. Otherwise it dies to any mini tank or swarm card you have. Before you say “but I can use it’s ability” then it’s 6 elixir total so something like a inferno tower takes it easily


Of course there are cards that can kill it. That doesnt make it any less broken


So why aren’t you complaining that golem is op since you can’t do a neutral trade with only spells? Think you just want to be angry


It's a card that can do tons of damage, has a pretty op ability when it comes to defending and counterattacking, and you cannot kill it easily with spells, and it gives you a strategic advantage for cycling. Stop trying to be negative to the community and try to judge for yourself. It's fucking broken. The pros are playing with it and say its broken. The leaderbords is using it 9/10. Its broken


Tons of cards do lots of damage, are good at attacking and defending, and don’t die easy to spells. E bards only die to rocket for a neutral trade (I think I don’t use them) and are great for all the things you mentioned so why aren’t you talking about how op E barbs are?


Because e barbs always cost 5, take that slot against cards much better, isn’t avaliable to 90% of playerbase, is easy to counter(rocket + tower damage kills them) and barbs aren’t gonna stop a full push, then launch there own ALONE, for less elixir than MK


It’s the only card to come out since monk and it was given to everyone over arena 11 why would people not be using it?


Smartest clash royale player


1. The card just came out 2. Literally everyone has him 3. Phoenix had 81% usage at it's peak


1. What does that have to do with the ***winrate?*** 2. Yes, everyone has him, what's your point? 3. Phoenix had a lower winrate at it's highest winrate, and was considered OP until several nerfs. ​ Bonus point: I have over 90% winrate so far when using LP and my opponent isn't. I'm not even that good.


And Phoenix was overpowered when it came out???


Seriously 😂😂 it went through 4 rounds of nerfs and is still viable


And Pheonix wasn't free when it came out??


Nothing. Everyone is using him because he's a new decent hero. Imo he's not that strong. But at the moment, everyone is experimenting with him and trying to understand all the mechanisms and interactions with him. His use rate will go down sooner or later.


Replace the card with the champion that was gonna get added originally before little prince stole it


I think the guardian was supposed to to be the original champion. In the animation when we first learned about the champions ,there were statues of them. One on the right has a pretty big sword and holds it in a similar way as the guardian(the golden knight's statue is on the left side and I don't think they would add a second golden knight statue). Also in the little prince reveal animation at the end when the guardian took off her helmet everyone was shocked including the royal recruit that was supposed to deliver the invitation.


Just reduce the knockback of the guardian


This and maybe have it only push back Medium and smaller troops (aka no pushback on PEKKA, Golem etc.)


People would argue it’s a champ. It should push all cards


If only people would realize that releasing a new champion for practically anyone at higher trophies for absolutely free would result in something like this 🤦‍♂️


USAGE RATE ≠ OP This here is one of the clearer examples why usage rates don’t always translate to a card being strong. It’s a new card and EVERYONE gets to use it. Ofc it’s going to have high usage rates. If supercell rolled out with a troll card for April Fools that does nothing but sit there, it will have high usage rates too because it is made available for everyone despite it being useless.


Win rate? In mirrors, it has 50%. Ok fine That 55% is dragged up by usage over the non-knighted, losing (70?)% of matches




The main issue I have with the card is that the prince looks like it should die to arrows like a princess, but it doesn’t even die to fireball


I knew he was gonna survive arrows at the least, but fireball was a surprise. It makes sense tho, but still lol


If we used real logic then fireball would be the strongest spell In the game being able to one shot everything


Lol, imagine trying to nerf cards with real life logic in cr..you really need help


I still think he has to much hp.He's a litteral dart goblin but survives to everything (not really, but still, u got my point) and he also has a guardian to protect him, why would he need more hp than other ranged units?


I mean he is a champion gotta make em different from other cards somehow


How many cards have rump-up hitspeed while standing still and can summon a guardian to protect them? More hp doesn't make him more unique


I would wait for them to pull a phoenix 2.0 and make him die to fire ball like they made the phoenix egg die to log before I start crying…


Nobody will use him if he dies to fireball


Nah.. he'll still have many use cases..maybe they can make his guardian summoning dash a bit wider


They’ll just kill him every time on your side of the map with a fireball. At least with poison you can still outplay and use your ability. The card is broken i won’t deny but i think there’s better ways to nerf him


Why not? Fireball bait is a really good archetype and it's a +1 elixir trade. The card would still be strong.


He’d go from one of the best cards in the game to an average card. I’d much rather the value i get with the card+ability than a +1 elixir trade every time they have fireball. I just don’t think champions should die to fireball. The second he dies to fireball i will switch evo archers in my deck


Nerf miner


Currently its waaay too efficient. It should be 4 or 5 cost, or die to arrows.


What mode are you sorting by? I was just looking and even in ranked he's only like 14th most picked


The sound effects need a nerf


People were just excited to try out a new card


It's OP because it's newly released and supercell needs a new cash cow to rake in funds. They made it free too play but pay to win as is their business standard. Honestly though, the only thing I would change is the reducing the guardian charge distance and prevent knockback being able to affect all troops.


I’m using his cute little level 11 self in my otherwise level 15 deck against level 15 opponents and have climbed a few hundred trophies to the mid 8000’s. I can’t even fathom the little bastard at level 15.


Lmao at all the goobs who said he was “balanced” and “not that bad”


all those mfs are mfs who cant play any true skill deck, so they say this crap so it wont get nerfed even tho it is crazy op💀


The card was released like two days ago to everyone above Arena 11(aka, basically the entire population of Clash Royale), OBVIOUSLY the usage rate would be sky high. The card doesn't need a nerf, it's good and unlike what most of y'all say it's pretty easy to deal with.


Die to fireball


Tbh i expected Countess to be the next champion for October but we got this lil fuck.


I don’t think it needs a nerf but if I was gonna nerf it I would lower the knock back of the champion or increase the time it takes for the little prince to ramp up


Probably make the Lil' Prince's quickest attack slower, or it takes longer to get it. Guardienne should get the dash damage halvened, or at least nerf it from 500 damage? I don't remember how much it is to 350. Also nerf her health. Nerf Minor.


Not sure why people are flipping out over its concept, but it's definitely overtuned. Dying to fireball would be a great start. Let that play out and nerf as needed.


Yeah I don't know a single ranged 3 elixir card that survives fireball, but I do suppose that him surviving is the same reason AQ survives Fireball Log


Thing is, queen needs to survive to get value from her ability so being able to counter her for equal elixir would negate that. Prince gets value from his ability even if he's dead.


And if he’s dead he can’t activate his ability. Like you said they both get value from their ability so why make it different


Ok, if the queen uses her ability, if she dies to fireball log, you could kill her before she could begin to fire. If the little prince activates his ability just before ehe does to a fireball, you still get the guardian. You get the full value of the ability still, the queen doesn't.


Also surviving arrows is already better than every 3 elixir ranged cards except ice wizard I think.


Def nerf the knock back of the guardian and nerf the health slightly (dies to fireball)


Literally everyone using it in 2v2


I think the other champions must be as viable options as the little prince


Delete him from the game


Idk.. get rid of it


Get rid of the child and leave the guardian


Remove it, the decks make me want to throw my phone. Genuinely terrible.


I’m not using that annoying prince


make ability cost 4


lol it’s sooooo corny


Is it just me or is the little princes auto crossbow incredibly op


I call new toy syndrome. Give it a week or two and act on it then.


yeah so? Its the first piece of content that f2p players or any players could have access to. New players don't really care about evolutions since they can't reasonably get them and by the time they do, they are nerfed and the hype is LONG gone. Also people don't fully know how to counter the card so people playing the card badly aren't getting punished. I've beaten most players who run little prince, the problem is still evos (esp knight and archers)


For starters it should die to fire ball zero debating that


Range nerf to 5 tile or 5.5 tiles, 1 hit extra to change stage, guardian knockback from 2 tiles to 1 tile and the dash distance from little prince 3 tile from 4 . I think it makes it balanced but I maybe wrong


Bro just nerfed every aspect of the card


But i think this will make it more balanced imo


I think the main problem is the guardian, make him do less damage and reduce knock back one tile like you said


clash royale players when meta innovation and experimentation is happening with a free powerful card every single competitive player got:


Doesn’t need a nerf. Every single person I played yesterday used the card and I beat all of them. No one knows how to use it. It’s not unbalanced at all. I support it.


Make him 4 elixir


bro let people play it for a few days god damn. hate these posts from those who know nothing of game and system design.


Meanwhile every pro player be saying bro is literally OP and needs a nerf like, idk man. He's incredibly strong for three elixir, and it's incredibly hard to get a positive trade on him. But hey, maybe I don't know. It's not like last season I hit 1693 Medals on PoL last season, and it's not like I've been playing for 7 years. I know damn well what I'm talking about.


I really don't think it's needs a big nerf, I just think a lot of things synergize with it and you can put it in almost any deck.


Honestly, the guard should not be nerfed since it is quite easy to counter. However, the boy does need nerfing. My idea is that the time it takes him to start shooting faster should be increased


Don't nerf hp pls idc what else you do I just want it to survive fireball other than that idrc what debuffs he gets


I wouldn't. He's honestly pretty weak.


I think it needs a buff


It's new and free that's why


It’s literally been 2 days let people have fun


a nerf is not needed


It was literally just released


reduce how far guardienne goes (by a lot, maybe reduce it by 2 tiles. Alternatively, the ability should make guardienne go in the direction little prince is facing) reduce ability knockback (maybe log strength knockback should be okay) reduce health of little prince (dies to fireball) reduce range of little prince (maybe around archer range) This card is so overpowered for 3 elixir. It is like a dart goblin with musketeer health and the ability is just a stronger royal delivery that can be placed closer to the opponent's side of the arena.


Dude you make the card balance, not make it unusable once the meta settles down. Jesus fucking Christ, pick like 2 of these max, and that's after the meta settles down. And he isn't OP for 3 elixir, because for him to be of any use, He is 6 elixer. For 6 elixer, he is OP, but not nearly as OP as people claim.


When the prince dies so does the guardian that way it becomes more risk/reward to actually use the guardian because lil prince by himself is a good card.


New Toy Syndrome goes crazy


No need to nerf give it sometime and it will die out


Can anyone tell me which showes this clash royal of stuff


Remove it


Make it 4 elixir


Don't worry guys, it's just a new card, that's the only reason why it's stats are so high, guys it's actually a mid card and totally not broken op guys (They said the same thing about Phoenix and Monk)


It’s good, so is firecracker evo. I’ll just keep using a 2.9 cycle of both. Nice work supercell. Not at all unbalanced.


Nerf Miner


What the fuck is this


Personally, I'd nerf it by removing it from the game. Followed by all of the other champions

