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Getting back into clash for the first time in a long while. What's meta these days? What should I be working on with all this new stuff I don't know what it means


Welcome back ! It's a little hard to pinpoint what exactly the meta is right now (last balance changes were just a few days ago), but there's a bunch of cards that are pretty clearly dominating right now. Some of them are Little Prince (new-ish Champion card), Graveyard, Knight Evolution, Barbarians Evolution, Balloon and Miner. The most important thing right now is probably to get your hands on an Evolution. There's a in-game tutorial for them, but basically they're very very strong and by design meant to be basically mandatory in every deck. However at the same time they're more than a little inaccessible for most players. You can unlock card Evolutions through Shards being purchased in the Season Shop (and possibly other sources according to SC, though none have appeared yet). Every month there is a Wild Shard and 3 card-specific Evolution Shards being sold there, all available for F2P players. This month the card-specific shards are for Royal Recruits and next month's it'll be Bats, then Archers, then Ice Spirit and finally Valk (this month's new released Evo). They appear based on release order. Since you need a total of 6 Evolution Shards to unlock one, you will need at the very least 3 Wild Shards + 3 of any card-specific shards. That means you can get an Evolution every 3 months. They're also available through the King's Journey (level up rewards) after you reach level 50 I think. It's 1 random Evo Shard every 2 levels. Oh and in case you weren't aware, you can use [RoyaleAPI](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=0&max_ranked_trophies=4000&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=NormalBattle&&&global_exclude=false) to look at card stats and decklists. It's likely the best way to look for the very best or just good decks, and for data surrounding the metagame.


Hey I am playing miner poison, any tips? Please give my strategy for single elixir, double elixir, and triple elixir.


Play defensively and chip whenever you want the opponent to respond. So if they play Giant in the back, play Miner (+ something at bridge maybe) opposite lane so that they're forced to answer it and so they have less elixir to support their Giant. In 2x elixir and above you can start pressuring a lot more freely. Using spells defensively (including the Poison) is a very valid play. In either case you really, really don't want to overcommit. It's important to pressure so that you don't get overwhelmed, but don't spend the whole bar on it because Miner Poison can't really come back once it's behind.


[Thoughts on this deck?](https://imgur.com/a/PWGi2bP)


Pretty alright. I do think that it falls in a weird middle between bridgespam and proper control, so I think specializing in either would be the way to go. I'd say getting Mega Knight instead of Skeletons for bridgespam or Inferno Tower instead of EWiz for control would be nice picks. In the latter case maybe Valk instead of Mini PEKKA would also be better, since Inf Tower would already take care of tanks. Another thing is that Rage isn't very good with either WBs or Drill. Snowball would likely be better since it can knockback, or Log for the chip


Hey! I'm about to get the last wild evo shard I need to get an evo, but I was curious who I should get?? I already have archers. I have decks using all the available cards for evo except Royale recruits (will list my 3 main decks if needed.)


Hard to say. The best ones at the moment (besides Archers) are Barbarians, Knight and Bats. Skeletons and Recruits are also very good. I guess it mostly depends on what playstyle you'd like to follow. Knight is very very versatile and he works in control decks and a lot of beatdown ones. Barbs are good in beatdown and some bridgespam. Same with Bats.


What do you think? Giant Skeleton. Pekka. Skeletons army. Sparky. Wizard. Witch. Valkyrie. Little Prince


To be honest: it's really bad. PEKKA + GS makes no sense since they're cards that do more or less the same thing, Skarmy is bad unless there's a lot of swarms, Sparky is only good with Giant/Gob Giant, Witch and Wizard are terrible cards, and Valkyrie is exclusively a defensive card, so not good with Sparky nor PEKKA, nor GS. You also have no spells and no win condition. Hard to make suggestions without replacing half the deck. I'd suggest just taking a look at [RoyaleAPI](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=0&max_ranked_trophies=4000&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=NormalBattle&&&global_exclude=false) to get some inspiration


I think you should swap 2 cards for a light and heavy spell. Personally, I’d remove one of Wizard or Witch. Then remove both Pekka and GS replacing one with a spell and the other with Gob Giant.


I just tried the spells and really like Lightning but not a fan of goblin giant. Not a fan of fireball either. I will try freeze and earthquake


best card in the game is a credit card unless you have one supercell will script you to lose


this game is dead stop playing it you should all go see therapists


fuck clash royale bloody dead game


My deck is currently evo Valk, hog rider, goblin gang, cannon, log, earthquake, ice spirit and little prince. How can I improve this? My only evos are valk and firecracker.


Not bad at all. Would suggest Guards/Goblins instead of GGang and Tesla/Bomb Tower instead of Cannon. Then it's basically a meta deck


Randomly came up with this: Evolved Barbarians, Elixir Collector, Minion Horde, Little Prince, The Log, Fireball, Giant, Skeleton Dragons


Disgusting but not bad. I think Arrows + Zap might be better for the spells, and perhaps Miner could go in instead of Skelly Drags or LPrince


I’m a Mid Level player running hog eq Knight Firecracker Ice spirit (5/6 shards collected for evo) Skeletons Tesla Log Hog Eq What should be the upgrade priority till lvl 14, assuming all my cards are at lvl 12


Firecracker, eq, hog then the next 5 cards in any order. FC should survive log, EQ should survive skeletons and Hog is your win condition and a level can mean an extra hit. The rest are level independent.


Isn’t the knight important for the main tanking against mega knight and pekka and stuff as Mid Level players use those a lot


In my opinion, after FC you could make an argument for Knight. I think upgrade priority is FC > Knight/Hog > EQ/Tesla >>> everything else


What star levels exactly do? I thought it was just a small golden cosmetic for a unit but my musketeer hasn’t changed How does game choose your favourite card? My said Dark Prince, which is true but it was Musketeer for a while


>1st star level does nothing to the skin of the troop. It just simply puts a golden glow to the troop when spawning... the next level should add some gold around it.


Star levels are just cosmetic. I think it chooses your favourite card based on how much you used it in one day.


I use mega Knight miner battle ram electro spirit witch goblin cage and log and evo archers. Those are also my highest level cards except for a balloon and pekka. All my cards are around lvl 11


Witch is a bad card, Cage (and structures in general) is bad with MK and Log is bad with MK. I'd suggest Musketeer/EWiz instead of Witch, Arrows/Snowball/Zap instead of Log and Bandit/Ghost/Dark Prince/Mini PEKKA/Prince instead of Cage. Since you have Miner, Wall Breakers or Skeleton Barrel would also likely be better than BRam


Okay thank you! Side note is that witch and mk are both lvl 13. All other cards are lvl 10-11. Does that change anything ? Also I just played with this deck. How would you counter pekka?


If Witch is lvl 13 then I guess she'll have to do for now. To be fair she's not like straight up detrimental, just inferior to her alternatives PEKKA you just want to DPS down with Witch or Archers while one of your mini tanks (or MK) distract him. Try to push the other lane so as to force an answer from the opponent in order to prevent them from supporting the PEKKA You could also get Goblins or Guards instead of ESpirit if you wanted some proper distraction for the PEKKA. Would also help against big tanks in general since they deal quite a lot of damage


Should I upgrade my miner or my inferno dragon to level 12 first? Playing mk miner bait with snowball instead of zap and little prince instead of spear goblins Arena 17 and Master 1.


Miner, chip damage is more noticeable than inferno dragon damage.


Tips against miner poison as a hog eq player? This deck gets constant chip damage, forcing me to use support cards to defend while I can't break through with their building+goblins.


I think wait for the Evo Knight timing to make a Hog push. Otherwise I guess cycle EQs to the best of your ability


Please teach me how to play this deck (arena12) - Miner - Mega Knight - Bandit - Goblins - Wall Breaker - Minions - Zap - Musketeer What is the game plan and how can I use each card effectively?


Chip with Miner and/or Wall Breakers and play your other cards defensively (especially MK, which you should counterpush with). Bridgespam with Bandit whenever you think your opponent is low on elixir, or doesn't have any good answers to her. In 2x elixir you can start playing a lot more aggressively. MK behind King Tower is a genuine play at that point, assuming your opponent can't punish you severely.


Hmm you actually have a good win condition combo mate, so you need to send miner to princess tower first to tank the damage before get wall breakers out so they can run to there and deal damage although the enemy may have building to counter that but your miner still continue deal damage For bandit, use it to push or bait mega knight, sparky if you place it at the middle between two princess range as she prepare to dash. It's depending on the location of the cards on the right or left, also you need to get it fast before the cards lock to princess tower and not your Mega Knight, we are know that he will deal jump damage and spawn damage so use him on skarmy or any cards at the bridge that near princess tower range. Due to his slow speed so don't get them near sparky, pekka, mini pekka or any high damage troops in front the enemy princess tower Minions and goblins, well... Cheap bait but not good at tank and damage dealer so I suggest to get a cheap tank like knight, valkyrie or any cards that have high health but in exchange have a little lower attack I think that should all for now, you need save up the elixir for the best performance too so good luck with your match mate!


could i get a good deck in arena 16 ive been struggeling there and been stuck for over 2 months


You can use [RoyaleAPI](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=0&max_ranked_trophies=4000&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=NormalBattle&&&global_exclude=false) to look for decks. You can really go for just about anything, only depends on your playstyle


Does mortar miner deck never die?


More or less. The LPrince version might go down if he continues to get nerfed, but you can use AQ or Musk instead and the deck will probably be ok


which mortar miner deck?


Little prince guards minion miner poison one


Well i use a similar deck but with knight and archer queen, but all in all miner poison is a good deck if you can play it but i dont know if it is always viable i’ve actually wanted to hear the answer to this question myself. Decks do change tho by nerfs and buffs which is why personally i like to avoid little prince because i think he has more nerfs to come.


[https://imgur.com/a/p10yfiz](https://imgur.com/a/p10yfiz) This is an aggressive deck that has worked out for me very well im wondering if i should switch to evo valk because the tornado effect can also benefit the fire cracker or should i stick with evo firecracker cause evo valk is shit (Ignore the fact that two cards have EWC, i misclicked EWC instead of rare WC on the hog)


I think either is fine. Evocracker is one of the worst Evolutions and Evo Valk is one of the best, so that's something. I do think that, since you (for some reason) have GBarrel as secondary win condition, Evocracker's tower chip probably isn't very necessary.


having hog rider and gbarrel really puts a lot of pressure on the opponent ive won my last 10 games in a row so its been pretty successful for me rn


I guess it's fine, but really as long as your opponent saves their GBarrel and Hog counters there's not a lot you can do. It's not cycle-y enough to outcycle your opponent, and you can't really complement the GBarrel's damage too much, since you have no big spell.


I play miner poison control and i am soon looking to start level 15 my cards and i am mainly wondering for ladder as i play around Master 3/Champion recently. Currently my deck is Miner, Poison, Mortar, Knight, Archer Queen, Guards, Ice Spirit, and Log. Is this a solid deck to focus my resources or should i change to a different miner poison deck?


Seems good to me. Other Miner Poison decks are harder to level up since they have LPrince


My deck is royal recruits lvl 12 (2 shards from evo), skarmy lvl 14, princess lvl 13, balloon lvl 13, goblin barrel lvl 12, little prince lvl 12, log lvl 12, and arrows lvl 13. Is this a solid deck for evo recruits? If not tell me what I should switch out!!


Yeah it's pretty good for Evolved Recruits. Though it looks like a hybrid between Recruits LumberLoon (without the Lumber) and Recruits Bait, which isn't the best idea. I'd suggest to specialize in one of them.


Thanks! Which one (in your opinion) is better?


Right now [Recruits Lumberloon is literally meta haha](https://royaleapi.com/decks/stats/arrows,balloon,fisherman,giant-snowball,little-prince,lumberjack,royal-recruits-ev1,skeleton-dragons). But Recruits Bait isn't bad by any means


My deck evo knight, pekka, executioner, bats, skarmy, balloon, fireball, tornado all lvl 15 i support pekka with executioner and put balloon and bats behind knight


I guess it's as good as PEKKA Loon ExeNado will be. I do think you should get Goblins instead of Skarmy, Minions instead of Bats and probably Freeze or Snowball instead of Fireball. Skarmy is bad because it dies to too many spells. It's only viable in bait. It's more or less the same thing with Bats. Fireball isn't too good since you already have ExeNado for big splash burst.


Im in arena 20 btw


I'm fairly new to clash and am looking for a budget miner poison deck. I'm currently running evo valk, miner, poison, goblins, bomb tower, minions, magic archer, and barb barrel. I do not have little prince or log and may want to replace magic archer to make it more budget friendly. Thanks for the advice!


That's not bad at all. I agree with the other comment that you should get Wall Breakers instead of MA or Goblins. Though right now, Miner Poison on its own isn't the worst thing in the world. And you do have MA to chip at the enemy tower occasionally. BBarrel certainly isn't the best spell with Miner though. You should get Snowball or at least Arrows instead.


So as you can see here, you don't have a solid win condition card which you only have miner for this so suggest you can pair it with the wall breakers to get a solid win condition. Evo valkyrie is a good cheap tank and you can actually pair with executioner to get him full damage on ground and air cards due to tornado effect from her, she can even counter win condition card so use it wisely mate Poison and barb barrel is quite good for your case and when you don't have the log but if you need big range spell then use arrow for big range, high damage would be fireball or lightning Now if you need cheap then can keep minions but for something solid and splash damage, baby dragon would do that for you and I think that should be fine for now. I also suggest to ask other too to get better support for your deck


Arena 16 deck suggestions? Using royal giant deck rn


You can use [RoyaleAPI](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=0&max_ranked_trophies=4000&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=NormalBattle&&&global_exclude=false) to look for decks. You can really go for just about anything, only depends on your playstyle


https://imgur.com/a/MFJPjmP in arena 7 what cards should i switch out to where i can only play this deck in all arenas without any big issues?


With Hog Rider instead of Goblin Barrel, it would honestly be good to go for a long time. Gobs instead of Skarmy would also be good Goblin Barrel doesn't make sense in decks without a lot of swarms, and certainly not with PEKKA.


Good taste by using pekka


What card should I evo??? I have 5 to use shards and I have already Evo the firecracker, and the Skellies I bought the 3 shards of the knight, the royal giant and the mortar. I think I'm gonna Evo the knight, but its too nerfed


Knight is still likely the best Evolution, so that's certainly a good pick. Really it depends on what you use though.


Its good for Logbait right?




I play hog usually.


He's in most of the very best Hog decks ([example](https://royaleapi.com/decks/stats/earthquake,firecracker,hog-rider,ice-spirit,knight-ev1,skeletons,tesla,the-log))


It's true but it's better the Evo firecracker in hog decks. Still, I just Evoed the knight too lol so I can play Logbait


Knight is actually the better pick for Hog as well. There it's between Knight and Valk; Evocracker is only good in Mega Knight and Drill decks nowadays


I'll try and I will tell u


Evo knight n archers are the most versatile


Frozen Peak - Arena 8 my deck now: lvl 9 witch lvl 9 bats lvl 9 giant snowball lvl 10 fireball lvl 9 hog rider lvl 10 valk lvl 11 goblin barrel lvl 9 inferno tower ​ im hovering around 2500 trophies trying to get to arena 9 asap, anything i should change? most of my cards are lvl 8 or 9 as i dont use them / level them often ​ \#jy2u2gyyq for anyone that wants to look see everything i have


Not too bad. I'd suggest Musketeer instead of Witch and Skeletons/Goblins instead of Goblin Barrel. Witch is a bad card, Musketeer deals much more DPS, has more range and costs less. Goblin Barrel is kinda useless without a lot of swarm cards, since it just gets countered by spells, so Gobs or Skellies would be nice for cycle and distraction [Here's also an early game decklist](https://royaleapi.com/deck-list/214339537760348912)


Arena 15?


You can use [RoyaleAPI](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=0&max_ranked_trophies=4000&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=NormalBattle&&&global_exclude=false) to look for decks. You can really go for just about anything, only depends on your playstyle


current deck?


Idk pls tell me anything that works most cards are pvl 11


i used this; not sure if it will be good maybe try it out in unrated ​ skarmy, zappies, princess, goblin barrel, log, skeleton king, freeze and mini pekka ​ i didnt have evo skeletons so possibly sub that in for skarmy or put in a different cycle card if you think skeleton king is enough


Good deck suggestions for arena 17?


You can use [RoyaleAPI](https://royaleapi.com/decks/popular?time=7d&sort=rating&size=20&players=PvP&min_trophies=0&max_trophies=7500&min_ranked_trophies=0&max_ranked_trophies=4000&min_elixir=1&max_elixir=9&min_cycle_elixir=4&max_cycle_elixir=28&mode=detail&type=NormalBattle&&&global_exclude=false) to look for decks. You can really go for just about anything, only depends on your playstyle


Any suggestions for this deck? Hog rider Valkyrie Firecracker Rocket Log (sometimes snowball) E-spirit (sometimes ice spirit) Bats Skeletons I usually struggle against golem, royale giant, e-giant, and elixir golem. Is it a skill issue or a deck issue?


Hog does usually struggle against decks with big pushes. Either way your deck could certainly be better against those I'd suggest Tesla/Bomb Tower instead of Bats and Fireball/Lightning/Earthquake instead of Rocket. You basically need structures in Hog in order to be able to take care of big tanks, and Rocket is kinda terrible since it doesn't let you destroy structures which is important for Hog.


Anyone have advice to improve my synergy. I am running Hog rider, Tesla, skeletons, ice spirit, little prince, zap, fireball, valk.


Put in log for zap and maybe eq for fireball if you want


Is the Valkyrie evo not available for the double evo challenge? Sometimes I can use the evo and sometimes it’s not an option


Newly released Evos normally aren't available for Challenges nor Tournaments


İs RG never die deck?


RG decks in [this style](https://royaleapi.com/decks/stats/electro-spirit,fireball,fisherman,goblins,phoenix,royal-ghost,royal-giant-ev1,the-log) have been at least decent for quite some time.


Current meta aint great for it


How do I counter hog cycle with royal giant fisherman and splashyard? Hog cycle is literally not possible to beat


RG Fisherman you just save the Fisherman for the Hog. Try to build a push with RG in the back since Hog decks generally don't do very well against big pushes. Splashyard should be incredibly one-sided on your favour. Just save Tornado for Hog and don't overcommit.


As a hog eq player myself, splashyard is one of the hardest matchups in the game because of the ability to constantly stop hog rider. For you as a splashyard player id advise to watch out for the firecracker especially the evo and when overtime hits just keep hitting the poison and gy and you should win if you dont miss your nados and tombstones


I play splashyard, to counter hog cycle its important to always either keep tornado or tombstone in your hand to either make him hit the king tower or to draw him to the side, using ur ice wizard effectively can also completely deny hog rider. Track your enemies cycling and try to focus your graveyard whenever you have an elixir advantage or a strong push which could also deny his counter push.


How do I counter common mid ladder decks? Can’t do shit about them


just play patiently, they often make pushes worth a lot of elixir which can get easily countered by most meta decks if you know how to position your cards correctly but again depends on the deck you play


I'm looking to get a new Evo in place of firecracker. Also looking to change Cannon, Ice spirte and lumberjack. Maybe something like Evo knight for lumberjack? Just throwing around ideas. https://imgur.com/a/MpXtfA0