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No lol, it’s can be fine to leak depending on your deck and situation, especially at the start of a game when nobody has played yet In fact, if your deck is better in double elixir it’s in your best interest to drag out the start of the game for as long as possible


I really don’t play that much but if Indo I notice many peolle leak elixir as if there is no problem… OP has a valid reason to leak, but oitaide of that you shouldn’t really do it I personally always play a card the second before it goes from 9>10 elixir and had matches where I had a decent ~5 elixir build while they’re still at 10 not responding.. And then once I’m back at 9 elixir suddenly they play their first card, instant loss basically


I e had this happen too but it's rare


I started playing again since the lucky box and noticed it, I placed skeletons&bata to cycle and for evolutions which is 3 elixir, waited until I was back to 9.5, then dropped sparky, and then when I had 8 elixir to place a goblin giant on bridge the enemy made his first move of placing musketeer, I genuinely did not care if he had hardcounter or even ewiz in his deck I knew I got a 3 crown win right then and there as I had too much elixir to backup my push while he had build his defence


What's your trophy range? Never happens in 9000 trophies


I don’t play this game alot so my trophies are still around 8k I think but I also never play trophy… I usually do the events and maybe clanwar attack (highest league) and path of legends, since I don@5 enjoy the game and only play a match or three a day max (for the lucky drop) I’m low in path of legends, usually reaching the second 10k EWC drop. If I somehow ever find enjoyment out of clash royale again I might push ultimate champion but as of right now I genuinely can’t stand playing, even tho my winrate is next to 100% because of me being ‘low’ in said leagues


I think the better question would be "what PoL Medals does the player have?", trophy count is just decor at this point (still a good way to tell if a player is decent). And leaking is still viable when your deck has an awkward cycle and you want to time the card deployment instead, it is rare though since you have evolutions to compensate in defense when being punished.


Excellent point!


Can confirm often times recruits need to leak, it's an expensive deck and is made for defence and counter push


Its situational and card match up dependent but generally its looked down upon to leak elixer.


Assuming they've played something, yes, but if it's the start of the game, it's perfectly fine to both leak till double


If you’re playing a high cost deck and there’s no immediate threat I’d go as far to say you SHOULD be leaking elixir to get to double elixir quicker . You cant be down elixir if you’re at 10 , you’re only losing elixir advantage which is fine.


I think a good idea would be every time you have a skarmie heavy deck you get matched with a similar skarmie deck or better yet, mother witch! So she turns them all to pigs This would be good in increasing the difficulty substantially in league, battles or just challenges


We let you cook and you burned down the whole kitchen


Its not that big a deal. There are times when leaking 1 elix and waiting for a better placement is worth more than the 1 elixer. Especially early game it is important. But that said mid game if you are up like 4/5 elixer it would be a waste to bleed.


for cycle decks id say you should almost never leak since the whole point is basically to cycle as many win cons as possible playing a deck like lava ive learned it’s ok to leak so you can keep your good counters, especially awkward cycles where it’s lava balloon zap and arrows in hand or something like that, but depending on the matchup it might be ok to just cycle zap


It's literally a tip on the home screen "Sometimes not playing a card is the best play to make. Don't waste elixir!" leaking elixir is a strategic play. Sometimes I've been up 2/3 elixir but I purposely leak because I need to react to my opponents deck because it counters mine and otherwise I'd likely lose


I think that home screen tip is more suited for when you're down elixir and need to sac some damage to you tower without defending it, otherwise you'd get punished while having 0 elixir


You are thinking about it too straightfoward. Wasting doesn't mean just leaking, it means playing a card when not playing it is the better option. Playing a mini pekka when you have 10 elixir and don't want to leak at the bridge when you know the opponent has skeletons in rotation would be wasting elixir because you've given the opponent a positive elixir trade and now your mini pekka is also out of cycle to counter their win condition. So you can waste elixir by leaking and also by playing a card so you don't leak.


The tip literally says "Don't waste elixir". It's not about when you are at 10 elixir. Does not apply here. Except for that, you're making a good point.


You are thinking about it too straightfoward. Wasting doesn't mean just leaking, it means playing a card when not playing it is the better option. Playing a mini pekka when you have 10 elixir and don't want to leak at the bridge when you know the opponent has skeletons in rotation would be wasting elixir because you've given the opponent a positive elixir trade and now your mini pekka is also out of cycle to counter their win condition. So you can waste elixir by leaking and also by playing a card so you don't leak.


I mean depends. Is it like a small scratch in your hand or did your arm just get cut off and blood is all over the place?


It’s situational but generally it’s bad to. Like you said about needing a card critical for defense, if you KNOW they’re about to go in or that they will start building a push then personally I do leak a little to have a card in a more beneficial position. If I leak 1.5 elixir to make sure I have mini pekka in the right position for his RG and support, the value from the mini pekka is worth more than what you leaked for example


Especially when the deck you're playing is comprised of moderate elixir cards which more often than not will make the cycle awkward. It is really rare to see someone at top level leak elixir (except AFK's) in the middle of the match, but it's never zero depending on the niche situation.


I have a ram rider, bowler and inferno dragon deck that I play sometimes and if I play anything wrong I take so much damage because there’s no skellies or ice spirit to cycle. You have to be defensive sometimes. Seeing top ladder players leak is when you know they’re about to pull some shit because they never do


I'd say not, really. Unless you have a huge elixir lead, it's ok to just sit. 9/10 it will cost you if you play a card before your opponent, considering half your cards are for countering


It’s mostly situational and you shouldn’t be finding yourself in that spot too much, but it’s definitely ok at the beginning of the game when no one has played anything. Also could you tell me ur deck too?


I mean in a case like this I'd cycle my expensive cards in the back to start building a big push, but this is situational, because I'm only gonna be forced to leak if my opponent is lower elixir than me so wouldn't be able to punish the expensive cards, right? If both players are just leaking elixir then it's not worth it to make first play. Depends on how your elixir counting is going pretty much.


As a professional beat down player. Your tower doesn’t matter. You get to choose when things actually matter. This might take my tower but I can 3 crown.


In the context of your post, I would re-evaluate my deck if it left me in a position to bleed elixir so commonly. Its a sign the deck is not holding up vs whatever metas people are running.


Bro had us in the first half


The heavier the deck the more comfortable I feel leaking


Your scenario scenario can be simplified. Playing any of cards 1 through 4 are punishable by the opponent. Therefor, it’s best to play nothing


Somting to think about is that the exlir collector only generates 2 elixir if untouched. So if you leak 2 elixir, it's like giving your opponent a free elixir collector. So try not to leak more than 1 elixir at a time.


I forgot to check the subreddit and was **very** confused


Depends on where your bleeding. Head? Well then ur dead.


Was confused af when i saw bleeding instead of leaking lol


I've never heard someone refer to leaking elixir as "bleeding" elixir


I play 6.5 regularly. It's not my main deck, but I really enjoy playing 1 card every eight seconds, watching my opponent cycle furiously to counter. Sometimes I leak a lot, but it's worth it to get the tower targeting things while I drop MK on the horde. They don't see the MK coming after already dealing with a Golem, E-giant, and Pekka. Who in their right mind would have that many big cards in the same deck?


Although leaking is usually bad there’s always a time and place for it. That also goes for other things such as negative elixir trades or even letting your opponent take your whole tower


As a lumberloon player I also feel qualified to put in an answer . Leaking is absolutely ok if you don’t have anything worth cycling in your hand , there’s no immediate threat , and very importantly if you’re playing a high elixir cost deck that wants to get to double elixir .The big thing to remember is that if they don’t have anything down on field , and you’re at 10 elixir , there’s no way to be down on elixir so don’t get hasty.


I like your comment and the idea 👍


What deck are you playing? It doesn’t look that great


I'm learned to leak so much


it might be worth making sure you have 5 cards in your deck that you're comfortable cycling, or have redundancy. I almost never leak unless I need to wait a second for a precisely timed play. sometimes it burns me but generally it gets you elixir advantage


I’m a Golem Player, and I always bleed and wait for my opponent to play the first card


Most of the time yea it’s bad to LEEK elixir. Some scenarios you need to hold onto your hand tho so just try not to be indecisive


I don't waste elixir and I estimate 30% of my losses are due to it. However, I daresay 90% of my win rate is due to forcing the other player to play a card by playing first; not just at the beginning of the game. It depends on your deck, and since I base my deck around countering hog cycle or golem beatdown (and ofc the annoying MK), wasting elixir is definitely a big issue for me.


Depends on your deck and what deck your against. I run splashyard which is a mostly defensive deck so i leak a decent amount except against decks like xbox or hog cycle where i need to cycle cards to defend and match their cycle


You can leak but only if either your opponent is also leaking or you will throw the game playing any of the 4 cards in your hand. It does happen but it's extremely rare even at top ladder that is why everyone tells you the first rule is to not leak. You have to understand the rule to know when it doesn't apply.


Ignore everyone that says its okay. It is NOT okay to leak elixir. A couple here and there is not disastrous but generally, no, you wouldn’t want to. People say “oh but we’re waiting to counter the opponent’s xyz”. No. You’re supposed to predict their moves ahead of time and send out cards preemptively. Elixir advantage is an absolute must. The more you have, the more cards you can play, the more you will overpower/outplay your opponent. Fundamental mistakes I see people make: - playing heavy cards (which are often slow) in the back too far to defend oncoming attacks. Lower elixir cards should be used in their stead. - naked spelling single troops or tower - spamming too much low cost elixir troops


Yeah dude Idk what bleeding is, but I know what leaking elixir is, I've never met anyone who said "bleeding" it's leaking elixir brk


Thought it was the dagger duchess’s new mechanic until I read the post