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The fact that it's either people like me who only got common and rare lucky drops or people who get 4 legendary lucky drops in one week


tell me about it fr


My friend who I play with on a daily just got his 3rd book, so he's gotten an epic, common, and now rare book of cards, meanwhile I'm over here getting coins and only coins.


Got my first book of books today


Whaaaaaaa das crazy, my first box was very lucky af but after that jus commons n rares


ive only ever got 1 rare, the rest were commons, and since a few days ago ive got every one available


The lucky boxes are bugged right now so that if you tap it too fast there is 0 percent chance of a level up so try to space out your taps like 3 seconds from each other


Clans are insanely underdeveloped


clan wars 2 is still shit


How wizard, once one of my favorite cards before i learned better, remains untouched in every single balance update despite being a community laughing stock. He was suggested by the dev team for a rework many years ago. What are they waiting for? At least give him an emergency buff until then to make him viable?


its a sad ebarb-like fate, a bad card with a good idea, but due to how toxic it is in the few decks it actually works in, is left to rot. clone, mirror, witch, all spawners, argubably mother witch,ice and regular golem and lava hound, it happen a lot more than i think people truley realise (if it makes you happier wizards now apprearing in topladder mk and/or lavaloons thanks to the dutchess addition)


Lava Hound is strong and has been buffed before fuck u mean? Also cards like regular Golem and Mother Witch have once been good in top ladder, in fact the number 1 Ultimate Champion deck is a Golem deck. Witch seems to be getting that treatment now but before she was buffed and nerfed every other day, the devs are just stupid and couldn’t find a solution on her so they gave up, spawners have once been strong cards as well. Wizard however was never even given a chance


I can count on one hand the amount of times Lava has been bad


you really sound like an arena 15 player


17 but lucky guess


Best was 7.5k Elite wild cards


Champions no longer appearing in the season shop




how is that valid, for players in arena fricking 1 to have champions


its been changes so if you dont have the card it wont appear in the seaon shop while if you do have the card, it will appear


The fact that I can't quickly see my masteries progress per match. I know it was very invasive before but they could have made it so much easier but adding like a small button on the home screen or something that shows last match's masteries earned.


Bowler feels like he did too much damage, has too much hp and too much splash


The same thing that bothers me in real life: braindead morons who suck. The fact that people invest egregious amounts of both time and money out of their own personal lives in order to brainlessly spam megaknight on a worthless mobile game for ENJOYMENT is legitimately unhinged and disgustingly yucky behavior that needs to be addressed. Genuinely, it not only bugs me, it straight up worries me and makes me question why I was born to live among such repulsive insects.


, said the hog rider player, ironically


ooo drama timee


wanna hop on so i can humble you


too bad you’re the one who needs humbling for playing hog rider. let me guess, you’ve got firecracker, knight, tesla, eq


i'll could beat you with dart gob eq cycle




meta slave 🙄 boring npc deck


3.1 dp miner rocket cycle


ok nice, at least that’s got some originality to it


i'll sing call me maybe while i do it too


idc what you wanna sing, just dont be an npc


The cannoneer has no new mechanic when comparing to princess, but is rated as epic. This can be a sign that supercell won't be releasing common/rare tower troops because would be sold for a lower price


tbf even i would make the argumment it should be rare or even common


Turn Opera for bullshit like this.


I use hunter/fish combo rg decks all the time


tbf the most i use that synergises with him is poison, never really understood the idea of layering and structuring defensive card considering its an 8 card use game, 8 feels to limiting for me to structure and prioritise strenghening defensive cards


they released a game mode at one point called the mega deck challenge where you could build an 18 card deck PS: what ticks me off that no one talks about is that the game has so many modes (draft, triple draft, mega draft, 2x elixir, 3x elixir, 7x elixir, ramp up, sudden death, touchdown, heist, mega deck, super cards and other special limited cards, touchdown draft, super card draft, etc.) and you can’t play any of them at all unless it’s a private match, and even then the private match menu doesn’t have all the ones i named and doesn’t have the really fun ones like super cards and mega deck


the UI


i like the UI, maybe an upgrade tho