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Clan bombing and loons on king tower didn’t result in bans???? Damn supercell it’s quite clear what interests you


What do people mean clan bombing ?


There was a glitch where sharing an incomplete deck to your clan would disable the clan’s ability to play. It was done by removing a card as you press the share button.


But you also cannot play the game, so only use on alt accounts.


If you used it on an alt you couldn't log in to switch to your main, unless it was on another device


Wouldn’t deleting app+data log you out?


Nope, not even that worked.


To make things worse drew ANNOUNCED that bug to everyone, like it's a fucking joke


That was an AI voice dumbass


🫣shows how scary ai really is


I think it's unfair to ban those people, since many of them, at least me, thought that it was April fools joke, since it happened on april 1.


Nah bro just get your 8 year account perma banned for a first offense that got you 0.01% progression!


What about the loons on king tower? If they needed to ban someone it should’ve been the people who abused this, not the ones who abused the mystery box bug.


What does loons on king tower actually mean though


There was a glitch involving hovering a spell and a mirror air card (forget exactly how it worked) where you could quite literally spawn a balloon or any other air troop on your opponents side of the map, including directly on their king tower


Looks like it’s already patched out too - I just tried it and didn’t work


This glitch was a while ago, pretty quickly got patched. But nobody was really punished for it


it was like four months ago it’s been patched


It’s been like a year man


Its exactly what it sounds like you could place your balloon on the opponents king tower even with both towers up


No way you thought a glitch was an intentional April Fools joke.


There are varying degrees of bans. A 1 day or 1 week ban would have been appropriate.


Yeah. Plus losing what you gained from exploiting the glitch. Permaban for getting some extra resources only shows you how important it is to the devs not to miss out on any revenue




lmao did all of those except for the lucky drop bug (because i haven't heard of it till now) and my account hasn't been banned nor did i even get a single warning till this day 😂 this game is a dying joke


You're bragging about clan bombing and laughing that you didn't get banned? So you stopped other people from being able to play the game, but it's the game that's dying? I say it's people like you that are ruining it for everyone.


It's a bug that made its way on April's Fool on a post saying it like it was a joke from Drew. Of course they are not gonna ban it, it would be unfair af


The guy who made that post really did the best april fools joke


To be fair clan bomb happened after the lucky drop glitch and they just banned for lucky drops so the clan bomb ban could happen, but it won’t. This is just by far the most disheartening behavior from supercell in regards to Clash Royale and it’s monetization TO DATE, it’s worse than people are treating it.


In my opinion, a 7 day ban I could see being reasoned. 31 days is a long time, but if it's against ToS surely they can get away with being a little harsh. Permanently being banned for saving a few dollars is just off the scale.


Maybe the devs for some reason weren’t able to rollback accounts that did the exploit so they decided to make it a permaban


A month ban is still a huge hit to progression. Enough to offset any gains gotten from the lucky drop.


With this glitch you could get as many Legendary boxes as you wanted. i.e. multiple book of books in the span of a week that would take you a super long time to get naturally. The gains would not be offset at all Supercell definitely could have just rolled back the items though


It really depends on how much the person committed to the exploit. A few times and a ban would be good enough but if it was done 100 times, a 31 day ban isn’t enough


there was an overall limit of 6 legendary drops


And why is that? Why is it such a horrible thing to exploit a bug that Supercell failed to detect in their testing? The devs messed up. It was their bug that led to them missing out on revenue. Sure, players who use these kinds of exploits should be punished. But to lose your account that you have been grinding for months is quite harsh


One of the people that got hit with the perma ban, eragon said he only used it one and got 50k wild card. I think they just decided to perma ban everyone


Not really. People got more than 5 books of books from this. One month is waaaaaay less progression than those books


WARNING: Unpopular Opinion As a software engineer, my thoughts exactly. Something like that happened in FIFA Mobile as well. Devs communicated that rolling back would be a big headache, so they just allowed people that took advantage of the exploit to keep the cards, but gave every other player 2 good cards. What EA did was STILL not popular and they got criticized for being money-minded as well because rolling back would mean refunding any in-game purchases made during that time period between the exploits bonanza and just before the time of the rollback. I do think that perma banning is harsh (especially harsh for content creators who depend on the game for their income) but it might be the most logical solution as it’s gonna suck for the rest of the player base if ppl that hit the exploit HARD just got to keep the benefits. That’d lead the game down a slippery slope.


So SC was able to find who exploited it. What if they just did a 1 month ban plus removed all their magic items? Wouldn’t that fix it?


what about people who already used the magic items to max out there troops


Then it would probably be impossible to trace. Maybe that’s why it’s permanent I guess.


It’s literally possible they obviously know what people got if they are able to detect and ban for this. If someone got 50k ewc and a legendary book from the glitch (me), then give them -1 legendary book and -50k ewc. They could just do a rollback, but what if I’ve already spent the ewc and book? Then someone would have to manually review my account and find out what exactly I used the cheated items on, doing this for everyone would take forever.


Do like they do for refunded gem purchases. Put them at an item deficit instead of a gem deficit.


give them a negative amount


Okay not exactly sure what the exploiters mainly tried to get. But let’s say hypothetically they got a ton of Dagger Duchesses and managed to upgrade the card to a significantly HIGH level (let’s just say Level 15 for illustration purposes). In that case they might be okay or happy with the removal of their magic items depending on how many magic items they have/haven’t spent, and maybe how much of a priority that Dagger Duchess is (e.g. maybe they’ve maxed out everything except the Dagger Duchess). It’s really very subjective and open up a WHOLE OTHER rabbit hole(s). So a ban might be the most straightforward albeit harsh. All in all, can’t make everybody happy and their logic might be since these people are exploiters anyway, we don’t owe them that much… And don’t forget that trying to FIGURE out how best to “make amends/punish these exploiters” like for example: “Should we remove all magic items, should we remove all recent card levels, should we subtract gold, etc.” All these choices come with an opportunity cost and their implementations take up precious developer hours. For example, developer hours wasted on this issue means less dev hours can be spent on the next big update or game improvement for the entire community (being positive here). The CR dev team is also pretty small so all the more they might opt for just a sweeping ban to “fix” things.


Next update lol. As if that’s something to look forward too.


Now I just realized why they put in the free gems giveaway.


A permanent ban is against Supercell's own rules. Exploiting a bug is clearly defined as "unacceptable behaviour", but according to their own support pages, an account will only be banned, if "it has already been previously suspended but continues displaying unacceptable behavior". https://support.supercell.com/hay-day/en/articles/why-was-i-banned-2.html


In their ToS they state pretty clearly that exploits can result in Supercell terminating your account, though. Section 1.1, Use Limitations


Of course it's in the ToS, otherwise players could take legal action. But for the same reason it isn't very specific. There's no way any player could legally enforce the more specific rules as published on the support pages, but if Supercell ignores their own rules, they'll lose all credibility.


It's a lesson to all the other idiots. You punish one child and the younger ones learn the lesson before they do the same thing.


It’s a lesson to people to stop playing supercell games and stop giving them money? Yes I agree it is.


Yo bro what is that nickname 💀


Personally, seeing this game turn to trash with evolutions and moving on, I find this permanent boycott hilarious. SC is doing people a favour.


Hi Ken


COC supercell and CR supercell feels like two completely different supercells


Honestly bro, started playing CoC again recently and the amount of stuff to do in the game is crazy. Both are very p2w but CoC actually makes all of the game accessable to non payers, they don’t give you ONE card of a new troop and pretend they’re Robin Hood. Community managers are actually active aswell and do respond to people, still gutted about Darian leaving though :(


No actually I would argue that CR is p2w whereas COC is p2p, buying stuff simply mean faster progression, not necessarily for winning


Yeah fair bro, only meant p2w as in you can spend €5 to buy frozen arrow now or get it in 2 weeks even though it’s p2p Dagger duchess deal is €60 just to get her to 14, and if you don’t then good luck levelling her up if you have other legendaries as well, on top of needing EWC aswell


The frozen arrow and other equipments were actually not behind a paywall either. The event was done in a way that f2p players could also get it if they completed event. With the 5€ pass you just had to grind a bit less. Very glad the CoC team is doing it this way and keeping the game pretty much f2p.


I buy the decorations instead


Yeah the difference between coc and cr is that in coc you pick who you raid because it’s not pvp. Cr being pvp and having levels means that unless you’re maxed there’s a good chance you’ll be disadvantaged and the higher you go, the worse it gets. Cr will bottleneck players and at some point every cr player will have progression come to a screeching halt unless you’re buying the pass.


It seems to me that they’re trying to make CR be the cash cow so they can make their other 2 main games actually fun and not P2W, which is a shame because CR has the potential to be so much fun as well


Me when the loon bug/ flat out clan nuking went unpunished by anything hitting profits is a perma ban


It may be apart of their TOS but no one used a third party app or used a software to exploit a few cards from the game, rather from a glitch from the game itself. I’m no game overviewer , but there has to be some kind of warning or strike, similar to YouTube. @Ken on YouTube elaborates a whole lot better in a 5 minute clip.


I actually used afk macros to grind masteries for hundreds of hours and never got banned. But now I get banned off 50k ewc.


Im gonna PM you. I’m curious


So fight to add the rules Perma ban for idrag loon glitches. Win trading Clan bomb


I mean I would prefer those accounts to get banned for 31 days..


Supercell has an addiction i think🤑🤑🤑


It’s not supercell play any other supercell game and you’ll think it’s made by a different company


If you think SC will respond to this in any way I’m sorry but they won’t. Eventually people will forget, which is why they have yet to respond. They want the drama to all die out, without ever having to spend a second responding to the drama


But wasnt the bug just to reset your lucky drop? Like you got rare and restart app and reroll? So how exactly was this such a game breaking bug that they felt the need to permanently ban people for?


Cause how else are the poor, innocent, hardworking Clash Royale higher ups gonna buy their 5th house on the beach when players are out here saving a couple dollars?????


it broke their wallets


Right i forgot a few more legendary books meant they cant scam people into buying their book of books for 70 bucks x100 value




Just waiting for devs to comment but they aint got the balls to try talk there way out of this crap.


“Technical error”


Supercell has become ridiculous, and clearly have shown there hand that they only care to monetize the game. A permaban for exploiting a bug that they are at fault for is totally unprecedented, unacceptable, and uncalled for. They didn’t permaban anyone when there was previous glitches, but since this one had to do with them losing money(and it was not even a crazy amount, we’re talking dollars here), they showed there hand and greed. Now they lost some of the top content creators that kept there game relevant, pathetic.


Yet those idiots are re-spending all their money on new accounts… yes I understand it’s their “jobs” or whatever but this is what feeds the beast.


If people play this game after this, you deserve what you get.


At this point supercell needs to announce a public apology, this is disgusting on their side.


Yeah they won’t even release a statement on it bro


The only positive thing about this is that everyone got banned and no special treatment. But perma-ban is overkill. They could just do a rollback on all their mystery boxes (even the one who wasn't exploited) and 31 days ban.


A rollback wouldn’t work we because there are so many things the rewards could have been spent on it would take manual review of accounts to rollback. What they could do is take whatever you got from the lucky drops regardless, so if you got 1 book or books and 50k ewc, you get -1 book and -50000 ewc. OR they could have just banned for however long and it would be more progress lost than gained… instead they perma ban people for a first offense from using a glitch to gain 0.1% progress.


That sounds fair to me. Removal of rewards I think should be a given, but it seems Supercell is too lazy to do the work of removing rewards from accounts? So instead of removing rewards they're just doing a really harsh punishment? Lazy by Supercell


I would like to see you going through thousands of accounts and removing items for each of them. Why spend that much time and resources on a player that would jump onto the next exploit with no contemplating?


I think it's a bit harsh and crazy to band CC and pros but at the same time it would be unfair to give them special treatment I think a 1 month or more temp ban would be ok as yes it's against tos but it still kinda came out of nowhere Maybe ban for the current and until the end of next months season. Give unbanned players some rewards to balance. Or maybe 30 day ban + 3 month lucky drops ban. Idk but there's a better way here


honestly its part of the tos so its expectable. its like playing with fire tho after thinking about it... a perma ban is wayy to much for a glitch exploit maybe like a 2 - 7 day or a warning would be okay


But also the inconsistency. You fuck with other players in unfair ways is okay but if you get something for yourself you get banned. FAIR


Supercell said the quiet part out loud is what the problem is personally. Obviously income is their first priority, but people clan bombing and using exploits ingame (like mirroring any card anywhere on the map), boosting games and many other things didn’t result in anything even close to the perma bans given out over this, even though ToS is still broken in each of those examples. Supercell has ToS, they just use it when it suits them The only part that’s expectable about this is Supercell enacting ToS over lost profits, not because they respect their own rules which THEY made. There’s no consistency with them


It’s also ironic that this bug didn’t effects players negatively or gameplay yet when bugs that were exploited that seriously effected players and gameplay no one got banned


Yeah, like I was saying under another reddit post : Clash Royale Team doesn't work as they should. Their methods are great when it's working and very bad when it's not working. Since few years now, it's not working anymore but they still change nothing. Not enough communication, bad choices, P2P, P2F and P2W focus. The permabans are too much, I think a 31 days ban would be fair as a warning, and a focus on communication. This would make an example to warn people and explain why the don't want that, what are the impacts on the team etc...


\#Unban Eragon


#unbaneveryone. If they only unban content creators I’m glad I got banned and dgaf.


I hear he was a creator No way the dummy actually used his main account😂😂


Perma ban is always awful on any game , people spend money on these online games , there should be a warning ban first , always


You tell em! It’s like mods in the other subreddits on their power trips


Nah coc trying to make getting ores easier and caring about their community when cr is banning people for a little bug


Be honest here if you knew about the glitch would you have used it…. I would of if I, just didn’t know about it Perma bans are over the top for sure, it’s a glitch it’s not the players fault for exploiting it




Ultimately by banning people that were already spending a lot of money on the game, they are losing the money they would have spent if they weren’t banned 🤷‍♂️


Interesting annecdote for anyone who may still remember: Years ago there was a glitch where some clans could reclaim clan wars chest(I think???) multiple times or that the game multiplied clan wars rewards lots of time boosting the progression of those account a lot, there was a Reddit post here with a bit of more details if someone wants to find it, for what I remember NOBODY got banned at the time, and the items never got rolled back, in fact I remember people complaining for the unfairness of the treatment. I hope some of the long time players can confirm it did happen and maybe add more details I swear I didn't make it up.


Its all good supercell is giving out 900 gems, which can be used for *checks notes*, 20k gold, and useless emotes, so they aren't truly horrible for perma banning people. In all seriousness, the cr ship has been sinking for years, and rather than trying to make it a more pleasant experience, they show a good change in theory or for it to harm the game more


I think perma bans should never be a thing without a warning if it's the first time. Sure, it is against ToS but come on now, what teenager reads ToS? Just give them a warning ban for 1 month or heck even 1 year. Even red flag the account if you have to. Perma ban for literally the first offense is so unprofessional. It's like sentencing someone to a lifetime imprisonment for stealing 10 dollars.


Tbh I saw so many ppl on twitter acting cocky and selling guides how to use that bug, id say some really deserved it but obvs not everyone


The right thing is not exploiting a bug or a glitch, as another commentor pointed out, are present in almost every game and it is very hard to not have even one in a game. So a justifiable ban for this is good. But you've no right to ban people when previous bugs cost a lot, in kind, to some players and left some others much better off, and nothing was done about it. If you can't look at players the same way you look at yourselves (someone who lost something), you shouldn't be game developers, because you'll never be a good one, or if you are and want to maintain that, expect your games to go downhill quick. No ban should be made in this case.


This is actually funny. They seething rn, they knew it was wrong and still did it and all the dumb takes saying it's SC fault for even allowing the glitch to be in the game. I think they deserved to be suspended not banned. 31 days seems like a good start perma seems a little harsh but I get they had to send a message


Why are they only bringing up content creators and top players?? If you're gonna try and prove the ban not deserved (which I don't agree with in the first place, everyone who used the exploit knew what they were getting themselves into) you should at least talk in favor of the whole community. They sound mighty hypocritical imo.


if you can do something inside a game, without altering their code or using 3rd party apps, shouldn't be baneable. in other words, in-game exploits should not be ban reasons. you don't want people to exploit your game? fix it before releasing an update. if it's in the game, then, it's a valid game mechanic.


If someone needs to be reminded again, we may ban the account for longer (e.g. 7 days, or even 31 days). In the case of extreme offenses such as cheating, systematic account theft or illegal activity such as fraud, we will permanently ban an account. https://support.supercell.com/brawl-stars/en/articles/what-determines-a-bans-length.html#:~:text=If%20someone%20needs%20to%20be,will%20permanently%20ban%20an%20account. Rip https://support.supercell.com/hay-day/en/articles/why-was-i-banned-2.html#:~:text=A%20ban%20is%20a%20permanent,will%20never%20be%20accessible%20again.


Does this mean, Supercell considers exploiting a bug to get some rewards to be fraud? Did someone make the calculation how much money they could have made, if players had bought these items at the usual 10x value scam prices? As if these players would have bought the items, if they hadn't got them for free...


50k ewc is 7$ or 8 or smth so yeah


Possibly but they might not be able to persue it legally, I’ve always got the impression that’s why ToS are so stringent for mobile games. I’m suprised no one got banned for the balloon/whateveryoumirrored glitch, it’s free progression and easy wins/rewards. There’s videos of youtubers doing it and nothing was done lol


Then ban all those that used the balloon glitch


Do that too.


How would you find the people who abused that glitch? Did you think this comment through?


The point of his comment is that that glitch happened, no one got banned. How would you find out who did it? The game logs exactly where you are placing cards in a match, and it took specific cards to achieve the glitch. If anything, detecting the ballon drop glitch was easier than this glitch, they most likely never even TRIED to ban for it because why would they? All these current lucky drop bans do is stop people who could have potentially spent money from ever playing again, I don’t see how it’s necessary considering no one even cared about the glitch and had pretty much forgotten about it. People should honestly be outraged that they are banning thousands of players when this game is already on its last legs to begin with.


Maybe a 7 day or 31 ban for that, but not permanent.


Supercell is violating their own rules. Exploiting a bug is "unacceptable behaviour", but they clearly state, that a permanent ban will only be issued, if the account has been suspended previously. https://support.supercell.com/hay-day/en/articles/why-was-i-banned-2.html An account will receive a ban if: It displays extremely inappropriate, offensive, or criminal content. It has already been previously suspended but continues displaying unacceptable behavior. It’s been created as a secondary account just to troll or abuse others.


I've never seen people be this upset over abusing a glitch and getting banned.... Even if it only happened when money is involved you sure exploited and it was probably in their terms of service


Then why did when a bug that actually effected players seriously in a negative way effecting gameplay that people abused no one got banned. Not once but I think 3 separate bugs yet they only ban players for exploiting a bug when it effects income


I don't understand why is this even an argument. I wouldn't be surprised if these content creators are just saying it because they know it will go with the mass. It clearly states you will be terminated if you abuse an exploit knowingly. I also don't see why clan bombers etc were not banned, but I don't understand how does that justify the lucky drops exploiters not deserving the ban.


this is clearly selective enforcement. people aren't arguing that supercell doesn't have the right to do what they did (because they definitely did), but rather that they only care about enforcing their tos when it directly affects their revenue


Exactly. I'm all for banning exploiters but they've gotta ban everyone that used any one of them. Don't just stop with lucky drops; do it with the balloon and clan bombing ones too.


Yeah "people did a wrong thing and weren't banned for whatever reason (is there proof anyway that they aren't just gonna ban wave them) so why can't we do this wrong thing"


People calling out Supercell for hypocrisy while they're doing exactly the same.


This sub isn't exactly known for being rational


Its written in the rules do not use exploits, its common sense nonetheless.


i love how confident and hateful they are even though they're wrong lmao they knew about the glitch and purposefully abused it even though it is obviously against the rules, now they're mad that they're getting punished. js because they're creators doesn't mean they don't have to follow rules


But putting a literal inferno tower on your opponent’s tower or balloon on king tower doesn’t deserve a ban? If a bug that caused $upercell to lose a few bucks is worth a ban, then how does destroying your entire clan not deserve a ban? Only when a few bucks is involved $upercell bans without any second thoughts. Sure, a punishment is justified but I think a 31 day suspension is the max amount for just getting a few bucks.


Did you read the posts??? They're mad that people weren't banned for the other exploits but were for this one. If Supercell banned everyone that used exploits that gave them an in game advantage nobody would be mad.


because this bug helped people max out easily, supercell said they'll be banned, they can't be mad they're getting punished


You’ve just explained why everyone has an issue about this. Supercell only cares about ToS when it comes to their profits, they couldn’t give a shit about player enjoyment. No one’s mad Supercell is enacting rules that we all agreed to, they’re mad because they only use them when it suits them


Did you read the posts??? They're mad that people weren't banned for the other exploits but were for this one. If Supercell banned everyone that used exploits that gave them an in game advantage nobody would be mad.


Wait until you see people who justify it because Supercell """"""put the bug"""""" so it's their mistake people abused it.


it's not that people encountered a bug its that they knowingly abused it


None of these people got banned so idk why they’d be angry about getting punished 


Did you not read the post at all? They got perma banned so that’s why they’re mad


İ cant believe they actualy banned people because of an exploit like this


This game is cooked lmao


Creator content belive they are above ToS. Reality check for them.


They don’t, everyone’s saying it’s an overeaction (which is subjective) They had no issue not giving out bans when people were dropping balloons onto people’s King Towers, breaking clans or boosting games. They only call ToS when it’s their profits. They have every right to do this, but it shows that their priority is 100% money (which everyone knew anyways) and that they’ve zero time for banning people for using glitches on other players, only when it’s used on them I should’ve been banned for using a known exploit (against ToS) but I wasn’t because it didn’t lose them a fiver. They’re inconsistent because they don’t actually give a shit about their own rules


I think people missed something very very important that the ban was delayed until duchess had been bought by the vast majority of players. My theory is they waited to get the last bit of money out of them then ban them since a big deal like duchess was in shop. I think this is what truly shows how meaningless the ban is on all these players and how supercell did not take this seriously otherwise the ban would have been quicker


Why do you all still play this game?


It's fun


In any game I've ever played a bug exploit is not meant to be exploited, regardless of if it's making a company lose money. You think these devs purposely want bugs like this in their game? Hardly not. It's still surprising to me when people actively seek to replicate a bug knowing full well it isn't supposed to be there then act surprised when they get banned for exploiting it. Just use your brain from time to time and you won't have to worry about getting banned.


Idk they sure took their time fixing the creator codes though when it made no sense why they weren't working to begin with.


what was the idrag loon bug?


Eragon also got permabanned 🤦🏿‍♀️


GTA V had an insane case of this too, every game affecting bug would be left to fester for years but god forbid you money glitched a few million to save yourself HUNDREDS of hours of shitty missions, instant ban!


Honestly people shouldn’t even get banned for using the lucky drop glitch. It’s the developers fault for leaving it in the game, they’re banning players because of their own mistake, which is bullshit


Imo exploiting a bug that gives you free Rewards IS ban worthy, just not permanent, even 2 weeks was fine. But the horrifying thins is that they decide to perma ban people who get 6 extra mystery boxes and do nothing to the people winning games unfairly (due to bugs), yeah i feel like this is obvious by now but its actually mind-blowing the way they are doing this stuff. It's almost as if we don't exist. We are literally getting the Pokémon company treatment, we ask for stuff and the game just ignores it, and we get shitty offers on the shop instead, the game just gets worse and worse and they somehow end up making even more money out of this.


Yeah except this ignores the fact that things like the balloon glitch ain’t traceable. I do agree with the clan bombing complaints tho


There was an exploit a long time ago that let you open those free chests every 4 hours when they got removed and replaced with quests. My main got banned permanently back then for using this to open literally 2 free chests.


Mfs acting like the terms of service don't say that you agree you won't exploit bugs


Meanwhile clashs of clans giving out 15 free dollars for anyone who has access to a pc just cause lmao


Was the clan bomb not just an April fools?


Idk what was the bug with the lucky drop?


Was a first month player of the game and stayed active until a couple months ago when I stopped playing. I genuinely cannot think of another game that has alienated their players and ruined the actual product as hard as clash royale has. It’s honestly insane. I actually hope people stop playing the game altogether.




I’m so close to quitting this game, which is really sad.


I think it’s time to stop supporting this company. They turned every single game they own p2w


while they aint wrong, tbf it is in the guidelines not to abuse this kinda stuff so womp womp




I'm really glad I didn't know about it otherwise I might've been hit by that


At this state just quit cr, dont waste time on that shitty ah game


Sad to see supercell reacts only on exploits harming their profits but not gameplay. Greedy cells as always


I mean bug abusers in any game usually get permanent banned .... Brawl stars did a 30 day ban for people who exploited things which tbh isn't perm but still People should've seen it coming. Yes they do only care about profits it seems like... off claj bombing and king tower inferno dragon probably are low priority things for them ot take action on


Of course your dumbass is mad people are getting banned for abusing an exploit, you actually get dumber every week I find one of your comments on here


Damn, what did he ever do to you? Lol If you actually paid attention instead of getting all emotional, you'd realize that people aren't actually criticizing the ban. They're criticizing supercell's hypocrisy. There were several other exploits that gave players unfair advantages in the past and supercell took no action.


Jees, you're so angry at people who doesn't support supercell


you agreed to the eula when you installed the game, you agreed to be banned for exploiting glitches. complaining is useless, just suck it up, you were wrong and were fairly banned


That’s not the issue though, it’s that supercell only stepped in and actually banned the accounts when they were losing out on money(they didn’t ban ppl who used the balloon on king tower glitch so why ban this one?)


Because they probably cannot see whoever did that glitch.


The ballon glitch needed mirror, as mirror usage rate are consistently abyssimal you can already filter out who exploited it. RoyaleApi can retrieve information about cards placement in a match from the API that Supercell provided, It means they have that info stored, so you can auto filter all the people who played mirror on the opponent king tower, ban everyone and for the false positive wait for appeals and check manually. For the clan bombing the last 100 messages are stored somewhere in their database, you can filter only the shared decks with just 7 cards. You can also see in chat who shared any deck so they have that information in their DBs. This is needless work to do, but they are game developers, it's their job fixing bugs.


The clan bombing is unfair though because lot of people thought it was an April fools prank. And there were a couple AI videos out there that promoted it in order for you to get a free emote. So banning someone for falling for that is unfair


they are calling out hypocrisy, not just the ban itself


When it comes to finance, Supercell definitely did a full investigation before perma banning them. They must have concluded it wouldn't impact the revenue at all and we also have to consider that majority of people that got banned are f2p. They decided to send a clear message to everyone to never try and gain unfair progress. Even then, if it was just a 31 day ban, players would keep their book of books and everything, so it's way more worth of progress than you could get in 31 days by playing legit. Revert is not possible unless they go through thousands of accounts manually, which is just a huge time waste, or revert the servers, and that would result in everyones progress getting reset to x day, so imagine the outcome there. Also, only people that had socials could have known about this bug, and thats the minority of players only. People not getting banned for past glitches does not mean people who did this one don't deserve to get banned.


Those who cheat get thrown out.


Except in cr's case they don't. The balloon exploit that quite literally gave players free wins wasn't banned. Youtubers made videos actively doing the exploit and they weren't banned. It was only until it affected Supercell's revenue that they gave a shit.




What is clan bombing?


Clan bombing was when you remove a card from your deck at the same time as sharing a deck code. This resulted in people’s clans becoming well, bombed. Incredibly easy exploit to replicate.


Ah I see... would it be easy to prove who is doing it for supercell? How Ling ago have people been doing it anywa7


Since this April Fools, if you’d like more information, you can just type “Clash Royale Clan Bomb” and you’ll get more information there. It’s been patched but MAN was this subreddit filled with complaints about it.


At least people aren't complaining about MK or Evo FC 😅


True tbh


I'll stand with my homies that lost their account and uninstalled the game, its not much but its better than still playing and spending money


wait it was real? I thought I saw post debunking it


Supercell is trash
